Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 107 Refused the Preferential Treatment

Chapter 107 Refused the Preferential Treatment

Doing repetitive movements every day, but it didn't bother Murphy.

After all, I am neither a supernatural being nor a mutant. To be able to survive in this apocalyptic world like now is to rely on the mecha sealed in my body and this ancestral talisman.

Therefore, being able to improve the foundation is also the basis for Murphy to enhance his chances of survival.

Murphy never felt that he could rely on mechas, because if he was not strong enough, it would be impossible to own mechas openly.

Murphy, who has always understood this truth, is very attentive to the improvement of the foundation, and with the improvement of the foundation, he can draw more talismans, and Murphy also wants to explore the mysterious power of talismans.

Originally, everything was carried out step by step in this way, but today there was a change, and this change made Murphy a little puzzled, so he had to stop his anger little by little.

Although it is not a sudden interruption, but this is the only time since I practiced Qi that I stopped without running a full circle.

Ever since Mo Fei was able to understand talismans for the first time, he didn't dare to say that he practiced his foundation every day, but he definitely used all the time he could use to consolidate it.

After practicing for so long, Murphy already knew the trajectory of the breath very clearly.

But today, the running track suddenly changed, which made Mo Fei not sure whether it was good or bad.

The original breath was a little unstable during the initial practice, and the subsequent practice was like a gurgling stream moving slowly and long along the same track, but today, Murphy actually felt that the breath in his body seemed to be alive. Swimming forward in a meandering way.

The breath is still stable, but it has become straight and curved, but it seems that the breath has traveled a long way, but it is flowing faster than before.

Not knowing why this was so, Murphy quickly took out the talisman from the storage talisman, and read the basic page carefully again.

It's a pity that the talisman did not give Murphy an accurate answer. It is just mentioned above that the foundation is ordinary at the beginning, but from the mid-term onwards, there will be different subtle changes due to individual differences.

"Could it be that I've already entered the middle stage?" Murphy muttered to himself, but there was nothing unusual about his body, so he had to treat it as individual differences.

After re-stabilizing his mind, Murphy closed his eyes again to breathe slowly and steadily, and practiced the unfinished foundation.Because it was interrupted just now, and because this kind of running accelerated his speed, after one lap, Murphy practiced one more lap before going to sleep.

Early the next morning, Mo Fei felt the coldness on his face, and opened his eyes suddenly. The little flower snake was gliding across Mur Fei's face with its cold body.

Mo Fei didn't dare to move, he didn't know what the little snake wanted to do. It wasn't until the little snake saw that Murphy opened his eyes that he left the bed. Only then did Murphy realize that the little snake came to wake him up.

I glanced at the time. Although it was still early, the time for gathering today was already early.

After a hasty wash, Mo Fei cooked something to eat, and made some biscuits for Little Flower Snake.

After eating and changing his clothes, Murphy picked up his backpack and walked towards the door.It's just that the little flower snake quickly ran over and entangled Mo Fei's leg along Mo Fei's shoe.

"No, I'm going to go on a mission in the same car as someone else, so I can't take you." Mo Fei glanced at this strange, clingy and poisonous little flower snake and said.

It's just that the little flower snake didn't understand what Murphy said, and still clung to Murphy's leg and didn't move.

Murphy had no choice but to walk out the door while thinking about how to explain the snake to Yulin.

The door was about to open, and Mo Fei stepped out of the room, then turned around and locked the door of his own room. He felt a looseness in his legs, and turned his head again, and the little flower snake disappeared again.

It seems that he has gotten used to it, and Murphy no longer looks for the little flower snake, anyway, it will appear by itself when it wants to.

He turned his head and knocked on the door of Yulin's house: "Sister Yulin, are you up yet?"

"Get up, I'll be fine soon." Yulin heard Murphy's voice, and opened the door while answering.

There is still a big difference in temperature between indoor and outdoor, and when the door is opened, there is a warm breath.

Murphy walked into Yulin's house, and waited for Yulin to pack the last few things before going downstairs to gather at the task reception area.

When we came to the task receiving area, some people had already gathered here, because the door of the task receiving area had not yet opened at this time, so Murphy estimated that these people should be the people who went out for this task.

Sure enough, after a while, official personnel came to roll call. After the number of people was complete, all the personnel were assigned to different vehicles. In addition to supplies, there were also personnel to be escorted this time.

Before Murphy was assigned, a sweet voice sounded from inside a very sturdy car: "Feifei, Feifei, here is Murphy..."

