Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 106 Toxic

Chapter 106 Toxic
Murphy originally planned to kill the zombie in front of him and rushed out, but he didn't expect that two zombies came up behind him and blocked Murphy's way.

Moreover, one of the zombies was still a C1 zombie, and it should have been hidden relatively deep just now, but now it came out from the depths of the first floor to intercept Murphy's actions.

Just when he was in a dilemma, those jet-black beetles behind him seemed to change their tactics, no longer gathering and tracking one by one, but turned into two pieces.

The lower piece of black beetle became the skateboard of the upper piece of beetle, and the upper piece of beetle slid down the smooth slope.

Seeing a batch of jet-black beetles rolling to Mo Fei's feet, some even landed on Mo Fei's shoes, Mo Fei thought: This is the end.

However, the jet-black beetle did not attack Murphy, but instead crawled over to the two zombies that were blocking Murphy.

While Murphy was stunned, the large group of black beetles burrowed into the zombie's rotting carrion, and within a few seconds, the two zombies settled down like the petrified zombies upstairs. In place.

And those jet-black beetles came out one by one.

Forget about the normal C zombies, but the C1 zombies were also instantly killed.

Murphy quickly put away his surprised expression, and took advantage of this time to run out the door. Although these jet-black beetles seemed to be more interested in zombies, they might not use him as a living person as a substitute if there were no other zombies around. So Mo Fei hurriedly shook off the beetles on his shoes, and ran towards the door of the library.

When he ran to the gate of the library, Murphy glanced back, and when he ran to the place, a few more zombies came out from the corner.Those jet-black beetles immediately shifted their targets and rushed towards the few zombies.

Mo Fei stepped out of the door and patted his chest. These insects were so terrifying that they killed the zombies in seconds. Fortunately, they were not invincible. At least these insects were still afraid of light, so even though there were so many zombies outside, they did not crawl out. The library, but even that was scary enough.

He left the library as if escaping. Although the outside had been cleaned up by his mecha, there were still many zombies.

Murphy summoned the mecha again, and then ran in the direction where he parked.

From a distance, Murphy noticed that there seemed to be someone next to his car. Because the target of the mecha was too obvious, Murphy put away the mecha from a distance.

However, without the speed and protection of the mecha, it was a bit difficult for Murphy to walk this way.

When I got to my car, I found out that the people in front of the car were all dead, and the window glass of my car was smashed with a big hole, and Xiaohua was lazily lying on the windshield wiper basking in the sun.

Mo Fei took a closer look at those people. There were seven people lying on the ground. Each of them had purple lips and fingertips, and their faces were pale. Judging from the tugged clothes, they should have been in pain before death.

This was clearly a sign of death from poisoning. Murphy glanced at the hole in the glass next to his cab, which should have been cut by a special laser, and then glanced at the innocent little flower snake. Murphy seemed to understand something.

This group of people probably wanted to steal their car or get something from it, but they were bitten by the little flower in the car. It seems that the little flower is indeed poisonous.

But the person is dead anyway, and Murphy is not going to stay here any longer. He checked around the car and found that there was no other damage to the car. Murphy used a tassel gun to pick apart the corpse next to the door, then got in the car, and started the car Drive to the base.

Because there was no side glass, Murphy, who was blown by the wind all the way, was going crazy.Although it is much warmer now than when we first entered the last days, the wind is still very cold.

When approaching the star base, Murphy rushed into an auto repair center.After getting out of the car and killing a few zombies, Xiaohua swallowed the first-level red black crystal in one of C1's brains. After picking up the merit points and black crystals of the zombies, Mo Fei turned over the accessories.

Although a replacement material was found, other tools could not be activated, so Murphy had to stuff the material into the trunk and drive to the star base.

After entering the base, Murphy didn't go home first. Although it was getting dark, he was going out tomorrow, so he couldn't leave the car open like this, so he drove directly to the maintenance shop of the base.

After handing over the materials to the repairman, Murphy paid a lot of maintenance fees before repairing the car and doing a maintenance overhaul.

Driving the repaired car, Murphy went to the task receiving office to hand in today's task. Under the strange gaze of the receptionist, Murphy received a very generous reward before driving back to his residence in Hailan District .

I glanced at the little flower snake. This little flower snake is really strange. Just now I was so anxious that I forgot that it was still lying on the wiper. I probably got used to it, but I didn’t pay attention. I only remembered it when I sent the car in. I went in and looked for it, but I didn’t see the little flower. Traces of snakes.

When it was just repaired, the little flower snake got into some place, and it was not discovered by others. It was not until I drove the car out again that it magically appeared on the windshield wiper.Moreover, when I went to hand in the task just now, I took a special look at it. One second ago, I saw it obediently lying on the wiper, and when someone appeared in the next second, it quickly disappeared from Murphy's eyes.

