Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 33 Controlling Customers Psychologically: Psychological Effects That Salespeople Must Know

Chapter 33 Controlling Customers Psychologically: Psychological Effects That Salespeople Must Know (3)
"Sir, there are no more than 10 convertible cars with this engine in the local area, and the factory is no longer producing them. If you miss this opportunity, if you want to buy them in the future, you may not be able to buy them." "There are only two sets of this kind of kitchen utensils left. and the other set you won’t choose because its color doesn’t suit you, so this set of kitchen utensils is for you.” “You may want to consider buying more, this kind of product is very popular recently, the factory There is already a large backlog of orders, and I can't guarantee that you will still have the goods when you come back next time."... Such rhetoric is undoubtedly very effective. Under its influence, customers, in order not to regret not being able to buy, I always make a decisive choice and take the products I like as my own first, so that I can feel at ease.This is Yan Xin's success.

A limited amount of information does have an effective influence on consumers' purchasing decisions.Therefore, if the salesperson can reasonably apply this strategy to the sales process of goods, it will effectively promote sales.When the salesperson finds that the customer is interested in a certain product, if he can guide it cleverly, while explaining that the product is of reliable quality and affordable, he might as well add such a kind reminder: "This product has just been sold. If you miss it, you will have to wait until a week later.” When customers hear such words, they often make a quick decision under the psychological influence of fear of not being able to buy , Buy it home first, and let others take the lead.

Because there are fewer opportunities to own it, its importance to customers has greatly increased.

Only when there is demand will there be action, which is the psychological portrayal of every customer.As a salesperson, what you have to do is to stimulate the demand for your products in customers, so that it is possible for them to buy your products.

7.The vise effect: you add a little more business and you get a deal

For salespeople, there is a strategy that will definitely help them get through the negotiation smoothly, and that is the so-called "vice" strategy.New sales people may wish to understand it as such a simple sentence:
"You have to add more."

For example, the buyer has listened to your quotation and your price structure, but he insists that he is very happy with the current supplier, what should you do?Don't rush to lower the price.You have to understand that after he has successfully piqued his interest in your product, he will soon say to you: "We are very happy with the current seller, but I would like the support and cooperation of another supplier." It doesn’t hurt that they compete. If you drop the price to $1.22 a pound, we’ll fill a truck.”

At this time, you should hold your vise and reply calmly: "I'm sorry, you should offer a more suitable price."

Sophisticated buyers will naturally retort: ​​"How much taller am I?" This will force you to name specific figures.

Negotiations are like this, there are pitfalls everywhere.However, you don't have to rush to lower the price.

Being able to enter the last moment of negotiation shows that you already have the ability to stabilize yourself.At this time, all you need to do is to be silent.

You set your own price, then keep silent, and the buyer may agree.It would be foolish to take a stand at least until you've figured out whether he'll take your advice or not.

In a sales negotiation, both negotiators sit around the same circular conference table.At that point, the reps had already given their prices and entered the "silent" phase, just like they were taught in training school.However, the other party obviously came prepared, so they did not express their opinions, but used silence to try to get the sales representative to lower the price.

This is a strategic war, but also a psychological war, and the one who sticks to the end will undoubtedly win this "war".

It seemed like half an hour had passed, although it might have only been five minutes, because the silence made time seem so slow.Finally, a clever sales rep broke the ice and scribbled "Decided" on a sticky note and handed it to the other party.However, he deliberately miswritten "decision" as "decision".The other party looked at it and said:

"You made a typo." So he couldn't hold back as soon as he opened his mouth, and continued, "If you are not willing to accept my price, I am willing to raise another $2000, but no more." He changed his price before he knew whether the other party would accept it!So, he lost out to the sales rep, who made it through.

Using the vise effect, a clever negotiator can only answer "I'm sorry, you should make a more suitable price" to the other party's opinions or reactions, and then remain silent.Of course, you can use this strategy more flexibly.

