Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 2 1 Awakening to Doomsday

Chapter 2
The playfulness of the two people in the room pounded Murphy's heart.

Thinking of the conversation between Gu Huaiyuan and his mother that he just heard in the closet, Could Fei's heart feel chills.

The more I think about it, the more angry and wronged I feel. The kindness that Gu Huaiyuan's mother showed to me at the beginning was all an act, for the sake of the Mo Group that she should inherit.

Just as the two people in the room were laughing, Murphy couldn't help but pushed the door open and entered.


Two hard slaps, slapping the faces of the two men and women in the room who didn't react for a while.

Don't look at Mo Fei, who looks weak and weak, but has a lot of strength. The two slapped each other in a daze. They forgot to say anything, and just looked at Mo Fei with their mouths wide open.

In the astonishment of the two, Murphy had already turned and left Gu Huaiyuan's room.

With a scream, the woman started to cry, Gu Huaiyuan was stunned for a moment and finally recovered, and furiously shouted at Mo Fei who had already walked out of the room: "Crazy woman, dead orphan, come back and apologize. "

Murphy didn't stop to answer, and slammed the door out.

As for the two people in the house, she never wanted to see them again.

Murphy felt that slapping the two of them was really cheap for them, but suppressed his outburst, and finally resisted the urge to tear them apart, opened the door and walked out. For such a person, breaking the law is not worth it.

After Mo Fei went out, he took the key of Gu Huaiyuan's house off the gold chain and threw it on the ground, then got into the car.

Mo Fei's chest was heaving continuously while driving the car. She really didn't expect that Gu Huaiyuan's purpose of approaching her was actually for the Mo Group.

With a suffocating breath in her heart, Murphy was worried that she would lose control and speed, and she would still live well. This was what the little Murphy swore at her parents' grave after her parents passed away.

Murphy parked the car in a relatively large square. She needed to calm down, otherwise she really didn't know what she would do when she was driving.After getting off the car, when Mo Fei was a little lost, he was pushed by the crowd into a supermarket that had just opened and was on sale.

Pushing the shopping cart given to her by the promotional robot, Mo Fei filled the cart with everything within her reach as if venting her hatred as she walked. Only then did Murphy realize that the car was full of sharp things.

I wanted to turn around and put down my things again, but found that there was already a long line of people waiting in line behind me, so I had to take out my card to pay the bill.

The service robot packed all the things Murphy bought and sent them to the car. Murphy had no choice but to drive home with the big and small bags.

Back in his garage, after Murphy drove the car in and closed the garage door, he lay down on the steering wheel and cried loudly. It turned out that the inside story of the relationship for more than two years was just so unbearable.

It's over, it's over.

After crying for a long time, Murphy took out a handkerchief and wiped away his tears.Due to air pollution, random use of paper products is prohibited at this time, and even classroom teaching uses foldable tablet recorders.

After wiping away his tears, Mo Fei casually turned on the communicator on his wrist, called out Gu Huaiyuan's communicator port, and then got into the blacklist before getting out of the car.

Opening his trunk, Murphy looked at a large pile of things that he didn't know what he had just packed.

Fortunately, the sorting robot in the supermarket has already sorted the big categories. After thinking about it, Mo Fei first picked a bag marked with ice and put it up. This kind of thing must be put in the refrigerator first, and after Murphy prepared the rest Come down to tidy up when you have nothing to do, or ask the nanny who will help with cooking and cleaning to tidy up tomorrow.

Go upstairs from the elevator in the garage, and in the incubator upstairs, the nanny has prepared meals and put them inside, and Murphy can take them out to eat at any time.

But after experiencing the moment just now, Murphy really has no appetite today.

I went to the washroom and took off the isolation film on my face and soaked it in the disinfectant solution. After washing my face, I took out a piece of cake that was supposed to be dessert after dinner, sat on the sofa and turned on the TV.

When the TV is turned on, the eyes are full of joy.

Mo Fei took a closer look, and it seemed that the "Sunny Project" in the afternoon was successfully launched. According to the data report of the Academy of Sciences, tomorrow morning, everyone will usher in a sunny and brand new world.

"A brand new world? I also want to forget about Gu Huaiyuan and welcome my own brand new world." Murphy murmured.

The TV was just on, and Murphy fell asleep while watching it. Today's events made her feel very tired. She didn't expect that what she got in two years was nothing but a false lie.

But she, Mo Fei, did not fall down so easily. Tomorrow is a new day. She will turn over this page, but she will not forgive Gu Huaiyuan. If she likes teasing other people's feelings so much, I will make you pay the price.

Just after Murphy fell asleep, a huge change happened quietly around...

Early the next morning, Mo Fei felt that the usually quiet villa complex was very noisy, and screams of terror could be heard from time to time. It felt as if he had stepped into the world of a horror movie.

Mo Fei opened her eyes impatiently, and sat up from the sofa in the living room. A ray of sunlight shone on her body, which surprised her a little. It seems that the sunny plan really succeeded, the long-lost sunshine!

