Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 8 Mentality determines everything: sales elites must understand psychology

Chapter 8 Mentality determines everything: sales elites must understand psychology (2)
Japan's "God of Sales" Hara Ippei just joined an insurance company and sold corporate insurance to a large automobile company. However, I heard that the company has always insisted on not participating in corporate insurance. heart of.And Yuan Yiping visited the Minister of General Affairs for two consecutive months without interruption.In the end, the Minister of General Affairs was moved by Yuan Yiping's spirit, and decided to meet him, but he wanted to see his sales plan, but unexpectedly, he only saw half of it, and said to Yuan Yiping: "This kind of plan is absolutely not acceptable! "After Yuan Yiping went back, he made repeated revisions to the plan.The next day, he went to visit the Minister of General Affairs again.However, the minister said coldly: "Such a plan is useless no matter how many you make, because our company has a policy of not participating in insurance." It's useless to make a plan, but now it's useless to say how much it is, isn't this teasing people?However, he thought about it again, my purpose is to sell insurance, the other party has what he needs, and his own insurance is of great benefit to him, so this business is entirely possible to close.

So Yuan Yiping calmed down, said: "Goodbye!" and left.From then on, he continued to lobby the minister, day after day, time after time... Finally, Yuan Yiping, relying on his endurance, urged the other party to sign an enterprise insurance contract.

Generally speaking, new salesmen must have the ability and concept of self-control and tolerance when interacting with customers, but this does not mean giving up and shrinking back.In order to be tolerant without losing the principle, we must be responsive and formulate several plans in advance to be prepared.

So, as a fledgling salesman, when we encounter setbacks, what should we do to control our emotions?
(1) Admit that you are emotional.For example, if we are afraid of visiting customers tomorrow, we can tell ourselves: "I am afraid of visiting customers, but I will try my best." When we encourage ourselves, it shows that we admit that we have emotions, and at the same time we must work hard to adjust them.At this time, we will find that the emotions have disappeared without a trace.

(2) Try to calm the inner fluctuations.For new salesmen, it is inevitable to be emotional when visiting customers at the beginning, and this purpose can be achieved by diverting attention.For example, you can flip through magazines or photo albums to keep your mind calm; you can also focus on a person you like or admire; or take a few minutes to recall happy past events; you can also conceive a better tomorrow in your mind ; In addition, music can also be used to regulate emotions.

What needs to be emphasized is that sales work includes important daily affairs and various emergencies. If a new salesman wants to do all these well, he must learn to be patient.It is very important to cultivate this kind of ability. New salesmen must have this kind of ability both in psychological quality and in their work.This is the basic ability that an excellent salesperson must possess.

4.Use "good temper" to create good performance
For salesmen, it is their own choice to do sales. Since they have chosen, they should accept it happily, because it is your decision and represents your will; mentality to face.

Many salespeople always compare themselves to "rats in a bellows". They don't make a lot of money, but they suffer a lot, and most of the time they suffer from both ends.So what kind of salesperson can play their role well and do their job well?The only answer is a good-natured salesperson.

If the salesperson has a bad temper, he will ruin his career and future, because the customer is not your subordinate, it is impossible to be tolerant and obedient to you blindly or obey you unconditionally, and he will not actively cooperate with you to wear a few forever The right hat won't accommodate your bad temper.In front of customers, salespersons should strive to control their emotions, control their temper, overcome their habitual behaviors, and conquer their own ideas.Great salespeople are great because they can harness their emotions.

"Good temper" can create better performance, which is the experience of many sales staff.The so-called "good temper" refers to the ability to properly control one's emotions when negotiating with customers, not to be impatient, to talk with customers in a peaceful tone from beginning to end, and not to fight back with fierce words even if they are humiliated by customers , but can respond with a smile.This "smile when you are angry" work attitude can often impress customers, thereby changing their inherent ideas and finally completing the transaction.

On the contrary, a bad tempered salesperson can only lose his own customers in the end, so we should be alert to the influence of bad temper.If you want to eliminate this kind of anxiety, new salesmen must adjust their mental state, so that they will not be chaotic in the face of danger, not surprised by changes, face everything calmly at all times, and think twice before words and deeds.

As for how to eliminate anxiety, the practice of a manager of a company in the United States is worth learning and learning from new salesmen.

When this manager was working as a salesperson, he couldn't always put his mind right and work in a down-to-earth manner.

He wants to get ahead as soon as possible, but the gap between reality and ideal is too great.So he is going to resign and find a job that suits him.

Before writing the resignation letter, in order to vent his anger, he wrote down his opinions on every leader in the company on a piece of paper, and then showed it to his old friends.

However, my friend did not stand in his position and criticize some wrong practices and guiding ideology of those leaders with him, but asked him to write down some advantages of the company's leaders in order to change his views on leaders. Let him write down the advantages of those successful salespeople in the notebook, let him take this as the goal and work hard.

