Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 37 Secrets of Gold Medal Salesman: Only by closing the psychological distance with customers

Chapter 37 Secrets of Gold Medal Salesman: Only by closing the psychological distance with customers can you win customers (3)
Of course, a confident attitude is not enough, you also need to back it up with words.For example, a customer wants to buy a product, but because of factors such as his level of understanding of the product, he cannot be sure whether his choice is correct.At this time, the smart salesperson will persuade the customer like this:
"I understand your thinking very well. You are not sure whether this product has the function you want, right? So I suggest you try our product, and then you can use it according to the effect of the trial To determine whether to buy or not, what do you think?"

At the critical moment of sales, salespeople can easily dispel customers' doubts by using their relatively skilled language skills.

6.Learn to think from the standpoint of customers

Ford, the American car king, said a well-known saying: "There is no secret to success. If you have to say something, it is to always stand in the position of others." In sales, if you learn to always stand in the perspective of customers Analyzing the problem, the effect of communication will exceed your imagination.

In fact, the easiest way to make your client trust you is to help him make the right decision.

During the sales process, the salesperson should try his best to eliminate the worries in the hearts of customers and make them feel that the products they buy are worth the money.In a sense, the process of eliminating customer concerns is also a process of helping customers restore confidence.Because when they hesitate to buy your product, it is very normal for their confidence to waver.At this time, if the salesperson can help customers eliminate their worries in a timely manner, it will help them strengthen their confidence and courage.

If your decision is correct, the client will deepen the impression of you.The deepening of the impression means that customers have begun to pay attention to you. If you work harder, you will gain the trust of customers.Of course, in this process, the salesperson must always grasp a principle: you are not here to be a teacher for customers, but to provide products and services for customers, and to solve problems for customers.In this way, the customer will gradually eliminate their grievances, and then accept you in their hearts.As long as you consider the interests of the customer with a sincere attitude in the process of getting along with the customer, you can win the trust of the customer, and the customer may also become your "advertiser" without spending money.

George, the general manager of the steel company, wanted to buy a house for the company, so he invited Wright, a well-known person in the real estate industry, and said to him: "Mr. Wright, our steel company has rented other people's houses for many years. Own a house of your own." At this time, George looked through the window and looked at the bustling street scene outside and said, "I hope my new house can also see such a view, can you help me find it?"

Wright had spent a long time thinking about the house George wanted. He had drawn drawings and budgets, but he still couldn't figure it out.Among the many houses that could be considered, the best choice is the building where George's steel company is located, because that is the only house that can see the street view that George requested, but George's colleagues hope to buy a new house.

When Wright talked to George about this matter again, he was rejected by George.Wright didn't object when George said he couldn't be interested in an old house, what he needed was a new one, he just listened quietly.He used the method of empathy, stood on George's standpoint, and after analyzing it for a period of time, he found that the house George wanted was actually the one he opposed, but George still didn't know what he really wanted. nothing more.After getting this information, he began to ask George the following questions: "George, where was your office when you started your business?" George replied: "Here." "Where was your company established?" "It's here too, in this office." After about 15 seconds, George said suddenly, "Yeah, this is the house I should buy, after all, this is the birthplace of our company! It witnessed After our start and development, what else is more meaningful than it? You are so thoughtful.” After saying this, George quickly agreed to buy the old house.So in a very short period of time the transaction was concluded.

Without using any special means or fancy language, Wright simply completed the sale.What's the secret?

The secret of Wright's success in sales is that he considered George's needs. He analyzed the house that George wanted from George's standpoint, and then used very clever methods to stimulate George's psychological needs, so that George understood the house he really wanted. Which building is it.His success is entirely dependent on his ability to put himself in George's shoes, stand in George's perspective, that is, this house has witnessed George's growth, has the layout and scenery that George likes, and this house has become A part of George's life, seeing it, seems to be able to see George's success, and the pride in his heart is self-evident, so this is a very meaningful memorial.In this way, Wright analyzed George's true intentions and helped George resolve his psychological conflicts, thus successfully completing the sale.

In short, the most important thing is to learn to stand on the customer's standpoint and put yourself in the customer's shoes if you want to make the customer cooperate with you happily.Only by standing on the customer's standpoint can you grasp the customer's true intentions, understand the customer's needs, and the sales work can be successfully completed.

7.Even if the customer is rude, don't be rude

Penn Life Insurance Company established an iron law: "Don't argue." The real sales spirit is not an argument, and people's minds will not be changed by arguments.As the wise Benjamin Franklin said, "If you're always talking and contradicting, you might win now and then; but it's a hollow victory, because you'll never get the other side's favor."

