Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 105 The Darkness Strikes

Chapter 105 The Darkness Strikes
Mo Fei straightened his waist, he had collected it for so long and didn't even collect half of it.

I don't know how much I collected today's merit points. The zombies around here are relatively dense, and I didn't pay attention to how many zombies I killed when I was wearing the mecha just now.

But Murphy didn't want to give up these merit points in vain, they were all guarantees for his future life.

After stabbing the hunting recorder forward, Murphy didn't even straighten his waist, and moved forward with his head down.

After collecting it for about two hours, it was almost finished, and there might be a small part left behind, but Murphy didn't plan to continue any more. Judging by the time now, he should hurry up and return to the base after finishing the task.

Holding the plain gun in his hand, Murphy walked carefully to the lobby of the library.

Although he has attracted most of the zombies in the library just now, it is not ruled out that there are still zombies inside.

Taking every step carefully, Murphy finally entered the library.

It was a bit dark inside, so Mo Fei turned on the light tube he was carrying, and a beam of light softly diffused in the dim hall.

Murphy took two steps. The outer hall was attracted by his own voice effect and the subsequent fight. He had successfully lured all the zombies out of the hall. Now the hall is empty, but it made Murphy feel a little gloomy a feeling of.

Relying on the impression of going to other libraries before, Murphy found the administrator's classified electronic book on the first floor.

It's a pity that there is no electricity inside, so Murphy can only open the case and take out the built-in chip inside.

After rummaging in the storage amulet for a long time, Mo Fei finally found out his electronic book and the connection to the reading chip. This was installed in the storage amulet when he left home this time, because it didn't take up much space. So I didn't take it out to do the task.

Putting the chip into the reader, Murphy opened his electronic book, and a series of catalog pages appeared in it.

"Plant, plant...I found it." Mo Fei looked through the catalog page line by line, and finally found the subject related to plants on page 37.

After taking a look, the plant-related ones were in Area E on the second floor. Mophy took another look at the place marked on the floor plan and wrote down the approximate location. Afterwards, he closed his electronic book, and put the chip and the reader into the storage talisman. middle.

I looked up at the stairs leading to the second floor. At the end of the stairs was a pitch-black piece, and the second floor seemed darker than the first floor.

Holding the Suying gun steady, Mo Fei strode towards the second floor.

Going down the stairs to the second floor, Murphy first took a look with the light tube. It is not that there are no zombies here, but the zombies here are all still, and there is not much reaction when Murphy's light tube shines on it. Not ordinary.

Murphy replaced the light tube with a work lamp on his head. When Yulin and Yulin went to pick out clothes that day, Murphy also found a lot of headlamps in a hardware store next to him. Murphy put a few in his backpack. A lot of them were collected in the storage talisman. When going to a dark place, it is necessary to illuminate and fight. This kind of light is indispensable, so Mo Fei collected a lot.

After putting on the headlight, Mo Fei pressed the switch of the headlight, and it didn't turn on!It seems that the headlight either failed to replenish energy or was broken, and Murphy had to replace it with another one.

This time, the headlight was good. When the light came on, Mo Fei adjusted the brightness of the light, and then walked towards the nearest zombie with the plain gun.

It was already very close, but the zombie still didn't move.

Mo Fei didn't know what was wrong with this zombie, but it was better not to move. With his hand raised and his gun dropped, the tip of the plain spear pierced the zombie's head.

Before he could get in, the zombie on the opposite side fell to the ground stiffly.

Mo Fei was taken aback, but Su Ying didn't draw back the gun, and moved towards the zombie in small steps.

The zombie seemed to have shriveled up. Mo Fei pried the zombie's head open with a tassel gun. There was no black crystal inside, and there wasn't even any sticky liquid.

Murphy felt that there was something weird here, but he couldn't figure out what went wrong for a moment.

After bypassing this zombie, Murphy moved towards another zombie.

It's just that this zombie also didn't move, and the Suying spear also poked the zombie and fell down.

Mo Fei picked the zombie's head away, but there was still no Mo Jing.

Even picking a few zombies was like this, and Mo Fei finally understood why it was weird, because these zombies not only didn't have Mo Jing, but also didn't have brains.

Although the whole body of ordinary zombies will rot after zombification, only the brain with Mo Jing will remain intact, but these zombies just saw not only without Mo Jing, but also without the brain wrapped in Mo Jing.

Murphy seemed to sense a hint of danger, no, he had to leave quickly.

Looking up and looking around, a big E is in the middle of the corridor.

That's it!
Murphy found the E area where the plants were located, and quickly ran towards the E area with his plain tassel gun.