Under the enlightenment of his friends, the anger in his heart gradually calmed down, and he decided to stay in the company. He also vowed to work hard to learn from others' strengths to make up for his own shortcomings, and to make some achievements for others to see.

From then on, the salesman learned a way to vent his anger. Whenever he couldn't help it, he wrote down the anger in his heart and read it, so that his heart would be much calmer.

To be a successful salesperson, you need to control the following emotions:

(1) Lost temper.When doing sales work, being rejected is commonplace. At this time, you should not lose your temper, but keep a calm heart at all times.

(2) Suspicion.Suspicion is the corrosive agent in the business world, and it can undo all previous efforts in a deal that is about to be closed.If there is a misunderstanding with the customer, you must pay attention to communication, otherwise you will lose the customer due to suspicion.

(3) Jealousy.Jealousy is extremely detrimental to a person's physical and mental health.As far as a salesman is concerned, if he sees that other colleagues have achieved good performance, he will be jealous, curse or even slander, and if he encounters setbacks, he will gloat over other people's misfortune, then he will never get help from his colleagues, and it will be difficult to open up the situation in sales work.

(4) FEAR.A failed experience or an embarrassing encounter can make a person fearful.Especially fledgling salespeople.In order to overcome this weakness, new salesmen must practice their sales skills hard, develop a strong psychological quality, and dare to visit the door continuously.

(5) Anxiety.If you have anxiety and do not try to control and overcome it, you will lose confidence in front of customers.As a result, it is difficult for customers to believe what the salesperson is selling.

(6) Self-cherishing complex.People with a bad temper usually set a frame for themselves: "I am just a little short-tempered, but I have a better heart, integrity, and a gentle personality." Such people usually have a self-cherishing complex, and will put themselves in a certain A bad temper in an environment becomes a habit, and it is regarded as a creed inadvertently, so that a bad temper becomes a bad character.

In fact, in life, whether it is a top-level salesperson or a new salesperson, everyone will get angry sometimes, and no one will never be angry forever.However, it is possible to get angry less and less easily.If you want to control anger, you must treat both the symptoms and the root causes.If we want to cure the root cause, we need to strengthen personal cultivation, including improving cultural literacy and moral sentiment, broadening the psychological capacity, and not worrying about trivial matters.

Sales work is a hard job, but also cumbersome, but if you face this job with a happy attitude, then you can also experience the joy of work from it; and a happy salesperson will also give customers happiness. Bring happiness, then his sense of identity with you will increase.

5.Practice open-mindedness to keep smiling at all times
As a salesperson, perhaps you have had the experience of encountering unexpected obstacles in your sales process, which made you feel that the situation was serious.For example, we all know the importance of being well-prepared, especially if you want to do some live performance presentations in front of clients, you can't go wrong.For this reason, before you go out, you always check twice, for example, is the fuel tank full?Are you bringing a variety of different foods to show off your food processor...however, there is always a secret and there are many things that are out of your control, even if you are the top salesperson.Do you remember all the accidents you had in live performance demonstrations: when you were applying tension to prove the high strength of the material used in the product, but unexpectedly the product burst and broke; when you opened a bottle of wine When, in front of more than 50 people, the wine is sprayed all over your upper body.Of course, the more embarrassing situation is that when you want to use the projector, the bulb suddenly burns out, and the spare box is empty.We are all more or less unimaginable and make mistakes of varying degrees.If you never make a mistake with a presentation, it's just a sign that your credentials in sales are not very deep.

When talking about the secrets of sales, many senior salespeople focus on how to improve their sales skills. This seems to be the only secret of sales promotion, but in fact it is not the case. The success of sales promotion actually depends on the mentality of the salesperson .

Dickens once said: "A sound mentality is more powerful than a hundred kinds of wisdom." As a salesperson, what kind of mentality you have will determine what kind of performance you will achieve.When many successful salespeople talk about their own success, they will have a consensus - performance is not controlled by fate, but by mentality.Learning to deal with failure with a positive attitude can inspire intelligence and ingenuity.

Xiaolong was a sales elite when he first started working. He not only has impressive performance, but also has a good relationship with customers. He also gets the highest performance award every month. He will definitely be there for personal progress every year.

The company is going to adjust personnel recently, and everyone thinks that the manager of the sales department must be him.

However, the company appointed a second-rate salesperson as the leader. Everyone was surprised, and it was difficult for Xiaolong himself to understand the reason for it.His performance and ability are above this person, why can't he be qualified for this position?So he was full of dissatisfaction.

Xiaolong began to complain about the injustice of the leader. He focused all his work on confronting the new leader. Naturally, his sales performance plummeted, and finally he resigned angrily.

Xiaolong came to another company to do sales with new vision and hope. Everything was still starting from scratch, without the previous impressive achievements. In the new position, Xiaolong started to fight again.But he didn't learn from the previous failures, and started a new job under the dominance of this kind of thinking, and the result was to repeat the same mistakes.

