Chapter 109
Because Murphy is not a long-range attacking ability user, nor does he use guns, so he followed the people to put out the fire and protect the goods.

The work of extinguishing the fire is not easy, because the sparks are very scattered, and a little bit of sparks may cause a big hidden danger, so every corner must be checked.

Murphy's group was assigned to the position close to the front row of the lost car. Although there are not many sparks here, and because there is no cargo car here, it doesn't matter if they accidentally miss it.

However, this side is closer to the front, and has a clear view of the battle ahead.

While checking the flames, Murphy peeked at the battle ahead.

The strange thing is that after the other party set off a wave of flames, they made no further moves, making the people who were waiting for the battle wait for a long time in vain.

"Oops, I fell for it." At this moment, a few people climbed into the back of the car to check for flames inside the car, but they saw the running car in the distance, and couldn't help shouting at the people below.

After everyone reacted and chased after them, those cars had already disappeared without a trace.

Due to the loss of the vehicle, the personnel were reassigned, and the seat that was originally very spacious suddenly turned into a crowded place.

However, there is no way to do this. We can only wait for a suitable vehicle on the road before redistribution. Fortunately, the vehicle carrying the goods was not stolen or damaged.

Continue along the way, after leaving Xihe City, there are more zombies on the road here.

Because it is not close to the four survivor bases, more people chose not to flee to the large bases, and the several bases have little connection with each other. Except that the Cang base was merged with the star base due to damage, Hai The base is far away from other bases, so there is almost no communication other than satellite signal contact.

However, it doesn't mean that no one here goes to the four major bases to be completely deserted.

After confirming the nearby signal search, they contacted a survivor base in Wuhan City.

The access here is not as strict as the four major bases, but the scale is not small.

I heard that the people came from the star base in the capital, Beijing, and the person in charge of the base specially vacated an open space for them to settle in. Of course, the team leader in charge of this mission also gave the person in charge of the base some ink crystals to rent as the venue. cost.

However, due to the limited housing, everyone still can only live in tents, but they will feel more at ease in places with walls.

Because there are more zombies on the road, it took nearly 10 hours to get here today. Not only the driver is very tired, but also everyone on the mission is very tired.

Therefore, everyone distributed dinner and collapsed after eating.

Murphy also finished eating in a hurry. After all, he is a body that has been exercised. Although Murphy took the car for a day and kept going up and down to clean up the zombies, he was still in good spirits.

Seeing that Yulin was fast asleep, Mo Fei sat cross-legged in his tent to practice Qi.

After only running for a week and a half, Murphy suddenly heard something outside.

Because it was far away, Murphy didn't care about it. After completing the remaining half a week of practice, Murphy opened his eyes.

The sound outside still didn't stop. Although the sound was not loud, Murphy decided to go out and have a look.

Unlocking the lock inside the tent, Mo Fei lightly got out of the tent with the plain gun in hand.

Looking around, they found a cluster of not-so-bright lights between the piles of tents they were in.

Mo Fei groped along the light, and when he got there, he found several people kneeling on the ground, and one of them had a flickering flame in his hand.

"Captain, we are so lucky. The car we stole yesterday is amazing. It has good performance and power, and the exterior has been specially treated. It is a must-have car in the last days. I regretted stealing less in the morning. These fat sheep are delivered to your door."

"Keep down. Although these people are tired and fell asleep, they must still be alert. You all have to be careful. Waking up these people will kill you guys."

"Understood, but did I just take a look at it? Some of the cars are on duty at night. I guess there must be something good there."

"What's so smart about you? Hurry up and finish spraying those sprays first."

Murphy listened carefully from the back, and made some connections. Murphy reckoned that this group of people was the one who stole their official vehicle in the morning.

Unexpectedly, Yuanjia Road was narrow, and we met again after driving a few hundred miles.Murphy thought to himself, and looked out a little, and found that this group of people were all wearing masks and holding some watering cans that could spray mist in their hands. Everyone squatted in a tent to spray, and then changed to another tent after spraying.

Even if he didn't hear what those people said about this place, Murphy could still guess that it must be sprayed with drugs or something similar.

Reaching out his hand to feel in his storage talisman, Mo Fei also took out a mask, put it on, and walked around behind a slightly larger and firmer tent.

The person living here is naturally Lin Yixun, the key protection object this time.

Because this tent is so big and so obvious, Murphy estimated that these people might not treat this tent like other tents.

Sure enough, after most of the tents were sprayed with drugs, the group gathered at the door of Lin Yixun's tent one by one.

