Chapter 119
Murphy had no idea that there was more than one giant beast here.

At this time, everyone was in a dilemma. Although a huge beast behind was startled by the flames that had just been ignited due to the nature of animals, it was intercepted there, allowing everyone to escape.

But the giant beast is a mutated and evolved beast after all, so it quickly got rid of the burning car and chased in the direction where everyone left.

But misfortunes never come singly. Everyone arrived at the gate, but unexpectedly found another giant beast blocking the gate.

As everyone's cars stopped in front of the gate, the giant beast blocking the gate also started to move.

"Quick, back up, back up quickly." There was a mess in the car, and some people yelled loudly into the cab.

At this time, behind everyone, the giant beast that was originally chasing also started to move. The huge body ran, and fell heavily on the ground, forming a "dongdong" impact sound and because the two giant beasts moved at the same time. , causing the frequency of the ground to resonate and vibrate slightly.

"No, I don't want to die!" Some people cried out in despair.

Murphy saw that in a car next to him, someone had smashed the glass with a hammer and jumped out of the window, but before he could go far, he was swept horizontally by the tail of the giant beast and smashed into the wall, becoming bloody.

Because of this situation, more people fell into great fear.

Yulin held Mo Fei's hand tightly, and her slightly trembling hand showed the tension in Yulin's heart.

"Sister Yulin, don't be afraid, we'll be fine." Mo Fei stood up as she spoke, and she decided to attack.

"Feifei, that monster is so big, I can't fight it." Yulin firmly grabbed Mo Fei and didn't allow her to go out to fight.

When Murphy was about to explain to Yulin the special weapon he possessed, suddenly, two giant beasts roared at the same time, and then the two giant beasts collided with each other.

It was only then that Mo Fei saw clearly the giant beast standing at the door. Although the two giant beasts were similar in size, they were not the same kind of giant beast. At this moment, the two giant beasts seemed to be very dissatisfied with each other, and they were already wrestling. Together.

The huge body of one of the giant beasts was overturned by another giant beast, and hit the side of a certain car. Although the car was not completely hit, the edge was dented, and the people in the car were sideways. side.

Seeing this situation, team leader Zhang hurriedly urged the front car to set off.

The other cars saw that the team leader's car had started and quickly followed suit, heading towards the vacated gate.

The car drove forward quickly, and the two giant beasts that were still fighting fiercely were also fighting inextricably at this moment, and when everyone was leaving, more giant beasts rushed in from outside the door.

Murphy looked back through the car window, the giant beast that was chasing him in the courtyard at first had been killed because it was outnumbered, and the other giant beasts that rushed in had eaten that giant beast.

This is still a world of the jungle, Murphy couldn't help but sigh.

Turning his head, Mo Fei sighed softly, and at the same time, Yu Lin beside him also sighed.

The two looked at each other because they sighed at the same time, and then a smile appeared on their faces.

"If you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed. We narrowly escaped death today. Who would have thought that those giant beasts would kill each other and ignore us. I thought I was doomed. I didn't even have the desire to escape." Yulin said Said softly to Murphy.

One sentence made Murphy suddenly see the scene of the girl jumping off the building. The expression seemed to be relieved. It seems that she also misunderstood. She must know the existence of giant beasts in the courtyard and the giant beasts outside the courtyard, and she was mentally tortured so much. For a long time, only her mother's last wish supported her.

When she finally found Mo Fei, the direct descendant of the Mo family, the girl was finally relieved. She never thought that she would leave the manor, so even if she died, she would still stay in the manor.

Murphy seems to be able to understand the girl's mind, but he also regrets that she no longer has the courage to live.

"Don't worry, I will live on for you." Murphy muttered softly.

"What? Feifei, speak louder." Yulin who was on the side seemed to say something after seeing Mo Fei in a daze for a while, but she couldn't hear it clearly because her voice was too low.

Mo Fei raised his head and looked at Yulin: "It's nothing, sister Yulin, I mean we must live a good life."

Yulin nodded in agreement: "Yes, it's a miracle that we didn't die at such a dangerous time, so we will definitely live well."

On the road again, I don’t know if it’s because I just got through the difficulty, God didn’t make it difficult for everyone, or because there was no zombie tide today, anyway, today’s journey went smoothly, the only two attacks on the road were also very small number of zombies .

Taking advantage of the smooth road, everyone drove a lot of distance. If tomorrow goes well, they will be able to reach the sea base.

Given the situation this time, I was very careful in choosing a place to stay this time. In a place similar to a resort, I checked it carefully inside and out, and checked in after confirming that there was nothing wrong.