Therefore, you have to weigh yourself, do you want that kind of literal and superficial victory, or under what circumstances will customers have a sense of trust in you?The answer is when you become a consultant salesperson, because at this time they will trust you and are willing to follow your advice and make corresponding purchase decisions.

What do other people think of you?
Don't argue with your client, because nine times out of ten, the outcome of the argument will leave both parties more convinced than ever that they are absolutely right.If you lose the argument, of course you lose; if you win, you still lose.Because the customer has lost face and will not buy from you again.

Once, a lady walked into a food store angrily and shouted to the waiter: "I asked my son to buy the jam from you. Why is it short of catties?" Replied politely: "Please go back and weigh the child to see if he has gained weight." The mother suddenly realized, the anger on her face disappeared, and she calmly and happily said to the waiter: "Oh, I'm sorry, I misunderstood. "Here, the waitress is sure that she will not make a mistake, so there is only one possibility left, that is, the child ate the jam.If you directly argue with the customer: "I can't make a mistake, your son must have stolen it", or "You don't make trouble for your own son, but ask me if I am wrong, it is really inexplicable", this will not only not appease the customer anger, but will lead to a bigger debate.

Therefore, the waiter pointed out the problem that the lady had overlooked in a humorous and tactful tone, which not only maintained the reputation of the store, but also avoided a quarrel and won praise from customers.

As a salesperson, you must clearly realize that when arguing with customers, the failure will always be the salesperson.A sales jargon is "the more you take advantage of the argument, the more you lose from sales."A client once said: "Don't argue with me, even if I'm wrong, I don't need a smart salesman to tell me (or try to prove); he may have won the argument, but he lost this deal."

No matter how the customer criticizes us, the sales staff should never argue with the customer, and even sometimes maintain a "customer first" mentality in the face of unreasonable troubles from customers.Because arguing is not a good way to convince customers, as a philosopher said: "You can't convince a person who hates beer to like beer by arguing."

Customer: "Hello, I would like to ask the price of your company's latest laptop, if it is not too expensive, I would like to buy one."

Salesperson: "Oh, you must have heard about our newest laptop from the TV commercial?"

Customer: "Yes, I know that you have launched a new laptop computer from the TV commercials. I have always used your laptop computer, and I think your laptop computer is not bad, but why did you hire such an advertising lady? Don’t say it’s not good-looking, and it’s not good-sounding! Why don’t you invite ×× to advertise!”

Salesperson: "But I think XX is even worse, not as good as our advertising lady. Our advertising lady is selected after thousands of choices."

Client: "You said ×× is not good? She is the best star in Asia."

Salesperson: "What is the best in Asia? She is just famous in China."

Customer: "You're so tasteless! She's the best! Forget it, I won't buy your computer anymore, I'll look at other brands!"

In the above case, the salesperson lost a prospect simply by arguing with the client over something as trivial as the advertising lady.In fact, salespeople can completely ignore some trivial matters, otherwise they are likely to lose customers because of small losses.

Therefore, in the process of sales, never argue with customers, and don't mistakenly think that if you win this dispute, customers will buy your products.When you obey the customer's wishes and don't argue with him, you lose only the dispute, but you win the customer.Successfully selling your product is your real purpose.

In the face of criticism or distrust from customers, your best way is to obey their wishes and prove it to them with facts.The salesperson must not avoid the customer's argument, let alone try to argue with them, but try to guide the customer to speak, support the customer to speak, encourage the customer to speak, and let the customer openly express their different opinions, which will benefit both parties. There are certain benefits.Because only in this way, the customer will feel that he is valued, and you also know his true thoughts, which is extremely beneficial to the success of sales.

There are three basic premises for handling objections.

(1) Be relaxed and not nervous.Salespeople should realize that objections are inevitable. After hearing objections from customers, they should keep calm and not get angry or take hostile actions. Use the following sentences as opening remarks, such as "I'm glad you can offer your opinion", "Your opinion is very reasonable", "Your observation is very keen", etc.

(2) Listen carefully.After the salesperson hears the objection raised by the customer, he should express his sincere welcome to the customer's opinion, and listen attentively, and must not be indifferent, let alone interfere.

In addition, the salesperson must admit the customer's opinion to show respect for it. Then, when the salesperson puts forward the opposite opinion, the prospective customer will naturally accept his proposal more easily.

