Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 8 The Isolation Room

Chapter 8 The Isolation Room

There are actually not as many zombies wandering on the road as imagined.

After the launch of the "Sunny Project" at that time, the virus broke out in the early morning twelve hours later. At this time, most people were at home, so there would be more zombies in the community than on the road.

Many of the people who were attacked later were people who went to work or school without watching the news or noticing any special situation outside, or people who escaped because someone at home mutated into a zombie.

Furthermore, the end of the world has already passed ten days.Many people who fled to the base had cleaned up a lot of zombies on the road, but they also added a lot of abandoned vehicles to the road.

There are not many zombies on the highway now, but the zombies in the city are more congested.

It was also thanks to the fact that the villa area where Mo Fei lived was a little away from the city center, so he was able to escape so easily.

Mo Fei galloped all the way. Because of the automatic driving system, Murphy didn't have to stop to eat. He directly turned on the automatic driving system and took some ready-to-eat food in the car.

Along the way, the only time to stop was probably when Mo Fei needed convenience. This time, it was quite dangerous. He was almost bitten by a zombie, and finally dealt with the zombie by stabbing him with a tasseled spear.

Murphy, who set out again, learned his lesson, drinking as little water as possible, avoiding the places where zombies can be avoided, and throwing the prepared meat if it is really unavoidable.

Along the way, not too many or too many, I threw a dozen or so bags.

At the same time, Murphy also noticed that there were many cars parked along the road. He didn't know whether they had abandoned the cars and escaped or were fed by zombies, but similarly, they also found the bodies of many zombies.My journey was smooth, probably because someone cleared the road before I left home late.

At dusk, Murphy finally spotted other moving vehicles, all of which were heading in the direction of Cangji.

Seeing a living person again, Murphy suddenly felt relieved.

Followed the car to the gate of the Cang Base. Some of the people at the gate seemed to have come to the base before. They passed through a strange machine with some kind of certificate and went in directly. There was no need to show the guards at the gate.

People without such a pass enter through another entrance and are checked by the guards at the gate.

Murphy followed the car in the front row that also didn't have a pass and moved forward a little bit. When he got to him, Murphy lowered the window and said that he just came.

The guard motioned for Murphy to get out of the car, and then began to check the contents of the car.

When they found that there was a lot of meat in Murphy's car, those people confiscated the meat without hesitation, including the meat that Murphy put in a basin to feed the zombies, and the meat that Murphy cooked and placed in the car. In the crisper, half-eaten cooked meat.

In other people's territory, Murphy didn't dare to say anything, and let those people take the meat away.

Seeing that Murphy was cooperative, those people didn't yell or yell. After all, they took so much meat from Murphy, and the attitude of those inspectors towards Murphy eased up.

One of the people who took the meat from Murphy's cart began to introduce the general situation of Cang base to Murphy.

"It's like this. The car you drove must be handed over to us first, and you need to go to the isolation room over there to undergo a 24-hour inspection. If there is no mutation, you will be released to fill out the form and arrange a room for you at the same time. "

Murphy nodded, and then asked, "Then, is it possible that the scratched person will mutate? I didn't mention this in the information I got from the TV before."

The man was quite patient, and he said to Mo Fei: "It's not surprising that you don't know, this instance was only obtained last night, and it hasn't been added to the information yet."

Murphy had no other questions, so he thanked the man, and then followed a man to another door.

"You stay here! Someone will deliver food later, and you can come out if you pass the review." The person who led the way pointed to the room, and then opened the iron door to signal for Murphy to enter.

Murphy walked into this room called the isolation room in silence. There were only two small windows in this room, one was relatively high for light transmission, and the other was relatively low. Judging from its position and shape, it should be used for placing food. The place.

And there is a curtain behind this one, which exudes a bad smell, which should be used for convenience.

It's not just Murphy here, there are two middle-aged men, a young man, three women, and an elderly man.

After Murphy came in, she found a corner and sat down. Most of these people were asleep with their eyes closed, and Murphy's personality had never been an extroverted type. She didn't have much enthusiasm for chatting with strangers, let alone Under such circumstances, it is estimated that no one is in the mood to chat.

After sitting for a while, Murphy heard the sound of knocking on the iron window from outside, and then a man shouted, "The meal is served."

The few people who were almost motionless just now ran to the window of the barred bars as if they had found the dawn.

