Chapter 1 Breaking Through the Bloody Plot
Looking at the mutated zombies eating humans outside his villa, Murphy couldn't believe it, but in one day, the world became like this!
She had just experienced a change of heart the day before, so why is it so earth-shaking today.

That's right, she was sad and angry at that time, and she really hoped that today after waking up would be a brand new day, but such a "brand new" day was something she had never expected...

In the early winter of 3030, the sky is cold and gray, and fuel-powered vehicles on the road have already been replaced by air-powered and wind-powered vehicles.

However, even if such environmentally friendly vehicles have been used, the density of dust in the air has not been reduced at all.

In the nearly thousand years before this, the pollution caused by human beings to the environment was so huge that it was almost irreparable.

The smog is becoming more and more serious. Not only is the visibility near zero, but also there are a lot of toxic and harmful objects in the air, so people who travel must take respiratory protection measures.

Fortunately, a lightweight barrier film that can replace heavy gas masks was introduced a long time ago. Otherwise, wearing a heavy gas mask every day is a huge burden in itself.

But now, as long as the isolation film is pasted on the face before going out every day, it can filter the air to solve the damage of the air to the skin and respiratory system, and it is more beautiful and lighter than the traditional gas mask.

Now it is really rare to see the sun once, so that when the sun appears in the sky, even if it is just a flash, it will cause everyone to stop and watch, and there will be news broadcast at the first time, let alone the blue sky.

Speaking of the blue sky, it seems that it has not appeared for nearly a hundred years, so many children think that the blue sky is something described in fairy tales, and the sky should be gray.

After affixing the isolation film in his single-family villa, Murphy raised the communicator on his wrist, hesitated for a while and still did not dial. As a graduate who is about to complete his studies, the recent courses are very easy.

By 2800, the role of schools has expanded a lot, and it is not the traditional learning of basic knowledge, because basic knowledge has been digested in the body through blood dissolution in infants and young children, and everyone has the most relaxed childhood.

However, the 5 years after the age of 10 is a consolidation period, which is the consolidation and expansion that everyone must experience, but it is still different from a thousand years ago. During these 10 years, studying and taking exams are not the main thing, but tapping one's own potential is the main thing. task.

After 10 years, everyone will look for the study they are most interested in and conduct a systematic three-year study, while Murphy chose ancient studies, which describes the living conditions of people thousands of years ago, as well as the culture of an even older period.Many times, those courses made Murphy very yearn for.

Murphy, who is 17 years old this year, will be graduating in the summer after the new year, so there is almost nothing in the half-year course, most of which are watching some expansion films and doing some experiments before recording and making reports.

There was originally an environmental protection class in the afternoon, but it is said that the scientific research department will officially launch the new "Project Sunny" this afternoon. This plan has finally matured after hundreds of years.

If it succeeds, human beings can completely get rid of air pollution and see the light of day again.So all the environmental protection lecturers took the star track to the scientific research department in the capital Beijing, and Murphy and the others postponed the class.

Mo Fei, who was fine in the afternoon, thought about it and decided to go to his boyfriend's house. He has been spending time in the laboratory and reference room recently, and hasn't seen his boyfriend for a long time.

After putting on the isolation film, Murphy didn't dial the communicator on his wrist. He was about to give him a surprise, so he picked up his backpack and walked out of the bedroom door, followed the indoor elevator to the garage.

When they arrived at their garage, Murphy got on the latest pure white aerodynamic car, which was her reward for her upcoming graduation.

After setting up the automatic avoidance of obstacles, I went straight to my boyfriend's house.

Because of the smog, the surrounding visibility is extremely low. In order to avoid traffic accidents, vehicles traveling today are equipped with an automatic obstacle avoidance system. Vehicles without such a system are not allowed to leave the factory at all.

Although Murphy's house is not too close, but at this time, the people who go to work have not left work, and the students have not finished school, so the road is not congested.

Soon after arriving at the door of her boyfriend's house, Murphy found out the key to the house.It was a present from her boyfriend on her 16th birthday.

Murphy's boyfriend is Gu Huaiyuan, who was the senior of Murphy for two years. It was a good story in W College that Gu Huaiyuan chased after Murphy.

Gu Huaiyuan was the grassroots of W College, and Murphy was a freshman of W College back then.

Although Murphy is not ugly, his appearance can only be considered upper-middle-class. Gu Huaiyuan, who was a courtyard grassroots student, went to the Department of Ancient Art to learn a musical instrument called a guitar, and borrowed it from his cousin who was an antique dealer. The most original wooden guitar.

You must know that now that the atmosphere is so polluted, wooden products are more expensive than jewelry, and the melody played by the original wooden guitar is also talked about by the later students.

Afterwards, Gu Huaiyuan even held Mo Fei in his palm, because having a boyfriend who loved her so much made Mo Fei feel very happy.

After talking for nearly a year, on Murphy's 16th birthday, Gu Huaiyuan was about to graduate, so he gave Murphy a key to his apartment, saying it was a symbol of his trust in her.

Mo Fei cherishes this key very much, although he doesn't come here often, it feels like home.

Although Mo Fei lives in a big villa, there are only herself and the nanny who cooks and cleans every day but does not live in the villa.

Originally, Murphy was a happy child, her parents had a very good relationship, and she was the only baby girl.

