Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 30 Sales Is Actually a Psychological Game: Psychological "Tricks" Commonly Used in

Chapter 30 Sales Is Actually a Psychological Game: Psychological "Tricks" Commonly Used in Sales (4)
So Xiao Min said to the lady: "Miss, I know you really like this pair of shoes. Although you think this one is flawed, it is definitely not a quality problem. The quality of our shoes is absolutely guaranteed. This is already the lowest price. It is not easy to buy a pair of shoes that you like. Look at this, there is only this pair of shoes of this size left. This defect will definitely not affect the appearance. The original price is 395 yuan. After the discount It is 316 yuan, I will talk to the manager now, see if I can remove the change and sell it to you for 300 yuan, what do you think?"

The lady nods.Xiao Min said: "Then wait for a while, I will talk to the manager, but I can't guarantee that I can persuade the manager to lower the price, I can only do my best." After a while, Xiao Min came back happily.She made an "OK" gesture to the lady and said, "Successful, hehe, you finally got your wish and bought the shoes you like."

At this time, the lady was moved by Xiao Min's sincerity, thanked Xiao Min repeatedly, and promised to come to Xiao Min's shopping next time.

With her tireless professionalism and sincere service to customers, Xiao Min finally moved the customers, and also won the hearts and trust of the customers, making her a long-term customer.

In fact, in the face of many excuses from customers, salespersons should not think that it is a denial of themselves and a rejection of the product, but should listen to the meaning behind the customer's words and carefully consider whether the customer really does not need it; be acceptable to customers.For those customers who are undecided, the salesperson must first learn to communicate with them, understand the customer's personality characteristics from the conversation, find the psychological root of the customer's hesitation, find out the breakthrough, block the customer's excuse, and let the customer accept it satisfactorily.

10.Pay attention to listening, properly grasp the customer's purchase needs

In the sales process, if the customer does not respond positively to the products you provide, you have to persuade and display them necessary to strengthen the customer's certain needs, or enhance the customer's curiosity, and stimulate the customer's purchase desire.If the customer has made it clear that he has a certain need, you have to let the customer know that you can provide the product or service he needs and satisfy him.

A car company in the United States needs a batch of car mats, and the company personnel are arranging to order these products.Since this is a very large business with a huge potential for profit, many manufacturers hope to get this business. The competition is fierce, but there are only 3 manufacturers who are likely to accept this order in the end.The strength of these three manufacturers is comparable, and the quality of the samples provided is also comparable. The automobile company notified these three manufacturers and made an appointment to come to the company for a meeting to discuss details.

Manufacturers certainly understand the importance of this meeting, and the three manufacturers have made full preparations before coming.One of the representatives selected by the manufacturer, Mr. Harry, was rigorous in thinking, well-organized in his speech, and extraordinary in demeanor.

On the day of the meeting, representatives of the three manufacturers arrived at the automobile company on time and had detailed communication with the person in charge of the automobile company.In the meeting, in order to leave a good impression on the automobile company, the representatives of the other two companies spoke positively and eloquently, introducing the features of products and services in turn.The salesperson of the automobile company should dare to face the rejection of the customer, and "going back" is sometimes beneficial and harmless.

At any time, the salesperson should use the greatest sincerity to impress the customers and make them trust you and your products.

The person in charge nodded repeatedly, but did not express his opinion.

When it was Harry's turn to speak, he did not say a word, but bowed slightly to everyone, and then wrote a sentence on a piece of paper: "Everyone, I am really sorry, I suddenly got laryngitis, and it is inconvenient to speak, in order not to affect everyone , I have prepared the materials that your company needs about our factory’s products. If anyone can introduce it to me, I will be very grateful.” After writing, I handed the note to the person in charge of the automobile company.

After reading the note, the person in charge read it to everyone, and then introduced Harry's products and some related information to everyone while carefully reading the materials.The end result: Harry won, and he took the deal.Because when the person in charge introduced the information to everyone, Harry kept silent in a timely manner. The person in charge fully grasped all the information about Harry’s products, and Harry’s information showed all the pros and cons of the product, so that the person in charge could understand at a glance, reducing information integration. This not only greatly facilitated the person in charge, but also brought the person in charge and Harry on the same front.Such a special service item helped Harry get the order.

For a salesperson, it is not enough to just be able to speak, let alone speak alone, but also to be able to make customers speak and be good at listening to customers.When the other party speaks, you must listen attentively, put down your work, put your hands on your knees, and lean forward slightly, as if you are fully committed to the conversation with the other party; if it is more important, you should pay attention to making records, pay attention to Make eye contact with the other party; do not comment, but listen naturally; when in doubt, interrupt the other party (generally do not interrupt), reiterate your point of view, and ask the other party if they agree; listen to the customer calmly, Don't be hostile, without any prejudice, and pay attention to summarizing, generalizing or reiterating the side of the other party's speech that is beneficial to you.

