Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 9 Mentality determines everything: sales elites must understand psychology

Chapter 9 Mentality determines everything: sales elites must understand psychology (3)
The impact of stage fright on sales work is fatal.When the salesperson is red-faced, hesitant, incoherent, and listless in front of the customer, it will leave a negative impression on the customer.Customers will think that the salesperson is dishonest, incompetent, and immature, so the trust in the salesperson will also decrease. Even if the product is very good, the customer will lose the desire to buy.Over time, it will affect the reputation of the sales staff and make customers no longer come.

The psychological quality that an excellent salesperson should have is not to be afraid.Because the number one killer in a sales career is neither the price of goods, nor the macroeconomic depression, nor even a competitor's strategy, or customers who refuse to meet, psychologists believe that what really hinders a salesperson's success is when they call on customers. timidity.

Sales staff must dare to sell themselves, and at the same time, they must be willing to promote themselves, so as to win the approval of the people around them to the greatest extent.In fact, as long as you can muster up the courage and take the first step bravely, things in the future will not make you feel so difficult.As long as you do the following, you will definitely overcome your fear.

(1) Believe in yourself.Self-confidence is the foundation of all business success.In the sales career, believing in yourself means not only believing in your ability to handle affairs, but also believing in the correctness of your choice of sales career, believing that your work can bring health, wealth and career to everyone, and believing that you are the one who brings the product , Share love with friends.As long as you have established the self-confidence and pride of this profession, you will naturally bravely approach strangers.

(2) Evaluate the other party.When two people meet for the first time, they often naturally care about other people's evaluation of themselves.However, as a salesperson, if you always care about the other party's thoughts, you will feel anxious about your gains and losses psychologically, which will generate huge pressure, and of course you will appear nervous and overwhelmed.Therefore, you might as well forget about yourself for a while, and evaluate the other party instead, carefully observe the other party's expression, clothing, and speaking demeanor, and find out the other party's weaknesses.In this way, you can change from passive to active psychologically, and feel equal to the other party, and the sense of oppression and fear will also be alleviated accordingly.

(3) Speak loudly.When meeting for the first time, you might as well try to let go of your voice as much as possible, talk loudly, hold each other’s hand forcefully, make a harmless joke or laugh heartily, all of which will quickly relieve the tension, and the fear and cringe will be eliminated. Was thrown out of the cloud nine.

(4) Feel relaxed.There will always be some daily chores in our lives that make people irritated, but please keep in mind that unpleasant emotions will give the other party an unpleasant impression.Therefore, when meeting strangers.You must put aside the things that don't go your way, think of something that makes you happy, try to hum a few words of your favorite songs, step on brisk steps, let your mood soar, and present a happy you to others.At this time, are you still nervous?

(5) Be indifferent to gains and losses.When interacting with others, I hope to achieve the goal immediately, but I often fail to achieve it quickly. Instead, I appear flustered and stiff because of my eagerness for success, which makes me embarrassed and unable to exert my due strength.Therefore, when approaching strangers, don't take the gains and losses of the first meeting too seriously, just tell yourself that it is enough to establish a good relationship with the other party and win the chance to meet again.In this way, you will interact with people calmly and calmly.

7.Refuse to be pessimistic, stick to the end
Excellent salespeople are those who dare to stick to their dreams.They stick to their dreams and knock on the door of their dreams with the bricks of wealth.For the sake of their family and themselves, they bravely pursue wealth and pursue their dreams. When facing strangers, salespeople often dare not take the first step and always want to turn their backs to escape.In fact, as long as you have the courage to face the difficulties, things in the future will not scare you.

As long as you never shrink back, go all out to do sales, and muster the courage to achieve your goals no matter what, you will be successful.Only in this way, you will try every means to contact with customers and persuade them to buy your products.

think!Great salespeople turn subconscious passions and beliefs into superconscious decisions and actions to achieve their goals.

Takagi is a well-known salesman in Japan and has written many books.He said: "Don't be a person who just turns around at the foot of the mountain and has no will to climb the mountain. You must do your best to climb up. With this ambition, even if you don't have enough skills, you can still reach the top of the mountain. "When Takagi first entered the sales world, everything was unsatisfactory.He goes to more than [-] units every day to sell copiers.In the post-World War II days of waste, copiers were an expensive new commodity that most organizations would not buy.Most agencies don't even let salesmen in the door; even if they do, it is difficult for salesmen to see the supervisor.Takagi had no choice but to try to get the supervisor's home address, and then visit him.But the other party often shut him down: "This is not an office, and we don't talk about official business. Go back."

