Chapter 111
Murphy felt the pain of being burned by the flames, and even faintly smelled the smell of burnt meat.

Anyway, he was going all out, and Murphy rushed forward at full speed, stabbing the plain spear into the man's chest with all his might.

Because of his anger, Mo Fei's plain tasseled spear pierced through the man's body, and he could vaguely see that the point of the plain tasseled spear had penetrated to the other side.

I don't know if it was a major artery. When Mo Fei pulled out the Suying gun, a lot of blood gushed out from the man's wound, dyeing the nearest Mo Fei's shirt red.

And precisely because of the spurting of blood, the so-called pure fire was actually extinguished.

It seemed that the original super painful place had been relieved, but the extent of the burn just now made Mo Fei grin in pain even if he moved.

"This girl is really lucky. Only fresh blood can extinguish this kind of fire, and it can be extinguished by accident." The man who dodged away looked at everything in front of him dumbfounded. The girl can still attack with her back burned like that, even a man would have curled up in pain long ago.

There is no blood on Murphy's face now, but because he no longer continues to burn, Murphy also feels a little cold while in pain.

The violent attack just now also made it extremely difficult for Murphy to even hold the Suying spear tightly.

Taking a deep breath, Murphy turned around and stared at the man who just spoke on the other side.

Stared at by Mo Fei's angry eyes, although Mo Fei is only a little girl who is not too tall, the man feels a sense of oppression inexplicably.

"What are you staring at!" Seeing Mo Fei looking at him, the man quickly shouted to the other side, "Why are you all staring blankly? Hurry up and make a move."

Several people shot at the same time, the flames ignited again, and flew towards Murphy in several directions at the same time.

Because of the injury, Murphy's dodge also lost the flexibility it used to have. His body dodged two fires, but he still got hit after all.

This time, because it wasn't pure fire, Mo Fei picked out the fire with the Suying spear, and stabbed desperately while holding the Suying spear with his teeth clenched.

The place that was already burned began to ooze blood due to the violent activity, which looked very terrifying.

After another few rounds, Murphy desperately stabbed the man who had injured his shoulder to death.After that, Murphy couldn't hold on any longer. The pain made her mind go blank, and she staggered and fell to the ground.

At this moment, a black shadow flew past, and one of them screamed in pain, and then fell to the ground and rolled continuously.The other person also fell to the ground before he could see clearly, and at this time the first person who fell down was already blue and foaming at the mouth, and died within 3 minutes.

Murphy had reached his limit. Seeing those people fall to the ground one by one, he passed out and passed out after all.

When Murphy woke up again, he was already in the car.

Because of her back injury, a special bed was made for her, because she couldn't lie down and could only crawl, but crawling would compress her mouth, nose and heart, so the chest and face were hollowed out on this special bed.

Murphy raised his arms to think about it, but he felt the tightness in his back, which was probably bandaged, so he couldn't move, so he opened his mouth and shouted, "Is anyone there?" Even Murphy himself felt weak when the voice came out.

"Feifei, are you awake? Great, great!" There was a movement in the ear, followed by a familiar voice.


"That's right, it's me. You really woke up. You've been asleep for several days. They all said that you were fatal. You can still survive after being injured like this. It's all my fault. It would be great if I could come back sooner." Lin Yixun blamed herself in a weeping voice.

"I don't blame you, but I'm so thirsty, give me some water!"

"Okay, wait a minute." Lin Yixun quickly poured water, and then handed it to Murphy.

Murphy thought he couldn't move, so he drank a little with a spoon.

After drinking the water, Murphy ate something with the help of others, and then he felt better.

"Just wake up. Fortunately, there is a hospital surrounded by that base. Because we had an accident in their base, they gave us a lot of medical supplies as compensation. Otherwise, you are really in danger. Even so, no one can guarantee you. It’s good to be alive, to wake up.”

Listening to Lin Yixun's chanting, Murphy knew where the bandage and healing medicine on his back came from.

"Feifei, take a rest and get well soon. We are getting closer and closer to the sea base. Recently, there have been more and more zombies outside, but it's not too difficult to walk."

"En! By the way, did sister Yulin find it?" Mo Fei thought of Yulin, whom he had never found before, and hurriedly asked Lin Yixun.

"I found it. The group of people who fought with you were stunned and carried away. Later, when we went to get back the car that was stolen by the group, we found Yulin who was still unconscious in the car. She was also very worried. You, but you can't live in an ordinary car, and there is no place here, so she is still in the original car, but she will come over every day to ask about your situation."

