Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 34 Controlling Customers Psychologically: Psychological Effects That Salespeople Must Know

Chapter 34 Controlling Customers Psychologically: Psychological Effects That Salespeople Must Know (4)
From the above examples, we can see that successful salespeople are good at thinking from the perspective of "how do I sell", first understand "why customers buy", and then carry out sales work.

(1) First and foremost is your "attitude."For salespeople, the quality of sales performance mostly depends on your attitude, and the presentation of your attitude comes from your outlook on life.In fact, no salesperson likes to serve customers non-stop, and no one is really willing to help customers; but on the contrary, every customer is eager for you to help them.Based on this kind of psychology, as long as the sales staff can actively propose exquisite planning services for customers and strengthen communication reasonably, they will be able to succeed.

(2) Build your high-quality "personal brand". A "personal brand" is the best way to create customer loyalty.Before selling products, you must first sell your own brand.In fact, customers will only buy your product if they identify with you as a person.

(3) Expand your "personal connections" network.Sales is not just a job, but also a network of contacts.Most salespeople do not have the idea and practice of expanding their network. Their reasons are as follows:

Expanding contacts is too time-consuming, so I don’t want to dedicate my time to network expansion; expanding contacts will not bring more profits; “unfamiliar development” is the best way to achieve sales goals; even if you want to expand contacts, you don’t know how to start.

(4) Changes in the nature of personality.The division of personal branding begins with the display of humorous charm.If you can keep your customers entertained, they will identify with and buy your product, because humor is a powerful, universal language.Humor is a skill that requires long-term training just like doing business, and humor can help you achieve sales goals and create closer friendships.

10.The Concession Effect: Concessions That Make Customers Feel Uneasy
In sales practice, taking the form of concessions can achieve the desired effect better than the straightforward method.

A teenage girl was selling roses on the street. She stopped a young man and said, "Brother, buy a bouquet of roses for your girlfriend! A bouquet of 1 roses costs only 1 yuan." He shook his head and said that he didn't have a girlfriend and didn't need to buy roses, so he was about to leave.The little girl stopped him again: "Big brother is so handsome, there must be girls who like it. Since you don't want to buy a bouquet of roses, you can buy one. It's only 10 yuan." The boy thought the little girl was very interesting, and smiled at him She said: "I don't know who to give it to if I buy one. Forget it, you can sell it to someone else." At this time, the little girl still didn't give up:
Sales work is actually a very meticulous and systematic work. It is not just a transaction where you buy and sell. It requires you to devote precious time to serve your customers, devote your sincerity, and use your personality beauty to influence you. customer of.When some customers choose to cooperate with you, it is not because your products are better than others, but because you are better at handling things than them, which makes people feel comfortable.

"Big brother, since you don't want to buy roses, why don't you buy a few big chocolates, 1 yuan for 1 yuan, which is very affordable." The young man had no choice, because the little girl gave in repeatedly. Feel more uneasy.So he also took a step back and bought 2 chocolates for 2 yuan.After buying it, he realized that he didn't like chocolate at all.

In this example, under the little girl's repeated concessions, the boy gradually changed from rejection to acceptance and obedience. Why did such a change occur?This is because the little girl's repeated concessions have caused a certain amount of pressure on the young man. The other party has made concessions. In return, I should also make concessions, and I cannot refuse to the end. I finally bought two pieces of chocolate that I didn't like. .

This kind of compromise in transactions and negotiations is a very effective technique for achieving compliance.This method is most commonly used in sales negotiations. When you have nothing to give to the other party or your excessive demands are not granted, it is easier to achieve the purpose of sales by taking the initiative to make concessions.Because, when you make a concession, you will put a certain amount of pressure on the other party, as if telling the other party: "I no longer insist on my request, I have already made concessions to you, can't you also make some concessions? "The result is of course that the other party also made certain sacrifices, which led to the transaction.In this way, in the mutual compromise, the party who takes the initiative to make concessions first will have a certain advantage, forcing the other party to retreat and agree to your request.

A home appliance company sent two salesmen to sell an expensive TV set. As a result, salesman A failed and failed to sell a single one; while salesman B successfully sold 10 TV sets.