Hearing someone calling himself, Mo Fei felt that the voice sounded familiar. Looking along the voice, there was a sweet, doll-like girl waving at him at the window of that very sturdy car.

Mo Fei's eyes could not help but light up, and he waved at the beautiful girl in the same way: "Yi Xun, long time no see!"

The pretty and lovely girl like a doll is the researcher Lin Yixun that Murphy met last time when he was hiding in the annex building of Cangji's office area. After the two were rescued by Silver Wing, they never met again. The person who escorted him this time was actually her.

Yulin glanced at the beautiful girl, and asked Mo Fei, "Feifei, do you know that girl?"

Murphy nodded: "Well, the two of us were trapped together for many days before."

"Oh!" Yulin couldn't help but nodded, and said at the same time: "She is the most important researcher we are going to escort this time. It is said that she is one of the top researchers in the institute, and there are two other researchers who are accompanying her. with her."

"Really? I didn't expect her to be so powerful."

At this moment, the person who arranged the staff before pointed at Mo Fei: "Murphy, right? You come here, Dr. Lin specially appointed you to go to her car as a security guard."

Anyone can see that the car Lin Yixun is riding in is stronger than other cars, and it is better to say that it is guaranteed to be safe than to protect it.

Murphy glanced at Yulin, and asked the dispatcher, "Excuse me, can the security guard only go to one person?"

Hearing Murphy's question, Yulin understood what Murphy meant, but it was clearly Lin Yixun's preferential treatment for Murphy. If there were more people added, even Murphy might not get this preferential treatment.So Yulin quickly pulled La Mofei's arm, signaling her not to ask any more questions.

The allocator glanced at Murphy: "It's your blessing to appoint you, hurry up, there are so many problems."

Murphy looked at the distributor and didn't say anything more. He patted Yulin and walked towards the car.

Seeing Murphy leave, Yulin was relieved but also a little disappointed.The relief is that Murphy's safety is guaranteed along the way, but the disappointment is that Murphy can no longer do tasks with him.

However, Murphy came back after a while.

"Feifei, you..." Yulin's eyes widened in disbelief, because another girl got into Lin Yixun's car at this moment.

Mo Fei smiled, and did not answer Yulin, but instead pulled Yulin towards the car that should have been arranged before.

And at this moment, Lin Yixun watched Murphy's actions with his chin resting on his hands, blinked his big eyes, and then his eyes were full of smiles.

Although Mo Fei's actions just now were far away, from the expression and body, Lin Yixun could see clearly from inside the car, and he judged that they were almost the same.Just as he was about to see what Murphy was going to do, Murphy walked over alone.

It's just that Murphy didn't get in the car, but lay down by the window and said a few words to Lin Yixun, and then walked back.

From the last time I saw Murphy, Lin Yixun felt that Murphy was a good girl. Through this time, Lin Yixun agreed with Murphy even more.

I'm committed to this friend!Lin Yixun thought with a smile.

Since the end of the world, I have seen too much betrayal and darkness. Lin Yixun, who was born in a honeypot and was a little naive, almost thought that the word friend was going to be extinct. The last time I met Mo Fei, I felt that although Mo Fei was vigilant But he was very kind-hearted, but because of many factors, he couldn't contact Mo Fei again. Seeing Mo Fei's attitude towards his friends this time, Lin Yixun became more certain of his thoughts.

Although I do have privileges, but there are already seats here, plus my three researchers and the guards sent by the base official, the space in the car is indeed very limited, so Lin Yixun had to give up and pull the two of them up. the plan of.

All the personnel of this operation got into the car, and the car started to drive towards the goal of this mission - the sea base.

The whole day of departure went smoothly, because it was still in the close range of the star base, so there was almost no stop along the way except for a stop for lunch, but it also took a lot of time.

It takes about 2600 kilometers to drive from the star base to the sea base. However, due to the particularity of the road, it only takes about 5 hours to drive from Beijing, where the star base is located, to Jishi, which is only more than 400 kilometers away. Most of the day.

However, because Jishi itself is also a large city with a large population, the team did not settle in Jishi, but traveled a little further, and settled at Xihe City, which is 200 kilometers away from Jishi.

A group of people drove to the outskirts of Xihe City while cleaning up the surrounding zombies. In addition to the fact that there are more zombies in the urban area, there is a summer cave in Xihe City: it is a rare artificial excavation project in history. It's warm in summer and cool in summer. There are more people on this mission. If you choose a residence, you should choose a community, so there will be more zombies to clean up.

Therefore, after discussions with the official personnel in charge of the general route, it was finally decided to use tents to live in the famous ancient cave.

(End of this chapter)

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