Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 113 Special Book

Chapter 113 Special Book
Seeing that there were only sporadic ordinary C zombies left in the zombies below, the leader of this mission estimated that there would not be much threat to everyone's rest today, so he ordered to go back to rest.

Only some official soldiers were left on duty, and the C zombies below were eliminated, and the black crystals were also taken back.

After dinner, Yulin was almost dragged back to her room by Mo Fei.

After taking a shower, Mo Fei flushed the bathtub before dragging Yulin to the bathroom.

"Thank you, Feifei. You are so tired and need you to put the bath water for me." Yulin said to Mo Fei apologetically.

"Don't say that about Sister Yulin, can you wash it yourself?"

Yulin nodded: "No problem, I've rested for so long, and just ate something again, and I'm much better now."

"That's good. I'm going out. Call me for help."

Mo Fei came out of the bathroom, guessing that Yulin would not be able to finish washing in a while, so he sat on the bed to practice Qi.

After running a circle of qi, Mo Fei felt much more relaxed, so he lay down on the bed.

After a while, Yulin also lay down after taking a bath, but because both of them were tired, they fell asleep without saying anything.

In the middle of the night, Mo Fei suddenly felt cold under his feet, and Mo Fei, who had formed a habit, opened his eyes vigilantly.

When I lifted the quilt, I realized that a small snake with colorful patterns all over its body was swimming upwards.

Murphy reached out to pick up the little flower snake, and then tiptoed into the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom, Murphy closed the door, put the little flower snake on the floor of the bathroom, and squatted down.

"Xiao Hua, I knew it was you."

Ever since he was injured last time, Murphy has been thinking about what Lin Yixun said about those people being poisoned.

Reminiscent of the last time I went to the library to do a task, and when I came back, I found that someone who stole my car died around. The situation was poisoning, and Murphy thought of the little flower snake.

But when I went out to do the task, the little flower snake obviously got into the gap near the building, so it should have not followed, and I didn't find any trace of the little flower snake along the way, so although Murphy suspected it, he also Not sure.

Seeing the little flower snake today, Murphy finally confirmed his deduction.

The little flower snake uttered a letter and raised its head, and after a while it wrapped itself around Mo Fei's feet affectionately.

"Xiao Hua, you saved me again." Mo Fei smiled. If it wasn't for Xiao Hua Snake this time, he might really die at the hands of those people.

But the little flower snake didn't understand what Murphy meant, and it was still just wrapped around Murphy's feet.

"Really, don't they all say that snakes are cold-blooded animals? I've never seen such a clingy snake like you. Those who didn't know thought you were a puppy born in the wrong place." He took out some biscuits, broke them and scattered them on the ground, and then the little flower snake left Mo Fei's feet and crawled towards the biscuits on the ground.

After the little flower snake finished eating, it slipped out of the door before Mo Fei could arrange it.

After chasing it out, Murphy realized that the little flower snake had disappeared again.

But that's fine, it's not convenient to carry it by yourself, since it can hide all the way without being discovered, there shouldn't be any problem.

No longer worried about the little flower snake, Mo Fei touched the bed and lay down again.

Everyone got up early the next morning, but they didn't leave right away, because the group of zombies on the road had caused heavy losses to everyone. If they continued to advance rashly, there would be more casualties. Moreover, after the battle yesterday, many of the supernatural beings have not recovered today. , If you leave immediately, there is no way to continue fighting when you encounter zombies again, so the leader of this mission re-planned.

Finally, I made a plan and decided to stay in this manor for one more day today, which is considered as time for everyone to recover their strength.

Due to one day's rest time, Murphy pretended to be asleep and practiced Qi on the bed.Yulin knew that Murphy had just recovered and persisted until the end yesterday, so Yulin didn't think much about it.

In order not to disturb Murphy's rest, Yulin went out of the room to take a walk in the courtyard outside. Because the sea base is in the south, the temperature here is much higher, and there is already greenery in the courtyard.

When Yulin went out, Mo Fei, who closed his eyes and practiced Qi, restrained his breath and sat up.

Although you can practice Qi while lying down, because of the unstable center of gravity, you can only do it very slowly, so Mo Fei sat up when he saw Yulin going out.

It had only been promoted to the fourth floor before, so Murphy ran repeatedly to consolidate it. At noon, Murphy slowly exhaled and opened his eyes.

Standing up, Mo Fei looked at the time. After practicing for a few hours, he became angry, then changed his clothes and went downstairs to find Yulin.

When Mo Fei saw Yulin in the flowerbed of the courtyard, Yulin was sitting on a stone bench in the corridor of the courtyard, concentrating on a book in her hand.

"Sister Yulin." Murphy called to Yulin, and waved her hand when she saw Yulin turned around.

"Feifei, you're awake. Come and take a look. I found a paper book." Seeing that it was Mo Fei, Yulin hurriedly called Mo Fei over.

