Chapter 116
Murphy moved one by one to the largest suite where the official lived. Fortunately, because of Lin Yixun's relationship, the rooms of Murphy and Yulin were not too far away from the official staff's room, otherwise they would just climb this Getting around is hard enough.

However, it was not all smooth sailing, and there was a small episode in the middle. When Murphy moved to the window of a room, he probably scared the people inside, and was attacked by the people inside with a different ability.

Murphy quickly yelled twice before stopping the attack. By the broken window, after Murphy explained his behavior of crawling along the window, the people in that room apologized repeatedly.And because there was a supernatural person among them who could command metal, that supernatural person flew a row of metal pieces and nailed them to the wall for Murphy to step on.

So after experiencing this episode, Murphy passed the road more smoothly and quickly arrived at the window of the room where the official was.

However, the vigilance of the officials was relatively high, and they lifted their spirits when they suddenly saw a black shadow, but the officials were not as reckless as ordinary people after all, and one of them hurriedly spoke out.

"Who is outside? Attack without making a sound."

It's just that Murphy couldn't hear clearly outside, so he had to go closer and knock on the window. Seeing that the people inside didn't respond, he immediately shouted: "Open the window, I have a report."

Hearing that there was only a girl outside, the leader of this mission signaled the people next to him to open the window, while the other people touched the energy guns around their waists.

Murphy got in through the open window, and then walked towards the leader of the mission.The guards beside leader Zhang watched Murphy warily.

"Leader Zhang, I have a way to eliminate those zombie beasts, but I need the cooperation of officials." Murphy explained the purpose of coming straight to the point.

"Oh? You can?" Leader Zhang was worried that there was no solution, so he was very concerned about what Murphy said.

Mo Fei nodded affirmatively: "Yes, I have a solution, but I need a lot of torches, as well as some fresh meat or blood."

"What can you do with these?"

Only then did Murphy explain his plan.

"The torch is easy to handle. I can start preparations right away, but fresh blood and flesh are more difficult. We can't let us kill people!" Team leader Zhang is also in a dilemma. Although Murphy's method is feasible, the theory must be related to the actual situation after all. .

Mo Fei rolled his eyes: "Otherwise, everyone contributes some blood, and we add some water, as long as there is a bloody smell to attract zombie rats."

Leader Zhang and the others made up their minds, and there was no better way for the time being, so they had to nod.

"By the way, remember that the blood must be sealed and opened after taking it." Seeing a guard preparing to do this as ordered, Murphy hurriedly instructed.

"Of course, that's fine. Why are you still standing still? Hurry up and prepare the torch. The fire needs to be lit according to my order, and you must be careful when collecting blood." Team leader Zhang showed the aura of a team leader and confessed to several people. .

The few people who received the task hurriedly ran to prepare, and communicated with the soldiers under them from time to time.

After Team Leader Zhang gave his orders, he looked at Mo Fei: "Little girl, this suggestion is great. What's your name? I will reward you well when I return to the base."

"It's nothing. After all, if you can't pass this test, no one can go back. I'm doing it for myself. I'll go back first. Dr. Lin is still in my room. I'm not at ease." Murphy said to Captain Zhang Nodded, then pulled the rope and walked back.

After Murphy walked away for a while, Team Leader Zhang slapped his head: "I remember, it's the little girl who almost died before. She seems to be good friends with Dr. Lin. What's her name?"

"Report to the leader, that little girl's name is Murphy." Another guard on the side reminded.

"That's right, that's right, it's called Mo Fei. I seem to have been fighting until the end yesterday. I have a little impression." Team leader Zhang looked out of the empty window and nodded: "This little girl is of good quality, no wonder that Lin family The little girl protects her like this."

"Okay, let's also check on the deployment issue, and try to finish it before midnight." After speaking, Team Leader Zhang led the guards and walked outside.

When Murphy returned to her room, Lin Yixun and Yulin were eagerly waiting for her to come back, and they were relieved to see her come back safely.

"How about Feifei?" Seeing that Mo Fei closed the window after entering the room, Lin Yixun asked quickly.

Mo Fei gestured to Lin Yixun and Yulin with a no problem gesture: "I have said all the ideas I can come up with, and the rest depends on the official's ability to act, but they have been training for a long time, so they should respond on the spot The ability is stronger than ours, and we will make good arrangements if we have an idea.”

"That's good, it was really scary just now." Thinking back to the moment when he was about to reach the door of the room and suddenly saw red eyes in front of him, Lin Yixun was so out of his mind.

