Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 35 Secrets of Gold Medal Salesman: Only by closing the psychological distance with customers

Chapter 35 Secrets of Gold Medal Salesman: Only by closing the psychological distance with customers can you win customers (1)
The successful weapon of a great salesperson is ability!They are successful because they know how to break through the customer's psychological defense, and they know how to firmly grasp the customer's psychology, so they succeeded!If they can do it, so can you!Learn and master their secrets of attacking the heart, and train more in peacetime, and you will definitely be the next gold medal salesman!

1.Think from the customer's point of view

For the sales staff, everything should stand on the customer's standpoint and think about it for them, because sometimes customers do not necessarily know what problems they are facing and how to solve them.

Salespersons should know that customers are our bread and butter, so when serving customers, we must deeply understand their thoughts and try to stand on the same stand with them, so as to achieve a win-win situation.

Know how to change your identity and standpoint, that is, to compare your heart with your heart, and think about problems from the standpoint of customers. Only by doing this can you understand the thoughts of customers and shorten the distance with customers.In order to do a good job in sales, we must also learn to empathize.

In the process of sales, many salespeople have such a principle in their hearts, that is, "the only goal is to make profits."Therefore, under the guidance of this principle, many salespeople always do not hesitate to harm the interests of customers in order to gain more benefits for themselves.They either induce customers to buy some low-quality but high-priced products, or feel that "everything is fine" after they are sold out, and the matter has nothing to do with themselves, and they are indifferent to any problems that customers have during the use process... …the result of doing this may make you a lot of money in the short term, but in the long run, it is extremely bad for the development of the sales force.Because, if the interests of customers are damaged, it will undoubtedly reduce their trust in the sales staff. In the long run, a large number of customer losses is inevitable.

Therefore, in the process of sales, if the sales staff can solve the problems faced by customers as their own problems, instead of doing "one-off sales", it will undoubtedly enhance the trust between each other. The relationship will also be more stable, and the cooperation will be longer.

Mr. Zhang followed the delegation to New York. He saw two toys in a toy store in the city. One was a very beautiful plush Mickey Mouse, and the other was a model car that boys like.So he asked about the price, intending to buy it for his twin daughters.

But the salesman asked him, "Sir, are you from China?"

"Yes." Mr. Zhang wondered, is there a conflict between nationality and shopping?
The salesperson said sincerely: "Sir, if you are from China, I suggest you not to buy this plush Mickey Mouse!"


"Because it's made in China." After finishing speaking, the salesperson specially showed Mr. Zhang the "Made in China" logo.

The salesperson went on to say: "You can buy this new Barbie doll, which has just been launched and has not been sold abroad. Girls like it very much."

Finally, under the suggestion of the salesperson, Mr. Zhang bought two new Barbie dolls and a car model.

It can be seen that while serving customers and selling products to customers, salespersons must learn to stand on the same front with customers and understand the real needs of customers. Only a win-win situation is the long-lasting way to improve the relationship between you and customers more closely.

In the sales process, the most practical point of being considerate of customers is to be able to provide customers with solutions that add value and save money, so that salespeople can be welcomed by customers.Always think about customers, look at problems from the perspective of customers, help customers think about how to save money, and then make money from it. In fact, it is not contradictory to think like this, because when customers trust you very much, Continue to cooperate with you, after many cooperations.Of course, the profit you get from it will be much larger than "one-off sale".

In fact, the relationship between sales staff and customers is not antagonistic, nor is it a trade-off, but should be mutually beneficial.Therefore, when talking about business, the salesperson should learn to treat your customers like friends, be kind and friendly, not haggle over every detail, think about long-term development, and make the communication between them more harmonious.As the saying goes, "Sincerity leads to gold and stone", as long as people hold a sincere attitude, they can be invincible and there is nothing impossible.Apply this principle to sales and let the other party know your sincere desire for cooperation, which will give your customer great psychological satisfaction, and he will feel very relieved to cooperate with you, because your attitude is very sincere and natural , This will easily lead to the success of sales.

Salesperson Xiao Li is a person who is very considerate of customers. He adheres to the principle of "becoming a man before doing business" in the sales process. He insists on always thinking about customers and sincerely considers them from the perspective of customers.It is precisely because of this that Xiao Li's sales performance is always very good in the company.

Once, a foreign customer called to ask about the price of the machine they wanted to buy and so on.After listening to the customer's introduction, Xiao Li felt that the model required by the customer was not very reasonable. Although his sales would be very high if he followed the customer's requirements, he did not intend to do so.Xiao Li suggested to the customer on the phone: "I have carefully read your data just now, and I think the configuration of the model you reported is a bit unreasonable. Of course, there is no problem in using this configuration, but the problem is to To achieve the same effect, the number of machines and the capacity of the model can be reduced, so that your investment will also be appropriately reduced."

