Chapter 120
After opening the door and entering the room, Lin Yixun ran into the room, causing Yulin and Murphy to look at each other, not knowing what happened to Lin Yixun.

Lin Yixun ran upstairs, and ran down again after a while, with a small box in his hand.

"Feifei, Sister Yulin, sit down quickly." Lin Yixun ran down, put the box on the table, and then called the two of them to sit down.

"Yixun, what the hell are you doing?" Murphy looked at Lin Yixun suspiciously.

"Hey, I'll find out soon." Lin Yixun mysteriously opened the box, and three strings of brightly colored bead chains appeared inside.

"This is?" Murphy looked at the bead chain and raised his head again.

Lin Yixun picked up one of the bracelets, pulled Mo Fei's hand and put the bracelet on Mo Fei's wrist: "I found these beads in the manor over there yesterday, and these three bracelets are the ones I picked up in the car today. I wanted to give it to you when I went to play with you at night, but I didn't expect you to be transferred to my side at night, I want to use this to celebrate, and take it as a memorial of our friendship."

While speaking, Lin Yixun had already put the first string of bracelets on Murphy's wrist, and then picked up another string for Yulin to wear.

"I'll help you wear it." Mo Fei waited for Lin Yixun to finish putting it on for Yulin, then picked up the last string and said.

"En." Lin Yixun blinked his big eyes and nodded with a smile.

After putting on the bracelet, the three of them stretched out their bracelet-wearing hands at the same time: "Hehe, we will be good sisters from now on. Sister Yulin is the oldest, I am the second, and Feifei is the youngest. From now on, Feifei will be the younger sister." Lin Yixun Shaking the bracelet in his hand happily arranged it.

"What, I think it should be calculated according to the mature age in my heart." Murphy puffed her mouth in disbelief, causing Yulin to cover her mouth and giggle. She didn't have any concept of family members before the end of the world, so she could have so many Two lovely younger sisters, Yulin has some warmth in her heart.

The three chatted and laughed until very late, looking at the time, Yulin urged Murphy and Lin Yixun to go to rest quickly.

"Okay, okay, don't make trouble. Let's see what time it is and don't go to sleep. We will go to the sea base tomorrow. We don't know what's going on on the way, so hurry up and refresh yourself." Yulin put on a pose Said to the two of them in the tone of an older sister.

Murphy and Lin Yixun looked at each other, and then replied in unison: "Yes, big sister."

"You two are really..." She was a little embarrassed to be called by the elder sister. Yulin was not very good at expressing too strong feelings, so she had to make a gesture to pat Murphy and Lin Yixun.

The two escaped quickly, one of them rolled off the sofa, and then ran towards the upstairs room.

"You two, don't run away." Yulin also gave up her usual ladylike image, and chased after Murphy and Lin Yixun.

The three laughed and went upstairs, because they had to take care of Lin Yixun's relationship, although there were many rooms, they didn't live next to them, but moved the bed and put them in Lin Yixun's room.Of course, this is also required by the interest.

After chatting casually for a while, the three of them finally calmed down, their breathing gradually became steady, and they gradually fell asleep.

Seeing that the lights were off, the guard at the door entered the living room and sat down on the sofa.

In the past, they had to guard outside Lin Yixun's room all night, but now that Mo Fei and the others came, they could relax a little bit.

The two guards were sitting on the sofa resting, but there was a sound that was not too loud outside the door.

"There is movement, you stare inside, I'll go out and take a look." One of the guards said to the other.

The other guard nodded, then held the energy gun in his hand.

The guard who spoke first walked towards the door lightly, and quickly opened the door. When he stretched his head to look out, a hard object on the eaves hit the back of the guard's head, and the guard fell to the ground without making a sound.

The guard who was staying in the room saw his companion lying down and hurriedly got up to look, but a person appeared behind him and hit the guard's head hard, and then the guard in the room also fell to the ground.

"Quickly, tie up these two people, and don't forget to gag them." One of them quickly commanded, but the voice was extremely low.

The other two quickly tied up the two guards and gagged them. Then the three looked at each other. The leader raised his head and aimed straight at the room where Murphy, Lin Yixun and Yulin were.

A few people went upstairs lightly, but in the darkness, a bright plain tasseled gun had already rushed out of the darkness.

The tip of the gun struck out quickly, instantly hitting the vital point of one of the people's throats.

"Don't move, who are you?" Murphy asked the three people in front of him in a low voice.

The visitor didn't expect that he would be noticed with such a light movement. He couldn't help being shocked and thinking about how to get away. After all, there were three of them, and the other party was only a little girl.

The man whose throat was pressed wanted to retreat, but the distance he retreated was immediately made up by Murphy's Suying spear, and the strength was just enough to resist him without real harm.

"Don't move. If you move again, I can't guarantee that the distance will be so accurate." Mo Fei twisted the plain spear slightly, and the man's neck was slightly punctured.