However, most of these are small single-family buildings. After all, people who come on vacation do not come to live in dormitories, so the people in the team live in scattered places. However, there are guard rooms and monitors that can be used after maintenance, so it should be a problem. not big.

Mo Fei was called over by team leader Zhang. He had asked Mo Fei for something before, but he didn't expect to be delayed repeatedly because of the matter.

"Leader Zhang, what do you want from me?" Murphy asked after following the guards to the small villa where Leader Zhang lived.

"It's like this. I see that you are very clever and have good skills, so I want you to be Dr. Lin's bodyguard. After all, you are a girl and you are friends with Dr. Lin. Many times it is more suitable to take care of her." Since the manor After what happened, Team Leader Zhang was thinking about this question.

If Murphy hadn't taken Lin Yixun to live in a room that day, no one could say what would have happened. After all, Lin Yixun's guards were all men, and they couldn't stay in the same room all the time, so it was often inconvenient to take care of them.

But Murphy is different. Judging from her performance these days, she has absolutely no problem taking care of Lin Yixun. Although she has not received much training, she is no worse than Lin Yixun's original guard.

"If you accept this mission, I will directly allocate extra rewards to you when you arrive at the sea base. What do you think?" Leader Zhang continued.

Mo Fei is naturally willing to accept the task of taking care of Lin Yixun. Even if there is no reward, even if it is not a specially assigned task, he will definitely not stand by when Lin Yixun is in trouble, so since he is assigned as a task, he still has a reward Take it, Murphy is naturally very happy.

"Leader Zhang, I accept this mission, but I have one condition."

"What condition?" Hearing Murphy said there was a condition, Team Leader Zhang was a little worried that Murphy would open his mouth, and his heart sank. After all, she was a little girl, and she was still thinking about immediate interests.

Unexpectedly, Mo Fei replied with a smile: "It's like this. I will definitely not take good care of myself, so I want the girl who is with me to do this task together. I don't need to ask for a reward, but that Girls have to come with me."

After hearing what Mo Fei said, Team Leader Zhang showed a rare smile: "I have already considered this issue, you mean the girl named Yulin who is with you?"

Murphy nodded: "Yes, that's her."

"I also thought it would be a heavy burden for you to do it alone, but although she is a supernatural user, her attack power is relatively weak, so I don't think she is suitable for being a security guard." Leader Zhang has obviously done some investigations, it should be I have already considered Yulin's suitability, so I said it straight to the point.

"Perhaps you only consider it from the perspective of attack power, but you need to know that the level of tacit understanding between us cannot be formed with others in a short period of time, and I am confident to protect them both. Yulin only needs to take care of Lin A doctor is enough, and if I give it to someone else, I may have to pay more attention because I am worried." Murphy simply told Team Leader Zhang what he was thinking, then stopped talking, and handed over the decision-making power to Zhang leader.

Leader Zhang pondered for a while, and he also felt that what Murphy said made sense, and then nodded: "Okay, but this mission can only be successful and not fail, you can go to Dr. Lin's villa tonight, I will Tell her original guard to stay outside. From tomorrow, you can go to Dr. Lin's car. I will take the position of the girl who was the guard and another guard for you two.

"Okay, do I understand? Thank you, Team Leader Zhang, for your trust. We will do our best to complete the task."

Afterwards, Team Leader Zhang gave Murphy and Yulin a top-notch energy gun. This kind of energy gun is light but powerful, but the number is very small. This is specially approved for the success of this mission.So Mo Fei and Yulin could only be granted one of these guns, and another energy gun that had been modified to be used by supernatural beings.

"One of you is a non-long-range attack, and the other is a long-range attack but its power is not strong. Take this gun with you just in case."

Although Murphy had never used it, he had heard of this gun.After solemnly receiving the two energy guns, Murphy bid farewell to Team Leader Zhang and went back to find Yulin.

Telling Yulin about their future tasks, Yulin was also very happy to be Lin Yixun's bodyguard.

Holding the energy gun and the backpacks of the two of them, they walked straight to the villa where Lin Yixun lived.

"Feifei, Sister Yulin, I'm waiting for you. I just heard that you two were exchanged to be my bodyguards. I'm so happy." Near Lin Yixun's villa, the villa door was closed, but Lin Yixun stood at the door and looked this way. Seeing Mo Fei and Yu Lin approaching, he ran towards the two of them.

"Let's go, although it's warmer than the star base here, it's still quite cold at night, so hurry up and get in." Yulin smiled and the three of them entered the house.

On the other side, a pair of eyes watching the three people enter the room showed resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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