Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 7 Escape from the villa area

Chapter 7 Escape from the villa area

Because of the injury, Murphy was very worried now.

Judging from the news obtained on TV, so far it has not been determined whether a person will mutate into a zombie after being scratched like in a movie thousands of years ago.

Because most of the scratched people were basically eaten, and it is impossible for the research institute to let people who are not infected do the scratch test for no reason.

Wrapped in a bath towel, Murphy staggered back to the room, searched for medical alcohol cotton balls, endured the pain and smeared it back and forth on the wound, the burning pain made her bite her lips tightly, but she still forcibly endured it in order to disinfect it. He stayed silent.

After the disinfection, Mo Fei was still very uneasy. Apart from worrying about her own situation, she was more worried that she would become that unconscious and emotionless monster.

Seeing the backpack standing beside the bed, Mo Fei randomly found some food from the backpack. She wanted to eat as much as possible, and she hoped that she would have the strength to resist the attack of the virus.

After he was full, Mo Fei looked at the family portrait on the bedside. Because it was a photo album made of light energy, his parents and grandpa looked at him with wide smiles.

Mo Fei reached out to pick up the photo: "Grandpa, Dad, Mom, please protect me from becoming a monster. I promised you to live well and live together for your share."

Putting her head against her curled legs, Mo Fei fell into silence. She had done everything she could, and now she could only wait for the result calmly.

Probably because I went out to look for food today, I fell into a double exhaustion of mental and physical strength.Not long after, Murphy fell asleep on the bed.

The sun and the moon alternated, when Mo Fei was fast asleep and the moonlight shrouded the room, on the bedside cabinet, the sandalwood rosewood box that was taken out from the dark compartment exuded a faint woody fragrance, which was very fragrant. Floating to Murphy.

Mo Fei seemed to feel it in his sleep, and suddenly opened his eyes: "Aroma! By the way, the key to the box is the name code of the plant that Mohs cultivated to purify the air."

After thinking of the key, Murphy quickly got up from the bed, took the box on the cabinet over by the moonlight outside the window, and drew by hand on a special position on the wooden box according to the pattern in memory.

When the wooden box was opened, the dazzling light inside the box seemed to return to the daytime, and even the moonlight lost its brilliance immediately.

Murphy's eyes were a little uncomfortable being dazzled by the dazzling light. He turned his head away, and only reached into the box, and took out the thing inside that was said to be passed down from his ancestors thousands of years ago or even longer.

After the thing inside was held by Mo Fei, the light actually converged on Mo Fei's shoulder. Mo Fei felt a burning sensation on his shoulder, and then the light of the thing gradually faded until all the light was gone. fade away.

After the light disappeared, Mo Fei could see the complete shape of the thing in his hand through the moonlight, which was the same as the ordinary book that his grandfather had shown him in his memory.

That's right, it's just a book, that's why it's packed in a rosewood box, so that the book can be kept moisture-proof and insect-proof for such a long time.

If it weren't for the magical light just now, Murphy would never have believed that his grandfather told him that this book had mysterious power.But now she is completely convinced that grandpa did not lie to herself.

It was still night, and although the moonlight was very bright, it was still not enough to read a book. Murphy didn't intend to turn on the lights to attract the attention of the zombies outside, so he put the book in his arms, lay down on the bed and fell asleep again.

When Murphy woke up in the morning, the first thing he did was to check the ancient book in his arms, and then he ran to the large mirror in the bathroom to check the wound on his shoulder.

As I guessed, the wound was completely healed, and the shoulder was still tender and clean, not even a scar could be found.

Murphy was surprised but also happy. He would not become a monster anymore, and this book had no other uses.

After washing up, Murphy ate something and checked the news on the TV. Unfortunately, the signal didn't seem to be very good, and the subtitles didn't pop up for a long time.So after turning off the TV, Mo Fei entered the room with the ancient book in his arms.

Murphy first took a closer look at the cover of the ancient book. There were only two earthworm-like patterns on the cover, which were similar to but different from the symbols she found on the old car before.

Not knowing what the book would be about, Murphy tried to open the first page of the ancient book.

Mo Fei, who was holding the ancient book, went back to the room and sat on his comfortable big bed.

After an hour passed, Murphy flipped through the entire ancient book from the beginning to the end and from the end to the beginning, and finally came to only one conclusion: What is it talking about?
Yes, Murphy didn't understand at all.

She doesn't know the characters in the ancient books at all, and she is sure that these ghostly symbols do not belong to the characters of any country today.

Murphy began to worry, could such a miraculous and ancestral thing only help him heal his wounds?
Fortunately, Mo Fei himself was considered optimistic, and after being annoyed for a while, he put the ancient book into his arms.