"Okay, I won't move." The man quickly stood up straight.

Seeing that the man was cooperative, Murphy looked at the other two and said, "Tell me, what's your purpose for coming here."

"Hmph, you're being good-looking when you get a cheap price. I don't know what dirty means you two sisters used to get this fat job. Anyway, all of this was originally mine." The girl said to Mo Fei angrily.If it weren't for the fear that the plain gun in Mo Fei's hand would stab the man to death, it would seem that women would have eaten Mo Fei's heart.

It was only then that Mo Fei saw clearly the woman speaking in front of him through the moonlight, the woman who had accompanied Lin Yixun in the car before.

"So, you actually want to continue protecting Dr. Lin?" Murphy asked with a sarcastic grin.

"Don't talk nonsense, everyone knows what they want, don't think that you can live better like this." The woman still said angrily.

"What do you want? I don't want anything." Mo Fei felt that there was something in the woman's words, so he said along the way.

Seeing what Mo Fei said, the woman looked disdainful: "Bah, I dare to say what I want, don't pretend like that, you just want to strengthen... um..." Before the woman finished speaking, the woman His mouth was covered by the man beside him.

Murphy rolled his eyes: "That's right, there's nothing wrong with me wanting it, isn't that what everyone wants?"

Seeing that Murphy admitted, the woman became even more excited: "Brother, I told you that they must have the same purpose, hmph, since I have pierced this layer of window paper, I am not afraid to tell you that this enhancer can only be used by supernatural beings." You better stay out of my way."

At this moment, Murphy was attracted by the woman's words, and the Suying gun in his hand was not so urgent. The man who was threatened turned over and escaped from Murphy's control. As soon as the fire hit the water, it rushed towards Murphy.

Murphy dodged in a hurry, and then the Suying spear stabbed at the woman again.

The woman originally dodged, but probably because of the darkness, she lost her footing and rolled down the stairs.

Originally, Mo Fei reflexively went to pull the woman, but the man at the side thought that Mo Fei was about to attack, so he rushed over, but he didn't expect that man to roll over as well.

The only remaining man saw it clearly, glanced at Mo Fei, and then chased downstairs.

Because two people rolled down the stairs in a row, such a loud sound naturally woke up Yulin and Lin Yixun. The two opened the door with sleepy faces, and looked at Murphy who was standing at the top of the stairs with a Suying gun and looked forward. .

"Feifei, what's that sound?"

Seeing that the two people had woken up, Murphy pointed helplessly at the three people below. Because the woman rolled down first and was crushed by a man who rolled down behind her, she was now unconscious. The man who rolled down later was fine, but It seems that the neck has been twisted, and the head has been tilted.

And the man at the end who seems to be older is taking care of two people.

"Who are these three?" Yulin glanced downstairs and asked inexplicably.

"I don't know where it came from. Anyway, I was jealous of our fat job and planned to sabotage it." Murphy shrugged and replied.

There is nothing wrong with Murphy's guess. In fact, the people who came here did not intend to do anything to them. They just wanted to carry out some small attacks to show that Murphy and the other two girls were incompetent. Their original plan was to sneak into Lin Yixun's residence quietly. After this villa, Murphy, Lin Yixun and Yulin were all tied up quietly.

When they are discovered tomorrow morning, they can volunteer to take up this task, but they didn't expect to be discovered without even entering the house.

In fact, they can't be blamed for being careless, it can only be said that their luck is too bad.Murphy originally waited for Yulin and Lin Yixun to fall asleep before starting Qi training. During Qi training, Murphy's senses were most sensitive, so Murphy could faintly hear the sound of the guard opening the door and falling to the ground outside.

Feeling something unusual, Murphy slowly restrained his breath, and then stood up holding the Suying gun.

Slowly opening the door, Murphy saw that the three men were tying up the two guards. Judging from the degree of attack, this group of people seemed to have no intention of killing people, but Murphy was not sure what the purpose of these people was, so he made a sound ask.

But who knew that these three people were too reckless, and they fell and injured themselves before they could do anything.

"Sister Yulin, take Yixun to sleep, I'll see the people below." After finishing speaking, Mo Fei pushed Yulin and Lin Yixun, who was still half awake, inside.

Walking down the stairs slowly, the man who heard the footsteps raised his head vigilantly.

"I just came down to see how your sister fell." Murphy simply carried the Suying gun on his back.

The man also knew that from Murphy's attack just now, it could be seen that Murphy's moves were not fatal, and he even restrained himself in many cases and just resisted the attacks of three people.

Murphy squatted down, reached out and touched the girl's forehead, then rolled the girl's eyelids, and then stretched out his hand towards the girl's chest.

 Today I found that one more reader voted for Xiaoxiao, thank you!Xiaoxiao is not a famous author, there are really few recommendation votes, I cherish everyone who voted for Xiaoxiao, thank you for your support (^o^)/

(End of this chapter)

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