Chapter 5
Murphy, who heard the gunshots outside, hid his body behind the curtain and looked out.

I saw a man holding a shotgun in his hand and shooting at those who had turned into monsters.

Murphy knew that this kind of shotgun was not for ordinary people to use. It must have a special license and go through strict examination to obtain it.

The man's marksmanship was very accurate, and he could almost hit the heart of the zombie chasing him.

But Murphy was a little surprised that after the zombie was hit in the heart, it just paused for a moment, and then continued to sway towards the man.

Murphy looked nervously at what was happening outside. Are these monsters not afraid of guns?

The man was obviously very experienced. Although he didn't kill the zombie with a single shot, he moved very quickly. He rushed to the front of a car, turned around and shot the nearest zombie again.

This time, the bullet shot by the man hit the head of the zombie, and the zombie chasing him shook for a while before falling to the ground motionless.

The man took the opportunity to open the car door and get in. After all, everyone is driving an energy car now, and the sound is not too loud. Murphy only heard the slight sound of the car starting.

The car started slowly, but at this moment, a large number of zombies attracted by the gunshots just now surrounded the car.

The man ultimately failed to escape and was trapped in the car.

Murphy took a deep breath. His original idea of ​​driving out directly seemed a bit unrealistic now.

Looking at the two weapons in his hand, Mo Fei had already seen clearly just now.

Those zombies who hit the heart don't work at all, it seems that the head is the weak point, and the time to swing the crescent knife is too long, not as fast as the Suying spear.

Resolutely gave up the Yanyue Dao, and Mo Fei picked up the Suying Spear.

The weapon was chosen, and he didn't have lunch at all because he was unconscious in the warehouse. Although he was afraid of the outside, Mo Fei didn't feel hungry at all.But Murphy knew that without physical strength, everything was empty talk.

After cooking a pot of food, Mo Fei tried it, and it tasted pretty good.

Fortunately, because I wanted to prepare lunch boxes for Gu Huaiyuan myself, I learned how to cook for a period of time. Otherwise, without a babysitter, I would have starved to death if I hadn't been eaten by zombies.

Holding the pot, Murphy sat on the sofa, turned the volume down to the lowest and turned on the TV to see if there was any new information.

After Murphy sat down, he watched the image information on the TV while eating what he cooked.

The images on the TV did not change much, but the scrolling subtitles mentioned some characteristics of the zombies in addition to what was told before, as well as some information about the survivor bases that had begun to be established in some areas.

Regarding the characteristics of zombies, Murphy only concluded one article today, and this article was also marked on the TV, indicating that someone had already discovered this problem.

Although the above information is more than the previous day, it still does not mention when to start preparing for the rescue operation.

Murphy turned off the TV. Now he should be using the wind energy cycle power supply in the villa. Although the power consumption of the TV is not much, Murphy doesn't know how long he will have to wait here before the rescue, so he still needs to save some.

In the next few days, Murphy spent the day familiarizing himself with the tasseled gun in the former martial arts training ground next to the garage, and watched the information on the TV at night while waiting for rescue.

It has been 11 days since November 2nd ushered in the end of the world. Today is November 9th, and today is Murphy's birthday.

After cooking myself a meal, there is almost nothing left in the house.

During these days of waiting for rescue, food is decreasing day by day.Fortunately, there seemed to be fewer zombies outside than on the first day, but rescue still did not come.

Murphy, who has already grasped the general situation from the broadcast information, is going to go out to find some food, and then go to find the survivor base.

Early in the morning on the 13th, Murphy drank the last remaining bottle of water. There was nothing to eat last night, and Murphy, who was hungry all night, didn't sleep well.

Holding his plain gun, Murphy came to the door.After taking a few deep breaths, Mo Fei bravely opened the door.

As soon as the door was opened, a long-lost sunlight shone on Murphy's face.

The warm and harsh sunlight made Murphy feel uncomfortable for a while.Raising his hand to cover the light, he squinted and looked outside.

If you just look at the weather outside, the blue sky, white clouds, and the warm sunshine in winter really make people feel refreshed.

But looking at the ground again, Murphy could see the zombies wandering around outside the courtyard and the broken limbs scattered on the blood-stained ground from the high steps at the door of the house.

Looking out through the glass is different from directly seeing the bloody scene like this. The current situation and the faint stench in the air made Mo Fei feel a little sick to his stomach. Unfortunately, his stomach was empty and he could only hold on to the wall and spit out some acid water.

