Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 108 Stolen

Chapter 108 Stolen
The cars stopped one after another, because there is a very narrow path in front of the cave, so all the cars can't drive in, they can only park on the outside.Although it is forbidden for tourists to enter and exit because it belongs to the well-preserved ancient ruins, there will still be some guards here.

However, compared to living in the city or other residences, the zombies here are rare.

The people in the car were all here for the mission, so they were not vegetarians. When they saw the car stop, they jumped out of the car one by one and began to clean up the zombies around them.

After getting off the car, Murphy and Yulin also joined the cleaning team. After a while, the zombies that were not too many were cleaned up.

Because it is a unified action, all the zombies killed along the way will be collected by the government.Therefore, the people who did the task after the zombies were cleared walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Walking along the canyon, facing everyone is a mottled archway that has lost its original white color, and after that is a summer cave that is known as warm in winter and cool in summer.

"A team went in to explore the way." The person in the front should be the leader of this operation, directing a small team to walk into the cave entrance.

Because of subsequent maintenance, both walls of the cave were artificially protected, narrowing the originally relatively spacious entrance.

Before Murphy could follow in, he heard the sound of fighting coming from inside.

However, the team did not stop because of this, but continued to move forward one by one.

This cave can be clearly seen from the sign erected on the outermost side. It is divided into nine parts: Mingdao, side room, corridor, ear room, and main room.

Walking into the original narrow Mingdao, there are almost no zombies in this part, and the sound of fighting should come from the deeper side room.

When Mo Fei followed into the side room, he found that the stone wall here was very high, and the two sides were as straight as a knife and an axe.The overall structural layout of the cave is also very rigorous.

There are fewer zombies in deeper places. After all, there were only a few staff members here before, and people who have not turned into zombies in the last days must run out. Who would run into a dead end?

After cleaning it up a bit, the inside is still very spacious. The people in each car were divided into areas, so Murphy and Yulin found an open space in the area where they were.

"Sister Yulin, let's use the one-button inflatable tent I brought. The official ones are all built with shelves, so it must be very uncomfortable to sleep in." Murphy stood on the open space and did not start to set up the official one. tents, because at this time many people took out the tents they prepared, and only a small number of people used the tents made by them.

Yulin looked around, many people were using it, and it would not be too abrupt for them to use it, so she nodded: "Okay, let's stay here, this side is closer to the air vent, so many people are crowded here, It is estimated that the air will not be too good at night."

After the two discussed it, Murphy placed the one-button inflatable tent he brought on the open space, and then stood beside Yulin chatting, waiting for the tent to take shape.

"The food has been distributed. Everyone stay where they are. Staff will come and distribute it to you. Those who walk around will not give it." The leader in front shouted at the people who were still preparing.

They have all experienced such a long time in the last days, and there are official personnel coming out this time, and most of the people who do this task are teams who have considered their abilities and recognized their abilities. Due to the long-term life of the team, these people are still Even though the order is in good order, this also makes the official distribution very smooth.

After dinner, since we have to go on the road tomorrow, so there is not much delay and everyone has a rest.

After eating, Mo Fei asked Yulin to rest first, and went to the center circle to find Lin Yixun. After all, Lin Yixun was kind during the day, and he refused to return at the time, but he should have a good chat with Lin Yixun.

It was still early after dinner, so Murphy went to chat with Lin Yixun alone.

For Murphy's arrival, Lin Yixun was very happy. He was the youngest among the people who came out this time, and there were no other girls with him, so Lin Yixun hardly spoke along the way and was really bored. He was naturally happy to see Murphy coming to find him.

"Feifei, if you don't come up today, I will be suffocated all the way. Those people in the scientific research institute are too boring." Lin Yixun said while pulling Mo Fei with his mouth curled up.

"Then you haven't been working with them all the time." Murphy smiled.Although Lin Yixun was a little older than herself, she was full of childishness.

"I usually have research projects, but sitting in the car is suffocating." Lin Yixun still complained.

Mo Fei rolled his eyes: "By the way, I have a music player. Although it is still a copy of the song before the end of the world, it is better than nothing."

"Really? That's great. I was in the laboratory at the end of the world, so the situation outside was not very clear at all. After I came out, someone helped me take care of it. But for such a small thing, those guys who only know microorganisms must I won’t help me prepare.” Lin Yixun clapped his hands, but then asked: “But, I took it away, what are you listening to on the way?”

"I'm fine, I can talk to Sister Yulin."

