Chapter 112
The convoy has been moving slowly for a few days, and it is said that it is only a few hundred kilometers away from the sea base.

Unlike some time ago, when you can walk very far every day, the closer you are to the sea base, the more crowded the zombies will be. The zombies in this city that is about to settle down are already abnormally many. Basically, the places on the edge are equivalent to other places. The concentration of zombies is so dense in the center of the small town in the place.

Murphy's injury has healed at this time, except for the occasional itching of the scab on his back that has not fallen off, he doesn't feel much anymore.

After Murphy's strong request, he still evacuated Lin Yixun's car.

I have been occupying Lin Yixun's special car these days, but Lin Yixun's originally oversized car can only sit on a temporary stool.Now that he was almost recovered, Murphy naturally returned to the car with Yulin.

"Feifei, today's road is very bumpy. Are you okay? In fact, you don't have to come back on purpose. Even if you don't lie down, Dr. Lin's car is much more comfortable than here." Yulin looked at Murphy nervously after a while of bumps. There was some complaint in his tone.

"It's really all right, sister Yulin, didn't I show you the wound last night, and it's almost healed." Murphy stuck out his tongue and deliberately swung his arms back and forth to indicate that there was no problem.

"It's okay if I believe it, don't move around, I'm really afraid of you."

Hearing Yulin's surrender-like tone, Murphy smiled and turned to look outside.

"There are more and more zombies now. It's not yet time to return to the base. Our daily speed does not exceed 200 kilometers, but we have lost a lot of people. No wonder the rewards for this mission are so high." Seeing Yulin Murphy looked outside and couldn't help but whispered.

"There is no such thing as a free lunch, but it's fine. At least we haven't encountered C1 mutants and C2 so far. I think the situation at the sea base may be like this. Although the zombies are dense, they don't have the ability to stand out. Zombies." Mo Fei comforted Yulin, but he was telling the truth.

"But Feifei, it's great that you're doing well." Yulin suddenly grabbed Mo Fei's arm with emotion.

Mo Fei smiled and remembered one thing at the same time: "By the way, sister Yulin, your bottle of medicine is really effective. What's its name, we will prepare more next time."

But Yulin lowered her head: "Feifei, that medicine has no name, and I don't know what it's called, and I don't know the ingredients. I only know that it's very effective in healing."

Seeing Yulin's expression, Mo Fei asked in a low voice, "Sister Yulin, is it that man who sent you off again?"

Yulin didn't hide it, and nodded to Mo Fei: "Well, he did give it to me."

"Sister Yulin..." Mo Fei knew that although Yulin hadn't mentioned it for a long time, she still didn't let go of that man in her heart, but she really didn't know how to comfort her.

"It's okay, it's not that I just met me now. I said that if I want to forget, I will try my best to forget it." Yulin smiled, and then chatted with Mo Fei about other things.

"Get out of the car and go to the front to clean up the zombies." The car stopped suddenly, and the driver shouted to the back.

Getting out of the car one after another, Mo Fei just got out of the car when he saw a dense crowd of zombies swaying towards him in front of him.

"That's too much. We don't even have a place to hide. How can we fight?" Murphy heard someone complain before he left the vicinity of the car.

"Don't talk nonsense, don't try hard to attack anyone, don't want to live."

Although this was a bit harsh, it was true. Murphy walked forward with his plain gun.

"Feifei, follow me. I'll fight when zombies come over in a while. Just help me make up for the leak." Yulin has been absorbed by Mo Jing during this period, and her rank has been raised by one level, so now she can eliminate ordinary zombies. C Zombie, the problem of aiming when running, can almost kill the zombie with one move.

Knowing that Yulin couldn't be held back at this moment, Mo Fei didn't say much, nodded and followed behind Yulin.

The two cooperated well and moved forward for a long distance, but because there were too many zombies, the attackers gradually lost their initial ferocity.

"Everyone get in the car, step back for a while, there is a mountain villa over there." Seeing that the current situation is indeed not good, the team leader quickly shouted at everyone.

But at this moment, no one showed their spirits, one by one scrambled to run back, but it caused a congestion instead, and the few people who ran at the end were instantly torn off their body parts by the C1 rushing ahead.

This scene made the crowd even more flustered. In the midst of the crowd, Murphy and Yulin also got separated.

Murphy looked around for Yulin while stepping back.

Soon, among the crowd, Mo Fei found Yulin, and rushed towards Yulin against the crowd with his Suying gun.

"Sister Yulin, this way." Mo Fei pulled Yulin and ran to the other side with the Suying gun again.

"Murphy, our car is over there." Yulin thought that Murphy had misread the way, and said quickly.