However, this is not the time for Murphy to study this, because what she should be struggling with now is what to do with this little flower snake?

Judging from the tragic situation of those people just now, this snake is really poisonous, and its toxicity is not ordinary, but this snake seems to be very sticky to itself, and it does not attack itself.

I don't know if he sensed Murphy's embarrassment, but under Murphy's gaze, the little flower snake slid down the car cover and slithered into the corridor.

Murphy hurriedly chased after it, but he didn't see the little flower snake when he walked into the corridor.

"Xiaohua?" Murphy called out tentatively, but there was still no sign, so Murphy had to go upstairs with his backpack.

Only after opening the door with the key, the door next door suddenly opened.

"Feifei, where have you been? I called you for dinner at noon and you weren't there. I called you again just now, but you were still not here. Why did you come back?" Yulin asked from the door next door.

In fact, Mo Fei didn't expect it to be so late. After all, he just wanted to use the mecha to fight, and he came back after solving it quickly. He didn't expect something to go wrong, and then he went to the repair shop to make a big detour before he came back. Night.

"Hey, Sister Yulin, I went out to do a small task, and I have shrimp to eat tonight!" Mo Fei smiled, shaking the black bag in his hand towards Yulin.

"You, you can't be idle!" Yulin couldn't help shaking her head when she saw it. "Give me the prawns, and I'll make braised prawns for you in a while. You should go back and wash them before eating."

"Understood, Sister Yulin." Mo Fei smiled and handed the bag to Yulin, and then entered his room.

After closing the door, Murphy threw his backpack on the ground, took a change of clothes and walked into the bathroom.

"Ah!" Murphy couldn't help but screamed as soon as he entered the bathroom. Fortunately, the sound insulation effect of the house is not bad, otherwise Yulin must have thought that something was wrong with Murphy.

It turned out that the first thing Murphy saw after entering the bathroom was the little flower snake, and it actually entered the room by itself first.

Little Flower Snake seemed very dissatisfied with Murphy's fuss. He raised his head high, Xinzi hissed, and then twisted S shape and slid from Murphy's feet to the back room.

Mo Fei didn't care about taking a bath anymore, and watched the snake with wide eyes as it swam to the floor mat that he used to sit on under his table and coiled up, as if it was his own home.

Murphy really had no choice but to deal with this snake that didn't recognize his life. Forget it, he just endured it for the sake of helping him look after the car.

After closing the bathroom door, Murphy turned on the water to take a shower, washed his body clean, and then wiped his hair before leaving the bathroom door.

Glancing at the sleeping little snake, Mo Fei threw the wet towel on the back of the chair and walked out of the room to Yulin's house next door.

"Wow, it smells so good!" Mo Fei praised loudly as soon as he entered Yulin's house.

"You're hungry! Hurry up and eat." Yulin brought out the meal, which was originally made for two people, but when Mo Fei didn't come back, Yulin left a copy for Mo Fei. It's hot.

"Sister Yulin, you can eat too." Seeing that Yulin was only holding a pair of bowls and chopsticks, Mo Fei pulled Yulin to sit down.

"I won't eat, I'm full."

"Eating shrimp doesn't take up space." Mo Fei pushed Yulin to the seat, then went to get the bowls and chopsticks and put them in front of Yulin.

Yulin couldn't hold back Murphy, so she picked up a few shrimps and ate them.

After finishing dinner quickly, Yulin reminded Mo Fei to bring good things for tomorrow's task, and asked Mo Fei to go back to bed early and leave early tomorrow morning.

After Mo Fei agreed one by one, he left Yulin's house.

Back in the room, the little flower snake seemed to have woken up, and climbed onto the table at some point, with its whole body coiled on the window sill and its head raised, like a wandering wanderer who was homesick.

Mo Fei laughed that he was thinking too much, turned on the light, pulled the backpack on the ground and began to pack some things to bring tomorrow.After putting most of the things into the storage talisman, Murphy stuffed some not too important and not very heavy things into the backpack.

After everything was packed, Mo Fei turned off the lights and went to bed, but the most important thing was not to sleep but to practice Qi.

Closing his eyes, Mo Fei first felt the surrounding atmosphere. This is a new function he discovered after he came out of the forest. In the early stage of his Qi training, after relaxing his mind, his body will appear in a natural state, and his body will be in a natural state. perception has also improved a lot.

Breathing gradually stabilized, Mo Fei felt the breath in his body wriggling slowly.It's just that today's trajectory is very strange, but it is faster than before.

After carefully feeling the trajectory of the qi in his body, Murphy suddenly stopped.

 The backstage timed and didn't send it automatically)囧(

(End of this chapter)

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