"Let's take a break. It will probably take a while to set up, and it will take a long time to lure the zombie rats. It won't be finished in the middle of the night. Let's take a rest first." Mo Fei looked at Yulin and Lin Yixun and suggested.

"Alright, you two go to bed, I'll keep an eye on the situation around you." Yulin felt that she was the oldest, not to mention that Mo Fei had just recovered from a serious illness, and Lin Yixun was not a person who could fight, so she should pay attention to her movements the most. .

"No, Sister Yulin, the three of us rest together, I'm a light sleeper, don't worry." Mo Fei comforted Yulin.

"Yes, Sister Yulin, you and Feifei should sleep in the same bed, so I can be more at ease." Lin Yixun took Yulin's arm and shook it like a baby.

Unable to hold back the soft and hard arguments of the two, Yulin had no choice but to nod in response, and the three of them lay down in their clothes, with the quilt stretched a little, and they squeezed together on the same bed and closed their eyes.

In a daze, Murphy felt the flames outside, and opened his eyes to find that Yulin had also woken up. Only Lin Yixun was still curled up in the middle of the bed, sleeping deeply.

The two looked at each other, then got off the bed lightly and looked outside.

I saw a long queue of torches outside, and the people behind used torches to drive away a large number of zombie rats, and whenever those zombie rats approached, someone used torches to drive those deviated zombie rats into the passage.

These zombie rats were driven by torches to the small building at the back, and from time to time, people with supernatural powers followed and threw supernatural powers on the zombie rats.

"It seems to be successful, but I don't know how it will be implemented in the future. I'll go down and have a look." Murphy whispered in Yulin's ear.

Seeing that there were so many people below, Yulin nodded without worrying about what would happen to Mo Fei: "Go, Yixun, let me watch."

Only then did Murphy put on his coat, and walked out of the room with a plain gun in his hand.

When they ran downstairs, the crowd had already rushed to the front with torches, and there were many corpses of zombie rats left on the ground behind.

Murphy took a look and followed in the direction of the crowd.

At this time, the crowd had already held their torches and stopped moving, while those zombie rats rushed into the abandoned small building like crazy.

When the zombie rats were about to charge, the soldiers behind inserted the latch, and then a fire set the whole building on fire.

With the sound of crackling and screaming, those zombie rats were trapped in the building and burned with fire.

"Hey, it's done..." Murphy frowned, his plan went smoothly.

It turned out that what Murphy suggested to Team Leader Zhang before was to set fire to the zombie rats.

First collect some fresh blood, and a person will bring it to this abandoned small building, and then use smoke to choke out the zombie rats. If the smoke doesn't work on the zombie rats, then use fresh blood, so Murphy asked Team Leader Zhang to prepare Two pots of blood.

When everything is ready, they light a torch together to drive the zombie rats drawn out of the hole to the abandoned small building behind, and the next job is naturally to wipe out these zombie rats with fire.

Looking at the blazing flames, Murphy frowned. His plan was not bad!
Just when he was proud, there was a sudden loud scream in the small building, followed by the sound of sharp foreign objects scratching the floor.

The person who set the fire in front couldn't help taking a few steps back, and immediately found a hole in the burning door panel.

As the hole got bigger and bigger, everyone saw a zombie mouse coming out of the hole with its teeth bared and its fur completely burnt, and the exposed bones were even burning with flames.

As soon as the zombie mouse got out, it jumped on the head of the person closest to it.

That person was caught off guard by the zombie rat, and his face was immediately scratched by the flames. At the same time, the skin on his forehead was gnawed by the zombie rat.

The bitten person frantically grabbed the zombie rat with both hands, but the zombie rat quickly got into his sleeve, and got into his body after a while.The man was terrified, screaming and rushing into the crowd.

And in the hole that had been bitten through, more zombie rats came out of it.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Murphy quickly shouted to the crowd in front, "Why are you standing there, attack!"

The stunned people finally came back to their senses at this moment, and Mo Fei also rushed over with the Suying gun in his hand, and the gun swept across and stabbed the escaped zombie rat.

Team leader Zhang was about to close the team just now, but now he rushed to the door and ordered the soldiers to attack with energy guns, while the other part continued to throw combustibles into the burning house, making the fire burn even more violently .

Somebody threw a bottle of wine in, but the bang made the hole by the door even bigger.

However, there are not as many zombie rats coming out at this time, and most of them should have been burned to death. However, in order to avoid the incident just now, except for the person who was killing the zombie rats, the rest of the people are also watching closely. The burning building.

However, in the main building at this time when everyone was gathered in the back building, a figure sneaked into the unguarded main building without sound.

(End of this chapter)

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