There's no reason we should be uncomfortable with all the silence, and talking incessantly isn't necessarily a necessary ingredient for successful sales.Believe that you will also allow customers to think and express their opinions, otherwise, not only will you have no way of understanding what the other person is thinking, but you will also be seen as rude because you do not show interest in their opinions.Most importantly, listening attentively allows you to determine exactly what the customer needs.

A good salesperson must master the skill of listening, but this is one of the most neglected problems in the sales industry.Typically, when selling a product, the salesperson is talking 70% of the time, and the customer is only talking 30% of the time.Although this approach can sometimes arouse the concern and enthusiasm of customers, it cannot arouse the confidence and reason that customers must have when they make up their minds.

A customer who expects to buy your product, what he wants is your product, but he will not easily make up his mind or take action until he feels that he has sufficient grounds.The new sales skill is to appeal to the customer's reason.Therefore, the ratio of the speaker to the listener should be reversed, the customer's speaking time becomes 70%, and the salesperson has been the listener until the product is provided, and it is not until the customer's request that he tells the price of the product and introduces the product. The product performance characteristics and after-sales service that the company can provide, and then make a summary with a few brief explanations.

A good listener should show considerable caution in his attitude, and should not interrupt the other party's speech or ask arbitrary questions.A good listener should listen attentively and only chime in when necessary.The most representative attitudes are nodding, eye contact, smiling, sighing sympathetically, etc.An excellent listener has a balance in his heart, which can measure which words are good words and which words are nonsense thrown out casually.

"A person who can speak is also a person who can obey", this is a famous saying that has never changed through the ages.In sales activities, try to let the customer speak, and you can get a glimpse of his thoughts and concerns from his words.If you keep talking unilaterally and don’t allow customers to express their opinions at all, the customers will become more and more annoyed. You never get a chance to recount your tirade.

In the first contact, to understand what customers are thinking and what they like, it is necessary to "induce" customers to talk more.The more he talks, the more you learn from it, which is extremely helpful for you to start selling next.

How to make customers speak?Sales staff can use the inquiry method. When the explanation is over, they can ask: "So, what do you think?" "I think this series of textbooks is very suitable for your son. I wonder how old he is?" Most customers will say: " This year, but this textbook is a bit expensive."

From these answers, you can know the mentality of customers.Although he may want to buy it, the question of price still bothers him.Now that the customer's wishes are known, the salesperson should return to the topic, emphasize the benefits of the product, and his son's relationship with the product, and ask again to re-detect the customer's reaction. At that time, the customer's answer may not be the same. It's the same: "Money is a trivial matter, but I don't know what my wife will think..."

With this method of inquiry, you can understand the other party's concerns in a nutshell.To make customers satisfied, you should accurately grasp the customer's preferences and ideas, and then slowly advance based on this. This is the negotiating key to using listening skills skillfully.

When the salesperson listens to the customer's conversation, he should pay attention to:
(1) Try to listen carefully and understand customers.When listening, the salesperson should think fully and ponder what the customer is saying.On the contrary, if you don't listen to what the customer is saying, and spend the listening time thinking about other things, you may miss a good sales opportunity.

(2) Listen patiently.Whether it is a different point of view, or the language is unpleasant, or even irritating words, let the customer finish the sentence, and must not interrupt the customer rudely.Because listening patiently is a good expression of the salesperson's respect for customers, and it is conducive to bringing the relationship between the salesperson and the customer closer.Be good at understanding the customer's feelings, put yourself in the customer's place and think about it, don't rush to draw conclusions, try to understand the whole meaning of the other party's conversation, accept and care for the customer, help him find a way to solve the problem, and don't do things that have nothing to do with the conversation , or show an impatient expression, don't mind the characteristics of the customer's language and actions, and should focus on the content of the conversation.

(3) There must be a positive response. To achieve good results in your listening, you must not only listen attentively, but also express feedback.You can change your expression according to the change of the other person's expression, and intervene appropriately with simple words of affirmation or appreciation.In this way, the customer will think that the salesperson is listening carefully, and will be willing to speak more and more deeply.Pay attention to constantly feedback information to the other party to test whether your understanding is correct and guide the content of the customer's conversation.

(4) Find out the real intention of the customer.When the salesperson listens to the customer, he must find out the real intention of the customer, and it is not enough to just listen to the superficial meaning of his words.When listening to a client's conversation, be able to control your emotions and don't always try to dominate.A salesperson who always wants to express himself will not listen well to the other party's conversation.

In the sales process, we must be good at speaking, but we must also be good at listening.Those who can listen are those who really know how to respect others; those who only interrupt others when they are talking, or those who are half-hearted when others are speaking, will be some failed salespeople.

Mental activity is a complicated process, but no matter how complicated it is, as a salesperson, you must grasp the customer's psychology, so that you can grasp the customer's purchasing needs.