Mo Fei ran towards Yulin at a trot, only then did he see the paper book in Yulin's hand.This book is very thick, the outer shell is the cover of the wooden board, and the whole edge is covered with golden coating, which is very exquisitely made.

"Sister Yulin, this paper book is rare, where did you find it?"

"I saw it just now under this stone bench when I was walking here." Yulin pointed to where she was sitting and said, "But I don't know any of these words, and I don't know which language they are in, so I just Look at the pictures inside, they are all very strange."

"Really? Show me." Mo Fei took the book from Yulin's hand, came over by himself and only saw the cover but not the inside.

Mo Fei felt the weight when he realized that the book was in his hands. The book was much heavier than it looked.

Murphy put the whole book on his lap, held the corner of the book with one hand, and opened the beautifully packaged cover with the other hand free, revealing the contents of Chapter 1 of the whole book.

When Murphy opened the book, he couldn't help but pause in his heart.

The outer shell of the book in front of me looks like it should be packaged later for protection, and the first paper of the real inner page is the original cover.

And these characters that Yulin said she couldn't understand at all were almost exactly the same as the characters translated by her ancestors behind the talisman, and they were also not very accurate.

It's just that, unlike the old ancestor's translation, the content described here is more detailed.

Could it be that these are the records of the later understanding of the talisman, that is, the part passed down by word of mouth in their family?But why is it here?
Murphy didn't understand, but she couldn't give up this book. Perhaps the original owner of the manor had some connection with her family.Murphy closed the book, then looked at Yulin.

"Sister Yulin, I think there is something wrong with this book. According to the weight of the paper, it shouldn't be so heavy. Let's take it back and study it!"

"I don't care. Anyway, I just feel that I rarely see paper books, and I just flipped through them when I had nothing else to do. If you are interested, take them back and read them. Anyway, the owner of this manor doesn't know whether he has escaped or not. Turned into a zombie." Yulin replied indifferently.

"Well, then give me this book, I like it." Mo Fei smiled at Yulin, holding the whole book in his arms.

"By the way, I forgot that you studied ancient times. You must be more interested in this kind of stuff than I am." Yulin patted Mo Fei and then asked, "Have you had enough sleep now? Have you slept all morning, are you hungry?" Hungry, I have hidden a lot of snacks."

"Not too hungry, let's wait for dinner, the air here is good, let's sit for a while."

Holding the book in his arms, Mo Fei sat on the stone bench and chatted with Yulin, but he was still thinking about the contents of the book in his hand.

After chatting for a while, Yulin raised her hand to check the time: "It's getting late, let's go back and put down your heavy book first, dinner will be ready soon."

"it is good."

The two immediately got up and walked to the room where they lived.

"Feifei, Sister Yulin, are you out to play? Don't call me." The two just went upstairs when they saw Lin Yixun standing at the door of their room, as if he was looking for them and found that they were not there.

"You are here, Yixun. Sister Yulin and I were just downstairs in the courtyard. The air over there is good. Let's go when it gets cooler in the afternoon. I'll bring snacks and make a pot of tea then, how about it?" Mo Fei made a suggestion to Lin Yixun as she walked forward.

"Great, I also brought fruit tea. We have an appointment that afternoon, but you are not allowed to not bring me." Lin Yixun clapped his hands and replied cheerfully.

After sending Lin Yixun away, Murphy and Yulin entered the room and put the heavy book on the bed. Murphy and Yulin got up and walked downstairs to the hall, where they were assigned to eat.

After eating enough, Yulin lay in bed and took a nap, while Mo Fei sat by the bed and flipped through this book with a strange history.

After reading Chapter 1, Mo Fei was surprised to find that although there were many mistakes in the sentences used here, it explained many things in the talisman in detail, which surprised Mo Fei inexplicably.

Taking a peek at the sleeping Yulin, Mo Fei turned his back and pulled out his backpack under the bed. Pretending to pack it, he put the book into the storage talisman. This book will be of great use in the future. It seems that he It is necessary to explore the manor.

Thinking of this, Murphy took some things from his bag and walked out of the room lightly.

Go downstairs and go around to the courtyard where the book was found before, and the nearest place from here is a building next to it.

Because this place seems to be relatively old, the team leader chose the new building where they live now, which is taller and more spacious.It is also enough for everyone to live in, so no one cleans up here.

Murphy took a look, decided this was the way, and walked along the corridor to the inconspicuous building.

It seems that no one has lived here for a long time. Compared with the new building, the door frames and walls here are already mottled.

Mo Fei pushed the door, but it was not locked. When it was pushed open, because the lotus leaves beside the door had rusted, there was a creaking sound when the door was pushed.

The door was pushed open with a gap big enough for a person to walk in sideways. Murphy walked in sideways, and a layer of dust was stirred up on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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