Perhaps until now, he is still puzzled, why some colleagues surpass themselves, but he is still standing still?In fact, to achieve success, a correct mentality is indispensable. Even in the face of failure or suffering, you should readjust your mentality.

Salespeople must have indomitable courage in the face of setbacks and failures.When you have experienced countless failures, you must have enough patience.You have to know that all failures are preparations for future success.In this regard, you can refer to the following suggestions.

(1) Laugh at your own mistakes.Many times, laughing it off is the best way to get rid of embarrassment.Laughing at yourself can lift you out of embarrassing situations.

Once, a small D, a salesperson, was showing a high-quality motor oil to a group of transporters. Everything went smoothly and the audience was very attentive.Little D held two test tubes containing different qualities of motor oil, and each test tube had its opening sealed with a rubber pad.When he was about to turn the test tubes upside down to compare the speed at which the oil slipped, he did not expect that the rubber pads of the two test tubes fell off.For a moment, engine oil spilled all over the podium, and Little D's whole body was also affected, and he held two empty test tubes high in his hand.

How is the result?Little D looked at them, and they also looked at Little D.Little D saw the corner of the audience's mouth twitch suddenly in the corner, and then Little D started to laugh out loud by himself.Little D stood on the stage and laughed, and the audience in the whole room also laughed.

If Xiao D had dealt with it with a very serious attitude at that time, it would have turned into a very failed exhibition.

After such a big embarrassment, Xiao D can still laugh out loud, showing that he doesn't care much about this little accident, so the audience won't feel embarrassed.The audience must know that this is an accident, and they can also take this opportunity to know whether he is a person who is at a loss when encountering unexpected situations.

(2) Laugh off the slander.What should we do if we encounter defamation from a rival company?A politician said: "The truth has not yet sprouted, and the lie has already spread half the world." Such lies are very harmful to the company. If you deal with it with a very serious attitude, it is likely to make the other party misunderstand. Thought you were really worried about the situation.

Salespeople often face more and more complicated competitive environments than ordinary people, especially when they first start working, it is common for them to face failures. It depends on how you treat them.Why are the same people who are doing sales together, some people can make outstanding performance, while some people are mediocre and achieve nothing, and some people even change careers at the beginning of their work.This is why different mindsets come into play.

Sometimes, even if your performance is excellent, you may not be recognized, so you have to calm down and learn to laugh it off.

A smile comes from happiness, it brings happiness and it creates happiness.In the sales process, with a slight smile, both parties get the message "I am your friend" and "You are the one worthy of my smile" from the smile from the heart.Although a smile is silent, it expresses many meanings as follows: joy, joy, agreement, approval, respect.As a successful salesperson, please always put a smile on your face.

A smile is like a good medicine, it can infect everyone around you.No one will take a liking to a person who is always frowning and frowning.A person who can greet people with a smile and make others feel happy is the person who is the easiest to win the favor of others.

6.Courage to overcome stage fright
As a salesperson for the first time, when you are about to speak to strangers, your heart often beats faster, and you forget all the greetings or opening remarks you have prepared, right?At this time, we will be more envious of those successful salesmen who can talk to strangers without rushing.

In practice, most of the fear of salespeople comes from "dare not to deal with people". We call this phenomenon "lack of interpersonal courage", especially for new salesmen.More than 40% of salespeople were eliminated due to lack of interpersonal courage. Most of these people exposed such problems not long after joining the company.

There are many new salesmen who only pay attention to the learning of skills and knowledge, but ignore the training of how to overcome fear.Not only that, there are many people who already have rich sales experience, but they also lack interpersonal courage in their bones.They have no problem in mastering the products and skills. They are very diligent and have even won the respect of customers. However, their turnover rate is not high, and many customers who have seen their hands are even lost.Their method is to visit and introduce products again and again, and then be dragged down again and again, and finally lose customers.This phenomenon is very common in many companies.

The reason, we found, is still closely related to the salesperson's lack of interpersonal courage.

Liu Yang is a new salesman in a certain company. Once, he needed to visit a client. Before he went, he heard from his colleagues that the client was the boss of a large company and he was very serious.So from the very beginning, Liu Yang began to worry in his heart, afraid that the client would embarrass him, or simply scold him.The more he thought about it, the more afraid he became, and he even wanted to give up, but he had already made an appointment with the client, and he still had to go to the meeting.

On the way to the client's company, Liu Yang was uneasy all the time, imagining various possible situations, and his mood became more and more heavy.When he finally arrived at the customer's door, Liu Yang didn't even have the courage to knock on the door.At this time, the door opened suddenly, and it happened to be the boss, so Liu Yang followed the owner into the office.The customer was very polite to Liu Yang, and he was not as serious as others said, but the more enthusiastic the customer was, the more nervous Liu Yang became, and in the end he didn't even know what he was saying.Seeing Liu Yang's behavior like that, the customer was very dissatisfied, so he found a reason to let him leave.The business, of course, didn't work out.

(End of this chapter)

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