Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 39 Secrets of Gold Medal Salesman: Only by closing the psychological distance with customers

Chapter 39 Secrets of Gold Medal Salesman: Only by closing the psychological distance with customers can you win customers (5)
Fourth, emotional experience.Emotional experience reflects consumers' inner feelings and emotions, so that consumers can feel various emotions in consumption, such as family affection and friendship.

Fifth, relevant experience.Relevant experience is the personal desire to improve oneself through practice, so that others can feel good about oneself.It associates consumers with a wider social system, thereby establishing a brand preference.

Amanos, a well-known sales expert, is shrewd and capable. In less than two years, he was promoted from a junior employee to a sales supervisor.Here's a look at how he conducts his sales pitch.

Now to sell a piece of land, Amanos does not introduce to customers how good the land is, how there is room for appreciation, and how cheap the land price is, according to the usual practice.He first told the customer very frankly:
"There are several factories around this land. If it is used to build a house, the residents may find it noisy, so the price is cheaper than the average one."

But no matter how bad or unsatisfactory he says this piece is, he will definitely take customers to visit the site.When the customer came to the site and found that the place was not as unsatisfactory as Amanos said, he couldn't help asking: "How can it be as noisy as you said? No matter where you move now, noise is inevitable."

Therefore, in the minds of Amanos customers, they firmly believe that the actual situation will be better than the situation he introduced, and the transaction is very refreshing.

As the saying goes, "Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times." What people hear will feel a little unreal in their hearts. Only when they really see and touch can they produce texture.Therefore, when selling products, the salesperson should allow customers to see, touch, and feel your products, so as to deepen the feelings of customers, eliminate doubts and generate trust.

Xiao Zhou asked Ms. Liu to flip through the pictures, and at the same time accompanied her with her own explanation.He said: "Even if you stay at home, as long as you stand on the large and chic balcony, you can hear the sound of crashing waves and the cries of seagulls. Take a deep breath, and you can even smell the pine trees or the freshly harvested If you want to go out, you might as well go to a country store with local characteristics, pick up a strawberry there, and taste a strawberry. The sweet and sour, nectar-like taste is really unforgettable. If If you want to exercise, you can swim or go boating. There is a huge artificial lake there, and the boat is also a very distinctive canoe. Take a paddle. The wood is smooth and light, and it is very comfortable to hold. You feel energized..."

Xiao Zhou's description can be described as lifelike and full of reverie.He not only mobilizes the rich imagination of customers, but also fully mobilizes other senses of customers, such as hearing, smell, taste and touch, and makes these senses specific to each thing, making the images in customers' minds more vivid and clear. It creates strong anticipation.Before Xiao Zhou finished speaking, Ms. Liu couldn't wait to shout: "It's great, it's so beautiful, I must go, I must go."

Excellent salesmen are good at using various senses to stimulate customers, allowing customers to "see", "hear", "smell", "taste", and even "feel" the real side of the product, so that customers will have a strong sense of satisfaction. purchase desire.Seeing is worse than hearing, and touching is worse than seeing.Sales staff should be good at guiding customers to personally participate in your sales and demonstration work, and give the initiative to customers, and sales staff only need to stand aside to guide and explain.Only by letting the customer do it himself can he get the most real feeling and master the first-hand information, which is much better than the salesperson's own performance while the customer is only an audience.

Allowing customers to experience the benefits of the product in person can effectively stimulate customers' desire to buy, because their senses will stimulate their purchasing motivation, and then make them make up their minds to buy.As long as customers are willing to try it out, nine times out of ten they will buy your product.

Of course, some goods and services cannot be truly touched and felt by customers.For example, when promoting the "Ten-Day Tour to New Malaysia and Thailand", the sales staff of course have no way to move those tourist attractions one by one for customers to feel and touch, so how to get customers to actively participate in it?Although the salesperson cannot let the customer see and touch, but they can mobilize the customer's imagination, and through their own specific, vivid and lifelike descriptions, the beautiful things can be concretized in the customer's mind, creating an immersive effect , so that customers can also participate, so that customers can "see" what you have to say.People's imagination is very rich, as long as you can use clever methods to stimulate it, you can make people feel as if they have experienced it themselves.

Experienced sales staff will let customers touch and see real products from time to time.For example, when a salesperson sells a car, he must let the customer sit in the cab, open and close the door, press the horn, and listen to the sound of the engine, etc., so that the customer can personally and truly feel the performance of the car.If it is impossible to put the product in front of the customer, move it to the customer's mind, mobilize all the senses of the customer, let him truly and concretely feel the beauty of the product, and finally buy it happily.

Although experiential selling can shorten the distance between salespersons and customers and become a new weapon for salespersons to sell, experiential selling is not suitable for all industries and products.This method can only be used for products that are unknowable and whose quality must be determined through use.Therefore, salespeople can only practice experiential selling when selling this product.

11.Deliver value with heart, so that customers have no worries

For salespersons, enthusiasm is a true emotion from the heart that is highly contagious to customers and work.It can be said that there is no sales without enthusiasm.