No, I can't just see such a situation and become so fragile, but I am determined to live a good life.

While Mo Fei kept reminding herself in her heart, she clenched the Suying gun even tighter, as if to show her determination.

After adjusting, Murphy closed the door, and then went down the stairs lightly.


Suddenly, a zombie standing on the edge of the courtyard seemed to have spotted Murphy, and after a roar, it swayed towards the courtyard door.

Murphy was startled at first, and then realized that the zombie couldn't get through at all, so he relaxed a little, but how could he get out?
After several days of observation, Mo Fei found that the side wall of the villa was close to the river. There were not many people here, and zombies rarely went to the river bank.However, the soil on the bank of the river is very soft, and if you walk up it rashly, you may fall into the river.

Although according to the information on TV, the "Sunny Project" only affects mammals, which means that birds, fish and insects are not within this scope.

But now it's early winter, and if you fall into the river in this weather, you may be seriously ill if you don't die.According to the information, when the immunity is low, it is also easy to be affected and mutate.

Murphy thought for a while, and suddenly found that there was actually a row of trees planted by the river, and a protective fence was set up around the tree for fear of people slipping, so could he use those trees to get out of here?
As soon as he thought of it, Murphy hung the Suying gun on his backpack, and then climbed over the courtyard wall.

Then, Mo Fei ignored the zombies yelling at him, and ran quickly along the river, the rope in his hand was tightened, and he wound the rope around the trunk of the next tree every step he took.

Moving so quickly, Murphy finally left his small courtyard and came to the gate. Looking back at the river embankment, Murphy was glad that he had received his grandfather's physical education since he was a child.

There are no zombies beside the embankment, and it is safe to have a guardrail to block it, but there are quite a few zombies gathered at the gate, and there are also several overturned cars.

Among the overturned cars was the one driven by the gun-wielding man I saw from the window last time, but the door of that car had been deformed, and the people inside were probably dead.

Murphy took out a few empty jars from behind, which he prepared only after getting the information from the TV.

The eyesight of these zombies is not particularly good, but their senses of hearing and smell are extremely sensitive. As long as there is a loud noise or the smell of blood, they will follow and run over.

This is also the reason why there were not many people in this villa area originally, but there were many zombies later.Many zombies followed the bloody smell of the killed people all the way.

Murphy threw the empty cans further into the villa area, and the zombies walked slowly past as if they had discovered something.

However, there were still a few of them swaying aimlessly. Holding his breath, Mo Fei slipped through the small door next to him on tiptoe, and passed smoothly as he saw.

It's a pity that the sky didn't go as expected. When Murphy turned his body, the remaining empty jars that were prepared in the bag hit the door, and made a moderate "clang" sound.

The few zombies that didn't run far turned towards Murphy.


While Murphy exclaimed in his heart, his first thought was to run quickly.

Not caring much, Mo Fei held the Suying gun behind her in her hand, and then ran out of the gate desperately. She couldn't eliminate so many zombies at once.

While trying to run out, Mo Fei didn't forget her goal. She identified the direction while running. What she was going to was the small supermarket not far from the villa area, and went there to find some food and water.

After turning a few turns, Murphy was finally convinced that he had shaken off the slow-moving zombies, and the palms of the gun holding the Suying gun were all sweaty.

Breathing heavily, Murphy's heart was beating violently, not knowing whether it was because of desperate running or nervousness.

When I looked again, the target small supermarket was already in sight.

Looking around carefully, Mo Fei didn't see any zombies. Although it felt strange, the open door of the small supermarket beckoned to Mo Fei like a temptation.

His throat was a little dry from running just now, and now he really wanted to open a bottle of water to drink a few sips, and he hadn't eaten anything last night, and now Murphy was already hungry.

Mo Fei swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and quickly got into the small supermarket.

Just as Murphy stepped into the small supermarket, his eyes were shining on the biscuits and drinks on the price list, suddenly a zombie quickly jumped out from behind the shelf not far away.

This zombie seemed to be different from the ones I had just seen outside before. The flexibility of this zombie's movements was almost the same as that of ordinary people, and it rushed towards Murphy with a growl of "ho ho".

Seeing this unusual zombie, Mo Fei's heart sank, and he flipped his hand and placed the tasseled spear in his hand across his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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