Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 31 Controlling Customers Psychologically: Psychological Effects That Salespeople Must Know

Chapter 31 Controlling Customers Psychologically: Psychological Effects That Salespeople Must Know (1)
In sales practice, customers buy products not only for material satisfaction, but also for psychological satisfaction.Then, by understanding these psychological effects, it will help you master the skills of being liked by customers, so as to achieve your sales goals.

1.The Focus Effect: Keeping the Customer's Name in Mind
The sound that everyone likes to hear the most, and the sound that feels the most pleasing to the ear, is the name called by others.

Psychologists believe that when someone calls their name, people will feel joy and satisfaction in their hearts.In the sales process, you can use this "tool" again and again, and customers will never get bored. This can also weaken the tension of customers and ease the opposition of each other's opinions; at the same time, it will also make customers feel that you are different from others. different.Motorola believes that if the company's service staff can remember the name of an old customer and call out his name immediately when he comes again, it can effectively improve customer satisfaction.

Since people are most concerned with themselves, they are also very concerned with their own names.If you can respect and remember other people's names, it means that you care about him. This will not only establish good interpersonal relationships, but also greatly help the expansion of sales business.

How did Andrew Carnegie, who knew nothing about the steel industry, become a world-famous steel magnate?One of the secrets of his success is the extreme respect for names.

At the age of 10, Carnegie got a female rabbit by accident.Soon, the female rabbit gave birth to a litter of young rabbits.

However, there is not enough money to buy food to feed them.So he came up with an idea, he told the children in the neighborhood that as long as they were willing to bring food, he would name the little rabbit after the children.

After hearing this, the children immediately offered food enthusiastically.This incident gave Carnegie a very profound revelation: people care about their names very much.

When Carnegie grew up, he once went head-to-head with the competitor Bull Gate Railway Company in bidding for the sleeping car contract of the Pacific Railway Company.In order to win the bid, the two sides continued to cut prices and fight, but it was no longer profitable.

Soon, both Carnegie and Bullman went to New York to meet the chairman of the Pacific Railway Company, and they met by chance at the entrance of the hotel.Said to Boulmen: "Aren't we all making a fool of ourselves?"

"What do you mean?" said Bullman.

Carnegie stated to Bullman the dangers of vicious competition, and proposed to resolve the previous suspicions and work together with each other.Boulmen thinks it makes sense, but he still can't accept it all.

Burman suddenly asked: "If we cooperate, what name should the new company have?"

Carnegie recalled the past of raising rabbits in his childhood, and he replied decisively: "Of course we must take the 'Bullmen Sleeping Car Company'!"

When Boermen heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and the two quickly reached a cooperation agreement.

On another occasion, Carnegie built a steel factory in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, specializing in the production of rails.

At that time, the Pennsylvania Railway Company was a major customer of railroad tracks, and the chairman of the railway company was named Thomson.Carnegie remembered the story of the rabbit again, so he named the new steel plant "Thomson Steel Plant".

Carnegie's ability to "respect other people's names" made him invincible, his business prospered, and he finally established his steel kingdom.

After understanding the importance and value of "respecting other people's names", we have to further try to remember other people's names.

We often hear many people say "I just have a bad memory, and I can't remember other people's names", or "My memory is not good, so people and names just don't match up".Is it difficult to remember people's names?Bob Rand, the general manager of Chevrolet General Motors, can remember the names of 6000 people; Jem, the former postmaster general of the United States, can remember the names of 5 people!

Bob Rand can memorize the names of more than 6000 Chevrolet dealers in the United States. In every dealer meeting, he can call out the name of each dealer one by one and greet them cordially .His extraordinary ability to remember people's names is one of the reasons for his success.

Jem lost his father at the age of 10 and didn't even finish elementary school, but at the age of 46, he received honorary degrees from four universities and served as the Secretary of the United States Post Office.

The secret of Jem's success is that he can remember the names of 5 people.This set of special skills even played an important role in Franklin Roosevelt's entry into the White House.What he did taught politicians the most valuable lesson - to win elections, voters' names must be kept in mind.

Maybe you will say that Babu and Jem are special cases, and most people can't do it.In fact, memorizing people's names is the same as memorizing English words. As long as you are willing to work hard and work hard, you will succeed.

For ordinary people, it is not difficult to remember dozens or hundreds of names, but it is extraordinary to be able to remember thousands or tens of thousands of names, and that will be the key to success.Here are three ways to remember people's names:
(1) Listen carefully.Make remembering other people's names an important thing to do.Whenever you meet a new friend, on the one hand, you must listen attentively, and on the other hand, you must firmly remember it.If you can't hear the other person's name clearly, please ask again immediately.

(2) Use notes to help memory.Don't trust your own memory. After obtaining the other party's business card, you must write his characteristics, hobbies, expertise, birthday, etc. on the back of the business card to help you remember.Of course, it would be even more ideal if a data card can be made to match the photos.

(3) Repeating a person's name can help memory.Therefore, in the initial conversation, you should deliberately call the other party's name several times.If the other person's name is rare or peculiar, you might as well ask for advice on how to write it and the origin of the name.

