Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 9 My Name Is Murphy

Chapter 9 My Name Is Murphy
Pulling out the hidden dagger from his waist, Murphy slowly walked along the wall to the position where the zombie's back was facing.

At this time, the man had been caught by the zombie, and he couldn't stop howling.

Just as Murphy moved forward a few steps and carefully rubbed behind the zombie, the man spotted Murphy and immediately shouted, "Quick, save me, save me, save me!"

The man struggled to Murphy's side, causing the zombie to turn around.

Murphy scolded "idiot" in his heart, but now the zombie's attention was diverted, so Murphy quickly withdrew into the darkness.

Because the zombie moved slowly, it turned around and found nothing special. It felt the "food" in its hand was struggling violently again because of its low IQ. It was sure that it was a fresh one, and it took a big bite without hesitation.

Mo Fei turned his head slightly, that damned man, if he hadn't shouted, his own knife would have pierced the zombie's head by now, and he could have been rescued.

But now he missed the opportunity. The zombie lowered its head and gnawed at the man's corpse. After Murphy passed by, he couldn't hit the position, and if he went forward, he would be discovered by the zombie again, so he couldn't put himself in for no reason.

Murphy was thinking about the next step when suddenly there was commotion outside the bars.

Looking through the bars, Murphy found a group of people coming outside.

And the guard who treated her indifferently just now is now warmly greeting a man who is the leader of the group.

The man lowered his head, so Murphy couldn't see the man's appearance clearly, but he could tell that the man was tall and straight, a little burly, and he was holding a light energy gun in his hand.

The power of this kind of gun is not as powerful as the gun with ammunition, basically it can't kill people, it can only stun or injure people, but the advantage is that the sound is almost zero, and it doesn't need too many consumables.

If a light energy gun is properly maintained, there is no problem in using it for ten or eight years.

Murphy used to think about whether he should also buy a light energy gun for self-defense, but thinking of going to the Earth Alliance to declare and other trivial matters, Murphy found it troublesome, and his own community is also very safe, and the school management is also very strict Did not apply.

The man was probably trying to understand the situation, nodded after listening roughly, and then looked inside the bars.

Murphy didn't know what these people were doing, whether they were here to rescue them or just to watch the fun like those people just now.

However, Murphy didn't care what those people were here for. His primary goal now was to get rid of the zombie who was locked up with him. His own life was the most important thing.

After the zombie ate some of the man's relatively tender meat, it raised its ugly head again.

Murphy didn't dare to breathe, and leaned straight against the wall, his eyes fixed on the zombie's movements.

While Murphy was waiting for the zombie's next move, the burly man outside walked up to the iron window, and then inserted the muzzle of his gun into the iron window.

With a flash of light, a red fireball, like a small sun, hit the zombie.

Murphy looked at the light energy gun in the man's hand in surprise. Although she had never used the light energy gun before, she was [-]% sure that it was definitely not the energy bullet that the light energy gun was supposed to fire.

Seeing the fireball whizzing over, but the zombie moved unconsciously, the fireball deviated from its original position and slipped past the zombie's ear.

Although this blow did not hit the zombie, it managed to attract the zombie's attention.The zombie staggered towards the position of the bars.

The man shot again, but the position of the bars was relatively low, and now the angle of the zombie could not hit the head at all, and the leg of the zombie was hit by the fireball and burned.

The house screamed again, because the seats and floors inside are made of composite materials, which are the most flammable materials.

Zombies didn't have a particularly great sense of consciousness, and it didn't feel much when the flames burned on their legs, but the screams of the "food" behind them successfully called it back in.

This time the zombie swayed in front of the screaming woman against the side wall, but the iron window connecting to the outside was still too small, even though it was far away from the window, it still couldn't hit the zombie's head.

The woman screamed and ran to the bathroom behind the curtain, but there was no door there. How could a curtain block the zombies? On the contrary, it was dark and narrow, and there was no chance of escaping after entering.

This time, Murphy didn't hesitate any longer. Instead of waiting to be eaten or burned to death, it's better to act now.

Leaning over neatly, the dagger in his hand flipped around nimbly at his fingertips, and then he held it tightly in his palm.

Tiptoeing, Murphy walked behind the zombie. At this time, the zombie's energy was completely focused on the woman who got into the bathroom and was still screaming. Murphy's voice had long been covered by the screaming.

Jumping onto the steps on the edge, Mo Fei clenched the dagger tightly with both hands, and then stabbed the dagger into the back of the zombie's head.