The second time I went again, the other party's tone was even tougher: "If you don't leave, I'm going to call the police!"

In the first three months, the performance was zero, and he didn't even sell a copier.He has no basic salary, and all income comes from the profit sharing after the transaction is completed.Without a business, he had no income, and he couldn't afford a hotel when he was on a business trip, so he had to spend the night in the waiting room of the train station, but he still persisted.

One day, he called back to the company and asked if any customers had come to order copiers.He calls this kind of phone every day, and every time he gets a weak answer from the person on duty: "No." But this day, the tone of the answer is different: "Hey, Mr. Takagi, there is a securities company interested in buying, you hurry up Get in touch with them."

It was a miracle. The company decided to buy 8 copiers at a time, with a total price of 108 million yen. Calculated based on 60% of the profit, Takagi could get paid more than 19 yen.This is his first success.Since then, times have turned around, and his sales performance has skyrocketed, which surprised even himself.After entering the company for half a year, Takagi is already the best salesman in the company.He felt that he was able to succeed because he had devoted his entire life to this work.

One day he went to a certain mechanical and electrical company to sell, the supervisor listened carefully to Takagi’s product introduction, and then said: “Please show me a copy of the drawing.” Takagi sent the drawing over, and a new request came again: “ Please show me the list of units that have used this copier."

Takagi took the trouble to sort out another list and send it over.The man said, "Please calculate the cost for me again."

In short, every time he goes to the other party, he has new requirements, but he doesn't mention the purchase.Takagi responded to every request.It dragged on for two months, and the supervisor actually asked: "Can you invite your president to come here once?"

Takagi didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, but he still invited the president to visit the supervisor.

During the meal, the executive said to the president: "You, Mr. Takagi, are really amazing. I have worked for so many years, and I have met many salesmen, but he is the only one who can completely follow my requirements." Since then From now on, all the purchases of copiers by this mechanical and electrical company will be handed over to Takagi.

Joe Gillard once said: "Successful people are sometimes forced out. I think most people will admit that they are successful because of their tenacity and constant pursuit of success. In fact, tenacity Persistence is the guarantee of success.”

Some salespeople are pessimistic by nature and think of the worst in everything, so that they find a bunch of excuses for failure before taking action; others like to list some reasons in a big way, as if they are doing a major event in life.It is undeniable that there are countless excuses for not being able to do it, but those who love to make excuses often have a higher probability of failure than ordinary people, so they must not start making excuses before doing things.

Therefore, as a new salesman, if you want to minimize setbacks, or to deal with setbacks calmly, you must have the following mentality:
(1) Enthusiasm.How can a person who is not enthusiastic about his career arouse the enthusiasm of customers?The enthusiasm of a salesman is a contagious emotion. He can drive people around him to pay attention to certain things. When you communicate with customers enthusiastically, your customers will also "reciprocate and reciprocate." Peach".When you are walking on the road, you happen to bump into your client, you extend your hand, and greet each other enthusiastically.Maybe, he hasn't met someone who values ​​him so much in a long time, and your enthusiasm may lead to a new deal.

(2) Keep a sincere heart forever.Attitude is the basic requirement for new salesmen to succeed in the face of setbacks. As a salesperson, you must have a sincere heart and treat customers and colleagues sincerely. In this way, others will respect you and regard you as a friend.

For this reason, many sales masters pointed out that newcomers who have just entered the sales industry must first be sincere to people.

Be true to yourself and be true to others.In this way, we can win the respect of the other party by respecting ourselves and others, and only in this way can we suppress the occurrence of setbacks.

(3) Self-confidence.Self-confidence is a kind of strength.First of all, you must have confidence in yourself. When you start working every day, you must encourage yourself: "I am the best! I am the best!" At the same time, we must believe in the company and believe that the company provides the best products to customers , Believe that the products you sell are the best of their kind, and believe that the company provides you with opportunities to realize your own value.

(4) Toughness.Sales work is actually very hard, which requires sales representatives to have the toughness and perseverance. "Only by suffering through hardships can one become a superior person." Half of the sales work is carried out with feet, and one has to constantly visit customers, coordinate with customers, and even track down consumers to provide services.Sales work is by no means smooth sailing, and you will encounter many difficulties, but you must have the patience to solve difficulties and have an indomitable spirit.

