Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 4 Ancestral Sandalwood Box

Chapter 4 Ancestral Sandalwood Box
Don't know when I can come back this time.Murphy sighed in his heart.

Grandpa and father both said that this car is very special, but if he is rescued and leaves here this time, or if he wants to escape here, he may not be able to come back when, or even if he will come back alive. Murphy thought of this The nose is a little sour.

As if saying goodbye to an old friend, Murphy walked to this old-fashioned car that he had seen with his grandfather since he was a child.

Putting the Yanyue Knife and Suying Gun on the ground, Mo Fei reached out and stroked the smooth body. Although there was dust, it could still be seen that the car was actually very new.

"I'm the only one in the family, and you've been my friend since I was a child. It's a pity that you are too old. Otherwise, grandpa and dad value you so much. I really want to take you with me. I have no choice but to keep you. Will grandpa and dad be disappointed in me?"

Murphy murmured to the car. During the conversation, Murphy thought of his grandfather who loved him very much on weekdays but was very strict during practice; he thought of his father who never lost his temper with him; A beautiful, generous, gentle and virtuous mother.

When the end of the world came, he was alone, and Murphy's tears dripped down his cheeks.

Crystal clear teardrops rolled down the car body, touching something like a seal along the way, and as the teardrops poured into the seal, the seal actually emitted a dazzling light.

Mo Fei wiped away his tears in surprise, and involuntarily touched the part on the car body where the seal pattern emitted a dazzling light. The light was as warm as sunlight.

The light gradually moved upwards along the finger where Mo Fei touched the pattern, and soon, Mo Fei's arm also became golden, until the light enveloped Mo Fei's whole body.

Mo Fei felt as if he had returned to his mother's embrace. The corner of his mouth involuntarily curled into a smile, and then fell into a deep sleep.

But the old-fashioned mechanical car that was originally parked in the warehouse disappeared out of thin air, and only Murphy, who was shining with light and with a sweet smile at the corner of his mouth, was left on the ground, as if he was having a sweet dream.

When Murphy woke up again, outside the open door, the sunlight was no longer as abundant as when it came in.

She rubbed her head, she seemed to have had a very long dream just now.

In the dream, there are father, mother, and the stern but kind grandfather. They are all concerned and nervous to say something to him, but before they can speak, they drift farther and farther away. Murphy can only see their mouths opening and closing. Seems to be shouting something.

Murphy raised his hand and glanced at his watch. It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

What happened to me?Why did he suddenly fall asleep in the warehouse?
Mo Fei got up and dusted off the dirt on his body. It was really dirty here. It seemed that he would have to wash it before changing clothes.

Why did he faint inexplicably just now?Thinking about it, Murphy raised his head.

It was only now that she realized that the old-fashioned car parked beside the warehouse that both grandpa and father paid special attention to was gone.

what the hell is it?Murphy was taken aback by the inexplicably disappearing car in front of him.

Mo Fei quickly looked around. How could such a big car disappear? Could it be that someone just came in here?
However, no matter how Murphy searched, nothing changed except for the missing car, and even the weapon he had just picked lay motionless on the ground.

It can also be seen from the dust on the ground that there is only trace left by Murphy. Everything remains the same as before, but the car he touched just now is gone.

Thinking of that car, Mo Fei suddenly remembered in a trance that before he fell into a coma, he seemed to cry because he thought of his family. The tear fell on a talisman in front of the car, and then the sigil seemed to emit a dazzling light, and then he Just fell asleep.

Thinking of this, Murphy tried hard to recall the glowing sigil before, that figure he seemed to have seen somewhere.Perhaps finding that graphic will solve the mystery.

Mo Fei tried hard to search in his memory, and suddenly, Mo Fei suddenly remembered that when he was a child, his grandfather once showed him something like a treasure, and after his grandfather passed away, his father put away that thing again.

After his parents passed away, Murphy didn't seem to care about these things.

Where is that thing?Mo Fei rubbed his forehead with his hands. He hadn't seen that thing for a long time, so he couldn't remember where he piled it up.

After reminiscing for a while, Murphy finally remembered.

correct!That thing should be in the dark compartment of father's study.Mo Fei slapped his forehead, picked up the two weapons he had picked out on the ground, and left the warehouse.

After locking the door, Murphy walked through the garage, took the elevator and returned to the living room.

Before he had time to try the weapon he picked up just now, Mo Fei ran all the way into his father's study. Although Mo Fei rarely came here, because it was inside the house, it was usually cleaned very clean by the nanny.