"Sister Yulin? Oh...that beautiful sister who was with you!" Lin Yixun asked, tilting his head and recalling what he saw before.

"Yes, Sister Yulin is very nice, she is pretty, she is my neighbor, I usually go to her house for dinner." Murphy replied with a smile.

Lin Yixun showed a hint of envy: "It's great, I have a like-minded friend. I came here to study not only zombies but also cells. I didn't have many friends before, and now I grow up in the laboratory."

Speaking of growing up in the laboratory, Murphy thought: "By the way, Yixun, what are you doing at the sea base this time?"

Lin Yixun looked at Mo Fei, and Mo Fei thought it was a secret and quickly waved his hand: "It's okay, if it's a secret, don't say it, I'm just asking casually."

"Actually, it's not a secret. It's just that a plant that can attack zombies was found near the sea base this time. One is to collect samples. In addition, many people in the base have long-term lack of nutrition, even among the official soldiers. When such a situation arises, if we don’t do something quickly, the base will be really dangerous once the soldiers fall ill on a large scale. That’s why we decided to take the risk of going to the sea base to exchange for food, especially some products in the sea base can extract many kinds of nutrients. "

After hearing Lin Yixun's explanation, Murphy nodded. It's no wonder that the military itself also sent a lot of personnel this time. This operation is really necessary.

"In fact, many plants can also extract nutrients." After a moment of silence, Murphy said suddenly.

"Feifei, do you know about phytonutrients? This is a very old subject, and many people don't know it now, thinking that nutrients are all chemical products." Lin Yixun was surprised that Murphy knew.

"You don't know that my major is ancient studies, do you?" Murphy stuck out his tongue. In fact, in the class of ancient studies, there were only a few words about this aspect. What really let Murphy know was because of his father's previous experiments. room.

"I really don't know, Feifei, do you study ancient science? This is actually very practical for the current base. Otherwise, after returning to the base, I will introduce some auxiliary work in the laboratory to you. Most of these auxiliary work only need to The amount of knowledge and plant recognition in ancient times, occasionally some tasks can only be completed by eliminating zombies, but with your skills, there is absolutely no problem, and the rewards for those tasks are super high."

Hearing what Lin Yixun said, Murphy's eyes widened. No wonder everyone said that there are people who can do things easily. If he didn't know Lin Yixun, Murphy really didn't know that there was such a job in the base.

"Okay, okay, Yixun, if you don't tell me, I really don't know there is such a job. I am very confident in my ancient knowledge and plant knowledge." Murphy quickly responded. "This is really helpful, thank you!"

"You're welcome! Then it's settled, and I'll introduce you when I get back. Hehe, we can actually see you more if you can come to do auxiliary work in the laboratory. Don't you know that the research institute and Cangji is different, people here are rigid and can't stand it." Lin Yixun rolled his eyelids playfully, but he seemed more lively and playful.

The two chatted for a while, and Mo Fei saw that it was getting late, so he left Lin Yixun's tent and returned to his own.

Yulin wasn't asleep yet, she was half lying on the inflatable bed, and opened her eyes when she heard the sound.

"Sister Yulin hasn't slept yet."

"I didn't do anything during the day, and I slept well the day before yesterday and I'm not sleepy for the time being."

Mo Fei changed clothes and got into bed, talked with Yulin for a while, and gradually fell asleep as his eyelids sank while chatting.

Very early the next day, the official people called everyone up, because the official didn't care about breakfast, and Mo Fei took some packaged buns and milk from his backpack and ate them. In fact, these were from the storage talisman Take it out, so don't worry about the shelf life.

Out of the cave, go out along the valley.

They just came out, but they were a little dumbfounded. There were actually a few cars missing in the outermost part of their car.

Officials quickly mobilized people to search around, because they didn't expect a team to pass by, and the car was not far away, so there was no special care, only the car with goods parked on the innermost floor, and a few soldiers guard.

But now someone stole the outermost cars under their noses. Because the cars were sent by the government, they were all specially reinforced. It seems that those people saw that the cars inside were surrounded and it was inconvenient to start. The outermost cars were stolen.

While looking for clues, suddenly hundreds of flames came towards us.

Seeing this, the team leader of this mission hastily commanded everyone: "Attention everyone, if there is a situation, please don't panic. Some people in your group are responsible for putting out the fire and protecting the goods, and the other part of the long-range attack personnel is ready to fight."

 I hope it will be posted on time today, I ordered it at 10:10, please remind me if you find something wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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