Jack is a new sales guy with a new facility in the sales office, and their general procedure is to look at the prices of three qualified merchants and choose the one with the lowest price.He is a man who is good at using the vise strategy.When other salesmen were studying the prices of the merchants, and then hurriedly accepted the price of one of them, Jack crossed out the bids of the merchants and wrote "You should give me a more suitable price." , and send them.Generally speaking, the price returned by the merchants can always be $1 lower than the original bid.

There may be people who doubt the value of $1 because they think: $1 is nothing in a multi-million dollar business.However, new sales people, please don't fall into the trap of negotiating percentages.Taking Jack as an example, the point is that he made $2 in 1 minutes.That means he does this, and he makes a minimum profit of $30 an hour.That's what $1 is worth.

If you make a $2000 concession to a buyer, it doesn't matter whether you're doing the $1000 deal or the $100 million deal.Your offer is still $2000.What you should be thinking is: "With $2000 in the middle of the negotiating table, how much am I willing to spend and see how much I can get?"

If you persist for a while, you can earn a little more. This does not mean earning 50 dollars an hour, but it may be 1 dollars a minute, or 50 dollars a second!

If that's not enough to explain the problem, please remember that a dollar in the negotiation is a dollar in the bottom line, not a dollar in the total sales volume, so the $1 you win in a few seconds is an infinite number of 1 in the total sales volume. Dollar.If you're a salesperson in a discount retail store or a health care center, your profit is only 1 percent.Your business is worth $2000 billion a year, so in your company, a $2000 concession at the negotiating table has the same impact on your bottom line as a $2 business.

So, if you don’t want to lose countless $2000 sales in vain, you should hold on for a while and keep silent after saying “you guys should make a better price” instead of doing it hastily. make the final decision.

8.Cannibalization Effect: Promote business transactions bit by bit
A good salesperson can not only add to the deal that has been reached with the buyer during the negotiation process, but also can make the buyer agree to things that he was unwilling to agree to.The reason for this is that the negotiator has mastered the "cannibalization strategy".

Of course, since the vise strategy is so effective, your opponents certainly won't ignore it.

What should you do if someone uses this tactic against you?Remember, at this time you use this countermeasure: "How much is more appropriate?" Kicking the ball to the opponent will force the buyer to say a specific amount, which will undoubtedly increase your success rate.

Many car dealers are quite adept at using this strategy because they are well aware that if they ask too much of consumers, consumers will develop a resistance.These dealers first make you think in your head, "Yes, I'm going to buy a car. Yes, I'm going to buy a car here." Then they take you into the house and start adding all the extras , making it the profit of the car.

Analyzing the sales strategies of car dealers, the principle of "cannibalization" is infiltrated in it. In fact, this principle is widely used.In short, it is easier to get something by using the cannibalization strategy in the later stage of the negotiation.The kids are doing really well in this regard.A teenager, they don't need to take courses in negotiation skills because they are born to be good negotiators.Anything children get from an early age is gained through the use of negotiation skills.

A girl hopes for a graduation gift from her mother when she graduates from high school.Write three things on that kid's unpublished schedule:
(1) Want to travel to Europe for 5 weeks.

(2) Wanted $1200 in pocket money.

(3) Want a brand new case.

This child, everyone has to call her a master negotiator.The first wish was to travel to Europe, which was approved by her mother. A few weeks later, the girl wrote a letter to her mother's colleague, saying that she wanted $1200 in pocket money, and hoped her mother would agree to it.After hearing what my colleague told me, my mother reluctantly agreed.At the last moment, the daughter said to her mother: "You don't want me to travel to Europe with that shabby suitcase, do you? All the children have new suitcases!" Look, a kid who graduated from high school is indeed a Master negotiators!

Excellent salespeople all have a secret: they don't put forward all the requirements at the same time during the negotiation, they often get the other party to agree first during the negotiation, and then go back and make additional requirements.

For example, a salesperson wants to sell a baler, trying to persuade the customer to buy the most expensive one, but the customer is unwilling to pay that much money. If he insists on it again and again, it is meaningless.After everything else was agreed, the salesman said, "Can we look at the most expensive one again? I'm not recommending this to everyone, but given your size and potential, I really think you should Buy this. That’s just an extra $500 a month.” At this point, the client tends to say, “Well, if you think this is important, let’s talk.”