Entering the study, Murphy came to the large desk, on which there was only a paperweight and a brush hanging from the pen holder.

These were all used by my grandfather, but after my grandfather passed away, my father put them on the table and never discarded them.

Murphy sat on his father's large chair, and then bent over to fumble for something under his father's desk.

"There is..."

Following Murphy's soft call, his hand touched a protrusion, and after pressing the protrusion, there was a crisp click sound, and then a hidden compartment appeared on the wall behind the desk.

In fact, this secret compartment is really not too difficult to find, but what appears along with the secret compartment is a sophisticated identifier.

Murphy really didn't want to use this thing, because every time this thing used this recognizer, it would be very painful.

Mo Fei carefully pressed his finger on the reader, which made a "beep" sound after the fingerprint was recognized, but at the same time, Mo Fei felt a little pain on his finger.

The pain in the fingers caused the joints of the fingers to bend slightly subconsciously, but Mo Fei gritted his teeth, and the fingers did not leave the reader for half a minute, and then the blood beads under the fingers fainted, and the secret compartment was officially opened.

This recognizer first identifies the fingerprint identity, and then pricks the finger of the person whose fingerprint identity has been confirmed for blood analysis, which also prevents fingerprints from being stolen.

Mo Fei had suffered a lot before. When he confirmed his identity for the first time, his grandfather smiled and said nothing.

As a result, Mo Fei stretched out his finger, but unexpectedly, he was stabbed. He subconsciously retracted his hand, but the hidden compartment was not opened, and he had to stab it again.

Later, my grandfather passed away. Although the study room was refurbished, the secret compartment still exists, but the switch has been moved from under the cabinet where my grandfather used to place decorative ancient jade to under my father's desk.

When the secret compartment was opened, there were no precious jewels and jades inside, only a wooden box without any decoration, but now, this wooden box is more precious than those gold and silver boxes.

Mo Fei reached out and took out the wooden box inside. This wooden box didn't have any decorations, but the wood was very shiny and dark red, and it exuded a faint woody fragrance.

People from thousands of years ago or antique dealers will be surprised to find that this wooden box is a piece of high-quality sandalwood rosewood. This kind of wood has interlaced grains, dense structure, corrosion resistance and durability. , and the material of this piece is also very delicate.

Mo Fei once heard from his grandfather that this wooden box and the contents of the wooden box were handed down from the ancestors. At that time, this kind of wood was already very rare and expensive. In the current era when every inch of wood saves gold, this box may be able to Buy several such villas from Murphy's family.

When grandpa said it, little Murphy didn't pay attention to it. Now that I think about it, the box is so precious. What does that seemingly inconspicuous thing inside represent?

Holding the wooden box and returning to the desk, Mo Fei gently placed the box on the desk.

"Hmm... what was the formula that grandpa told me?" Murphy looked at the box worriedly.

It's all my fault that I didn't care about it when I was playful at the beginning, but now it's really hard to think about it.

Sitting in front of the desk that his father used to use, Murphy couldn't figure out what the formula for opening the box was.Reluctantly, he had no choice but to walk out of the study with the box in his hand.

After leaving the study room, Mo Fei put the wooden box on the bed, and then picked up the weapon he had just chosen. In case of any accident, this is something he can save his life.

That delicate dagger, Mo Fei looked at the size of the dagger, then dug out some straps from the drawer, took out a backpack of his own, cut the backpack open with scissors, wrapped the dagger, and then went downstairs to the Japanese Find a sewing machine in the user's room. This sewing machine is very convenient. Whether it is leather or cloth, as long as you can think of it, you can use it to sew it out. It's just that professionals do it more delicately, and ordinary people can barely sew it firmly. That's all.

Normally, Murphy's things would never be resewn, and they would be thrown away if they were broken, or even if they were not broken, they would be thrown away if they were old, except for the commemorative doll that accompanied her when she was a child.

So this expensive thing has been idle for a long time, and I can find it because the nanny occasionally uses it to sew some things at home, and Murphy doesn't use it anyway, so he didn't say anything about the nanny occasionally using it in private.

Aim at the piece of leather cut from the backpack and press it, and soon, a leather scabbard is ready.

Tuck the scabbard dagger into his waist so that he won't accidentally injure himself.

Afterwards, Mo Fei began to observe the two weapons by himself, a Crescent Moon Saber and a Suying Spear.

These two weapons are very convenient for Murphy, but which one is better to use?
When Murphy was hesitating, he suddenly heard gunshots from outside. With the two weapons clenched tightly in his hands, Murphy hurried out of the room and came to the living room window.

(End of this chapter)

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