Murphy's father is a very famous flower and plant businessman. Under such poor air quality, it is very difficult to cultivate plants that can purify the local air, but Murphy's father, Mo Zhengqing, did it miraculously.

So almost every family has the purifying flowers and plants of Mo's Group, which also makes Mo's Group famous.However, when Murphy was 12 years old, both of Murphy's parents, Mo Zhengqing and Su Chenyu, died in an accident.

Because Mo Fei was still young at that time, the relatives used Mo Fei's young age as an excuse to carve up the Mo Group.

It was also fortunate that Mo Zhengqing and Su Chenyu had only one child, Mo Fei, who was very precious at that time, so except for some reserve funds, the rest of the money they earned was deposited in the Earth Bank in Murphy's name.Although the Mo's Group was taken over, the money was not a small amount, which allowed Mo Fei to finish his studies smoothly, and he didn't have to worry about not being able to eat because of poverty.

Over the years, Murphy has gotten used to being alone, but he still feels lonely, without the care of his parents and the love of his relatives, little Murphy grew up alone like this.

So, for Gu Huaiyuan to treat her like this, Murphy was actually more moved.

After getting out of the car, Murphy took out the key that she tied with a gold chain from the small bag.Looking at the time, Gu Huaiyuan should not be off work at this moment, so he naturally opened the door and walked in.

However, Mo Fei was stunned as soon as he entered the door.

Two pairs of shoes were thrown in disorder at the door, one of which was women's high heels, but those shoes did not belong to Murphy.

Although she got the key to Gu Huaiyuan's house, in fact, she had never lived here, and even if she came occasionally, she would go home after a while.

How can there be a pair of women's shoes here?Could it be that Aunt Gu is here?But……

Looking down at the pair of shoes, this style can be seen as a young woman's shoes.

Mo Fei closed the door gently, walked in holding his breath, and then saw that the door of Gu Huaiyuan's room was ajar, and a man and a woman were sticking together and talking, with an extremely familiar expression.

"Huaiyuan, when do you think it's better for us to get engaged?" the woman asked softly.

At the same time, a man's voice that Mo Fei was very familiar with sounded: "Jiaojiao, whatever time you say is fine, I will love you forever."

Mo Fei's brain suddenly went blank. She really didn't expect that such a bloody thing would happen to her. She didn't know if she should open the door and scold the couple before leaving like in the TV series. .

Calm down, Murphy, you have to calm down.Murphy kept comforting himself in his heart.While Mo Fei was comforting himself, the two people in the room showed happy expressions on their faces.

Murphy felt as uncomfortable as if she had been pricked by a needle. She couldn't stand it any longer. Just as she turned to leave, a pleasant ringing suddenly broke the bloody moment.

"Baby, wait for me to go out and answer the phone." The man's voice sounded again.

Murphy would definitely be spotted if she walked forward at this moment. She looked around and hid in the closet by the door that was as tall as a person.

From the shutter of the closet, Murphy saw Gu Huaiyuan, the man she was so familiar with, the man who passionately pursued her back then.

"Hey, Mom, why are you calling at this time." Gu Huaiyuan pressed the button on the communicator and shouted.Immediately, the communicator on the wrist released a three-dimensional image.

"Son, how are things going? Did that girl Mo Fei take the bait? I told you to hurry up and cook the rice. It took so long." Gu Huaiyuan's mother across the street asked.

"Mom, what are you talking about? How could it be her, that old-fashioned woman who studies ancient studies, who insists on getting married before agreeing. It really doesn't make sense at all."

After Gu Huaiyuan mentioned Mo Fei, he said disdainfully, Mo Fei couldn't help biting his lips with his teeth when he heard a chill in his heart, this is the person who praised her as a pure girl back then.

"Then it's not a solution to procrastinate. No matter what, Mo Fei is also the heir of the Mo Group. You, a lawyer, can definitely help her get back her share of property. Think about it, the Mo Group, that's a big piece of money." fat."

"Mom, don't worry. By the way, I have a guest here. She is the daughter of the chief of the Earth Alliance Security Agency. She is not only rich but also powerful. She is ten thousand times stronger than that orphan Murphy." Gu Huaiyuan lowered his voice. He said to his mother on the other side of the communicator: "Besides, that girl Murphy is very dependent on me, and none of them can escape."

"Really? Good son, if you are really capable, then mom won't bother you, but you have to tie up the director's daughter." Gu Huaiyuan's mother urged.

Just talking about this, a delicate voice came from the room: "Huaiyuan... what are you doing?"

"Okay, Mom, don't talk about it. I'll tell you the details when I get home. Jiaojiao is waiting for me."

"Go, go..." Mother Gu smiled from ear to ear.

"Then I'll hang up." Gu Huaiyuan said and pressed the hang up button, then put on a smiling face and shouted inside: "Baby, you missed me in just a short while!" Gu Huaiyuan turned around and entered the room. .

"No, who called just now?"

"My mother, she said that she would invite you to try her handicraft some other day, how about it? Is the ugly daughter-in-law afraid of seeing her in-laws?"

"I hate it, who said I'm going to be your daughter-in-law."


Afterwards, the sound of the two people's playfulness sounded again, and Mo Fei lost his focus, and walked out of the closet while holding on to the door frame of the closet with one hand.

 Xiaoxiao will continue to update seriously as always, and I hope that you will leave a lot of comments to mention some deficiencies
(End of this chapter)

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