"One serving per person, don't grab it, don't take too much, or you won't be able to eat the next meal." The person who gave out food outside shouted in a cold tone.

The few people were no longer crowded, they lined up in order, moved back after receiving a copy, and quickly swiped it into their mouths.

Murphy was at the end of the list. Although she just took a look at the dishes on other people's plates and was really not flattered, she did not forget her original intention. She wanted to live and live for her family.

After taking his share, it was finally hot food, and Mo Fei gulped down the food in spite of being picky.

After a while after the meal, the people outside knocked on the bars again, and several people put away the plates and went back to the corners.

Murphy was a little sleepy. He was in the car almost all day today, and he had to stare at the road and zombies outside from time to time. Now that he was relaxed, he felt a little sleepy.

Just after taking a nap, Murphy heard an unusual roar in a trance.

Hearing a strange sound, Murphy opened his eyes vigilantly.

In the corner on the other side of the isolation room, a man's throat was making a sound like a puppy growling.

Is this person...

Before Mo Fei could say anything, a woman next to him screamed loudly: "Help, come on, someone is going to mutate, I don't want to die! Come on, come on."

The sharp shout startled Mo Fei. At this moment, the man who was mutating into a zombie suddenly stood up, rushed towards the screaming woman, opened his mouth and slammed fiercely at the woman's tender neck. After biting it down, a large amount of blood gushed out from the corner of the mouth of the mutated zombie.

Looking at what happened suddenly in front of him, Murphy felt that the blood started to turn cold from the soles of his feet all the way to his chest.

Watching such a bloody scene at such a close distance made Murphy's mind go blank for a moment.

By the time Murphy realized it again, the woman who had just screamed had stopped moving, and the corpse was dragged aside and gnawed by the zombie.

At this time, the administrator also came outside. After seeing the mutated man inside, he was just a little stunned, and then raised the communicator on his wrist and began to say something.

And the other people in the room were far away from the mutated zombie at this time, and they all clung to the wall in a panic, wishing that the whole person could be embedded in the wall or even pass through the wall.

At this time, the mutated zombie has no time to take care of other people. It is enjoying the fresh corpse of a woman that is still warm in its arms.

When Murphy saw the staff on duty outside, he moved slowly to the iron window, and asked the staff on duty outside in a low voice for help.

"Administrator, there are zombies inside, can you please let us out first?"

The person on duty outside looked at Mo Fei contemptuously, and snorted coldly as if hearing a big joke: "Hmph, who knows if you are also affected by the virus, it's a good idea to let you out. "

"Can you let us out first, even if we are locked up in another room, don't we have to deal with the zombies first and then talk about other things?" Murphy was very angry, but he couldn't shout loudly because of the zombies, so he had to use a discussion tone Said to the people outside.

"Hmph, there is no such rule, I can only blame you for being unlucky enough to meet a mutated one." The man replied indifferently, and then stood silently by the window as if waiting for someone to arrive.

Mo Fei clenched his hands into fists, stopped begging the person on duty, and looked warily at the mutated zombie in the same room.

If Mo Fei hadn't been allowed to bring her plain gun in when she first came in, she would have made a move a long time ago, and she didn't need to beg them.

But now, Murphy's plain gun was still in the car, so he could only think of other ways.

At this time, the zombie gnawed half of the woman, probably the most tender part. The zombie slowly raised its head and began to look for the next target.

Seeing that the zombie who was still concentrating on eating the hapless woman slowly raised its head again, the eyes of the few people who were sticking to the wall revealed a look of horror.

After the zombie had eaten the screaming woman, it seemed to shake aimlessly.However, I don't know if he was too frightened by the zombies at such a close range, and one of the men suddenly let out a loud fart.

With this sudden sound, the zombie rushed towards the man who made such a loud noise.

The man was at a loss for a moment, and there was no place to hide around. He looked around in a panic, and then violently pushed the old man closest to him out.

But the zombies didn't seem to be interested in the old man, even though the old man bumped into it and fell down, he just paused, as if what hit him was not a person, but a weapon.

Afterwards, the zombie still swayed straight towards the man who made the movement in front.

Seeing that he had lost his life, the old man crawled to another corner using both hands and feet, rolling and crawling.

Seeing that the administrator outside just made a phone call and completely ignored the life and death of the people inside, Murphy gritted his teeth, and at the same time slowly touched his waist.

 A new day has begun, I wish you all a happy viewing
(End of this chapter)

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