Chapter 110
Murphy was shocked by Yulin's disappearance.

Apart from worrying about Yulin's safety, Murphy didn't know if his mecha had been exposed.

"Feifei, where did that beautiful sister you mentioned go?" Lin Yixun saw that the tent was empty, and turned to look at Murphy.

"I don't know either. Sister Yulin was indeed sleeping when I came out, but..." Mo Fei looked around, but there was no sign of Yulin around.

"Feifei, go find your friend first, I'll go and see my guards, I can help if I can wake up one more." Lin Yixun said hastily.

Murphy nodded: "Alright, by the way, let's see if anyone in the tent is awake."

Lin Yixun and Murphy split up, and Lin Yixun ran towards his tent. Just now, he heard from Murphy that one of his guards was also knocked unconscious, so Lin Yixun first went to wake up his guards , and then the two of them laid down the stunned guard first, and Lin Yixun took out some potions from the tent.

Unfortunately, after several attempts, the guard could not be woken up.

"It seems to be a powerful drug, Xiao Jiang, you go to the tents and look around to see if there are any sober people." Lin Yixun had no choice but to order the guard to find someone who was still sober. .

On the other side, Murphy surrounded the surroundings, looking at the front and back of each tent, looking for Yulin.

After walking all the way, Yulin was not found, which made Mo Fei feel a little worried.

If Yulin found out that she had a mecha, how would she explain it?

Although Murphy still believed in Yulin, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous when he couldn't fully protect himself.However, Murphy was worried about another situation.

"Sister Yulin, sister Yulin..." After leaving the area where the tent was built, Mo Fei opened his mouth and shouted softly to the surroundings.

It was quiet and no one responded.

Murphy has already circled around many times, and further ahead is the interior of this small base. Could it be that Yulin went to the base?

Seeing no one around, Murphy ran forward quickly.

After they came to this small base, they were assigned to an area that can be regarded as a square. Murphy estimated that this should be the place where this small base occasionally conducts large-scale missions. Usually, some cars will be parked and some tables will be piled up. This time they came to clean it up and free up this area for them to set up a tent.

So there is still a gate between here and the actual base, which can be regarded as the periphery of the base, and you will pass through here when you walk into the base from the outside.

When Mo Fei touched the other side, he found that the door inside was closed. Obviously, the group of people should have come back from the outer area. They saw their cars and tents when they passed by, so they didn't enter the inner base. Move towards everyone first.

The gate is closed, so it is impossible for Yulin to enter the base unless she knows someone here.Murphy made a rough judgment, then nodded, turned and went back.

After returning to the tent, I saw someone running towards me.

Taking a closer look, it was Lin Yixun who had just separated from him and ran over.

"Yixun, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Lin Yixun running out of breath, Mo Fei hurriedly asked.

Hearing Mo Fei's voice, Lin Yixun ran towards Mo Fei with all his strength, shouting loudly: "Fei Fei, run, those bad guys are back."

Hearing Lin Yixun's words, Murphy was shocked, how could it be possible?I threw people and cars so high just now, even if I didn't die, I couldn't come back so soon.

However, Murphy looked back in Lin Yixun's direction, and Lin Yixun was indeed chasing a group of people, there seemed to be about 4 or 5 of them.

"Yi Xun, you go first, I'll deal with these people." Mo Fei put the Suying gun across his chest, ready to fight, after all, she just came from there, and the gate over there is closed, even if she runs, she can't escape Where to go.

"No, no... Those people are all supernatural beings. My guard was killed by them, and the energy gun in the guard's hand was also robbed just now. Come with me." While speaking, Lin Yixun had already run away When he reached Mo Fei's eyes, he stretched out his hand to grab Mo Fei and ran forward.

Murphy had no choice but to run with Lin Yixun, saying as he ran, "Yixun, the door in front is closed, we can't run too far, so we have to fight hard."

"However, there are 5 of them, and each of them is a supernatural person, Feifei, why don't you run by yourself, your speed is faster than me, and your physical strength is better than mine." Lin Yixun heard Murphy say that the front door It is closed, so naturally I know that even if they go around, they can only run back, and sooner or later they will run out of energy in circles like this.

"It's okay. When you get to the front in a while, you go around the tent to find weapons. I'll hold them back first. When you find the weapons, you can help me solve two of them as much as possible." Murphy thought about the terrain. Although he had to turn around here, but It is also easier to dodge, let Lin Yixun dodge.

"But Feifei, you are alone..."

"They said it's all right. It's fine if I delay for a while. You go and come back quickly." Mo Fei pinched Lin Yixun's sweaty hands because of nervousness, signaling her to calm down.

