Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 11 Special Variant Population

Chapter 11 Special Variant Population
Seeing the scene in front of him, Murphy was a little thankful that he came in late and sat in the last row, otherwise he would have to guard against the "sudden attack" from behind while he was under psychological pressure.

At this time, many people who could not persist began to leave the arena one after another, and some people whose clothes were dirty because of the people in the back row finally couldn't bear it and left.

Because Murphy was sitting at the door in the last row, she could clearly see that everyone who went out had to swipe their ID card or watch on a machine port before they could leave.

That is to say, the beginning of the reminder said that there is only one training, and you can't come in again if you go out.

Seeing a lot of people leaving, some of them who had restrained themselves lost patience after glancing at the screen where the next scene was still not going on. They turned around and left their seats and walked out. The originally full seats suddenly became [-]/[-] empty. Three is more.

The video continued to play the bloody scene, and as the number of people continued to decrease, finally, the crowd finally settled down.

It seemed that no one left, they all sat quietly in their seats, and then the images changed again.

The next one is about the special mutated population of human beings other than mutated into zombies.

Special mutant population?What is that?
When Murphy saw the subtitles of the next chapter appearing on the screen, he couldn't help being shocked.

Apart from mutating into zombies, do humans have other special mutations?

Murphy was not allowed to think about it, and then, the screen began to introduce the mutations of human non-zombie found in various bases.

After concentrating her attention, Murphy's eyes were fixed on the screen. Everything and the pictures on the screen now made her feel a little unbelievable.

In a few clips, a series of energies such as fireballs and ice flakes suddenly appear in the hands of some people as if by magic. Whether these energies come from themselves or with the help of nature, the research institute has not yet given the exact information. s answer.

But what is certain is that these are evolved stronger types of people.Among these evolutionary mutants, those with strong abilities can be used for attack, and those with weak abilities can also be used for daily assistance, so all bases also welcome such abilities.

In addition, there are some different variations that are known for their own physical abilities, such as speed growth, strength growth, and vision enhancement.

However, the introduction here says that the mutation possessed by such a person is called an evolutionary mutation, which is formed by the accelerated evolution of the influence of a certain aspect of the gene, and is also called a "supernatural person".

Murphy suddenly remembered that when he filled out the form in the previous room, the item "whether mutated" probably referred to this type of people.

After introducing the supernatural beings discovered today, it was pointed out on the big screen that these are only part of the current discoveries. As for what kind of mutations or evolutionary mutations there will be, it is unknown. I also hope that the people living in the base will have new discoveries can be reported in time.

Afterwards, the screen began to introduce zombie beasts that were more terrifying than zombies.

These zombie beasts are zombified while retaining a large part of the characteristics of the original animals, so compared to ordinary zombies, these agile zombie beasts are more terrifying.

Fortunately, judging from the current situation, it seems that only mammals are affected, while birds, fish in water, insects, etc. have not yet found signs of zombification.

Water and soil have not been affected too much either.

And at present, because the weather has returned to sunny, great breakthroughs have been made in the planting and growth of plants, so the current situation is relatively optimistic.As long as there is no further mutation, human beings will soon be able to restore the original order.

After these lectures, he began to introduce the four major bases currently established in Longguo.

Star Base: Located in Beijing, the capital of the Dragon Kingdom of the Earth Alliance, it has the most complete and advanced equipment, and it is also a base where researchers gather, and it is also a base that is under key protection.However, due to the dense population of Beijing before the end of the world, the star base can be said to have the most zombies to defend against.

Cang Base: It is the largest base among the four bases. It is located on a plain, with abundant supplies and a balanced number of zombies.However, compared to other bases, it is the area that needs to deal with the most zombies.

Cliff base: As the name suggests, it is a base built around the cliffs. It is the smallest base, and is known as the safest base that is as solid as a stone.There are very few zombies and zombie beasts around. Similarly, materials are also very scarce, and there is no large amount of water. However, it is now used as an affiliated base of the star base to conduct a large number of experiments.

Sea Base: The coastal city of Dragon Kingdom, which used to be a trade distribution area, has abundant water sources and abundant seafood. However, due to the strong flow of people in the past, zombies frequently appeared. Now the road leading to the base is completely closed and is being gradually advanced.