2.Compromise effect: Refuse to be greedy, only small water will flow for a long time

In the sales process, there are many people who are short-sighted and only pay attention to the short-term interests but ignore the growth. In any language, for any person, the most beautiful and important word is his name.How do you feel when you are walking among strangers and suddenly hear someone calling your name?excited!If the person who can call your name is someone who once sold you a certain product, this will not affect your happy mood at all, but will only deepen your impression of him.

This kind of sales technique is called the law of name sales.

long-term development; while some people have a long-term vision and pay more attention to long-term interests, even if they temporarily lose immediate interests, they will not care too much.Salespersons, especially newcomers, must take a long-term view in the negotiation, and don't lose the cooperation opportunities that may exist in the future for the sake of immediate interests.

Mr. Hua is negotiating garlic business with a food export company.In the first round of negotiations, the food company quoted RMB 2300 per ton, but Mr. Hua was only willing to offer RMB 2100.Obviously, there is a gap between the two sides on the principled position of the price.Three days later, the two sides sat down at the negotiating table again.As the harvest period of garlic is about to begin, if the garlic is not processed immediately and the purchase period is missed, not only the quantity will not be maintained, but the purchase price will also fall.After weighing the pros and cons, the food company is willing to make a deal at 2150 yuan.But Mr. Hua made another "strange move".He said: "My ancestral home is in Shandong. Let's make friends. To be honest, this batch of garlic sells for 2150 yuan a ton. Your company is a little bit at a loss, and I'm not happy. It's a good business, so let's talk about it. I will add 10 yuan per ton." This "weird trick" is really unexpected.

After the contract was formally signed and took effect, someone asked him, why did he increase the price after he had already negotiated the price?He said:

"Although the price per ton has increased some costs, we will continue to communicate for a long time in the future. If there is anything you need, I think you will be willing to help. You set up many checkpoints, and although the business is done, it is not pleasant. On the surface, it is a winner, but it is actually a loser because of a small loss." The insight is really unique!
A successful negotiation strategy is often established by eradicating some old traditional concepts.The above examples show that in trade negotiations, negotiators must not only have skilled bargaining skills, but also have a strategic vision of looking at the overall situation, regardless of the gains and losses of a city or a pool.

In fact, a sales expert will usually lay the groundwork for the second or third cooperation when he signs an order with a customer for the first time, which is called reserving emotional capital in advance.Even if the cooperation between the two parties is not successful, we should thank each other in time, so that the relationship between the two parties will continue to deepen, and it will also lay a good foundation for future cooperation between the two parties.

The competition in the market economy is extremely fierce, so whoever occupies the sales group first will have the initiative in the market. In this atmosphere, the concept of "customer is God" is naturally formed.

Once the customer chooses you, they also give their trust to you.How can you make customers feel at ease to cooperate with you if you have duplicity and want to cheat or cheat?

On the occasion of Ms. Zhang's 10th wedding anniversary, the couple wanted to take this opportunity to travel on the Lijiang River, so they carefully selected a large-scale travel agency from more than a dozen travel agencies and made a reservation.Ms. Zhang yearned for a warm trip, but unexpectedly things backfired. When she arrived at the destination on the first day, she was told by the tour guide that the couple had to live in the sauna room in the bathing hall because the standard rooms were already full.Although Ms. Zhang was unwilling, but the overnight drive made them exhausted, coupled with the apologetic smile of the tour guide, she agreed.But what made them unbearable was that the conditions in the bathing hall were really poor. The floor was dirty, the bathroom was filthy, and the bedding on the bed smelled even worse.

I wanted to relive the warmth and romance of being in love on vacation, but was shattered by the reality in front of me, and the original comfortable travel was greatly reduced.So, an angry Ms. Zhang contacted the person in charge of the guest room. The two sides had a stalemate until after one o'clock in the morning. In the air, the original romantic journey became tasteless.

When traveling, the picture is pleasing to the eye, and comfort is naturally the most important thing.But the travel agency did not provide services to customers as stipulated in the contract.Although the price difference can be made up, the lost credit cannot be exchanged for thousands of dollars. Therefore, whether it is an enterprise operator or a salesperson, if they want to gain a place in the fierce competition, they must abide by the relevant rules. , the most important thing is to act according to the contract, operate in the principle of honesty and trustworthiness, and rely on the business philosophy of being innocent and honest to attract customers and occupy the market.

Do the following, and your road to sales will become wider and wider:

(1) Treat customers as relatives.To form a unique sense of intimacy between relatives with customers, it is this kind of unreserved trust between relatives that can make customers feel at ease about the business.Once the merchant needs help from customers outside of business, customers will actively help.Even if the customer is not satisfied with the product, the merchant will give the corresponding understanding.

(2) Treat customers as friends.True friendship will not rust due to the link of interests, so the business built on the basis of friendship will be more stable and durable, which is applicable to trade, sales and other industries.It is precisely because these industries are involved in some large-scale projects, and the customers they face are relatively fixed groups, so we must maintain a good corporate image and establish long-term and stable relationships with customers.