"Oh, is it?" The other party seemed to be a little surprised to answer, "But these types of machines are purchased according to the factory's regulations, and this has also been calculated by several engineers. There should be no mistakes, right?" Hearing this, Li was shocked. He even had a premonition that he might lose the business because of his lack of professionalism.But Xiao Li was still unwilling. After hanging up the phone, he made a detailed technical description and feasibility analysis report with the company's engineers, and sent them to the other party's mailbox by email.

A week later, the other party finally called, and the other party even told Xiao Li with some excitement: "Actually, I have made many phone calls before, but no one can explain to me in such detail as you, and also Don't forget to think about us. I will pass on the contract to you now, and our company has also decided that you are our long-term suppliers!"

From this example, it is not difficult to see that Xiao Li insisted on the concept of "thinking about customers" and finally won the trust of customers.In fact, salespersons should have such awareness in the process of sales, that is, in the process of communicating with customers, you are not imparting certain knowledge or preaching to your customers, but you are providing them with services and help. It is also solving problems and difficulties for them.Only when your customer realizes that you are serving him, not taking money out of his pocket, will he lower his psychological defenses and accept you very happily.Because, when you sincerely help others, almost no one will reject your sincerity.

2.Keep the hearts of old customers with human feelings

In reality, since customer development is a relatively difficult task, the cost of attracting new customers is at least 5 times that of maintaining existing old customers, thus highlighting the necessity of retaining old customers.So, how can you retain old customers?

(1) Make customers satisfied with you.Improving customer satisfaction is a prerequisite for retaining old customers. Only when customers are satisfied with your products and services and even your company can they retain the possibility.But we still need to pay attention, it is not an easy task to satisfy old customers, which also requires certain methods and skills.

① Don't give customers too high promises.Customer satisfaction is based on customer expectations.The size of the expected value determines the level of satisfaction, and there is an inverse proportional relationship between them. The smaller the expected value, the easier it is to be satisfied.It can be seen that lowering expectations is an important way to improve satisfaction.

How to lower customer expectations?An effective way is not to give customers too high promises. For example, if your company can provide after-sales maintenance services within 18 hours after receiving the notice, you can promise customers within 24 hours; If you arrive within 2 hours, you can promise to arrive within 3 hours.

As a salesperson, think more about others and consider the interests of others. Not only is it beneficial to gain the trust of customers, but you can also get useful information from the conversations with customers.

If a salesperson wants to be recognized by customers, he has to think from the customer's standpoint and consider the interests of customers sincerely, so that customers will trust you and then buy your products.

Through this technique, the customer's expectations are slightly lower than your corporate service level, and when the level you provide exceeds their expectations, the customer will have a sense of satisfaction.

②Provide value-added services.For customers, value-added services mean that manufacturers make profits, which can improve customer satisfaction.The long-term development of many enterprises is largely due to this.

Dell is not just a computer supplier, but also an advisor to customers in formulating technology strategies.

Dell's technical staff should spare some time to discuss future technological trends with customers.Such discussions allow clients to plan adaptations in advance of technological changes, rather than just being reactive.The value-added service provided by Dell will strengthen the relationship between the company and its customers and establish the most solid trust, honesty and partnership.

Of course, providing value-added services is not as much as possible, because when you provide customers with too much or too high benefits, it is easy for customers to base their next expectations on this time, and the burden on the enterprise will be too heavy.Therefore, the scope of value-added services should be limited to those services that are extremely useful or very new to customers, but not too difficult for salespeople.

(2) Let customers only see you.Once customers rely on your products and services, they will only see you in their eyes.The only effective way to let customers see you is to cultivate customer loyalty.The cost of cultivating the loyalty of old customers is far lower than the cost of developing new customers.

① Be open-minded and ask customers for advice.If you want to keep old customers forever, you must meet their needs with high quality and excellent service.

From the feedback from old customers to the company, you can find out how much customers like each product and why the product is not popular, which can help you improve your service strategy and even help the company find ways to improve its products.In addition, sales staff also need to spend a certain amount of time every month communicating with old customers to understand the needs of old customers.

②Establish interactive relationship.Loyalty is established through interaction and dialogue with old customers. Therefore, in order to establish a valuable interactive relationship with old customers, it is necessary to establish a dialogue relationship with old customers, and then extend this relationship to the extreme.The easiest way to achieve this goal is to try to understand customers.Only knowing when to offer what products can make customers willing to cooperate with you.

In the process of interaction, the customer and the company are combined through various communication bridges, and the company responds to the customer's response in a timely manner.Therefore, customers can see meticulous and personalized services, which will inevitably increase their satisfaction with the company and become regular customers of the company.