"Okay, but you have to be careful, Feifei." After Lin Yixun finished speaking, he followed Murphy to speed up and ran forward. After throwing the people behind him away a little distance, Murphy and Lin Yixun went to a higher tent position He ran over, and then asked Lin Yixun to run back along the edge with his head down, while he continued to run towards the gate.

"You still have the strength to run! See if I can catch you and not kill you..." Behind Murphy, a hoarse male voice was heard, followed by a series of chaotic footsteps.

Murphy didn't care so much and continued to move forward, and soon he left the area where the tent was set up and came to an open space.

On the side of the open space, Murphy quickly hid on the edge of the turning tent, and the plain tassel gun in his hand was already waiting for the enemy to arrive.

"Huh? Where did you go?"

Hearing the sound approaching, Mo Fei quickly stretched out the tasseled spear in his hand, causing the two people in front of him who were caught off guard to trip to the ground.

Just as the two of them were about to get up, Murphy's plain gun had already reached the throat of one of them.

The person following those two people reacted quickly. Seeing this, he quickly threw a ball of fire at Murphy. Feeling the heat, Murphy took a step back, but the original aiming position was missed. , The vital point was not stabbed, so he had to stab the man's shoulder, blood was pouring out immediately, and the man let out a cry like a pig being killed at the same time.

Murphy didn't care what kind of pain this man was in. When facing five men alone, it would be as beneficial as possible.

While pulling out the Suying spear, Murphy turned around and stabbed at the man who hit him with a fireball.

Due to the short distance, the man thought that the fireball would definitely hit him, but he didn't expect that Murphy's dodge speed was very fast, so he didn't prepare for the back move. Murphy turned around and stabbed the man in the eye.

The scream of this man overwhelmed the man whose shoulder was stabbed before, because it was his eyes, the man immediately lost his mobility, covered his eyes with his hands and squatted on the ground.

At this time, the other of the two men who had stumbled had already stood up. This man was thick-backed, but because of his heavy body, he knocked out his teeth just now when he fell, and he spit out a mouthful of blood when he got up. , and then looked at Murphy fiercely.

"Ji Yan dares to trip over my uncle, you have never acted live. (You dare to trip over this uncle, you don't want to live.)" Because the front front teeth were knocked off and mixed with blood, the man's words were a bit leaky, although he said It sounds menacing, but because it is a bit funny to say it like this.

But now Murphy couldn't laugh, because apart from these three people, the other two who ran slowly also arrived.

It was indeed very difficult for Murphy to drag five big men by himself, and they were all supernatural beings. Fortunately, the man who was poked blind had no time to take care of him for the time being.

The attack ability of the last two people who came over was obviously stronger than that of the first three. Although they didn't win in running, their abilities were not weak.

However, Murphy has lost the opportunity now, and there is no way to attack again, so he can only attack while dodging.

After a few rounds, Murphy was struggling a bit, but at this time, he could only bite the bullet and fight.

Just as Murphy made his next stab, the two men on the other side suddenly smashed the two balls of fire together. Murphy took advantage of the momentum and backed away, but unexpectedly, the two fires collided with each other and made a crackling explosion, and the flames rushed forward again. A paragraph fell on Murphy.

The coat was instantly ignited, and Murphy quickly scraped down the flames with the plain tassel gun, but the flames seemed to be stuck to his body, and would only spread but not extinguish.Murphy took off his coat, only to find that the flames had burned into the clothes inside.

"Hahaha, you are so naive, the flames of the supernatural beings are not so easy to extinguish, let alone the pure fire produced by the explosion of our two flames." One of the supernatural beings laughed.

"Little girl, since you want to ignite yourself, come and show us!" Another person stood aside gloatingly. They seemed to have confidence in the flame, and they all looked at Murphy as if they were watching a show. Performance.

Murphy took off a few more outer clothes, only to find that the flames were strange, as if each one would immediately transfer to the next one.

There was only a thin layer of shirt left on his body. In the cold wind, Murphy could only feel the coldness of his body and the heat of the place where the flames were burning. Even the frozen and angry Murphy's face was a little pale, and the tasseled gun in his hand was tight. He shook his hand and looked at the group of people.

"Little girl, if you don't take off this dress, the pure fire will soon burn you to pieces!"

Then I will also be buried with you.Murphy didn't say a word, his back was already in great pain from being burned. Enduring the pain, Murphy stabbed at the group of people with a plain tassel spear, and at the same time rushed forward with his whole body. Of the two people on fire, one of them was caught off guard by Murphy.

Using the strength of running over, Murphy pierced the man's body with the plain tassel gun.

(End of this chapter)

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