(3) Treat customers as lovers.When you treat a client as a lover, you will naturally want to make him happy, and more importantly, you will take care of him in every possible way.Think what customers think and do what customers don't expect, so that customers can feel meticulous service and meticulous care.

(4) Treat customers as noble people.If any enterprise wants to become bigger and stronger, it can never be accomplished by its own strength alone, so it needs the assistance of noble people.But the crux of the problem is that you don't know who will be your noble person, which requires you to grab every life-saving grass around you - customers, and treat customers as noble people in your life.

(5) Treat customers as partners.Referral marketing is a new marketing concept that is currently popular, that is, let your customers do publicity for you, and then bring more customers.As a salesperson, it is especially necessary to treat each of your customers well and treat them as your partners, because your goal is the same, that is, "win-win".

3.Emotional effect: use sincerity to melt the ice in the hearts of customers

Dale Carnegie, a master of success, once said: "To make others like you, you must first change your attitude towards others, relax your mind a little, have a natural expression, and a pleasant smile, so that others will feel fond of you. It’s over.” Facing a customer with a cold expression and an indifferent heart, any salesperson will have resistance and resistance in his heart, and he is unwilling to say a word or deal with him one more time.

Engaging in sales and doing business is all about making a profit. Losing a little profit in the negotiation, but the ultimate goal is to make a profit. It’s just that you don’t want to lose a lot because of a small one. Therefore, salespersons must take a long-term view when negotiating Small profits lose long-term big profits.

However, this is not the best attitude and method to solve the problem.Difficulties are like enemies, the more you are afraid of them, the more trouble they will come to you; only by facing them bravely can you eliminate difficulties and lead to success.If salespersons can treat customers sincerely, ask for responsibility and take remedial measures to improve the current situation of customers, then no matter how difficult and stubborn customers are, they will be melted by your sincerity.

Mr. Weep, a salesman for the Fidelity Electric Company, once knocked on the door of a farmhouse when he saw that it was larger and neater.When Mrs. Brad, the hostess, opened the door, Mr. Webe automatically reported his intention, but the door was closed with a "bang", and Mr. Webp knocked on the door again and again. It was a series of swearing.

Mr. Weep learned through some channels that Mrs. Brad's chickens were better, so he changed his strategy.When he came to old Mrs. Brad's door again, he said to the hostess gently:

"Hello, Mrs. Brad, I'm really sorry to disturb you. In fact, I didn't come here specially to sell electrical appliances. I just heard that your chickens are better and the eggs are also very good, so I thought Buy some."

Old Mrs. Bullard opened the door a little at this moment and stared at Mr. Weep.So Mr. Weep continued: "I heard that your chickens are very beautiful. Not only can't my family raise them, but I haven't even seen them. It happened that my wife wanted to make some cakes today. You also know that russet chickens are used to make cakes. It is much better to use white eggs than to use white eggs, so I take the liberty of asking you for help."

Mrs. Brad immediately showed a smile on her face after hearing what Mr. Webp said, and opened the door to invite Mr. Webp into the yard.When Mr. Weep saw the facilities in the yard, he said, "Ma'am, I believe you earn as much money raising chickens as your husband!" Mrs. Brad was even happier when she heard this, because she has been raising chickens for a long time. Neither was approved by her husband. It was rare to meet a "confidant" today, so I took the initiative to invite him to visit my chicken coop and introduce my experience in raising chickens. During the conversation, we naturally talked about the benefits of using electricity for raising chickens.

So the two chatted more and more speculatively. Half a month later, Mr. Wei Pu's company received an application for electricity usage from Mrs. Brad.Since then, the neighbors around Mrs. Brad have also continuously applied to the power company for electricity use.

From this example, we can see that the relationship between the salesperson and the customer is not antagonistic, nor is it a trade-off, but should be mutually beneficial.Therefore, when negotiating business, the salesperson should learn to treat your customers like old friends, be kind and friendly, don't haggle over every detail, think about long-term development, and make the communication between each other more harmonious.

In the concept of many salespersons, the purpose of negotiating business with customers is to make money, and both parties can fight to the death for a little profit.In fact, fighting with each other will not only hurt peace, but also cause mutual loss; while friendly negotiations will allow both parties to build a good cooperative relationship in a harmonious atmosphere.Business requires both parties to sit down and negotiate in good faith. Only in a harmonious atmosphere can the best results be achieved.In the negotiation, the salesperson should show enough understanding and respect to the customer, eliminate the customer's resistance, upgrade each other's emotions, and change from a stranger to a friend, so that the transaction can be carried out smoothly.

Joe Gillard is a well-known car salesman in the United States. He has long been the object of many young salesmen's eagerness to learn.The following is a successful sales pitch by Joe Gillard.

One day Joe Girard was in the showroom promoting his car as usual.At this time, a middle-aged woman came into the showroom. She said that she needed a Ford car, and the color should be white, because she prefers white, and her cousin also owns a car like that, which looks very fashionable. .When I was in the opposite car dealership just now, the salesperson there said that there is no one now, and I have to wait for an hour, so she wanted to look around first.The middle-aged woman also revealed a message: "Today is my birthday, I hope I can buy this car as my birthday present."

(End of this chapter)

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