Um?what is this?
The TV is still on, but there are no programs on it, and now there are only big bright red characters scrolling on the screen, which is chilling to watch.

Alert, due to serious problems in the "Sunny Project", some people now have antibody mutations, please stay at home and don't go out, and don't open the door to strangers.If you find that someone in your home is abnormal, please isolate as soon as possible.

Murphy was startled when he saw this, and ran to the window to look out. The sky was clear without any smog, the sky was very blue, and the river outside the villa area was also very clear. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

Mo Fei ran to the window facing the interior of the villa area again, but happened to see a nanny from a neighbor's house in the same villa area that he had met several times. The fresh vegetables purchased in the morning were scattered around her, but her neck was gurgling. Braving blood, there was a "person" next to him with his back turned to him, and he was gnawing on the arm of the nanny next door.

After Mo Fei was stunned for a moment, a wave of nausea surged up, but before she could turn around and go to the bathroom to vomit, a hideous monster suddenly appeared outside the yard.

Frightened and fear replaced the nausea just now, Mo Fei hurriedly hid in the darkness, poked his head out a little to observe the monster outside.

The monster was wearing an expensive brand-name suit. Obviously, this should be a resident of the same villa area, but now it is impossible to tell who it is from the face, because at this time, the exposed parts of the human body can be seen. A state of decay.

Fortunately, Murphy has been independent for a long time. Since her parents passed away, those relatives never cared about her. Her grandpa passed away earlier, and she has never seen her grandpa and grandma, so Murphy has been alone Life.

The great change just now made her stunned for a while, but now Murphy, who was frightened again, calmed down instead.

Looking back at the bright red characters on the TV again, Mo Fei felt concerned.

Judging from the weather conditions outside, the "Sunny Project" did not fail in its effect on the smog, but it should be that it is unknown which substance in it caused gene mutations in some human bodies while purifying the atmosphere.

Judging from the appearance of the monsters outside just now, as well as the way they act and eat people, they are very similar to the characters in the horror movies shot thousands of years ago-zombies.

Mo Fei roughly filtered the information, stabilized his mind a little, and then peeked out. The zombie who had just slapped the fence outside the villa's yard had probably left because he didn't notice anything.

What should I do now?By the way, you should ask for help first, and then prepare some necessities.After Murphy calmed down, his mind was spinning rapidly.

Raising his wrist, Mo Fei pressed the distress button on the wrist communicator, but it didn't connect for a long time.It seems that it has become a mess now, and the Earth Alliance can't take care of saving people for the time being.

Pressing the remote control of the TV, each station was playing the same big characters but there was no further explanation. Murphy didn't want to go out and risk his life now, so he first prepared the things he could use later, and then waited for rescue.

After going to the bathroom to wash up, Murphy went downstairs to finish the meal left by the nanny yesterday. Fortunately, it had been kept in the incubator, and it has not cooled down until now.

Although I wasn't in the mood to eat last night, I don't know what the situation outside is going to be like. Whether I'm waiting for rescue or rushing out like in those old movies, I must preserve my energy.

After eating, Mo Fei began to look for some items in the house that he might need to bring. The clothes should be the strongest and wear-resistant, the food should be fast enough to fill the stomach and not easy to deteriorate, and some water should be prepared.

Thinking of food, Mo Fei thought that among the things she bought indiscriminately yesterday, there seemed to be many that were more suitable for what she was going to prepare now. She would never buy them for food, but she bought them in a daze yesterday.

Going down the elevator to the garage, Murphy opened the trunk, took out a few boxes from it, and carried them to the elevator one by one, and came up only after they were all on the elevator.

Back in the living room, Murphy first found a large hiking bag that his father bought when he went hiking with his parents when he was a child, and then searched for useful things to put in it.

Mo Fei tidied up the things inside, and there were actually many useful ones.

Like a one-button retractable tent for camping, this kind of tent can shrink into the size of a wallet, and it can absorb the surrounding air with just one click to form a complete tent with an air mattress inside.

This is an easy-to-carry camping tent. Although it is not as good as a military tent, it is also very durable.The only downside is that the inflation speed is too slow. It takes about an hour for a tent to absorb air to be filled, so it is only suitable for leisurely outings.

There is also a set of vacuum waterproof bags, which are prepared for those who go camping in wetlands, rainforests or rainy and humid areas. They can be used to store dry clothes, prevent food from going moldy, and more.

There is also an insect repellant spray. Because it is a spare item for travel, the bottle is very small. After thinking about it, Mo Fei put it in his backpack.

After that, Murphy found some ropes, fire tools, compasses, pressure storage flashlights, needle and thread, and a first-aid kit.

Looking at the things he packed, there were some black lines on Murphy's head: Did he walk around the camping shopping area for a long time yesterday?Otherwise, why have so many things been brought back.

Flipping back, Mo Fei saw a delicate box containing some small tools and a folding knife.

Seeing the knife, Mo Fei suddenly thought of a very important thing.

(End of this chapter)

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