(3) Handle complaints from old customers in a timely manner.Some salespeople don't want to hear customers' complaints. They think that as long as customers don't complain, their products and services are good. In fact, this idea is wrong.Customers not complaining does not mean they are satisfied, because some customers think it is better to leave than to complain, and reduce the number of dealings with your company, especially the complaints of old customers.Usually the complaint of an old customer represents the voice of other customers who have not complained to you.Customers who complain are more likely to be loyal if their problems are resolved satisfactorily than customers who never complain.

①Don't simply say "no" to customers.Since the customer complains to you, he will definitely hope that you can solve the problem in his heart.If you just respond with a "no", you can imagine how the customer will react.Sometimes even if the service level required by the customer is too high, you can't meet it or arrange it in time, or you are unwilling to provide it, you can't ignore the customer's request without giving any explanation. The best way is to tell the customer your plight truthfully.

When you are brave enough to admit your mistakes, clients often appreciate your honesty.This will make customers trust you more, and will not have unrealistic expectations of you.

In addition, there is another way to increase the customer's goodwill towards you, that is, when you are unable to solve the problem for him, actively help him find ways and means to solve the problem.For example, you could tell a customer: "No problem, we don't have this business, but I know which businesses do, and here are their names and phone numbers. If they can't help, please call me and I'll help you out again Figure it out." If you don't know which company offers what the client is asking for, say, "I don't know, but let me look it up and I'll find you some lists for free." The client sees you If you think about him in this way, you will definitely feel valued in your heart, and you will definitely be the first to think of you when you buy similar products in the future.

② Deal with it in time.Now that the customer has complained to the company, it must be dealt with in time.For their opinions, they must respond quickly, and it is best to solve the problem quickly or at least show sincerity to solve it.Delaying time will only make customer complaints more and more intense, making customers feel that they have not been taken seriously enough, and the level of dissatisfaction will rise sharply.

③Do not argue with customers.One principle must always be adhered to when dealing with customer complaints: do not argue with customers.This principle is very important, even if the customer is wrong, don't argue with them, always have this idea in mind: the customer is God, and all their reactions are normal.

If an enterprise only has one-time transaction customers, it will not be able to grow and develop. To further develop the enterprise, it should constantly develop new customers and retain old customers, and establish friendly cooperative relations with old customers.In the same way, if you want to become a salesperson with outstanding performance, you should not only do business with old customers once, but do permanent business with old customers; emotion.Only with the support of old customers can we easily achieve extraordinary sales performance and become an efficient sales master.

3.Learn to listen and benefit endlessly

Listening is an effective sales skill and the first step to success.Being good at listening is the most basic quality of a salesperson, and it is also a "golden key" to discover the inner world of customers, and it is also an effective way to gain customers' trust and expand contacts.

Dale Carnegie, a world-renowned success scholar, once said: "In business, being a good listener is far more useful than boasting. If you are interested in what your customers say and you are eager to listen, then Orders usually come unsolicited."

Everyone wants to get other people's attention, or in other words, everyone wants what they have to say to be listened to and listened to, especially your customers.Churchill once said: "Silence is gold, listening is silver." In communication activities, silence when necessary can be very valuable.Your silence will not only make the customer think that you are attracted by what he said, but also buy yourself time to figure out the customer's mind, so why not do more things that are beneficial to both parties?

After regular customers have used your product, they will know how good your product is, and it will be much easier for you to maintain the relationship with them, because the product has already advertised for you.Developing new customers does not have this advantage, so you will spend more on new customers.

It has been said that the greatest compliment in the world is to ask the other person what he is thinking, and then listen to his answer.Salespeople must not only learn to speak, but also learn to listen.Being able to speak eloquently is one of the basic skills necessary for salespeople, but being able to speak is often just expressing one's own ideas and being self-centered.In fact, more often than not, salespeople should learn to listen quietly, listen to customers, and let customers express their ideas more, so that they can be customer-centric, make customers feel valued, and satisfy their psychological needs.At the same time, sales staff can also obtain useful information from the customer's expression to help them understand the customer's psychology, so as to achieve effective communication.

Sometimes it is wrong to say too much too good.Salespeople who talk to themselves are too self-centered, ignoring the mood and thoughts of customers, and not giving customers any chance to express themselves.It is precisely because of the talkativeness of the sales staff that they overwhelm the guest and suppress the light of the customer, which will inevitably arouse the customer's resentment and disgust.

Therefore, salespersons should learn to listen to customers, listen carefully, listen with great interest, listen actively, understand what customers say, and understand the psychology of customers, so that they can be targeted and find the psychological breakthrough of customers.

(End of this chapter)

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