Chapter 117
After finally cleaning up the group of zombie rats, Mo Fei wiped the sweat off his forehead. He hadn't expected how old the building was, and he didn't expect that the door panel would be gnawed open by the zombie rats.

I still didn't think thoroughly enough, and fortunately I only gnawed away one side to give everyone a buffer, so this time I only lost one person, the one who was gnawed by the original zombie rat before.

But this is already the lowest loss that can be suppressed, and the others are quite satisfied with it.

"Thank you for your hard work tonight, take a good rest today, and we will set off early tomorrow morning." Leader Zhang sent his team to check the situation around the fire scene, so he notified the others to rest now.

Mo Fei stretched his waist, because the Zombie Mouse was small, and he had been bending over when he attacked, and now he felt a little tired.

Seeing that nothing happened, Murphy also turned back to the main building.

As soon as they entered the room, both Yulin and Lin Yixun were awake, and they were talking about something.

"Feifei, you're back, why have you been away for so long?" Yulin asked as soon as Mo Fei entered the room.

"Well, I just delayed for a while and helped eliminate the remaining zombie rats. Why did Yixun wake up?" Mo Fei said, standing the Suying gun beside him, and reached out to wipe his sweat with a handkerchief.

"Earlier, Yixun woke up when I heard shouts to light up the fire, and couldn't sleep for a while, so we chatted and waited for you to come back."

"It's all right now, let's go to bed, I'm going to take a shower again, I was sweating again just now." Murphy took off his coat, and then walked towards the bathroom.

After taking a shower, Mo Fei touched the bed, but the three of them still slept on the same bed.

But the three of them are not fat, especially Lin Yixun, who is thin and small, so the three of them sleep together without being crowded.

As soon as it was dawn, just as Murphy was getting ready to get up, there was another commotion outside.

The movement outside woke up Mo Fei, Yulin and Lin Yixun.

"Feifei, Sister Yulin, what happened outside?" Lin Yixun rubbed his eyes and asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, I'll go and have a look." Mo Fei slept beside the bed, got up suddenly, put on his clothes and shoes and walked out the door.

Opening the door and looking out, only team leader Zhang seemed to be interrogating someone.

Murphy walked along the aisle, and immediately saw that the door of the room where Lin Yixun lived was open, and the team leader Zhang was standing inside and talking with his head down, and there were many people around outside, so Murphy couldn't see inside. Who exactly is standing.

"Who are you? What is your purpose here? Where did you hide the people in this room?" Leader Zhang asked a series of questions that made Murphy feel a little strange.

"Let's go, I'm sorry to let go." Murphy pushed through the crowd and walked in, and then squeezed to the front.

It was only then that Mo Fei saw that inside, standing opposite Team Leader Zhang was a girl with disheveled hair and lowered head, wearing a plain plaid skirt.His hands were twisted and his head was bowed, but he didn't say a word.

"I'm sorry, Team Leader Zhang, to bother you." Murphy yelled at Team Leader Zhang.

Seeing that it was Murphy, Team Leader Zhang turned his head: "What's the matter?"

"Well, I don't know about other circumstances. If you are asking Dr. Lin, she is still in my room." Murphy pointed in the direction of his room and said.

"Oh? Dr. Lin is still with you? But someone saw her go back to her room last night." Team Leader Zhang asked in surprise.

"No way, she has been in my room. There is another girl in my room. The three of us except me went out to help kill the zombie rats last night. The other girl has been with Dr. Lin. It is certain that she has not left. Yes." Murphy replied affirmatively.

Seeing that Team Leader Zhang seemed to be still pondering, Murphy turned to his room and shouted, "Yixun, Sister Yulin, you two come out."

Lin Yixun and Yulin, already dressed, walked over from the room.

Leader Zhang saw Lin Yixun standing in front of him intact, and then he eased his expression. This time, the mission is to escort Lin Yixun, so there must be no mistakes.

Seeing that Lin Yixun was fine, Team Leader Zhang looked at the girl again: "Since the person has been found, I won't pursue why you are here, but can you not leave this room before we leave?"

The standing girl still didn't answer or move.

"Why didn't you speak and didn't react at all? Could it be a deaf-mute?" The people on the side couldn't help but said.

"Dr. Lin, go to our room first. We'll set off after breakfast is arranged." Team leader Zhang didn't move and didn't answer when he saw the girl, so he had to arrange Lin Yixun to the suite where their officials lived last night.

Lin Yixun glanced back at Murphy and Yulin, waved at them, and followed a guard to another room.

Seeing that Lin Yixun had gone back, Murphy was also going to take Yulin back to her room, waiting for breakfast and continuing her schedule.

