Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 115 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 115 The Uninvited Guest

When Mo Fei came out, she didn't forget to carry her Suying spear on her back. Seeing that the little flower snake had disappeared into the grass, she took off the Suying spear from her back.

Holding the Suying gun with both hands, Mo Fei pawed and pulled in the grass.

But worried about hurting the little flower snake, Murphy only dialed the higher position.

"Feifei, what are you playing?" In the distance, Yulin and Lin Yixun walked here with tea trays and snacks, and Lin Yixun waved to Murphy.

"It's nothing to play, I just saw the grass moving here, I want to see what it is." Murphy searched to no avail, and Lin Yixun and Yulin had already come down, so he had to put away his Suying gun and walk towards the two of them past.

"I went to look for you just now, but only sister Yulin was there. Sister Yulin said that you must be in the room and couldn't sleep and ran out to play. It really is." Because Murphy called sister Yulin, Lin Yixun also followed Murphy called Sister Yulin together.

"Hey, because I slept all morning, I'll come down first if I'm not sleepy now." Murphy showed a naive smile, and then changed the subject: "You guys brought so many things down, I think we talked For dinner, I can't finish all these things."

"Who told you to finish eating, I want to get more, so I can choose a variety to eat." Yulin put the things on the stone table and said to Mo Fei with a smile.

The three sat around the table, chatting and eating, but Mo Fei still cared about "those things" and looked at the grass from time to time.

"Feifei, did you drop something in the grass just now?" Yulin was more careful and couldn't help asking when she saw Mo Fei looking at the grass from time to time.

"No, it's just that I was a little concerned about the movement of the grass just now. I was worried about something. It's the end of the world. I'd better be careful." Murphy quickly replied.

"It's okay, Feifei. I'll ask the guards to pay more attention later." Lin Yixun hurriedly said.

"That's the best. We'll stay one more night tonight. Just don't make any mistakes." Murphy nodded, grabbed a pack of snacks from the table and opened it.

"Don't open it, I told Sister Yulin to take that bag away." Lin Yixun quickly grabbed it, but it was still a step too late, Mo Fei had already torn off the edge.

Mo Fei grabbed it with his backhand: "Oh, it's all on, why don't you choose something else."

Lin Yixun shook her head: "No, I want this bag."

Yulin watched the two fight over snacks like children, and kept laughing while covering her mouth.

Murphy and Lin Yixun looked at each other and laughed too.

"Phew, it's been a long time since I laughed so hard. Don't laugh out loud in the research institute, you'll be accused of not being serious when you listen to a song." Lin Yixun wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said to Murphy and Yulin .

"It's really hard for you. When I mention the people in the research institute, I think of some old men who wear glasses and have a serious face every day." After taking a look at Lin Yixun, Murphy said what he was thinking. Describe the appearance of the personnel of those research institutes.

"Haha, don't tell me, most of them are really like this." Lin Yixun immediately answered in agreement.

After that, the three of them chatted from post-apocalypse to pre-apocalypse, until Lin Yixun's guards called Lin Yixun to have dinner.However, the three of them rubbed their bellies filled with flower fruit tea and snacks all afternoon and expressed that they were not hungry at all.

But not being hungry now doesn't mean not being hungry at night, because there will be no food left for you, so the three of them went back to the room to get a bowl to cook food, and then went to Murphy and Yulin's room with the food.

In the evening, the three of them ate dinner when they were hungry, and Lin Yixun reluctantly left Murphy and the others' room.

"The next schedule must be very tight, we probably won't have time to eat, drink and chat so leisurely."

"It's okay, Yixun, after the task is finished, we can get together when we have time when we return to the star base!"

"That's right, Yixun, come to my house in the future, sister Yulin will cook something delicious for you."

Lin Yixun nodded, turned around and ran towards his room.

But before Murphy closed the door, Lin Yixun's exclamation suddenly came from the corridor.

Mo Fei hurriedly ran towards the direction of the sound with the Suying gun in hand, and soon arrived at Lin Yixun's side, and a row of red eyes appeared in front of him: "Yixun, don't be afraid."

"Feifei" Lin Yixun heard that it was Murphy, and his hands seemed to be grabbing straws for life.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we have to figure out what's ahead first." Although Murphy was also nervous, he took the lead in comforting Lin Yixun.

The guard who also heard Lin Yixun's exclamation also ran out, holding a light tube in his hand to illuminate the surroundings.

It was only after Mo Fei saw what was in front of him that he pulled Lin Yixun back a few steps.

This is a group of zombie rats. It's not that Murphy has never seen the power of zombie rats. The last time he and Xiao Minyu fled from Cang Base to Star Base, those zombie rats almost killed several people.

Now Murphy finally knew what the "those things" mentioned in the girl's diary were, and they should be these zombie rats.

