Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 6 Injured

Chapter 6 Injured
Facing the unusual zombie on the opposite side, Murphy thought to himself: This is too bad.

Could this be the second mutant zombie mentioned in the report?No wonder there are no other ordinary zombies here.

Murphy had seen on the information prompts on TV that there was a kind of secondary mutant zombie that mutated further than ordinary zombies. This kind of secondary mutant zombie moved quickly, and knew how to hide a little bit, and would also divide its own territory Ordinary zombies are not allowed to enter.

Is my luck too bad or too good? It is said that there is only one out of thousands of secondary mutated zombies, and the first one I meet is the secondary mutated zombie.

Although Murphy did not rest during this period of waiting for rescue, but practiced the plain spear every day, but there was no actual combat, and this pair was another mutant zombie.

Clenching the Suying spear in his hand, Murphy kept backing away while resisting the secondary mutated zombies.

It's a pity that Murphy didn't have eyes behind him, and he had nowhere to go as he retreated, and even if he could run away now, it was uncertain whether he would have a chance to reach here later.

Since there are cars in and out of the villa area, there are only two fruit shops and a coffee shop nearby. There is no other place to find food, and we have to go further afield.

If you can't find food and have no physical strength, you can't escape. If you can't escape, you will starve to death.Anyway, they are all dead, and now there is only one zombie here, so let's fight!

After weighing it up, Mo Fei gritted his teeth, picked up the plain spear in his hand, and stabbed straight at the zombie.

Compared with those stupid ordinary zombies who only rely on instinct, this second mutant zombie is much smarter, and it knows how to dodge this straight stab.

Murphy couldn't make a stab, so he leaned back, and the Suying spear retracted accordingly, but he didn't put away all of them, and the body of the gun stabbed down again.

The speed of this stab was very fast, but the speed of the zombie was also very fast. Seeing the point of the spear stabbing towards him, the body of the second mutant zombie hurriedly dodged to the side.

But I don't know if it's because of the second evolution just now. The second mutated zombie doesn't seem to be quite used to its sudden body speed. It dodges, but it dodges too fast and rushes to the wall.

Mo Fei didn't let go of this opportunity. The Suying spear kept spinning, and when the second mutant zombie couldn't turn around, he quickly nailed the second mutant zombie's head.

The second mutated zombie was like a fly that had been pierced through its body. Murphy didn't miss this opportunity and stabbed back with all his strength. The second mutated zombie struggled for a while and then stopped moving.

At this time, Murphy exhausted his last bit of strength, ignored the mess beside him and the corpses of zombies in front of him, turned over a bag of well-packed bread, took a bag of milk and ate it in big mouthfuls .

After eating a piece of bread and a bag of milk, there was finally something to fill the bottom. Mophy then took out the empty cans in the backpack, picked some food that had been stored for a long time and put them in the backpack, and then took a few bottles of water and put them in. .

Although there was still water in the villa, Mo Fei didn't dare to drink it until the information was announced that the water was completely harmless. He only used it for bathing and washing clothes.

It was because she even used canned water for cooking before, so she bought two boxes of water in a daze before, but she used up all of them.

Filling his backpack full, Murphy pulled his plain gun from the second mutated zombie.

She has to leave here quickly, who knows if the ordinary zombies will come back after the second mutant zombies are gone, although the ordinary zombies are not as powerful as the second mutant zombies, they can't stand much, and they can trap themselves to death here.

With his backpack on his back, Murphy quickly walked towards the door of a house on the pre-planned route, then looked around to see if there were no zombies, and then ran towards his villa area.

The journey went smoothly. During the period, he used stones and flower pots to easily deceive two groups of zombies. He hid behind a house and looked towards the villa area, which was only a hundred meters away from the villa area.

Just when Murphy was in sight of victory and finally saw the dawn of returning home, just behind Murphy, a figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the house, and the figure walked towards Murphy very quickly without making a sound. come over.

Everything was going well, and he was about to return to the community, but a dangerous figure approached behind Murphy.

When Murphy heard movement behind him, he turned around suddenly, only to find a pure black cat behind him.

The cat's mouth was open, and the corner of the mouth was wide open, as if the corner of the mouth had been split to the back of the head.There was some liquid dripping from the black cat's teeth, and the paws that were originally hidden in the pads when walking were sticking out very ostentatiously.

Murphy took a deep breath, is this a zombie cat?

The information has mentioned zombie animals, but it is not very detailed, because animals have fewer mutations than humans, but zombie animals that have successfully mutated have characteristics that are more difficult to deal with than zombies.

