Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 114 Diary

Chapter 114 Diary
Because he accidentally found a book related to talismans, Murphy decided to find out if this manor had any connection with his home.

Walking along the corridor where the book was found to the old house next to it, Murphy pushed open the old door of the old house.

The dust inside the door was as thick as a finger, and Murphy quickly covered his mouth and nose with his hands and backed out.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air at the door, Murphy took out the mask from the storage talisman before entering the old building again.

It was dark inside because the side windows were covered with cobwebs and dusty.

Murphy put on the headlamp and turned it on, and looked around. There were a lot of things piled up here, but they were all from a certain age.

In addition to a few dusty books, there are ancient clocks, gorgeous but equally old chandeliers, oil paintings covered with cloth, etc., and even wooden horses... This is a warehouse of sundries.

Murphy walked under the books first, because they were relatively high. Murphy looked around, and there was a tall ladder with wheels beside him. Murphy pulled the ladder over and climbed up the ladder.

At the height where the books were placed, Mo Fei found that these things should have not been touched for a long time, and these books were nothing special, they were neatly stacked in the middle, and none of them was missing at all.

It appears that the book was not taken from here.

After getting off the ladder, Murphy continued to look around on the shelf, but found nothing special.

Looking at the spiraling staircase that was also dusty, Murphy decided to go upstairs to have a look.

"Crunch, crunch..."

The stairs were very old, and every time Murphy took a step, there was an unpleasant sound.

Carefully go upstairs, there is a heavy partition on the roof.Pushing the partition up, Mo Fei was a little surprised, it was so much cleaner here than below.

This is actually a large open living room, the innermost one is a bed next to the window, the bed is covered with plain checked sheets, and there is a cupboard next to the bed with a glass on it.

Further outside, it seems to be the living room, with a circle of fabric sofas, also plain beige, surrounded by a glass table in the middle, and a vase with a bouquet of fake flowers.

Finally, in the open space on the left of the stairs where Murphy came up, there is a pure white piano.

If it wasn't for the thin dust on the tabletop and the ground, and the dust on the ground without any footprints, Mo Fei even thought that there would be people living here.

Walking into this simple but refreshing open room, Mo Fei looked around. On a dressing table at the side, Mo Fei found an electronic photo frame.

Because it is a photo frame with light energy, and this position can receive light, the electronic photo frame has not stopped working.

Mo Fei glanced at the photo frame. In the photo frame was a girl aged 24 or 5. The girl was standing in the courtyard downstairs smiling like a flower, with a large field of red roses behind her.It seems that the flower garden in this manor was originally planted with red roses.

Murphy put down the photo album and went to look at other things. It seems that the previous owner was this girl, but I don’t know where the owner went after the end of the world, and the owner is a little strange. Obviously, it looks so clean and fresh, it should be a love A clean girl, but why is it so messy down there.

If he hadn't come up to see it, Mo Fei would not have thought that there would be people living there, thinking that the whole place was a sundry warehouse.

Murphy rummaged around again. The clothes in the closet were neatly hung, and the quilt was covered with a dust-proof cover. Everything was in order. It seemed that he shouldn't have left in a panic.

Then this book does not belong to the owner!After all, the book was thrown under the stone bench in the corridor, and it seemed that it was too late to put it away and leave.

Flipping through it again, Murphy was about to leave when he suddenly saw a book with a faintly floral cover on the bedside.

Murphy picked up the book and opened it. It was rare to see such a delicate paper book.

Opening the notebook, a line of graceful characters appeared in front of Murphy.

November 3030, 1, rain.

It's raining today. I don't know if it will be sunny tomorrow. I haven't seen the sun for two years. I miss the colorful light.

November 3030, 1, rain.

It's still raining, but the more it rains, the more likely it will be sunny. The person in the white house went out today. I'm afraid he forgot that today is my birthday, and probably no one will remember me.


This is obviously that girl's diary. There are only a few entries every day, but there are records every day.

Looking at it from the front, Mo Fei has a general understanding of why this girl lives here. This girl seems to be the daughter of the owner of the manor. Because her mother left early, the girl does not seem to have been taken care of by the owner of the manor. , That's why I live in this place that looks like a sundry warehouse.

As for why the dust downstairs was ignored, Murphy realized after looking at the window that there was another staircase leading to the outside, and there was a partition separating the upstairs and downstairs.