"It's Zombie Rat, the guard over there, hurry up and call someone." Murphy hurriedly shouted to the guard who was standing there with a light tube.

The guard regained his composure when he heard Murphy's voice, and ran back quickly.

Murphy stepped back slowly, because she was worried that the zombie rats would attack because of her fast movement, so Murphy moved very slowly.

Other members of this mission also heard the sound. Seeing so many zombie rats in the corridor, many people retreated to the room.

But Mo Fei understood that this room was useless at all. These zombie mice would break through the door very quickly. It was even possible that the lack of action last night was because these zombie mice were digging holes to prepare for today's attack.

The reason why it was not breached last time was because of Man Cheng Bin, the glasses man in Xiao Minyu's team who could be strengthened. But now they don't have that ability, and it's only a while for them to retreat to the room.

Murphy was very anxious. She really wanted to shout loudly and tell everyone what she knew. The number of zombie rats here is not too many, and it is still possible to eliminate them if they unite.

But not everyone retreated, some people came out and watched the actions of these zombie rats at the door.

Backing away, Murphy repeated in a low voice when passing by these people: "Zombie rats are afraid of fire."

Reminded by Murphy, many people started to turn back to get some tools that could make fire, while those with fire abilities stood straight forward.

The danger was imminent, and the zombie rats with their eyes open didn't know what they were waiting for. They stood in a few rows but didn't take any further action, just confronting everyone.

Just as Mo Fei dragged Lin Yixun back to the door, suddenly there was a scream in one of the rooms.

Murphy was startled. It was obviously the sound of being attacked. Has the Zombie Rat acted so quickly?

He dragged Lin Yixun behind him. After all, Lin Yixun was not a supernatural being. He was mainly engaged in research work in the last days, and he had almost zero experience in dealing with zombies.

Standing behind Murphy, Yulin understood Murphy's intention and stood by Lin Yixun's side.

For the two people who still protect themselves at this time, Lin Yixun said that it is impossible not to be moved, but this is not the time to thank them.

Murphy had already turned the Suying spear, and Yulin had also activated her supernatural power.

It's just that the zombie rats in front of them spread out suddenly without waiting for everyone to act, and the door of the room where the screams came from was also opened at the same time.

The man ran out rolling and crawling, shouting incessantly: "Help, help!"

Behind the man running out, a group of zombie rats were gnawing around a corpse. From the exposed feet and long hair, it should be a woman.

"Don't look at Yixun." Yulin turned Lin Yixun's body slightly.

"Sister Yulin, it's fine. I've even dissected the body." Lin Yixun nodded to Yulin, indicating that he was fine.

But Murphy's mind was spinning all the time, she was thinking about how to leave or eliminate these zombie rats in the future.After all, it was already night, even if they escaped, there might be more zombies waiting outside to greet them.

Although these zombie rats are vicious, but fortunately there are not too many of them, can they lead this group of zombie rats to burn them somewhere?

Thinking of this, Mo Fei suddenly remembered that when he went out during the day, he saw a small independent building behind, and behind that small building was a pond, maybe it could be...

Thinking of this, Mo Fei turned his head and nodded to Yulin, then went to the room.

After entering the room, Murphy asked Yulin to take care of Lin Yixun, while he prepared to climb along the outer wall to the front to find the leader of this mission.

"But it's very difficult to pass here." Yulin glanced at the window sill, there is almost no edge here, only a narrow one that protrudes even half a foot.

"Don't worry, sister Yulin, I will tie a rope. If it doesn't work, I'll slide down the stairs first and then go up." Mo Fei bent down and took out the climbing rope from his backpack and shook it at Yulin.

"Just be safe, then you should be careful, and I will take care of Yixun." Seeing this, Yulin agreed to Murphy's suggestion.

"Feifei, be careful, if you can't do it, don't be brave, your injury is just right." Lin Yixun also hurriedly told Murphy.

Murphy nodded: "You should also pay attention. The zombie rats outside are scattered now, but I think they are planning a bigger attack, so you two must pay attention."

After finishing speaking, Murphy buckled the rope around his waist, and then pulled the rope to move to the next window.

Just as Murphy moved forward, the official side was also making preparations.

I just heard from others that zombie rats are afraid of fire, so the official personnel are also discussing how to use fire to destroy zombie rats. After all, they still need to stay here for one night, otherwise the wild at night is also very dangerous.

"How about we get rid of some people, so that we can reduce the number of people, and everyone can live in the car. Our car is still very well sealed." One of them suggested.

"Nonsense, everyone has given up. Do you think it is possible for us to support the sea base?" Someone immediately retorted.

"It's better to burn the building down, and everyone goes to the courtyard to live in tents."

"That's a way, but is there really no other opinion?"


While everyone was discussing, a black shadow jumped over the window.

(End of this chapter)

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