(5) Good psychological quality.Only with a good psychological quality can we not be discouraged in the face of setbacks.

Every customer has a different background, and also has a different personality and way of dealing with the world. When you are hit, you must be able to maintain a calm mind, analyze your customers more, constantly adjust your mentality, and improve your working methods so that you can face all criticisms. Only in this way can we overcome difficulties; at the same time, we must not get carried away by the success of the moment. We must know that "extreme joy breeds sorrow". Only in this way can we win without pride and lose without discouragement.

(6) Responsibility.Whether you are a newcomer to the sales industry or an old salesman, your words and deeds represent your company.If you have no sense of responsibility, your customers will be like you, which will not only affect your sales, but also affect the image of the company.Undoubtedly, this is also the reason why you are punished by frustration.

8.Be persistent, don't give up easily
Many salespeople start to feel disappointed and discouraged after a lot of hard work and no results. They would rather give up and start again than persist for a while.Although they have a strong desire to succeed and a strong ability to work, they still choose to give up after encountering setbacks.However, sales is a job that requires endurance and strong willpower, and the dawn of victory often lies in your last persistence.It is normal for salespeople to be rejected when they sell products to potential customers, and we should face it with the right attitude.Even if the probability of success is slim, but as long as there is a possibility, we must bravely accept the challenge.Only by being brave enough to accept the challenge can we grasp the opportunity of success.If you give up at the beginning, the horn of victory will never sound for you.

At least 500 of America's wealthiest people have personally said that the distance between their most spectacular successes and the setbacks that hit them is only a step.If you want to be successful, you must not be influenced by the mood of giving up. Only by persevering can you achieve your goals. You must have a firm belief that you must persevere no matter what.

The great winners are those who fight when most others take off their helmets because of failure.Mr. Saito, a sales representative of an insurance company in Japan, said: "If you fail to achieve your goal in the first sales communication, then you have to follow up the sales to the customer continuously until they become another contracted customer of yours. "When you encounter difficulties and setbacks, you must persevere and don't give up lightly. This is an essential psychological quality for an excellent salesperson.

Carlson, the salesperson to be talked about below, is this kind of persevering person.

Carlson went to great lengths to sell his company's valves to a Chicago candy factory that had been using another brand of valves for 25 years.One day at lunch he stopped the chief mechanic of the candy factory and said he was going to see him at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Just after two o'clock, the chief mechanic stormed into the drawing room and glared at Carlson angrily.Carlson hurriedly asked him to sit down, and asked straight to the point: "Is the valve you use leaking?" "It's not my business to buy the valve!" The chief mechanic said loudly, "You can go to the chief engineer."

Carlson pretended not to hear him, and continued to ask: "What equipment has the most leaking valves?"

"On the caramel steamer," said the Chief Mechanic reluctantly, "but I have no right to buy any valves."

At this time, Carlson had already begun to show his samples. He disassembled the valve and showed it to the chief mechanic:
Because the trimmed thin steel sheet is placed between the extra-hard base and the plugging plate, the valve can be absolutely sealed. "What size valve do you use on your caramel steamer?" Carlson asked.

"Three-fourths of an inch," replied the chief mechanic dryly, "but I've told you I don't want any valves."

Carlson didn't listen to this at all, but ordered to the confused chief mechanic: "You write a purchase requisition and say you need a 3/4-inch solid valve, go in and ask your buyer for one." An order. Then you will see that the leaking valve problem will be completely solved. Go ahead!"

The chief mechanic came in and brought an order for the valve that was being tested.In a few minutes, Carlson did what his company's dealers and salespeople hadn't done in 25 years. The reason is that his ears would be automatically plugged whenever the word "no" appeared.

In the sales process, a common setback for salespeople is being rejected by customers.Especially for some salespersons who come to sell, it is very normal to be "closed door", but few salespersons can treat the matter of "closed door" with a peaceful mind.In fact, for salespersons, in many cases, the first or second visit is difficult to negotiate a deal, but if you dare to face this setback of rejection and use your sincere heart to make customers open their hearts, In this way, you will be closer to the customer, which will help the sale.

In this world, the greatest salespeople are often the ones who suffer the most setbacks.But remember, failure is the mother of success.

(End of this chapter)

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