After roughly introducing the four major bases, they mainly introduced the Cang base where they are now.

First, a bird's-eye view of the entire Cang Base appeared. Murphy could see the general situation of the entire Cang Base. The Cang Base was indeed very large with distinct areas.

Murphy pressed the button on the watch and roughly drew the top view for storage. Although the drawing was irregular, it was still understandable.

After collecting the picture, the above briefly introduces the general situation after entering the base. After entering the base, food will no longer be provided for free.

To earn food requires work.If you think you are capable, you can go to the task receiving place to accept the task, and you will get corresponding rewards after completing it, and everyone who enters the base will get a "hunting recorder".

Because some missions cannot be identified except for carrying supplies, this "hunting recorder" is specially set up for such missions.

Many of these recorded materials can be used as a reference for future research.

That's all for the general situation, then the screen was turned off, and the surrounding lights were turned on.

Sitting in the last row, Mo Fei immediately stood up and went to the door, handed over his ID card and swiped it, and followed the signs to the next room.

There are ten windows in this room. Murphy went to the window near the door and handed over his ID card to the staff there.

The staff member swiped Murphy's ID card, then looked up at Murphy.

According to the entry and exit time recorded on the card, Murphy was the one who watched the entire video. There were very few people who could withstand the bloody scene before, and even fewer girls, so that person couldn't help but glance at her.

After swiping Murphy's identity card on the machine, the talent said in a formulaic way: "Murphy, female, 17 years old, no mutation. The meritorious value you owe the base is 20 meritorious deeds, and the deadline is ten days. Nothing wrong!"

Murphy nodded: "That's right."

"Also, if it's a supernatural person, you can go back and change the information." The person added.

Murphy shook his head: "No, I'm not a supernatural being."

"Okay, there is no problem. This is your hunting recorder, which has been bound to your ID card number. Compensation is required for loss or man-made damage. Non-human damage can be repaired at the recorder repair center. Location."

The staff member spoke quickly while handing something like a bracelet to Mo Fei. There was a shiny gemstone hanging on the bracelet. This was probably the port of the "hunting recorder".

Murphy thanked the staff and left the office window.

Turning around and looking to the side, the ten windows were already full of people, and a blocking railing was put down two meters behind them, and a long queue formed behind the railing.

Seeing the crowd behind him, Mo Fei felt a little strange. Didn't many people leave just now?How come there are so many people.

It turned out that many people who had just left first took a break in the lounge for various reasons, and some even regretted leaving so early after they came out, and wanted to wait for an opportunity to re-enter but failed to re-enter.Now that the video has finished playing, I waited in line here.

After Murphy left the window, the staff in the window pressed the button, the blocking rail was raised, and another person came over.It seems that one can only come in after one person has been dealt with. Mo Fei sighed. Fortunately, he came out quickly, otherwise he didn't know how long the queue would be.

Following the prompt from the staff member just now, Murphy walked all the way to the door. There was an electronic screen at the door, on which were written instructions about the use of the "hunting recorder".

It turned out that this hunting recorder was not a video recorder, but it was probably worried that some people would pretend to kill the zombies killed by others to cheat for rewards.

This hunting recorder needs to press out the shiny gem, and a pointed recorder will appear on the front end.Insert the logger into any part of the zombie to obtain the gene of the zombie. The gene of each zombie is different, so it cannot be faked.

Murphy couldn't help laughing in his heart, these people in the base are too calculating.

When fighting zombies, if you suddenly encounter a large number of zombies, or if there is some unexpected situation, then who would desperately stab the corpses of those zombies?In this way, the base doesn't need to pay for these zombies that haven't been stabbed.

But there is no absolute fairness. Since I choose to live in the base, I have to abide by other people's system.

Mo Fei roughly pressed the button of the bracelet-like hunting recorder, and a sharp recorder suddenly appeared in the gem, which could be recorded by stabbing it into the zombie's body.

After a little research, more and more people were reading the instructions, and Murphy followed the instructions and walked to the next room.

The place was relatively empty at this time, and Murphy looked up at the sign indicating it, and it turned out that it was the place responsible for arranging accommodation.

Murphy handed over his ID card again, and then the person put Murphy's ID card on the instrument.

(End of this chapter)

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