Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 118 Reminder with Life

Chapter 118 Reminder with Life

Looking at the words written by the girl with tea on the ground and the three big exclamation marks behind the words, Mo Fei was a little puzzled, and reached out to pull the girl.

"Are you worried about those zombie rats? It's okay, those zombie rats have been wiped out by us, don't worry, besides, this place is so scary, you can have someone to take care of you if you come with me!"

Murphy reached out to pull the girl who was squatting on the ground writing, but unexpectedly she pushed Murphy away, turned and ran to the window and opened her mouth to Murphy.

When the girl opened her mouth, Murphy was surprised to find that the girl's mouth was empty.

Strange, why does it feel like something is missing?Murphy was taken aback for a moment, and then thought, yes, there is no tongue, the girl doesn't have a tongue in her mouth at all.

"Your tongue?" Murphy asked hurriedly, following the girl to the side.

The girl glanced at the ground again, and motioned Mo Fei to look at the writing on the ground with her eyes.

Murphy followed the girl's eyes to look at the writing on the water beside him, and the writing was blurred.

With a sound of "Boom", the girl pushed open the window, and after a strange sound came out of her throat, she jumped down.

"Don't..." Mo Fei quickly ran to the window to look down. The girl's head hit the hard concrete floor behind her, and her body fell into a pool of blood.

The door was pushed open, and Team Leader Zhang who heard the sound hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

"She jumped off the building..." Mo Fei was a little depressed. After all, he was a distant relative, and he died in front of his eyes.

"Why did you jump off the building?" Team leader Zhang didn't quite understand. When he first discovered the girl, he thought she had some purpose, and because he caught her in Lin Yixun's room, but Lin Yixun disappeared, so he interrogated this girl. girl.

However, no matter how much he asked, the girl remained silent. It seemed that she had a breakthrough until Murphy came, but why did she jump off the building again in a blink of an eye?
Seeing Murphy's absent-minded answer, Team Leader Zhang asked again: "Did she say anything to you?"

Only then did Murphy think of the meaningful look the girl gave before jumping off the building.

Looking at the ground again, only a little bit of damp can be seen, and the handwriting has completely disappeared.

"She can't speak, but she wrote on the ground just now, telling us to get out of here quickly." Murphy replied truthfully, but suddenly seemed to understand something and hurriedly said to Leader Zhang: "Leader Zhang, here I’m afraid there’s something else, get ready to leave, I’m going to find something.”

After finishing speaking, Murphy hurriedly ran out the door without waiting for Team Leader Zhang to react.

Although he didn't understand what Murphy meant, Team Leader Zhang was not stupid. The meaning of Murphy's words was already expressed clearly, and it was not appropriate to stay here for a long time.

Regardless of whether it was true or not, he was going to leave here today, so team leader Zhang didn't hesitate at all, and immediately ordered the team to prepare for departure.

While the team here was quickly packing up the car and leaving here, Mo Fei hurried to the small building full of sundries that he had visited yesterday.

Pulling the door panel open, Mo Fei quickly ran upstairs regardless of whether there was dust or not.

Holding the cover open with both hands, Murphy ran into the room where the girl used to live.

Since she was still alive, she didn't even dare to enter the house she lived in and just wandered around in this manor, which meant that the thing was terrifying, at least it should be more terrifying than the monster she said, that is, the zombie.

When she jumped down just now, Mo Fei saw her looking at the ground. Except for the handwriting, Mo Fei suddenly realized that her handwriting looked like a rectangle after being blurred, and the words in the middle were like scattered flowers, which made Mo Fei Fei suddenly thought of the diary that left her deepest memory.

Is there anything else in her diary?She knew that she must have entered the grid room when she shouted out, and she read her diary, so she reminded herself, but why did she jump off the building, and what made her die rather than leave?Murphy felt that the diary seemed to explain everything.

Familiar with the road, Mo Fei went straight to the bed and picked up the little flower diary, but there was no time to look through it now, so Mo Fei put the diary in the storage talisman, and then flipped through the drawer to make sure there was nothing else. He just left, and when he left, Mo Fei put the girl's photo album in order, and then left this small house that the girl herself called a lattice house.

After going downstairs, Murphy took a medical book from the shelf. This was found when searching for things when he came here last time. At that time, Murphy thought it was useless, but he could hand it in after thinking about it. If you don't take anything, it will easily arouse suspicion.

With the book in his hand, Murphy pushed open the rusty door.

With a loud "boom", the door in front of Murphy was slammed open by something.

Fortunately, Mo Fei reacted quickly and jumped back two times very quickly, otherwise he would have been photographed under the door.

The thing in front of him made Murphy feel very familiar, but he couldn't remember what it was for a while, but judging from the appearance and the violent behavior just now, it was not a bad thing.

Murphy put away the medical book, and quickly pulled the plain spear in his hand from his back and placed it across his chest.