This mission is not just for doing missions, Murphy also needs some books on plants, so this time Murphy would rather spend a whole day of rest, and the rewards this time are indeed very rich.

Trotting all the way to the E area, Mo Fei looked at the neatly stacked e-books. Although they haven't been used for a long time, they can be stored for a long time after one energy charge if they are not used.

Murphy looked for the books he needed and the books assigned by the task one by one according to the words on the back of the books.

"Found it!" Murphy put what he wanted into the storage talisman while reading it, but he couldn't find the books specified by the task, and now he finally found it, and Murphy quickly reached out to get it.

Just as Murphy put away the e-book assigned by the mission and was about to read it again before leaving, a rustling sound sounded along the wall.

In this quiet area, Mo Fei quickly noticed the sound, with the plain tassel gun lying across his chest, and the headlights also shone in the direction of the sound.

But after waiting for a long time, the sound disappeared, but nothing came out.

Could it be another speed zombie?Murphy murmured to himself, but no matter what it was, he had better leave quickly.

Originally, I wanted to find more books, but the current situation seems to leave early.

Murphy almost ran out of some e-books marked with plant catalogs that he watched all the way out.

"Srust, rustle" was another sound, and Mo Fei felt a strange feeling in his heart, and couldn't help but think of the strangely dead zombies outside.

Regardless of what it was, Murphy hurriedly ran out of Area E and ran towards the stairs leading downstairs.

"Swish, Swish, Swish..." The rustling sound became louder and louder. Murphy couldn't help but look back, but there was still nothing behind him.

"Damn it!" Murphy muttered, turning his head and speeding forward.

Seeing that he was about to reach the stairs, Murphy suddenly felt that the ground in front of him suddenly became pitch black, and the entire staircase seemed to disappear.

Stopping quickly, Murphy glanced behind him first, but there was still nothing, and then moved closer to the stairs, and he wanted to rush out from here no matter what.

Unexpectedly, with the movement of Murphy's footsteps, the darkness actually began to move under the light.As the darkness moved, there was another rustling sound on the ground.

Murphy looked at what happened in front of her in surprise. She didn't expect such a situation to happen. Could it be that the darkness was the source of the sound?

Because the surroundings were very dark, only the brightness of Murphy's headlight could not see what the darkness was. Murphy took out the light tube from the storage talisman.

Turning the brightness of the light tube to high, and looking carefully at Mo Fei, he realized that the darkness was actually a black beetle.These beetles were small in size, but there were a lot of them, and they were crowded together one by one. If it wasn't for Murphy's lack of concentration phobia, he might faint from seeing the dense black spots.

What kind of bug is this, and why are there so many of them.While thinking to himself, Murphy also wondered whether these bugs might have any connection with those zombies who died inexplicably.

I wanted to see what happened again, but wherever the strong light of Murphy's light tube went, the black beetles retreated one by one, as if they were afraid of the light.

Based on the surrounding situation, Murphy concluded that these beetles should be afraid of light or that they are not used to strong light because they have been in this dark area for a long time. This also explains why there are no such black beetles in the hall on the first floor.

Without further judgment, seeing that his strong light was effective, Murphy used the light as a weapon to force the black beetle back, while he ran all the way to the stairs.

While running, Murphy turned his head and shone the light behind him, for fear that bugs would stick to him.

Before they even ran downstairs, the patches of dark beetles followed.

Murphy's scalp was a little numb, although Murphy was already familiar with killing zombies, but when dealing with the small black bugs the size of fingernails, Murphy was really afraid that they would crawl on him, so it would be fine if he didn't pay attention to leave one alone. Hidden danger.

Fearing that the black beetle would stick to him, Murphy almost rushed down with a slippery slide.

However, because of his impatience, Murphy's voice when going downstairs changed from the light-footed one when he went upstairs to the hurried sound of "dong dong dong".

Some zombies in the hall that hadn't been cleaned up gathered towards the stairs upon hearing the sound.

Now it is true that there are wolves in the front and tigers in the back. Oh, no, it should be that there are zombies in the front and strange insects in the back.

However, after all, zombies were more familiar to Murphy, so without any hesitation, Murphy grasped the Suying gun with one hand and stabbed at the zombie in front of him.

The first zombie had just fallen to the ground, and two more zombies came up behind him, blocking Murphy's way.

When Murphy was preparing to fight, the army of black beetles behind him actually turned into two pieces, one piled up together, and the other slid down the smooth carapace of the beetle below, and the speed had already caught up with Mo Fei. Fee's pace.

Just when Murphy was in a dilemma, a miracle happened.

(End of this chapter)

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