Practice has proved that the salesperson's own enthusiasm accounts for 95% of its success, while product knowledge only accounts for 5%.Although many newcomers who have just entered the sales industry have not learned too many sales skills, they can continue to sell products and create quite good performance. The reason is that they are highly enthusiastic about their careers.For a salesperson, skill is not the only important thing, and the creation of performance often begins with enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm is a necessary condition for doing anything.Practice has proved that enthusiasm can still be passed on.Your state of mind often affects the state of mind of your customers.When you have a heartfelt enthusiasm for your work, your enthusiasm will be fully revealed through your speech and behavior, and passed on to your customers, so that he will also have an enthusiastic attitude towards you, and then accept what you have said. Promoted products.Therefore, enthusiasm is not only a state of mind, but also a "method" of sales.

Once, a salesman came to visit Napoleon Hill.He coldly brought the profile to Napoleon Hill, hoping that Napoleon Hill would subscribe to the Saturday Evening Post.

Of course, Napoleon Hill saw such a salesman without the slightest enthusiasm: there was no enthusiasm in his words, his expression was gloomy and depressed, and he desperately needed to earn his commission from Hill's deposit, but he did not say anything. Reason enough to impress Hill, therefore, he could not make this deal.

A few weeks later, another salesman came to see Napoleon Hill.She promoted a total of six magazines, one of which was the "Saturday Evening Post", but her marketing method was quite different.She looked at Napoleon Hill's desk and found several magazines on it. She couldn't help exclaiming: "Oh! I can see that you like reading books and various magazines very much."

With one short sentence, and a pleasant smile, and a tone of genuine enthusiasm, she had succeeded in interrupting Napoleon Hill's work, and getting Napoleon Hill ready to hear what she had to say, though Napoleon Hill had previously made up his mind not to put down the manuscript in his hand, so as to politely hint to her that he was busy and did not want to be disturbed.

Since Napoleon Hill herself is a learner of sales techniques and the principles of suggestion, Napoleon Hill pays close attention to see what her next move is.There was a stack of magazines in her arms, and Napoleon Hill thought she would unfold them and start urging Napoleon Hill to subscribe to them, but she didn't.

She went to the bookshelf and took out a collection of Emerson's essays.For the next 10 minutes, she kept talking about Emerson's "On Remuneration" article with such interest that Napoleon Hill paid no attention to the magazines she was carrying.Unknowingly, she told Hill many new ideas about Emerson's works, so that Napoleon Hill obtained valuable information.

Then, she asked Napoleon Hill: "What kind of magazines do you receive regularly?" After Napoleon Hill explained to her, she showed a smile on her face, unfolded her stack of magazines, and spread them out on Napoleon Hill. On the desk in front of Hill.She analyzed each of these magazines and explained why Napoleon Hill should subscribe to each one. The Saturday Evening Post allows for the cleanest fiction to be enjoyed; Literary Digest brings news to Napoleon Hill in summaries, the kind of service a busy man like him needs most; Magazine" can introduce Napoleon Hill to the latest life news of business leaders, and so on.

But Napoleon Hill did not respond as enthusiastically as she had imagined, so she offered him this gentle hint: "A person of your stature must be well-informed and knowledgeable, if not If you are a son, you will definitely show it in your work."

Her words are indeed the truth.Her words were at once a compliment and a mild rebuke.She made him feel a little ashamed, because she had researched what he read, and the six best-selling magazines she promoted were not on his desk.Then, Napoleon Hill began to "slip" and asked her how much it cost to subscribe to these six magazines.She replied tactfully: "How much? Ah, the whole amount is not as good as the fee for the piece of manuscript paper you are holding in your hand."

So, when she left, she took Napoleon Hill's subscription to these six magazines, as well as the $6 subscription fee.But that's not all she gets with her clever "hints" and "enthusiasm."She obtained the consent of Napoleon Hill, and went to Napoleon Hill's office to promote.As a result, she recruited five Napoleon Hill employees to subscribe to her magazine.

During her stay in Napoleon Hill's study, it never struck him that Napoleon Hill was doing her a favor by subscribing to her magazine.On the contrary, she made him feel quite naturally that she was helping him.This is a very clever hint.

The reason why this female salesperson was able to succeed was because she gave the customer a hint: I am helping the customer, not just making his money.In this way, customers can always experience the enthusiasm of the sales staff and feel that the sales staff can be trusted, and the customers will eventually accept the products promoted by the sales staff.

Enthusiasm is very important to every salesperson, especially a new salesperson.A person full of enthusiasm will radiate warmth among the crowd wherever he goes, so as to melt all prejudice and hostility, make customers open their hearts, and promote the success of transactions.

What's even more commendable is that enthusiasm can also enable customers to eliminate their rejection of the product and you, and make them reach a consensus with you.Knowing this, when you receive any customer, you should consider as much as possible what kind of impression you will leave on the customer, whether it is enthusiasm or indifference, whether you consider the product's help to them, or only consider yourself profits.

If salesmen want to be successful, they must maintain enthusiasm for customers at all times, so as to impress customers, shorten the emotional distance between each other, and make customers feel kind and natural, so that they can open the door of communication between each other and create a good relationship. An environment for exchanging ideas and emotions, so that customers can build trust in you.

There is no sales without enthusiasm. Enthusiasm can infect and resonate with customers.

(End of this chapter)

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