Because I remember very little in the diary, I finished flipping through it in a few clicks, and turned to the last few pages.

On November 3030, 11, the ash turned sunny.

Today it was broadcast on TV that the "Sunny Project" is about to be launched, and the sky will finally clear up. I can't wait for the moment when it clears up. I want to take another look at the roses blooming in the sun.

On November 11nd, most of the human beings in the circle probably remember very clearly the joy of the moment when the sun cleared that day, but the ensuing changes also led to the current situation.

Murphy continued to turn back, but saw that the girl changed to a bright red pen to record from the next page, which meant that the girl did not mutate when the end of the world came.

April 3030, 11, sunny.

The sky is so blue, I really want spring to come soon, but today, something happened in the manor, the people in the white house ran out of the manor wailing, many people turned into monsters, screaming, tearing and running around Even the man's wife has become a monster.

I saw that man and his eldest daughter being eaten by his wife and the most beloved youngest daughter.But I wasn't sad or frightened. Instead, I felt very happy. That person was no longer here, and I didn't have to worry about whether he still remembered me.

April 3030, 11, sunny.

Monsters are roaming the yard, I was just afraid they would damage my rose garden, luckily they have no interest in my rose garden.


Murphy flipped through them one by one, feeling a little sympathetic to this girl who lacked warmth since she was a child.The girl seems to have nothing else to do, and she hasn't died since the end of the world. She records her every day without interruption.

April 3030, 3, sunny.

Today I took out my mother's relics, which is the only thing my mother left me.One is this diary, and the other is this heavy book. Today, this book actually flashed a light. I think it’s amazing. I even think it’s because of this book that many times those monsters are not close to this building. reason.

April 3030, 3, sunny.

I have been studying this book for a long time since the day my mother gave it to me. My mother once said that it is something inherited from the Mo family. Can read these, but where are they?

Seeing this, Mo Fei was stunned. It really is someone related to his family, is it a distant relative?Then the direct descendants of the Mo family should be her family.

Murphy hurriedly continued to turn backwards.

April 3030, 4, sunny.

I've been terrified the last few days, those things are always dangling around, isn't the book not effective enough?Is it necessary to find the direct descendants of the Mo family in order to survive?

April 3030, 4, sunny.

Today I escaped those things without any danger. I really want to go to the flower garden. How can such a sunny day stay here? I am going to take this book that can resolve the crisis to the flower garden.

This is the last piece of information. Obviously, the mother of the girl carrying this book should be named Mo, and she is a distant relative with her.And the girl lived in this building in the early days of the end of the world. Although she was lonely, her life was not in danger.

But the girl was alone after all, she missed the outside world, so she believed that this book could have a special purpose, she took this book out of this building to her beloved flower garden, but unfortunately encountered something on the way .

But Mo Fei didn't understand what the "those things" the girl was referring to, because since the end of the world, the zombies written by the girl were replaced by monsters, and then she mentioned one day that those things Appearing, it shows that "those things" are not the same as zombies.

This made Mo Fei a little worried. No matter what these things were, Mo Fei was sure that these things must be more powerful than ordinary zombies.

I searched again, and found nothing else here. I looked at the date again, and the last record was only half a month away. No wonder there is not much dust here.

After figuring out the general situation, Mo Fei at least knew that the reason why these things resembled his own talisman was because it was indeed something analyzed according to the talisman.

Going down the same path, Murphy put the heavy board back in place. Even if the girl is gone, let's keep it as it is for her!
Going downstairs, Mo Fei walked out from the dusty storage room and closed the door again. When he turned around, he saw the little flower snake coiled behind him.

"Xiao Hua, you scared me to death." Mo Fei smiled: "Let's go, go to the pavilion over there to break biscuits for you."

But Little Flower Snake didn't move. He raised his head and stared at Mo Fei, then looked around, showing a vigilant look.

"Xiao Hua, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Xiao Hua Snake's abnormal behavior, Murphy thought of the "those things" mentioned in the diary, and Murphy also held his breath vigilantly.

At this time, the little snake suddenly stopped still, and when Mo Fei was also looking in the direction where the little snake was fixed, the little snake rushed out, quickly swam into the grass and disappeared.

"Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua..." Murphy followed after her, but the little Hua Snake had already disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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