Fearing that the zombie would not die, Mo Fei closed his eyes and frantically stirred the dagger in his hand until he felt that the dagger was empty, and the zombie had already escaped from the dagger, and fell heavily on the ground.

Fortunately, Murphy had killed a zombie cat at close range before, so he was prepared for such a close range kill.

Mo Fei couldn't help thinking: This is not a human, it is already a monster, just like that zombie cat, it is not a living thing at all.

Afterwards, Mo Fei's heart calmed down a little, and he shouted to the stunned people beside him, "Put the fire out quickly, do you want to be burned to death?"

Then, as if suddenly awakened, the group hurriedly stomped on the zombie's body and the burning place at the edge, and some even took off their clothes and covered the flames, and finally burned the surrounding area The burning flame was suppressed.

Outside the iron window, the man holding the light energy gun showed an expression of interest on his unchanging face, and then he whispered a few words to the people who followed him outside, then turned and left.

And the person who followed him waited for the burly man to leave, pointed to the administrator at Murphy inside, and said something before leaving.

Murphy didn't look at the people outside anymore, and those people didn't care about their life or death, as long as they insisted that they wouldn't mutate tomorrow, they could leave here.

Squatting on the ground, Mo Fei wiped the dagger back and forth on the zombie's clothes until nothing could be seen on it before putting it away.

The administrator sent those people away in fear, and then knocked on the iron window with the stick in his hand: "The girl inside, come here."

Mo Fei didn't pay attention at first, but seeing that the administrator was still knocking on the window, he turned around to look at the people around him, and asked suspiciously, "Are you calling me?"

"Yes, it's you, come here." The administrator was a little impatient, but there was nothing he could do. He didn't dare not complete the tasks that those people entrusted to him.

Murphy walked over to the iron window and asked in a flat tone, "What's the matter?"

Murphy didn't like the administrator who ignored him when he first asked for help.

"Are you new here today?"

Murphy nodded. She didn't know what the administrator meant by asking herself all of a sudden.

"What is your name?"

"Isn't it registered only if it doesn't mutate tomorrow?" Murphy asked vigilantly.

"I told you it's good for you, did you see this? I told you to eat it." The administrator of the isolation room touched his body, found out a small bag of jerky and shook it.

Before Mo Fei could speak, the people behind him exploded. Many of them hadn't eaten for many days, so they tried to rush to the base. Not to mention the meat, even the food was locked up here for inspection before eating. arrived.

Murphy looked at the jerky and said nothing. The more this happened, the more strange she felt.

"Now I'm not sure if I'll mutate. If I mutate, it's better to leave it to useful people. If it doesn't mutate, you don't need to spend such a bag of meat to find out, do you?"

Murphy replied seemingly kindly, but in fact he refused the administrator's request in a neither soft nor hard way.

"Hmph! I'm asking you to flatter you. If you don't tell me, don't even think about going out, oh, don't go out, including those behind you, and wait for the dead bodies here to rot!" The administrator saw that Mo Fei would not enter , could not help but speak harshly.

"Oh, little sister/sister, didn't I just ask what your name is? You can tell the administrator, brother."

The woman who screamed the loudest just now saw that the zombie was dead and had already run out of the bathroom. At this time, she said in a strange way.

From her point of view, Murphy should have been taken by the administrator. Hmph, isn't he just younger?

As soon as the woman finished speaking, other people who heard that she might not be able to go out with her also hurriedly condemned Murphy.

"Isn't it just to say a name, and it's not that you are asked to sign a contract of sale. It's really contrived." One of the men also said.

"Hey, why are you pretending to be noble? Even if people like you, they still think highly of you and drag us down."

These people completely forgot that Murphy saved them just now.

At this time, the old man who was thrown at the zombie by the man who died tragically just now said slowly: "Little girl, just tell him, we all want to get out alive."

Murphy didn't say anything else. Although these people were not related to him, there was no need to do anything for them, but if he couldn't even get out, he would definitely be bullied.

Two fists can't beat four hands, if it's really not worthwhile to be detained here by the administrator because he didn't say anything.

Besides, if there is anything in the future, you can go out and talk about it. If you can't even pass here, then there is nothing to do.

Murphy looked at the people in the same isolation room, and he could see their faces clearly.

There was no anger, and Murphy felt very calm, because she felt that there was no need to be angry for these unknown people.

Murphy lowered his eyes and slowly replied to the administrator, "My name is Murphy."

 Today is late due to some annoying reasons, and it is inconvenient not to schedule, I hope you will forgive me

(End of this chapter)

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