"I know, but you see there are so many people now, we can't squeeze through, and the zombies are running there, we can't put ourselves in the mouth of the zombies!" Mo Fei explained while pulling Yulin to run.

What Mo Fei said made sense, Yulin stopped arguing and followed Murphy all the way to the other direction.

While running, a voice suddenly called out to Mo Fei: "Fei Fei, come quickly."

Mo Fei looked up, and there was Lin Yixun's car. He didn't think too much about it, so he pulled Yulin and ran to Lin Yixun's car.

"Come up quickly, let's drive backward first." Lin Yixun moved his body to make room for a little space.

"Sister Yulin, go up!" Mo Fei pushed Yulin into the car.

"Feifei, what are you going to do?" Yulin refused, putting her hands on the car door.

"Hurry up, it's too late, I promise I can go up." Murphy continued after turning the Suying spear and killing a zombie.

Yulin hurried into the car, then looked at Murphy.

Murphy closed the car door, causing Yulin and Lin Yixun to exclaim in unison: "Feifei."

Murphy didn't respond, and grabbed the window with one hand and jumped onto the roof of the car.He patted the roof of the car and shouted to the driver: "Master driver, drive faster."

The car that should have left earlier did not stop at all, and quickly backed away.

"Hurry up, Feifei." In the car, Yulin nervously yelled out the window.

"Don't worry, don't ask me to talk, I'm going for a ride." Mo Fei responded to Yulin, and then stopped talking, holding the roof of the car tightly with both hands, and laying his body motionless against it.

With a sharp turn, the car turned around and drove towards a small manor.

When they arrived at the manor, the car that came over had already cleaned up most of the zombies, and the inside of the manor had been cleaned up.

Before the car came to a complete stop, Murphy jumped off the roof, picked up the tasseled gun on his back, and ran towards the manor.

"Thank you, Dr. Lin, I'll help." Yulin opened the car door and greeted Lin Yixun who was inside, and then followed Murphy into the manor to clean up the zombies.

Lin Yixun's special car drove into the manor, and several cars drove back one after another, but a large number of zombies also followed.

"The ability users and weapon users who attack from a long distance go to fight, and those who don't have weapons come and take them." The team leader of this mission saw that the car was almost approaching and quickly commanded.

"Team Zhang, there are still two cars that haven't come back." One of them reported to the team leader.

"Looking at so many zombies coming outside, they must not be able to rush over, hurry up and get ready to fight!" The team leader glanced outside and waved his hand at that person.


The gate was closed, and cars were parked around the wall to block the gate, while people stood on the cars and attacked.

Murphy also received an energy gun, and found a place to stand there with Yulin to attack.

Pieces of zombies lay down under the wall, but the piled bodies gave the flexible C1 zombies some opportunities.

Relying on the ability not to lose to ordinary humans, those C1 zombies continued to climb up by stepping on the corpses of C zombies. Although the people on the wall kept attacking, there were some mistakes in the end that allowed sporadic C1 zombies to climb up.

Two people were dragged off the wall, and there was another commotion all around.

"Don't panic, those with high accuracy and strong attack power, please target the C1 zombie to attack, and the others will shoot down and attack as many C zombies as possible." Seeing this, the team leader hurriedly rearranged.

The attacks continued from noon to night, and those zombies attacked tirelessly. Although most of them had been wiped out at this time, their human energy was limited, and many people standing on the wall couldn't even raise their hands.

Many supernatural beings rested on the sidelines when their energy was exhausted, and came out to attack again when they recovered a little.

Such rounds of fighting put everyone's spirit on the verge of collapse.

Murphy still insisted on attacking with the energy gun, because of his high accuracy, he did fight a lot of C1 zombies and countless C zombies in this battle.

Because he has a good physique, and while attacking Murphy, he slowly let the qi in his body move by itself, which also replenished some of his physical energy.

Yulin has already rested several times, but her physical strength is exhausted to the extreme, even if she is not attacking now, she can't stop panting heavily while sitting on the side.

"Feifei, drink some water." Yulin pointed to the bag, but she was too tired to lift her hand.

Mo Fei originally wanted to refuse, but seeing that Yulin's lips were chapped, he stopped and took out the backpack from Yulin's back, took a sip and handed it to Yulin.

Yulin reached for the water bottle with trembling hands, but she lifted it feebly and then dropped it.

Mo Fei simply brought the water bottle to Yulin's mouth: "Sister Yulin, take a quick drink."

Yulin opened her mouth and took two sips. Then Mo Fei tightened the water bottle again, and then continued to attack with the energy gun.

At this time, the corpses of the zombies were almost piled up to the height of the wall, not counting the ones that fell down. Even Murphy, who had a physique like this, was so tired that he could only put the energy gun on the wall and attack on his stomach. , others are too tired to aim.

(End of this chapter)

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