(3) Restate the problem to demonstrate understanding.The salesperson reiterates the objection raised to the prospect, acknowledging it.If necessary, ask the prospective client whether the restatement is correct, and select parts of the dissent to agree with sincerely.

8.Actively respond to and resolve customer complaints

Einstein said: "Patience and perseverance will always be rewarded." When salespeople face and deal with customer complaints, if they can have patience and perseverance, they will definitely receive satisfactory results.

However, if the salesperson cannot correctly handle the customer's complaints during the sales process, it will have a great negative impact on their work.Because an unsatisfied customer may tell all his relatives and friends about his dissatisfaction, and his relatives and friends will also tell his relatives and friends about his experience.By analogy, its destructive power cannot be underestimated.Therefore, we must learn to actively respond to customer complaints, and strive to let them spread their good reputation.

Generally speaking, customer complaints mainly come from the following aspects:
When the customer is unreasonable, the salesperson should keep calm and not be as aggressive as the customer.

Be patient, carefully explain and listen to the opinions of customers to understand the real needs of customers.

(1) The customer is not satisfied with the quality and performance of the product.The reason for this kind of complaint is probably that the advertisement exaggerates the value and function of the product. As a result, when the customer sees the actual product, he finds that it does not match the advertisement, which causes customer dissatisfaction.

(2) The customer is not satisfied with the service attitude of the salesperson.For example, some salespersons always introduce their products blindly, do not understand the preferences and needs of customers at all, and cannot give satisfactory answers to the questions raised by customers at the same time; All customers are treated equally, and there is a phenomenon of belittling, looking down on, and distrusting customers.

(3) Factors such as product safety performance, after-sales service, and price may also cause complaints and dissatisfaction from customers.

In fact, whether it is for the manufacturer or the sales staff themselves, the customer's complaint is to remind them to constantly improve themselves and be the best.Moreover, complaints largely come from expectations. When customers find that their expectations have not been met, they will also prompt complaints to erupt.If these complaints can be properly dealt with, it is very possible to turn bad things into good things, not only will not affect sales, but will make sales to a higher level.

Wang Yang saw a very beautiful sweater in a clothing store last week, but the style she liked happened to be sold out.Seeing that Wang Yang liked that style very much, the salesperson told her that the store would order an order in two days, and as long as she paid a certain deposit in advance, they could help her order one.

On this day, the salesperson notified Wang Yang to pick up the sweater.When Wang Yang picked up the sweater, he complained:

"Isn't it a sweater from a manufacturer? Why doesn't it look as good as other styles? The workmanship is so rough, there are threads everywhere, and the color is lighter than the one shown in the picture. I still prefer the one in the picture color."

Seeing this situation, the salesman standing aside smiled and said, "I'm really sorry, but I can guarantee that the quality of this style of sweater is absolutely the same as other styles of sweaters, and it's just out of the factory. We haven't had any trimming yet, so we have a little extra thread. If you're not in a hurry to take it back and wear it, I'd be more than happy to help you trim those threads. There's a slight difference in color, but I know now , you like the color in the picture better, I hope you will come to visit often when you are free, next time I will definitely introduce you to clothes of this color."

After Wang Yang heard the salesperson's sincere explanation, the complaints disappeared immediately, and he happily picked up the sweater and went home.Later, she became a frequent customer in this store, and also introduced many friends to patronize.

In many cases, salespeople must be prepared to face customer complaints.When a customer complains, the first thing a salesperson needs to do is not to be emotional.Perhaps in the eyes of the sales staff, some customers are nitpicking. The quality and performance of the products are obviously very good.At this time, the salesperson must pay attention to the tone and attitude of his speech, and the customer cannot be angry, you are more angry than him.When they complain, the salesperson must first be a loyal listener. He must restrain his emotions, let the customer finish speaking, and then talk as calmly and slowly as possible, and solve various problems raised by the customer. If you can't solve it, you can ask your boss for advice.This can alleviate the customer's excitement and anger to a certain extent, and also buy yourself time to think.Moreover, when the customer realizes your sincerity and your thoughtful service, the customer's anger will be reduced a lot.At this time, all problems may be solved.

In addition, in the sales process, you must be prepared to accept pressure so that you can solve problems smoothly when customers complain.At this time, the salesperson can understand the customer's feelings from the perspective of a bystander, so that the anger caused by the customer's complaint can be alleviated to a certain extent.If the customer's misunderstanding is deep and causes you great harm, you can tell your relatives and friends about the whole incident and the pain you have suffered in your spare time, so as to stabilize your emotions in this way, or ask them for help to solve the problem way.

(End of this chapter)

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