Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 36 Secrets of Gold Medal Salesman: Only by closing the psychological distance with customers

Chapter 36 Secrets of Gold Medal Salesman: Only by closing the psychological distance with customers can you win customers (2)
Salespeople should not only learn to listen, but also guide customers to speak and encourage customers to talk more about themselves. This is the real secret of listening.Talking about the topics that interest him most is the shortest route to his heart.Sales staff can obtain the most useful information for sales from listening, and understand the real thoughts and inner needs of customers.

According to an authoritative survey, among the best salespeople, as many as 75% are defined as introverts in psychological tests.They are low-key, easy-going, and customer-focused.

They are very willing to understand the customer's thoughts and feelings, like to sit and listen to the customer's conversation.Their interest in being obedient is often greater and more positive than self-expression, and this is their recipe for winning clients.

Joe Gillard is a well-known salesman with extensive sales experience.Once, Joe Girard promoted a brand of cars, and a well-known local entrepreneur wanted to buy his products.

This entrepreneur is not highly educated and started from scratch, but he has a business mind.Joe Girard received the guest as usual, gave him the most detailed product introduction, and recommended several best models.Originally thought that the transaction would go well, but the result disappointed Girard.

That night, Gillard pondered over and over what the problem was, but he couldn't get a reasonable answer.So, he dialed the customer's phone number: "Sir, do you have a satisfactory model today?"

"Yes, there is," said the gentleman.

"But why did you go?" asked Girard.

"Are you kidding? It's late now." The other party was a little impatient.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. But can you tell me why? It makes a lot of sense for a failed salesperson."



"Okay, are you listening?"

"Very attentive!"

"But at noon, you didn't pay attention." The man continued. It turned out that he planned to buy it, because the car met his requirements on the whole, and there were no other problems, but at the last second Zhong He hesitated, because he found that Girard didn't have much interest in what he said, and Girard didn't listen attentively to what he said.That's why he walked away.Indeed, Girard recalled, his mind was on a good joke another salesman had told.

It is obvious that only good listening can win the trust of customers.Listening attentively to customers has many benefits for salespeople to achieve successful sales.

While listening, the salesperson should face the customer, lean forward, focus on the customer's face, mouth, and eyes, and occasionally jot down key points in a notebook.Let the customer feel that you will remember every sentence and every word he said.Showing great interest in the customer's speech is not only respect for the customer, but also can infect the customer with your focus, so that he can tell you more, and upgrade the conversation from superficial greetings to sincere exchanges.

When listening, the salesperson should not rush to draw conclusions about the customer's views and ideas, and wait until the customer has finished speaking before expressing his own opinion.Even if you disagree with the customer's point of view, try your best to control your emotions, don't get excited, let alone get angry, but try to find out more benefits that your product or service can bring to the customer, so as to convince the customer .

After listening to the customer's speech, the salesperson should be good at verifying his own understanding. You can answer with "um" and "oh" from time to time to show the customer that you are listening carefully to him; you can also ask questions appropriately or the content of the conversation Repeat, doing so will make you appear more sincere, the client will feel satisfied, feel that he has been paid attention to, and the chances of cooperation will become greater.

Obviously, in the sales process, we need to "listen" more to customers talking about their ideals, their needs, and what they are happy or unhappy about. Based on listening, we should quickly integrate this information and discover the ideas that customers have not expressed. Give supplements or take some remedial measures, so that the effect of sales will become better.Whether the customer is praising, complaining, refuting or blaming, the salesperson must listen carefully and show concern and attention in a timely manner, so as to win the favor of the customer and get goodwill in return.

4.Sincerely compliment your customers
Everyone, including our clients, craves compliments from others.Appropriately praising customers can not only reflect the high cultural accomplishment of the sales staff, but also contribute to the promotion of business.Therefore, those who know how to praise must be excellent salesmen.In sales activities, if you can properly praise your customer, it will give your customer a sense of accomplishment, so that he will have a sense of pride when he buys your product, and it will also have a positive impact on you. Good impression.

Of course, everyone can say words of praise, but praise should be moderate in life, too much will be counterproductive.Only by praising others properly can we gain the favor and trust of others.Therefore, pay attention to skills when complimenting others, you can refer to the following two examples.

At a customer's wedding banquet, the bride was not very beautiful, and even her legs were a little patient. Listening patiently could enable the sales staff to obtain relevant information in a timely and accurate manner, and seize the initiative to close the deal.

Listening is to give yourself time and space to think about the content of the customer's conversation, so as to better grasp the customer's needs.

disabled.In order to get closer to the groom's client, a salesperson went to the bride and praised: "I have never seen such a beautiful bride, she is so flawless and perfect!" The salesperson said to himself. Well done, he's actually offended both the bride and the client.Because everyone knows that his praise is too false. Doesn't the groom know that the bride's legs are disabled?Can this still be called perfect?It can be seen that such flattery by the sales staff, not only did not receive good results, but may cause the bride or the customer to misunderstand, thinking that the other party is deliberately satirizing herself.