Just as Murphy turned around, Team Leader Zhang suddenly shouted at Murphy, "Murphy, right? Wait a minute, I have something to arrange for you."

Murphy stopped and let Yulin go back to the room first, while he walked in the direction of leader Zhang.

However, the girl who was originally silent raised her head and looked at Mo Fei, her eyes fixed on Mo Fei.

Mo Fei was a little furious, so he turned his head away, but the girl reached out and grabbed Mo Fei: "Mo... Mo..."

It was only at this time that Murphy discovered the reason why the girl didn't speak. It seemed that her speech was very vague, so it was no wonder that she kept refusing to speak.

"Huh? How can you talk?" Leader Zhang also turned around in surprise. He had interrogated this girl all morning and she didn't say a word, but now she actually pulled Murphy.

Leader Zhang looked at Murphy curiously: "Do you know her?"

Mo Fei shook his head with the same bewildered look on his face: "I don't know you!"

It was only at this time that Mo Fei carefully looked at the girl in front of him, but because the girl's face was too dirty and most of it was covered by her hair, Mo Fei didn't look like someone he was familiar with after looking at it for a long time.

"Who are you? Do you know me?" Murphy looked at the girl patiently.

The girl didn't seem to listen to Murphy's question, but still held Murphy's arm tightly: "Mo...Mo..."

"What do you want to tell me?" Murphy asked, slowing down his speech.

The girl suddenly squatted down and wrote something stroke by stroke on the ground with her fingers.

"You can write? Then wait a moment." Murphy walked up to Team Leader Zhang: "Team Leader Zhang, she seems to have something to write. Do you have an e-book?"

Leader Zhang nodded, and quickly asked the guards around him to get it.

When the electronic book was brought over, Murphy handed it over, but the girl looked up at Team Leader Zhang, and then lowered her head again.

"It seems she doesn't want to say it in front of us, how about this, you two stay in this room and we go out first, you come to me in a while, I have something to arrange for you." Leader Zhang immediately understood the girl's meaning and moved towards Murphy confessed.

"Alright, Team Leader Zhang, I'll be there later." Murphy nodded.

Leader Zhang led the others out of the room and closed the door, isolating them from everyone outside, while Murphy looked at the girl.

"They're all gone, write what you have to say." Murphy still said slowly.

But the girl still refused to write, but instead of lowering her head, she looked up at Murphy with bright eyes.

"Do you have to write on the ground?" Murphy had no choice but to ask again.

The girl nodded.

"However, I can't see what you are writing at all when you write like this."

However, the girl remained motionless.Murphy had no choice but to look around, and then saw a half cup of tea on the table, which should have been placed there when Team Leader Zhang came over just now.

Murphy took the cup and handed it to the girl: "How about this, you dip it in water and write, it's okay, right?"

The girl didn't refute this time, she took the water cup silently, and then dipped her finger in the water and started to draw on the ground.

Is your surname Mo?
After finishing her first sentence, the girl looked up at Murphy.

"Yes, my surname is Mo." Murphy nodded, but he didn't quite understand why the girl asked such a question suddenly.

But the next two words gave Murphy a pause.

The crooked characters on the ground, like ghostly drawn talismans, are exactly the same as the two characters annotated on the talisman.

Mo Fei hurriedly pretended to rummage through his pocket, but actually took out a handkerchief from the storage talisman, dipped it in the water and wiped it on the girl's messy face.

When the girl's real face appeared in front of Mo Fei, Mo Fei opened his eyes wide: "It's you, you are the owner of the lattice house." Murphy shouted in surprise.

The building that Murphy had been to before looked like a warehouse, but in fact there were rooms upstairs. It was the lattice house that the owner of the diary called corresponding to the white house here, and the girl's clean face made Murphy Recognize, this is the girl in the photo.

The girl probably didn't expect that Mo Fei had already gone to her grid room, she stared at Mo Fei with her eyes open, nodded vigorously, but then continued to write on the ground as if thinking of something: "You are the Mo family, Do you recognize the word?"

Murphy nodded.

The girl had tears in her eyes, but she asked tentatively because she heard the surname Mo. After all, the Dragon Kingdom is so big. Maybe I came here by plane, but now that the world has become like this, how could I really meet it.

But that's how the miracle happened. Not only did she really meet someone with the surname Mo, but she was also a direct descendant of the Mo family who was of the same family as her mother.

"Don't be afraid, come with me in the future!" Murphy looked at his distant relative in front of him and said softly.

However, I didn't expect the terrified expression on the girl's face after hearing this, and then she took out a bottle on her body and stuffed it for Mo Fei, and quickly wrote on the ground: "Take this to your ancestral house, and you can also go to the ancestral house of your descendants. Yes, get out of here!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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