Why is there such a big gap?
Salesman A can say that in order to achieve sales, he tried his best to persuade customers to buy his products, but most of the customers refused because the price was too high. Some customers said: Thinking about it is just for perfunctory, not really wanting to buy. Therefore, salesman A did not succeed in selling a TV.

And salesman B knows that it is difficult to sell such products, and must adopt certain strategies.Therefore, when he came to visit the customer, he first introduced another more high-end and expensive TV to the customer. After the customer refused, he said the TV he really wanted to sell, and said: " Since you think that one is too expensive, we also have a TV with advanced functions, but the price will be much cheaper, can you consider it?” It is in this kind of refusal and concession that the customer feels that the other party has already After making a concession, it is hard for me to refuse the next request, so many customers agreed to buy its products.Salesman B uses reciprocity psychology to make concessions on his own initiative, thereby inducing customers to make concessions and sacrifices to himself, and finally concludes a deal with himself.

This kind of sales method of first big and then small, first difficult and then easy, can indeed have unexpected effects.

In real life, such a strategy is also often used, especially in negotiations, one party will often put forward almost harsh requirements first, and then gradually make concessions on the basis of this requirement, and finally force the other party to make concessions, thereby achieving its own purpose.

Generally speaking, the higher the starting point, the more effective the process, because there is more room for concessions.

But in actual operation, this is not the case. If the starting point is too extreme and excessive, it will have the opposite effect.Because in this case, the party making extreme demands will often make the other party feel insincere, even if it makes a concession, it will still make people feel that the concession is insincere, so that it will not be able to put pressure on the other party, and will not achieve the effect of forcing the other party to compromise.Therefore, if you want to use these strategies, you must grasp the proportion according to the specific situation, so as to achieve the best influence on customers.

11.Innovation effect: reverse thinking can attract customers more
When we cut apples, we are used to cutting them vertically.If we cut horizontally, what will happen? After that, put forward your real request, which is equivalent to making a concession to the other party; and the other party is likely to make corresponding concessions to you, therefore, under the influence of reciprocity psychology, your request It is easy to be accepted and agreed by the other party.If there is no previous concession and the proposal is made directly, the possibility of being rejected is very high.

so different?Maybe we'll make new discoveries.Regardless of whether there is a new discovery, this kind of thinking is already new, because it is different from the reverse thinking of ordinary people.

Reverse thinking can be said to be the basis of innovation, and therefore the premise of development.It is precisely because of this reverse thinking that human beings have created many miracles.

The rotating shaft of the washing machine's dehydration tank is soft, and if you push it lightly with your hand, the dehydration tank will fall back and forth.However, when the dehydration cylinder rotates at high speed, it is very stable and the dehydration effect is very good.At the time of the original design, in order to solve the trembling of the retort and the resulting noise, engineers and technicians thought of many ways. First, thicken the shaft, which was ineffective, and then harden the shaft, but it was still ineffective.In the end, they came up with a reverse thinking, abandoned the hard and soft, replaced the hard shaft with a soft shaft, and successfully solved the two major problems of trembling and noise.This is a typical example of an invention born from reverse thinking.

In terms of sales, there are countless successful examples brought about by the use of reverse thinking.

If a person is restrained by rules and regulations, it is equivalent to restraining his own hands and feet.As a salesperson, if you think back to when you were in business, have you been more or less influenced by tradition in your way of doing things and the few deals you made?The answer is probably yes, even if you don't admit it or feel it.Because, when you act according to a tradition, you have sublimated it into your principle of doing things.Even if you are a person who is introspective every day, you will not always doubt your own principles of doing things. You will reflect on other things under the guidance of this principle.

Salespersons A and B belong to different leather shoe companies, and they are both sent by the leader to the same area to develop new customers.When the two arrived in the area, they also discovered that the locals did not have the habit of wearing leather shoes.So salesperson A directly called back to the headquarters, reported the situation truthfully, and then went home.Salesman B contacted the headquarters and said that there is a huge potential market that can be tapped in this area, because so far, no residents have been found wearing leather shoes, and he expressed his willingness to stay and develop new markets.After a period of hard work, salesperson B successfully occupied the leather shoes market in this area.