11.Actively create a powerful momentum that customers cannot resist

Different people, their special identities and characteristics determine their external momentum and influence.In real life, many people can give people the same feeling. Although he doesn't speak, just standing there can make people feel that he has a special temperament, which makes people admire him and express his conviction. and dependence, or feel a majestic momentum, can not help but obey and surrender to him.This is actually an invisible influence, an external manifestation of a person's quality and will, and externalized into a kind of momentum and power, which attracts or deters others to a certain extent.If a person can improve his invisible aura, he can influence others more deeply and turn this aura into a power to influence others.

A psychologist did such an experiment: he asked a soldier to dress up as a beggar, and let a beggar dress up as a soldier, and the two exchanged roles, one went to beg along the street, and the other went to manage the soldiers.As a result, after the soldier dressed up as a beggar, he was still so tall and firm, and his voice was low and calm. When he said to passers-by: "Please give me something!" For his power, people unconsciously handed over money to him.However, the soldier dressed as a beggar showed a shrunken posture and bowed in front of the soldiers. When he ordered the soldiers to line up, he actually said in a low voice: "I beg you all to stand up!" Shouting "Yes, sir", he was so scared that he hid in the corner.

This is the influence of momentum, which can convey such information to others: whether you are confident or humble, whether you are confident or not, whether you should not be underestimated or you can deal with it at will.When you are at a disadvantage in terms of momentum, not only can you not influence others, but you may also be controlled by them.

Therefore, salespeople must show their strongest side in front of customers, be confident, firm and decisive, and cautious, instead of being submissive, procrastinating, let alone sloppy and drifting with the crowd.In terms of dealing with things, if you do not have a firm will and a decisive spirit, then the initiative will be controlled by the other party and you will be controlled by others.

Salespeople should be good at changing their own momentum and enhancing their influence, the basis of which is to have strong willpower as support.Only when you have determination and goals, you will be independent, free from interference and influence from others, and will not drift with the tide and give up halfway.Therefore, if the salesperson can perfectly combine the independence and decisiveness of decision-making with the firmness of execution, an invisible influence will be produced.Your self-confidence and firmness, your composure and decisiveness are enough to make the other party believe in you, rely on you, and easily compromise with you under your aggressive aura.

Yuan Yiping is a great salesman, known as the "God of Sales" in Japan, but he is not the handsome and tall salesman people imagine.He is only 1.53 meters tall and looks very ordinary.When he first entered the sales industry and was engaged in insurance sales, he was in a very difficult situation. Not only did he have no experience, but also his temperament was not good, so he hardly had any advantages.In the six months since he joined the company, he has not sold a single insurance.Therefore, he had no money to rent a house, no money to eat, and his life was very difficult, but he did not complain about himself, and still faced his life with a smile, because he always believed that the sky of life would always have a sunny day.

He can always face everything around him with a smile, and he smiles so sincerely and confidently.At the same time, he is also full of firm belief in his own work. When others have been discouraged, he can still face it with hope.

Once, Yuan Yiping went to visit a client.Before he went, he had heard that this client was an introverted and eccentric person who was difficult to deal with.But Yuan Yiping did not flinch, and bravely knocked on the door of the client's house.

"Hi, I'm Hara Ippei, a salesman at Meiji Insurance Company."

"Oh, sorry, I don't need insurance. I've always hated insurance."

Yuan Yiping was not angry, but asked sincerely: "Can you tell me why?"

"There is no reason to hate it!" The customer suddenly raised his voice, looking a little impatient.

Yuan Yiping did not choose to leave, but still looked at him with a smile on his face and said: "I heard from my friends that you are very successful in your own industry. I really envy you. If I can do like you in my industry Just as good, and that's a great thing."

Yuan Yiping's words made the customer's attitude slightly better: "I have always hated insurance salesmen, but your smile made me unable to refuse to talk to you. Well, just talk about your insurance."

So Yuan Yiping was invited into the house. It turned out that the customer didn't hate insurance, but didn't like salesmen.And in the following conversation, the client has been infected by his self-confidence, cheerfulness, enthusiasm and firmness unconsciously.In the end, the client was finally persuaded by Yuan Yiping, happily signed his name on the insurance policy, shook hands with him and said goodbye, saying: "You are such an amazing person, I can't seem to resist you at all."

Yuan Yiping has infected countless customers with his huge influence.He believes that sincerity and self-confidence can impress many people.In order to better influence customers.He also practiced "laughing skills" hard, making "laughing"

Divided into 38 types, for different customers, showing different smiles, so that no matter what kind of customers you face, you can exude charming charm, making customers feel like a spring breeze and irresistible.

As a salesperson, we must learn to guide customers to follow your thinking, so that customers can sign orders smoothly.Because people have a characteristic, that is, they are easily influenced by others, and this influence will lead you to accept other people's opinions unconsciously, so as to make corresponding decisions.

Sales work is a kind of negotiation. In this kind of negotiation, you will become the protagonist of the negotiation.And in order to avoid the customer's thinking from influencing your decision, then you have to let the customer follow your words to think.

(End of this chapter)

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