It's good to be able to heal and heal, at least I don't have to worry about getting hurt or mutating into monsters like zombies in the future.

After going out for food yesterday, Murphy knew that he could no longer wait for rescue here.Judging from the information on the TV and the situation outside, it seems that there is not much difference between waiting for rescue and waiting for death. You should still rush to see if you can rush out.

But going out is definitely not that easy. It’s okay to go out empty-handed. You can rush out if you are well concealed and careful, but if you want to go to the survivor’s base, it seems impossible to walk with your legs alone.

According to the information Murphy obtained from TV, there are currently four survivor bases. The most important base is the Star Base located in Beijing, the capital of the Dragon Kingdom of the Earth Alliance. The other three bases are Cang Base, Ya Base, and Sea Base.

Among them, the Cang base is the closest to me. I used to drive to that city, and it only takes four hours. But now the road is full of zombies, and I don't know how long it will take to get there.

Murphy thought about it, and at the same time began to pack the things he needed to bring, and moved the prepared things to his latest aerodynamic car in the garage one by one.

After searching all over the house, Murphy unexpectedly found out. Looking at these things, Murphy has some certainty about tomorrow's actions.

After tidying up his luggage, Murphy looked around the home where he had lived for 17 years, and this time he really wanted to leave.

After returning to bed, Murphy should have a good night's rest and prepare for the escape operation tomorrow morning.

The next morning, Murphy woke up just after dawn, and she had already figured out a rough escape plan. This was not only due to the experience of going out to search for food the day before yesterday, but also thanks to the discovery last night.

Last night, Mo Fei found out from the freezer some frozen meat that he bought indiscriminately because of that scumbag Gu Huaiyuan, which made him angry and sad.

Looking at the pile of frozen meat, Mo Fei made a plan, so he took it out and put it in the sink to thaw at night.

Back from the newly opened supermarket before, Murphy stuffed the frozen food into the freezer without even opening the box. Since he would never open the freezer at all, he almost forgot about the meat.

It was only when I searched the house last night to find something to carry. Now these meats can be put to great use. This is probably the biggest contribution made by these frozen meats.

First sort the meat, pick the best part and cook several portions, and then pack them in a vacuum preservation box, and keep these for yourself.

It's not that Murphy doesn't want to save more, and he really can't make more, after all, these meats are perishable.

Some of the meat with better quality was picked for cooking, and the rest of the raw meat was packed in a large basin.

Murphy moved the last few things he wanted to bring into the car, then divided the raw meat into small pieces and put them in bags, leaving some in the basin.

Finally, put the meat in the bag into a basket alone, and the meat in the basin, Mo Fei carried the whole basin of meat and walked towards the gate.

As expected, zombies have a keen sense of smell. As soon as Murphy opened the door, the zombies outside started to commotion when they smelled the smell of raw meat.

Murphy walked all the way along the yard in the direction opposite to his garage, and the zombies also rushed over there.

Standing in the yard farthest from the garage, Murphy stopped, and the zombies outside were howling impatiently.

Murphy first threw two pieces out of the wall to give the zombies a sweet treat, and then he didn't throw all the raw meat over there. Instead, he moved a table at the bottom of the wall, stepped on the table and put the pot containing the raw meat on the top of the wall.I also deliberately put a few pieces with tendons on the edge of the basin.

The group of zombies were immediately attracted there, scrambling to raise their heads and stretch out their hands, trying to drag the pot of meat off.

It's a pity that ordinary zombies can't jump, they only know how to stretch out their hands, and they can't even touch the edge of the basin.

Seeing that the large pot of raw meat here attracted the attention of most of the zombies at the door, Murphy hurried home quickly. After entering the garage, she opened the garage door.

"Success or failure is here."

Murphy stabilized the steering wheel, then started the car, and the car rushed out like an arrow from Li Xuan.

Before the group of zombies could react, Murphy had already rushed out of the house.

But there were still a lot of zombies at the gate, and Mo Fei packed the remaining raw meat into a bag, cut the bag with a knife inside, and threw the raw meat out.

After all, the delicious smell of meat is more attractive to zombies than the soft sound of the air-powered car. The zombies that had besieged Murphy's car swayed towards the place where the meat was thrown.

Murphy finally rushed out of the villa area smoothly. When he passed by the small supermarket, there were already many broken and incomplete corpses and some dangling zombies around.

Driving around the zombies, Mo Fei casually turned on the satellite navigation, and followed the prompts to enter the Nancheng City where Cangji is located.

 A new step needs everyone's support!

(End of this chapter)

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