Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 40 Appendix 10 Sales Laws That Sales Elites Must Know

Chapter 40 Appendix 10 Sales Laws That Sales Elites Must Know

Hammer's Law: There is no bad business in the world, only bad businessmen. Jewish Armand Hammer was born in New York in 1898 and took charge of his father's pharmaceutical factory in 1917 while studying in medical school.Due to his good management, he became the only college student millionaire in the United States at that time.He conducted a large number of barter trades with the Soviet Union in the 20s, gaining great benefits both in business and in relations with Soviet leaders.Later he set foot in art collection and auction, wine making, cattle raising, petroleum and other industries, and achieved extraordinary success in each field.No matter from which aspect, he is a legendary figure.At the age of 20, he still works more than ten hours a day as the chairman of Occidental Petroleum Corporation, flying hundreds of thousands of kilometers in the air every year. In 90, he completed "Hammer's Autobiography", which is the condensed experience of his life's success.In this book, there is Hamer's Law.

The Law of 250: Don't offend any customer Joe Girard, a famous American salesman, summed up the "Law of 250" in the business war.He believes that behind each customer, there are roughly 250 relatives and friends.If you win the favor of a customer, it means you have won the favor of 250 people; conversely, if you offend a customer, it means you have offended 250 customers.This law strongly demonstrates the true meaning of "the customer is God".From this, we can get the following enlightenment, we must take everyone around us seriously, because behind everyone there is a relatively stable group with a large number.Treating someone kindly is like lighting up a lamp to illuminate the world.

The 80th Law: Grab the most important customers The 20th Law is a theory proposed by the famous Italian economist Pareto.At that time, in Italy, 80% of the wealth was owned by 20% of the people, and this economic trend was common in European countries - this is the famous "20/80 principle".Later, people discovered that the development of many things in society conforms to this law.For example, sociologists say that 20% of people concentrate 80% of human wisdom, and they are outstanding throughout their lives; management scientists say that 80% of people in an enterprise or an organization often complete 80% of the tasks and create 20% of the work. The wealth of ... sales as well.The "eighty-eighth rule" in sales usually means that 10% of orders come from 100% of customers.For example, if a mature salesperson counts 80 customers who signed orders throughout the year, and the number of signed orders is 8 million, then according to the 20th law, [-] of them should only come from two customers, while the remaining [-] Customers contribute a total of [-] sales.This has been verified in the sales industry, so it is also called the "twenty-eight iron rule".

The Law of Repetition: Saying a sentence more than once is to advertise any behavior and thinking, as long as you keep repeating it, it will be continuously strengthened.In your subconscious, as long as you can keep repeating some people, things, things, they will become facts in your subconscious.

For salespeople, the law of repetition means that after listening to the needs of customers, repeating these specific needs from time to time, so that customers can remember the most important points.Next, if you provide products that meet these points, customers will easily accept them.

Heck's Golden Rule: Integrity is the pass for salespeople A survey in the United States shows that the performance of excellent salespeople is 300 times that of ordinary salespeople.According to the data, outstanding salespeople have nothing to do with their looks, their age, or their introverted or extroverted personality.So, what kind of person can become a good salesperson?Heck King, an American marketing expert, has a famous saying: "To be a good salesperson, you must first be a good person." This is the law of integrity in Heck King's marketing.

Murphy's Law: Prepare for the worst Murphy's Law, also known as Murphy's Law, Murphy's Theorem or Murphy's Theorem, is a slang term commonly used in the Western world.

The main content of Murphy's Law is: if things have the possibility of going bad, no matter how small the possibility is, it will always happen.For example, you have two keys in your pocket, one for your room and one for your car.What would happen if you wanted to take out your car keys right now?Yes, you tend to take out your room key.

This situation may also be encountered during sales, which requires sales staff to prepare for the worst possibility in advance, and it is best to formulate emergency plans.

The Veblen Effect: The most expensive is the best The Veblen Effect refers to the fact that the higher the price of a commodity, the better it sells, and that consumers' demand for a commodity increases because it has a higher price tag rather than a lower one.It reflects people's psychological desires when they spend profligately.

A pair of leather shoes with the same style and leather can be sold for 80 yuan in ordinary shoe stores, but they can be sold for hundreds of yuan at the counters of large shopping malls, but there are always people willing to buy them. Spectacle frames worth 1.66 yuan, commemorative watches worth 6.88 yuan, and top-level pianos worth 168 million yuan, these almost "sky-high" commodities are often popular in the market.In fact, the purpose of consumers to buy such goods is not only to obtain direct material satisfaction and enjoyment, but also to obtain psychological satisfaction to a greater extent.This creates a peculiar economic phenomenon, that is, the higher the price of some commodities, the more favored they are by consumers.Because this phenomenon was first noticed by American economist Veblen, it was named "Veblen effect".

Hound Plan: Let customers grow like a snowball "Hound Plan" is the famous salesman Joe Girard summed up in his work.The main idea is: as an excellent salesperson, after completing a transaction, you must find ways to let customers help you find the next customer.

Gillard believes that doing sales in this line of work requires the help of others.A lot of Girard's business is helped by "hounds"—customers who get others to buy from him.

Albad's theorem: demand determines sales Albad's theorem refers to: the success of a business depends on the extent to which it understands the requirements of customers.If you see the needs of others, you will be half successful; if you meet the needs of others, you will be completely successful.The theorem was proposed by the Hungarian Albad.

Understanding, demand, belief and satisfaction are the four elements of customer procurement.When these four elements are in place, it means that customers will make purchases.Comprehensive understanding and control of customer needs is actually advocating a customer-oriented production and marketing model.The so-called customer-oriented production and marketing model means that the production and sales activities closely revolve around the four elements of customer procurement, rather than only according to a certain element, so that the requirements of customers can be fully met Gained the advantage.

DuPont's Law: Packaging Stimulates Purchase How to Stand Out in a Modern Marketplace With Hyper-Competition and Evolving Sales Styles?In addition to relying on product innovation and high-quality and fast service for enterprises to win, packaging is also becoming more and more important.From the market point of view, packaging is a formal product in the whole commodity, and it is a very important part of the content. Through it, consumers can have a desire to buy, thereby stimulating consumption.A survey by DuPont, the largest chemical industry company in the United States, shows that 63% of consumers choose products based on their packaging.This discovery is known as Dupont's law.

(End of this chapter)

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