The huge body of the giant beast began to hit the door frame, and Mo Fei finally knew why the previous owner didn't stay in his lattice house. The building was probably in disrepair for a long time. With this collision, some rotten wooden boards began to make the sound of breaking.

By the way, there is an escape exit over the back window.Immediately, Mo Fei thought about it, and ran upstairs with big strides, and seeing the prey running away, the giant beast hit the small building even harder.

Murphy stepped up the stairs crookedly, but before going up a few steps, the stairs broke open, and Murphy's feet were empty, and his body fell.

With both hands desperately grabbing the edge of the stairs, Murphy's foot got stuck on the broken plank of the stairs.

Enduring the pain, he pulled out the foot, but the smell of blood stimulated the giant beast even more, and its huge claws kept stretching out into the door.

Murphy pulled his foot out of the stairs, and his body finally regained his freedom, regardless of the injury on his foot, he continued to run up.

Running to the position of the cover, Murphy pushed up the cover vigorously, but the floor was slightly deformed due to the impact just now, and the cover that could be pushed up easily was firmly stuck on it. Murphy pushed it up two times. The bottom didn't move at all.

At this time, the door couldn't resist the giant beast's repeated impacts, and a big hole was knocked out. Half of the giant beast's body had already got into the crumbling small building.

Murphy glanced down, took a deep breath, and pushed the cover up with all his strength.

The cover was finally pushed away, and Murphy supported himself with both hands, and went upstairs.

Quickly ran to the window, Murphy pushed the window open, and ran down the outer stairs, looking back while running, the giant beast had completely entered the small building, but it would soon find out There is nothing there.

Regardless of his foot injury, Murphy ran desperately towards the main building, and soon a motorcade of people appeared in front of him.

"Quick, leave quickly, quickly!" Murphy shouted while running.

Murphy's shout also attracted Team Leader Zhang's attention. He suddenly saw the blood on Murphy's feet, and there seemed to be some thorns that hadn't been pulled out on them. His heart sank, and he directed the team in the front row drive.

Murphy found the car he was sitting in, got into the car along the steps, and then sat down beside Yulin.

"Where have you been, Feifei? I just said to leave immediately, and then I couldn't find you anywhere." Yulin was both happy and angry when she saw Murphy come back.

"Hiss, don't talk about it yet, Sister Yulin will help me pick the thorns." After finishing speaking, Murphy lifted his bloody foot.

"Oh my God, how did you do this?" Yulin exclaimed, and quickly used the ice-type supernatural power to cover her hands with a thin layer of ice, and then used the ice tip to freeze the thorns and pull them out.

Murphy bit his lip tightly to keep himself silent.

"Does it hurt? Feifei, bear with it, you'll be fine in a while." As soon as he finished speaking, the car suddenly braked suddenly, and then there was a burst of shouting and panic outside.

Mo Fei was not sure, the giant beast might be chasing him.

"Sister Yulin, use ice to freeze this piece and pull it out together." Mo Fei gritted his teeth and looked at Yulin.

"How can it be, you are a thorn in the flesh, not a weed."

"Sister Yulin, please, I can bear it, or it will be too late." Mo Fei begged Yulin.

Seeing Murphy's strong request, Yulin had no choice but to follow Murphy's request.

Following Murphy's grinning expression, Yulin quickly pulled out all the thorns in Murphy's wound, but because it was pulled out all at once, naturally some blood and shreds of meat were inevitably brought down.

Murphy quickly took out the medical kit from his backpack and bandaged Murphy. Just as he was about to get out of the car to help, he heard Captain Zhang shouting outside: "The gate has been opened, and everyone is moving forward at full speed. "

Before Mo Fei could sit down, the car drove forward quickly, causing Mo Fei to fall down on the seat and was bumped by the corner of the medicine box.

"Ouch!" Murphy yelled, and then rubbed his butt. Seeing this, Yulin hurriedly moved the medicine box away.

"Is it painful? I didn't react just now."

"It's okay, Sister Yulin, it's good if I can leave here. It's not a big pain, it's not as painful as when the thorn was pulled out just now." Mo Fei grinned, and looked behind the window after speaking.

Because the car on my side is the innermost one, when the giant beast came over, it attacked the outermost car. That car was originally the car of the official staff, and no one got on it yet, so basically there were no casualties.

That car was now ordered to be set on fire by team leader Zhang, and they stopped the giant beast for a while by the flames, and they all jumped into other cars.Fortunately, Mo Fei had told Team Leader Zhang to leave quickly, so someone had already opened the gate, otherwise the gate would not be opened, and everyone would not be able to escape.

At this moment, the car was driving towards the outside, and it seemed that it temporarily left the giant beast behind.

Just when everyone thought they had escaped completely like this, another huge figure loomed at the gate.

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(End of this chapter)

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