Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 10 Training before entering the base

Chapter 10 Training before entering the base

The few remaining people finally spent 24 hours in the isolation room with difficulty.

Although the corpses were dragged out during the period, the smell of blood in the isolation room and the scorching smell caused by the fire were stimulating the sense of smell of several people.

Fortunately, there were no more mutated people after that, and all the remaining people in Murphy's isolation room were released.

Murphy was quite thankful that the guard didn't do anything further after he only asked his name, probably it was just a whim.

After Murphy came out, he was immediately taken to a place with several tables lined up.

"Fill in this form, try to fill it out as carefully as you can, and ring the bell at the corner of the table after filling it out, and I will come and pick it up."

A shrewd looking woman in a uniform with her hair pulled up high took an electronic box form and handed it to Murphy.

Murphy nodded, and then entered his name, gender, age, and specialties on the form...

The last item Murphy felt a little strange, it said whether it was a mutation.

Just kidding, can you still sit here if you mutate?Wasn't he already beaten to death?
Although it was strange, Murphy didn't ask, so let's learn about it later.

After roughly filling out the form, Murphy was taken out of the room, and her aerodynamic car was returned to her, but the items in the back of the car, especially the food, were missing by more than half.

Fortunately, Murphy's plain tassel gun is still there, as are those field equipment.

After collecting his things, Murphy drove his aerodynamic car to the designated parking spot, and was then led into another room.

"Your ID card has been made. This code can be entered into your watch. If you don't have a watch, you can spend some money to exchange it for a pass. You only need to swipe this code to get in and out in the future."

The man handed Murphy a small code.

Murphy raised his hand to look at his watch, and finally said, "Please help me make a pass, thank you."

"Okay, then please pay 10 catties of utility metal or 5 grams of precious metal."

Because of the excessive mining of the earth in the later period, gold is not the only valuable thing on the earth today. Any metal, especially the practical metal that can be widely used, has greatly increased the price.

Mo Fei thought for a while, why did he forget about this? It is useless to carry money and an electronic bank card in this period. If I had known earlier, I might as well have brought that Crescent Moon Knife. That knife is enough for this. Portion is enough, there may be more.

But now, I only have that dagger on my body, even though I still have a Suying spear, it's all for saving my life.

"This... I don't have it." Murphy replied sheepishly with his head bowed.

Seems to be commonplace, the person said again: "It doesn't matter if you don't, as long as you sign this, hand in 20 meritorious service within ten days, and hunt about 10 or so C zombies. You will get a hunting recorder later." , As long as you insert the recorder on the body of the dead zombie, you can record the zombies you have hunted, and you can waive the handling fee if you record 20 meritorious deeds."

"What is a C zombie? Meritorious service?" Mo Fei realized that it seemed that he had fallen behind after not watching TV news for two days.

"It's just an ordinary zombie. Regarding this point, you will receive some relevant knowledge introduction in a while. Now, do you agree or disagree?" The man asked again, speaking faster.

"I, I agree." Murphy paused, thinking that the man said it was an ordinary zombie, then nodded in agreement.

After signing on the data board, Murphy received a card. Murphy tied both ends of the card with a stretchable rope, and then put it on his wrist.

Murphy, who came out of this room, was led to another room. There were only seats here, and it was full of people.

"Go in quickly, it's about to start, if you don't go in, you have to wait for the next batch." The staff at the door urged.

Murphy feels that this place is like an old movie theater. Murphy once wanted to experience this kind of movie-watching effect.

Most modern people watch movies sitting in Universal boxes. Each box is a transparent ball arranged from high to low. People sit on the sofa in the center of the ball, and they can lie down and watch when they are tired.

Moreover, those boxes are transparent from the inside to the outside, but they can't be seen from the outside at all.

But Murphy once felt that doing this completely lost the fun of watching movies in theaters. Watching movies like this is really not as good as directly ordering movies played simultaneously by the Earth Alliance at home.

You can try the short video introduction first, and then insert your electronic bank card to watch it directly.

Murphy is a student of ancient culture. She has seen how people watched movies in ancient times in some films. It is like this. There is a very, very large screen in front, and rows of low-to-high screens below. Seats, nothing else, everyone is sitting next to someone they either know or don't know.

Mo Fei suddenly felt a little excited, and she could finally experience the atmosphere of watching a movie like this.

According to the order, because Murphy was the last few people who came in, and he had to wait for the next batch, so Murphy sat on the seat near the last wall.