"Captain, this is the most special tent left." But as soon as the words fell, the door of the tent opened, and two official soldiers walked out from inside.

"Who are you?" One of the soldiers pointed at the group with a heat gun.

The person who started to talk the most among the group leaned forward flatteringly: "Brother Bing, don't be so serious, our team just finished the task, and when we came here, we saw such a magnificent tent here, but Come and have a look."

The man walked forward while talking, and took out a cigarette in his hand.

"Go, go, you're not here to play, so hurry up." The soldier waved his hand to signal the man to leave quickly.

But the man didn't stop, the cigarette in his hand had already been handed over: "Okay, okay, let's go right away, don't be angry, come and have a cigarette."

The soldier was about to pick it up, but unexpectedly the cigarette in the flattering man's hand was suddenly lit, and the smoke from the burning cigarette floated into the soldier's nose. The soldier shook his head and fell limply to the ground.

Seeing this, another soldier quickly pointed the muzzle of the heat gun, and shouted loudly: "Come on!"

Behind the flattering man, the man called the captain at first raised his head, and the other two knocked the shouting soldier unconscious.

"Go, go in and see what's inside."

The two people in front immediately kicked away the two soldiers who had fainted, and then looked into the tent.

"Captain, there's a beautiful girl inside." The man who entered first shouted out, swallowing his saliva.

"Exactly, take it away!"

Murphy was quietly waiting for the opportunity outside, when Lin Yixun's voice came from inside: "Who are you? What do you want to do? Get out!" Then there was no sound, and Murphy guessed that Lin Yixun was not fascinated. Halo is to be stunned.

But no one showed up after tossing for so long, which meant that he was really not awake anymore, Mo Fei thought to himself, and then a huge mecha appeared behind the tent in an instant.

"This is a mecha? There is such a thing, I miscalculated." Several people who felt the slight vibration of the ground hurried out of the tent, only to find a tall mecha standing outside.

When Mo Fei saw Lin Yixun being carried on the shoulders of those people, he didn't choose a weapon, and directly picked up that person with his hands, and then gently pinched Lin Yixun's clothes and put them on the other side.

He put his hands together and grabbed the car of the group who were about to escape, and then the whole car was seized.

Murphy carried the car as if he was carrying a child's toy, and walked into the distance, and finally threw the car out like a shot put: "Bah, scum, it's fine to steal, but you still want to hurt someone." Spit in the mecha towards the direction the group's car was flying out of, then went back outside the tent and pinched Lin Yixun off the top of the tent and put it on the ground gently, then retracted the mecha again, and walked towards Lin Yixun. Yixun ran away.

Lin Yixun was obviously knocked out. After Mo Fei patted Lin Yixun's forehead with water a few times, Lin Yixun woke up slowly.


Lin Yixun opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Murphy.

"Yixun, are you awake, dizzy?" Mo Fei asked after seeing that Lin Yixun finally woke up.

"Feifei? What's going on? I... By the way, I was attacked by bad guys just now, why are you here?" Lin Yixun looked around, he had just stepped out of the tent, and now he was half lying on the ground.

"Just wake up, I'll tell you after you get up first." Murphy pulled Lin Yixun up, and then walked to her tent while telling Lin Yixun what happened just now, she was also worried about Yulin's Condition.

After I slept late, I came out when I heard a little movement, and then I heard the conversation of the group, and then they sprayed mist into the tent and then went in to snatch Lin Yixun.

"Then why am I on the ground outside? Also, where did that group of people go?" Lin Yixun was glad that Mo Fei was in time, otherwise he would be miserable, and couldn't help but care about the whereabouts of that group of people.

"This..." Murphy hesitated for a moment. He couldn't say that he could use the mecha to throw away the group of people and their cars.

"They probably have a guilty conscience. I took advantage of your larger tent, so I made noises around, and that group left you and ran away." Murphy stuck out his tongue, and the words were really incomplete, but the situation at the time Only myself and that group of people know that they probably fell very badly now, and they won't come to correct their little concealment again.

"Oh, what a pity. If I catch those bad guys next time, I'll beat them until their parents don't even know them." Lin Yixun said disappointedly when he heard that the gang ran away, and didn't pay attention. As far as Murphy's words are full of loopholes.

While talking, Murphy and Lin Yixun had already arrived in front of Murphy's tent.

"Yixun, help me look at Sister Yulin. I don't know if the mist has any side effects." Mo Fei said and opened the tent door, but when he looked inside, Mo Fei found that Yu Lin was not inside.

(End of this chapter)

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