It's no wonder that Murphy was so scared. When she found the zombie cat, the cat had already reached her feet.


Unusual roaring sound, this is definitely not the sound that ordinary cats can make, this sound is like seeping out of hell, hoarse and desolate.

In a hurry, Mo Fei threw the jar that was intended to attract zombies at the gate to the distance. When the sight of the zombie cat was taken away in an instant, Murphy ran desperately towards the gate of the villa area.

The fast footsteps made the sound of the steps fall heavily on the ground, attracting the wandering zombies at the door, all walking towards the "self-trapped" food.

Murphy didn't dare to see how many zombies were walking towards her on the road ahead, she was worried that she would not have the strength to get up again because she was afraid of falling all of a sudden.

Almost half-closed his eyes and rushed in, his body dodged the slow-moving zombies from time to time, and the plain tassel gun in his hand was not idle, and it almost became Murphy's sharp weapon to open the way.

At this moment, Murphy was very grateful that his grandfather forced him to learn self-defense when he was a child, and he was even more grateful that there were no secondary mutations in this group of zombies, and they were all ordinary zombies that moved slowly.

Because of this, she dodged many zombies before they got close to her.

Just when Murphy narrowly avoided the chase of some zombies at the gate, and was about to reach the river bank, a strange "ho" came from behind him.

After hearing the sound, Murphy quickened her pace and rushed towards the embankment. She knew that the one behind her was the zombie cat she had just frightened, and now it had chased after it.

Compared with the slow-moving ordinary zombies whose actions seemed to be played in slow motion, the speed of that zombie cat was even faster than that of the secondary mutated zombie just encountered.

Murphy didn't have time to look back to see where the zombie cat was chasing. She only had one thought in her mind: go home as soon as possible.

Not caring about untying the rope, Murphy stepped onto the embankment, and then ran towards the wall in the backyard.

There were only a few steps left to reach the outer edge of the wall, and Mo Fei was overjoyed, and ran forward even harder on his legs.

But she forgot that this is a river embankment after all, and the soil on the side is not firm. When she came out, she still had extra energy to lean on the trees on the river embankment to move forward, but now she has completely forgotten this and only knows how to work hard run.

If he didn't pay attention, Mo Fei fell into the mud beside the river embankment.

Murphy pulled his feet out vigorously. Although he didn't sink deeply, he came out quickly, but the stagnation of his body gave the zombie cat behind him a big chance.

The zombie cat suddenly appeared behind Murphy, and Luo's exposed teeth bit down on Murphy's neck.

Murphy had just pulled his feet out of the mud before he could stand still when he heard the sound of wind coming from behind him.

Murphy's body swayed, narrowly dodging the deadly attack of the zombie cat, but the zombie cat jumped to Murphy's feet on Murphy's shoulder, and the clothes on his shoulder were cut open by the sharp claws A deep gap.

Murphy quickly turned the Suying gun around, shook it twice in the air, and made a buzzing sound to attract the attention of the zombie cat. Then, Murphy shot suddenly and stabbed at the zombie cat.

Although the zombie cat avoided the Suying gun with its head, its body was penetrated by the Suying gun and stuck on the land of the river embankment.

With one hand holding the Suying gun, Murphy was digging at the ground next to him with the other hand. Finally, he pulled out a brick from a barrier next to it. Murphy took the brick and smashed it down on the head of the zombie cat.

The zombie cat's head was slightly deformed by the smash, and it let out a shrill roar, which attracted the response of the zombies next to it.But because of the isolation belt, they couldn't rush over for a while.

Seeing that he was still safe for the time being, Murphy turned his head and continued to hit the head of the zombie cat vigorously, until the zombie cat was completely dead beyond recognition, and then Murphy threw the stone aside.

Pulling out the Suying gun from the body of the dead zombie cat, Murphy ran forward scrambling, and finally climbed inside the wall of his own courtyard. Murphy opened the door very quickly and entered the house.

After entering the house, Murphy locked the door and sat on the ground crying.

The frightened and desperate fight that could kill her at any moment just now made her realize that the world she knew was indeed no longer the one she knew.

After crying for a short while, Murphy vented out the shock and fear in his heart.

Standing up, looking at the dirty mud on his body and hands, Mo Fei quickly took off the dirty clothes, and then went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Murphy looked in the mirror and realized that there were several obvious blood spots on his shoulders.

It seemed that the zombie cat scratched her shoulder while scratching the torn clothes just now, but the wound was very small, and she felt no pain at all because she was highly nervous just now.

Seeing these wounds on his shoulders, Murphy couldn't help being taken aback, and then became anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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