The lights gradually dimmed, and while dimming, Murphy heard a voice from the projection room above.

"This is a group training for the current situation. Everyone should read it carefully and remember some things that need to be paid attention to. If you don't pay attention, you may die because of it in the future. Also, it is strictly forbidden to shout loudly for a while. If someone who is unwell , There is a cleaning port in front of the seat, if you can’t keep going, you can leave early and swipe your ID card at the door, but I remind you that there is only one training session. Okay, let’s start playing now.”

After the man finished speaking in detail, light slowly appeared on the screen in front of him.

Above the light, there is a line of big characters: Today's world.

After the subtitles ended, a clip about the "Sunny Project" that day appeared on the screen.

After the launch of the carrying device of the "Sunny Project" was completed, the following are people's joyful expressions.

And then, some people began to show obvious changes in the images captured from the surveillance screen from unknown where, and then, a hideous zombie appeared on the huge screen.

Then the screen freezes and begins to introduce these mutated zombies, saying that these ordinary zombies are ordinary zombies with a single mutation called C zombies.

Because of the mutation problem caused by the "Sunny Project", these zombies are called C zombies, and the zombies that mutate twice are called C1. So far, no zombies that have mutated three times have been found. If they are found, they will be called C2, and so on.

When referring to C1, as mentioned above, C1 is a secondary mutant zombie, and one of the shots is a shot of a team rounding up the secondary mutant zombie C1.

Murphy found that this second mutant zombie captured by the roundup, that is, C1, was not a little stronger than the last time he encountered it.

This C1 is not only flexible, but also uses the surrounding terrain to dodge.

According to Murphy's guess, the C1 I met before must have just mutated and not stabilized, so I couldn't be as flexible as this C1. dead.

At this time, C1 on the screen jumped up and down, and from time to time used stronger arms than ordinary C zombies to resist the attacks of those few humans.

The movement is very flexible, and the body that was originally like a rotting corpse looks more powerful than when it was originally a C zombie.

C1 waved his claws. At this time, one of the men in the zombie team that attacked C1 was scratched by C1's sharp claws and had a bloody wound.

When I saw this, a line of red prompts appeared on the screen:

According to the current expert testing, because of the difference in genes, human beings with early gene defects were affected and mutated into zombies.

For people who have not mutated into zombies, the bodies of people who have not mutated into zombies are immune to this virus.

However, it is not ruled out that the individual's constitution is weak, or the gene mutation caused by the scratch causes the infection to mutate into a zombie.

If a scratch occurs accidentally, it is recommended to tie it up for 24 hours and observe it for 12 hours, and disinfect it as much as possible.According to current research, the incubation period of the virus is 24 hours, but we hope to handle it with caution. The best way is to monitor for [-] hours to confirm.

In addition, humans who were bitten or scratched to death by zombies and infected with zombie viruses would immediately turn into zombies. The only effective way was to destroy their heads before mutating to avoid mutations.

In addition, there are some signs before the identification of mutations, such as sudden insanity and aggressiveness, and a rapid drop in body temperature after fainting, etc...

Mo Fei wrote these down one by one in his mind. This knowledge will definitely be used in the future. If he loses his life due to a mistake, it will be too much for the loss.

While Murphy was watching and recording seriously, suddenly, a group of shots of zombies eating people appeared on the screen. The angles are so clear that you can even see the flesh chewed and blood mixed between the teeth of the zombies .

Although Murphy has seen such a scene several times, and even saw such a scene in front of his eyes once before in the isolation room, but those are not so clear, especially the magnified images, like zombie stickers magnified several times Gnawing in front of your face is average.

Murphy's stomach was churning, thanks to the fact that she had been living alone since she was 12 years old, and she had killed zombies with her own hands and had close contact with zombies before, so she was quite strong psychologically.

Even so, Murphy couldn't help frowning, what on earth did the officials think, to use such bloody images for training.

At the same time, a large number of people around couldn't help vomiting, some touched the cleaning port in the front row, and some sprayed it directly on the people in the front row before it was too late.

Just as the video was broadcasting this scene, in an observation window upstairs on the same row as the projector, a man who looked about 50 or [-] years old couldn't help shaking his head: "The quality of this group of personnel... go Bar!"

 The Internet at Xiaoxiao's home has been down since last night, and it was repaired just now, so let's serve it as lunch! o(∩_∩)o
(End of this chapter)

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