Sales staff must adapt to the market and customers, seek innovation while adapting, constantly tap potential customers, and seize unlimited business opportunities through the surface of the market. Only with this mentality can we fully grasp the potential opportunities in the market.Nowadays, most markets are dominated by buyers, and the traditional sales model can no longer meet the needs of reality, especially for complex and large-scale procurement processes.Because the sales model dominated by sellers in the past lacked awareness of customers, it was difficult to guarantee the success of sales.

Now many professional salespersons focus on the sales process and ignore the customer's purchase process. In fact, this is a very wrong approach.The most effective way to sell is to first understand why customers buy products, what they are used for and how they buy them.

If the seller wants to sell the product smoothly, he must take the initiative to understand the suggestions of decision makers, users and senior experts, etc., deeply understand the psychological needs of customers, and be able to understand the current situation in the purchase cycle from the eyes of customers. which stage.This kind of sales strategy from the perspective of buyers will be the best navigator to lead sellers out of the sales maze.

Zhang Zhiping is known as the "King of Artemisia" in Nanjing. He has won a good name for himself time and time again by virtue of his flexible way of thinking.The Artemisia reed in Baguazhou, Nanjing has long been famous, but when the artificially planted Artemisia enters the homes of ordinary people, its price has been as low as 1 to 2 yuan per catty.Once when Zhang Zhiping was a guest at a friend’s house, seeing the reed wormwood all over the place not only did not make the growers happy, but made them frown. No money at all.Zhang Zhiping sensitively realized that this was a good opportunity, so he actively understood the market, knowing that the high-end catering industry had not yet introduced this vegetable, so he decided to start the business of finely packaged Artemisia annua.

In order to prove the nutritional value of Artemisia annua, Zhang Zhiping specially invited the School of Food Science and Technology of Nanjing Agricultural University to test Artemisia annua.Tests have shown that the stems, roots, and leaves of Artemisia argyi are rich in vitamins, amino acids, and various minerals that are beneficial to the human body.With these proofs, Zhang Zhiping confidently purchased fresh Artemisia annua from Artemisia growers, processed and packaged it carefully, and then sold it to major hotels and hotels through his own sales channels.In this way, a green and healthy diet - "artemisia craze" has emerged in major cities. Fragrant fried artemisia and smelly fried artemisia have become well-known seasonal fresh dishes.

Zhang Zhiping tasted a lot of sweetness in the fine packaging business of reed wormwood, but the good times did not last long. In 2002, the price of reed wormwood suddenly fell sharply, from 2 yuan per catty in the past to 1 cents per catty. The more artemisia he had, the more he lost money.When the loss reached the critical point of 1 yuan, he completely lost confidence in Artemisia.

Zhang Zhiping, who was immersed in pain, accidentally tripped over something while walking. It turned out to be a dried Artemisia stalk.This suddenly stimulated his nerves. Although fresh artemisia was worthless, it might be quite different after being processed into dry goods.Experiments have proved that his idea can be established.Therefore, through special techniques and formulas, he turned this low-priced fresh Artemisia sold in season into refined high-priced dried Artemisia that is available all year round.Moreover, this sun-dried and air-dried Artemisia annua has a unique flavor and more bite when eaten boiled, fried, or souped, and its nutritional value has not changed.

After a period of promotion, this dried artemisia became a hit in the market and exported to the United States, South Korea, Japan and other countries.

In fact, as a salesperson in all walks of life, you must have a heart for innovation and change, especially for some sales managers.There is a saying: "Thinking from another angle is the first." Whether it is in business or in life, if you encounter difficulties, you may wish to consider the problem from another angle. Even if this idea does not work, there is always a way It works.In short, looking at the problem from another angle, it may be a situation of "the will is dark and the flowers are bright".

As a successful salesperson, you must always believe in your choices. A successful person is definitely not a follower, nor a person who dares not declare war on traditions or stick to his beliefs and ideals.

Salespeople need innovation. Only by constantly absorbing new things and creating new things can they really fight against those traditional bad habits; only by breaking the inherent way of thinking and adopting positive strategies can they gain greater surprises.

Sales is actually a kind of technical work. Whether you can attract customers depends on whether you can think of a way.We are always attracted by some practices that are contrary to conventional thinking, because everyone has such a psychology in their hearts - reverse thinking makes people feel very unique.If this kind of reverse thinking is used in sales, it will not be difficult to attract customers.

(End of this chapter)

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