So, how should we praise customers?
There is a boss who feels very good about himself, he attaches great importance to his personal image, and feels that he is very capable and outstanding.So he often put on a cold face, making people feel difficult to approach.After a salesperson heard that the boss had a bad temper, when he cooperated with the boss once, he said as soon as they met: "Mr. ××, hello, I heard other colleagues praise you a long time ago, saying that you are a good person." He is a very straightforward person, very capable in handling affairs, and is very good at taking care of us salesmen who are working below. It is a great honor to be able to cooperate with you this time." After hearing these words, the boss's face immediately Smiled and greeted the salesperson happily.

The success of this salesperson is that he praised the customer correctly, which made the customer relax his guard. Imagine who would embarrass the person who praised himself?

Psychologists have analyzed that everyone has a natural inferiority complex, which determines that people more or less like others to praise themselves for being smart, talented, energetic, and careful in doing things. I like to hear it.Therefore, as a salesperson, you must learn to praise, and more importantly, learn how to praise.

Carnegie once said: "The ultimate and deepest desire of human beings is the feeling of being important. This is why most people like to hear flattery. Even if they know these flattery are false, they still can't get tired of hearing them. "

But praise is also an art, and its skill is actually very strong.It's like painting. Everyone can do a few strokes of graffiti, but it's not so easy to paint a perfect work.Praising others should be easy, handy, and have relevant skills.

First, be sure to be sincere when you compliment someone.Only with a sincere attitude can customers be interested in your compliments and you can receive the desired results.If your compliments are insincere, the guests will hear it from your tone and attitude, and feel hypocritical instead, so it is better not to say such compliments.

Secondly, since praise is to find out what is commendable, it is necessary to observe, discover, and dig hard to find out what customers are proud of and hope to be affirmed.

Xiao Zhang's sales job is to sell seasonings such as soy sauce and vinegar to restaurants.

Once, Xiao Zhang went to a small newly opened restaurant to sell, and the waiter took him to see the boss.At that time, the boss was making dumplings with the chefs. Xiao Zhang hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile, "Oh, boss, even you are doing the cooking yourself? It seems that the business of the restaurant is really booming!"

The boss was taken aback when he saw this stranger, and then couldn't help grinning.Xiao Zhang looked around the kitchen, and continued: "Boss, this kitchen is so brightly organized, even the pot table is so white that it shines, no wonder customers want to come here to eat!"

After hearing this, the boss was even happier.He put down his work, took off the apron around his waist, walked towards Xiao Zhang, and said, "Brother, you really have eyesight, it seems that my decoration money was not wasted!"

The boss smiled and asked, "Brother, what can I ask you, brother?" Only then did Xiao Zhang explain his intention, and the transaction was completed in a reasonable way.

In the case above, the salesperson, seeing the boss cook in person, praised the "hotness" of the other restaurant, and then praised the prosperity of the restaurant. These are the facts that the boss knows, and he is naturally proud and happy when he hears it.On the contrary, boasting without any reason can only make people feel that it is a false compliment for sales, which is bound to be counterproductive.Therefore, when an experienced salesperson praises a customer, he always pays attention to the description of the details instead of making empty comments.

As a salesperson, you should also be observant and find someone or something that the customer deserves to praise and appreciate.No matter who it is, it is not unhappy to receive compliments.We don't suffer from making others happy, so why not do it?

As a salesperson, the customers you face are very different. Even if the words of praise are well-intentioned, the effect may not always be good.Therefore, you need to pay attention to the following points when praising:
(1) It must be based on facts, and the content of praise cannot be imagined out of thin air.If you just flatter or praise something out of thin air, customers may treat you as a "clown" and ignore you.

(2) Praise should also pay attention to the principle of moderation.You must be clear that the purpose of praise is to promote your product and sell it to customers. If it is just flattery, the promotion will lose its original meaning.

(3) In the face of different types of customers, the content of praise is also different.For male customers, they generally care more about their abilities and the fame and fortune they have gained, so when praising male customers, they should pay more attention to these aspects.Most of the female customers are more concerned about their appearance, clothing and the partner around them, so when getting along with female customers, the focus of compliments should be on these aspects.

5.Successfully dispel customers' doubts
In most sales practices, there will be such a problem, that is, most customers have a general suspicion or even distrust of sales staff.They believe that compliments from salespeople are the lubricant of human communication and a necessary skill for effective use of "soul transfer".For salesmen, if they can make good use of this function, they can often achieve unexpected results.According to research by psychological experts, if a person is praised by others for a long time, his mood will become happy, and his IQ will decline in a short period of time.Therefore, the salesperson should not hesitate to find the praise point of the customer to praise.