"It's fine if you're fine, then I'll sleep for a while." Hearing that Yulin was fine, Mo Fei spoke again.

Lin Yixun stopped talking, and Mo Fei really needed to rest right now.

Murphy closed his eyes, but instead of sleeping, he mobilized the Qi in his body to circulate round and round in his body.

Because of the injury, Murphy didn't dare to run too fast, so Murphy spent almost the whole day practicing Qi, and at night, he continued to practice Qi in the name of sleeping after eating a little food.Because Murphy was a seriously injured patient, Lin Yixun didn't think that Murphy was abnormal. As long as Murphy could recover quickly and sleep a little longer, it would be fine, so he would let Murphy continue to "sleep" without moving.

Thanks to the help of breath, Murphy's injuries healed quickly, especially when they slept in the wild one day after they were overrun by unexpected zombies in the place they originally expected. Murphy broke through the basic third floor that day and finally reached The basic four layers.

It was precisely because of this breakthrough that Murphy's injury recovered [-]% in an instant. The little nurse who changed Murphy's dressing was so surprised that he recovered to such a state in just a few days, but people after the end of the world They have different physiques, so they didn't attract much attention.

Lin Yixun was also very happy to see that Murphy was almost recovered.

And chatting with Lin Yixun these days, Murphy also got a general idea of ​​what happened later that day.

The reason why Lin Yixun came so slowly that day was because that group seemed to have checked them out before, so that group took away all the guns of the personnel in the official tent, and Lin Yixun could only look for them everywhere. What can be used is a waste of time.When Lin Yixun arrived, Murphy was already unconscious, and those people were lying on the ground in disorder.

However, what puzzled Lin Yixun was that after the researchers who woke up checked those few people, only two of them were fatally wounded by gunshot wounds, and the others died of poisoning.

"Feifei, I was terrified at the time. I saw you lying on the ground wearing only a thin layer of clothing. Your back was burned and bloody. If I hadn't held my breath and found out that you still had a faint breath, I would have thought you were died."

After that, Lin Yixun tried his best to drag Murphy onto a cart, and then pulled him back to his tent.Because he was not sure whether the people in the base were also accomplices to that group of people, Lin Yixun didn't dare to call for help, and finally woke up the unconscious guard with a strong nerve-stinging potion.

Seeing that this was effective, Lin Yixun used the same method to wake up a medical staff on board to take care of Murphy before going to wake up the others.

Later, when the team leader went to collect the car, he found Yulin.

It turned out that after Mo Fei went out, some of the group found Mo Fei and Yulin's tent, and then they looked into the tent when they found that the door of the tent was not closed.

Thinking of a beauty like Yulin, not to mention the end of the world, even before the end of the world, it is not easy to see, so the group naturally became lustful, and sprayed the drug on the sleeping Yulin, because it was a close-up spray. So until she found Yulin, she was still unconscious and didn't know what happened.

When Yulin learned that Murphy had suffered a very serious injury, so serious that she might die even before the end of the world, so Yulin quickly took out a bottle of healing medicine, which was the medicine she had in that team before. At that time, she got a bottle of very precious healing medicine, which Yulin would not be willing to use for minor injuries.

As for Murphy, who was seriously injured, his survival rate was not high even after taking the medicine with good curative effect. Originally, the team leader was about to abandon Murphy, but at Lin Yixun's insistence, he took Murphy with him. , I didn't expect Murphy to wake up so quickly, and the wound has healed up in just a few days.

After listening to what Lin Yixun said, Mo Fei understood that when he was in a coma, apart from the fact that he did not die because of his good physique after practicing qi training, Yulin's healing medicine must have played a big role. If you insist on bringing yourself with you, and throw yourself anywhere, you may not be able to live now.

For Yulin and Lin Yixun's kindness to him in his heart, Murphy kept the kindness of both of them in his heart.

However, regarding the poisoning incident that Lin Yixun mentioned, Murphy couldn't help but think of another incident.

He only completely killed two people before he fell into a coma, and three people should be alive before he fell down.Even if only the man blinded by him was alive at that time, he could kill himself by beating him indiscriminately, not to mention there were three other people alive, no matter from which point of view he was dead.

But now he is still alive, and those three people are dead, but the cause of death is poisoning.Although Lin Yixun guessed that it might be because they were poisoned outside, it was just that Murphy was lucky, and it just happened at that time.

But Murphy didn't think so. She felt that there must be another truth here.

(End of this chapter)

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