Cannibalization is a very effective negotiating tool, but how to avoid falling victim to cannibalization is also crucial for salespeople.

When selling a car or truck, you may end up feeling good because you've found a buyer.The stress and tension that comes with negotiating is over.A customer is sitting in your office writing a check, but just as he is about to sign his name, he looks up and says, "A tank of gas is included, doesn't it?" Give to others what you would rather not give to others; or you are thinking, "Oh no. I think we've got everything covered. I don't want to risk having to start over and talk about everything again and lose the whole deal. Perhaps I'd better make this concession."

If you have such behaviors and thoughts, then you have been "cannibalized" by the other party.Because the sales industry itself is "a battle for every inch of money".In order to prevent buyers from using cannibalization tactics on you, you must do the following two things:
(1) Clearly write down the price that the other party needs to pay for any additional concessions.This is a great way to prevent the other party from further encroaching on the strategy, and maybe you will increase some unexpected sales as a result.

(2) Don't give yourself the power to make concessions.However, since you are in a sensitive phase of the negotiation, you want to make sure you put a smile on your face and let them voluntarily relinquish their encroachment on you.

A successful salesperson needs to consider the possibility of cannibalization as much as possible, and try to avoid the possibility of a buyer cannibalizing you at the last moment.Because at this time you are the most vulnerable time, and it is also the time when it is easiest to make concessions.

9.Humanity Effect: Humanity is more important than commodities

A salesperson should not only sell products, but must also be a person who makes profits for customers and helps customers choose products.

The secret of American life insurance wizard Baja's sales success is: to make profits for customers, so that the benefits customers get from him are greater than the benefits he gets from other customers.He said: "You should put yourself in the customer's shoes and design the most suitable insurance for him. As long as you make him feel that your service is extraordinary, you are in a favorable position."

Baja walks the talk.Once, a customer said to him: "I want to buy $5000 of life insurance for myself, and I also want to buy $1000 of life insurance for my wife and three children."

Baja knew that the customer's thinking was biased, and he immediately corrected it for the benefit of the customer.Tell customers: "The purpose of life insurance is for the father to protect the child, not for the child to protect the father."

In the end, the customer took Baja's advice and bought $5000 of life insurance just for himself.Although the business dwindled, the customer became a loyal Baja customer.

Sales staff must consider the interests of customers everywhere, help customers choose and buy, and win the trust of customers, so that sales can be successful.

China Southern Airlines has a salesman with outstanding performance. Not long after he first joined the company, the business volume he was responsible for was among the best in the company.At an internal training meeting of the company, the leader asked him to share his successful experience with everyone.He said: "Actually, I don't have any secret of success. I just pay attention to the humanized management of customer information." He took out a notebook and showed it to everyone. On it, he wrote down the names, addresses, and regular dates of many bosses. The flights taken, and even the date of the customer’s birthday, hobbies, hometown, family situation, the size of the company, the products it operates, and the situation of its employees are all recorded in detail.The leader smiled and said:
"You are almost becoming the head of the archivist." He smiled embarrassedly and said, "I rely on this book for a living!"

In fact, this successful salesperson successfully contacted and communicated with customers effectively by virtue of these materials.He has a habit, that is, after finding a new customer, he immediately starts to collect the customer's information, and then comes to negotiate.It is precisely because he is very clear about the needs of customers, so the agreement is naturally reached, which is the secret of his success.

Mr. Li Ka-shing started as a salesman.Once he went to a store to sell iron barrels, but the owner of the store never agreed.Li Ka-shing tried various methods without any effect.Later, by chance, he learned that the boss had a child in old age and loved the child very much.The kid likes watching horse races very much, but the boss has never had time to go with him.After Li Ka-shing heard the news, he immediately went to discuss with the other party, and he paid his own money to take the children to watch the horse race.This move undoubtedly moved the boss very much, and he soon purchased a large number of iron drums from Li Ka-shing.

(End of this chapter)

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