When using the skill of praise, the salesperson must master the timing of speaking and the degree of praise.Otherwise, the customer will think that you are not sincere at all, but just flattery, which will increase the customer's distrust of you and widen the distance between you and the customer.

The various information obtained about commodities often contain some false elements to varying degrees, and even some fraudulent behaviors.Therefore, in the process of talking with the salesperson, many customers think that the salesperson's words can be listened to or not, and they often don't care much, and even argue with the salesperson with a rebellious mentality.

Therefore, in the sales process, how to quickly and effectively eliminate customers' concerns is very necessary for sales staff.Because smart salespeople know that if the customer's concerns cannot be fundamentally eliminated, the transaction will be difficult to succeed.The reason why the customer has worries is probably because he has been deceived in his past life experience, or the purchased goods cannot meet his expectations; he may also have seen some information about the interests of customers from the news media. Injured cases.Therefore, they often hold grudges against the sales staff, especially some door-to-door sales staff are often rejected because of this.

Many salespeople still have misunderstandings in their understanding. They always like to speak according to their own ideas or the way they like.For example, as soon as the salesperson sees the customer, he will introduce them endlessly, always saying that his products are different, can bring a lot of benefits to customers, and are more popular with customers than similar products.But it's a pity that customers don't want to hear this. Even if you say it well, it won't have any effect on touching people's hearts, but it will make customers feel bored.Therefore, before the salesperson speaks, he should first think about whether the customer is willing to listen to this, and whether this will make the customer happy, otherwise, no matter how much it is said, it will be a waste of time.

Xiao Wang is a salesperson in a large electronics store.On a Sunday morning, a stylish lady came to her counter to inquire about the model, function and price of a new laptop computer.

After listening to the customer's request, Xiao Wang was not in a hurry to introduce the company's products to her, but first communicated with her to understand her needs, such as whether to buy the machine for personal use or as a gift for others.After hearing Xiao Wang's analysis, the customer felt that Xiao Wang was helping him, and he felt like a friend, and the distance between them was shortened, and they talked about everything after that.

In fact, Xiao Wang's adoption of this strategy undoubtedly easily relieved the customer's guard and made the customer begin to trust himself from the bottom of his heart.Next, Xiao Wang only needs to briefly introduce the product, and recommend suitable products to her according to the customer's needs, and the customer will easily accept it.When it comes to bargaining, the communication of ideas is even more important.If the customer buys the product as a gift, then the communication of the concept here is even more important.As a salesperson, you just need to let her understand that the price of gifts is not in things, but in people's minds. At this time, even if you charge a higher price, most customers are still willing to accept it.Therefore, as a salesperson, you must actively seek ways to make customers trust you, because only when customers trust you will they be willing to accept your products.

In the sales process, it is not difficult for the salesperson to gain the trust of the customer. As long as the customer thinks that you are serving him sincerely, and that your products or services are really what he needs, this It is enough to make him have sincere expectations for you.As long as you can reach a consensus with the customer, it is enough.Customers have sharp eyes and keen senses, so they take all your words, eyes, and actions into their hearts.A good salesperson should always put the interests of customers first.With this kind of work attitude, I believe that even the most difficult customers will be conquered by you.

The salesperson must become a wise man who is good at speaking, and he must be able to use the most ingenious language to speak to the other party's heart, so as to dig a successful sales channel for himself.Learning the skills of speaking can deeply attract customers and satisfy customers' listening psychology, so as to arouse customers' interest and attention.

As a salesperson, when you are negotiating with your customers, if your customers are hesitant, you should conduct self-reflection and recall whether there was a problem when you introduced the product to the customer , Is it very clear to introduce to customers?The sales staff must be clear about the doubts of the customers, and then analyze the specific problems according to the doubts of the customers, so as to fundamentally eliminate the doubts of the customers.Generally speaking, customers' doubts are mainly concentrated in a few aspects such as quality, after-sales service, and delivery capabilities. If you understand these aspects, you can do sales with ease.

For example, installment payment services can be provided for large sales items; if you have doubts about a certain technology, you can consult experts or professional research institutions for appraisal.

For salespeople, never hide product defects from your customers.Not every customer knows nothing about the products you introduce. If your products do have many defects, and if you brag about how perfect your products are, then your customers will not only know that your products are flawed problems, and think that you have problems as a person, so I won’t cooperate with you anymore.

In addition, in order to eliminate the customer's anxiety, the salesperson needs to use his actions and words to help the customer.Because the calmness and inadvertent self-confidence of the sales staff can often rebuild the confidence of customers.If the salesperson does not have a little confidence in himself, it is even more impossible to help customers build confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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