Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 104 Unilateral Massacre

Chapter 104 Unilateral Massacre
Thanks to Mo Fei's quick eyesight and quick hands, the Suying gun was pulled from the head of a zombie that had just been stabbed to death, and then crossed over to stop the zombie that attacked Wang Dali.

Wang Dali is also a person who has been fighting for a long time, so he immediately reacted and punched the zombie back.

However, Wang Dali's strength against the C1 zombie was not enough to kill him with one punch, so Murphy hurriedly took another shot from the side.The whole process is perfectly coordinated, as if it has been practiced many times.

"Thank you!" Wang Dali thanked Mo Fei in a rough voice. This time, it wasn't because of Murphy's speed that he might have died because of this mistake.

"It's nothing, be careful." Murphy didn't say much, nodded vigorously at Wang, and then entered the battle again.

Before that, Qu Yingluo had been yelling to accept Mo Fei into the team. At that time, Wang Dali was still a little disdainful. A little girl is neither a supernatural being nor a mutant, what can she do.

However, after several contacts, Wang Dali also had to admire their captain's vision, but this little girl never seemed to be tempted to join their team because of their strength. Instead, she walked over step by step, and seemed to be more agile than before. up.

Seeing Murphy's actions, Wang Dali really wanted to see through him. Behind Murphy, the members of Team Spark were studying Murphy's seemingly simple but powerful attack. Murphy is really not a mutant. ?

Wang Dali, who was watching Mo Fei while fighting the battle, couldn't help but look at Mo Fei differently. He is a power mutant and it is difficult to deal with these zombies. Most of the attacks are Qu Yingluo, Captain Sun, and Zhang Lekun of the ice type, who have long-range attacks. .

But Murphy, a little girl who is neither a supernatural user nor a mutant, just uses an ordinary cold weapon, but basically kills one with one shot.Even C1, because the crowd here offsets the speed of C1 zombies, so they are rarely dealt with with more than two shots.

However, while the Spark team was observing Murphy, Murphy was also observing their combat methods.

This team has been a well-known team in the Cang Base since the beginning of the end of the world. At this time, the cooperation of these people is much more tacit. Just when Wang Dali was observing Murphy's melee attack. However, what Mo Fei noticed was another ability user, Zhang Lekun, an ice-type ability user.

Both Yulin and Zhang Lekun are ice-type supernatural beings, but Zhang Lekun's ability is much higher than Yulin's.

Zhang Lekun's ice ability can transform into an ice spear in addition to the long-range ice blade.Although the skills are not as good as Murphy, who has practiced cold weapons since childhood, he has developed many special moves because of his abilities.

However, these moves looked strange, but in the eyes of a half-expert like Murphy, the principles inside could be dissected, and Murphy felt that it was also very useful for him.

In the process of researching and being researched, the group of zombies in front of him is almost wiped out.

This kind of zombie group that needs to be eliminated by a large team can be eliminated with the ability of a few people, which is indeed the excellence of the spark team.

"Murphy, this is for you." Qu Yingluo took out a second-level purple ink crystal and gave it to Mo Fei.

"No need, just give me some more white smoky crystals, I'm useful." Mo Fei waved his hand, the value of this purple smoky crystal is really extraordinary from the outside, but Mo Fei doesn't need it urgently, and even She can do it herself if she wants. Besides, Murphy doesn't want to owe Team Spark a favor.

"Really don't need it? Well then, you can take all the white smoky crystals today, anyway, it's useless to us supernatural beings." Although Qu Yingluo was curious that Mo Fei didn't want purple smoky crystals, but thinking about it, Mo Fei probably Fei may not understand the purple smoky crystal enough because he is not a supernatural person or a mutant.

This time, Mo Fei was not polite. He dug up all the C zombies and put away all the white zero-grade ink crystals inside.

Seeing how diligently Mo Fei was digging the zero-order white ink crystal, Qu Yingluo also believed that these seemingly useless things might really be useful to Mo Fei.

After Mo Jing was put away, another girl in the team, Li Lin, the speed mutant, asked Mo Fei, "Murphy, do you really not need us to help you complete the task?"

Mo Fei smiled at this beautiful girl who remained elegant even in the last days: "No need, my task is really simple."

The members of Team Spark didn't force it either, Qu Yingluo pointed to a pile of zombie corpses: "Murphy, you just killed so many zombies, since you don't need our help, these meritorious deeds are worth to you, we are going to the next place, next time goodbye."

"Okay, see you when we have a chance." Murphy waved to everyone in Team Spark, then squatted down and stabbed the pile of zombie corpses with the hunting recorder.

As for Team Sparks, Murphy didn't dislike the members of the team, but Murphy still had no plans to live a collective life, not to mention that Yulin was doing some small tasks with him now, so it didn't necessarily mean joining the team.

After collecting all the merit points, Murphy got into the car again. It was not too early to see, but she planned to fight with the mecha, so this did not hinder her future plans.

The car finally drove to the edge of downtown Beijing, and from here onwards, the concentration of zombies gradually increased.

Murphy parked the car in a relatively secluded place with clear roads, and grabbed Xiaohua Snake, who was still on the car's wiper, into the car: "Xiaohua, wait for me here."

Immediately, Murphy summoned his mecha and ran towards the Beijing library.

Because the location Murphy chose to enter was a downtown area, there were zombies here, and the density was unimaginable.Murphy was quite happy, because no tall figures were found, which meant that there were no zombies above C2.

After beating and stomping, Murphy chose the Meteor Hammer as his weapon, sweeping across the area.

Not long after, a large number of zombies around fell down, and Murphy felt relented when he received merit points.

Murphy did not wipe out all the zombies. He rushed forward while sweeping, and finally arrived at the gate of the Beijing Library.

The library in Beijing is very grand. It is said that in addition to the e-books that are popular in the world today, there are also a large number of paper books in the library in Beijing. However, because they are precious, these are not borrowed. They are generally read. There are also some electronic versions that have been photographed.

After clearing away the zombies in front of the library, Murphy found a corner and put the mecha back into his body.

The library wasn't that high, and Murphy didn't intend to destroy the library, so he had to put away the mecha first and walk in through the side door with the plain gun in hand.

Tiptoing to the door of the library, Murphy looked inside the open library door.

At the end of the day, there were not many people here, and most of them were people who got in because of evasion, so the damage to the first floor was a little bit serious, and the early zombies rarely climbed up quickly, so Murphy judged There should not be so many zombies on the second floor here.

The reason why this mission rewards so much is actually because the road leading to the library is located in the city center, so the concentration of zombies along this road can be imagined.

Although there were not many zombies formed in the initial stage, people who were unable to escape after the second infection also mutated into zombies, so more and more zombies filled the streets here.

It was a bit dark inside, and Mo Fei tapped the marble floor lightly with the tip of the plain gun, and the crisp sound immediately echoed in the hall of the library.

"Roar." Because of Murphy's movement, the zombies inside also stirred up, and swayed towards the door.

Seeing this situation, Mo Fei looked around. There were some flower pots around. Mo Fei picked up the flower pots and smashed them on the ground at the entrance of the library. He heard that there were more zombies shaking out from inside.

Murphy used the plain gun and all the visible things around to attract the zombies inside, while he kept running.

This trick really worked. Not only did the zombies in the library come out little by little, but the zombies near the library were also attracted by the "noise" made by Murphy.

Looking at the zombies gathering more and more, Murphy felt that it was so convenient to have a retractable mecha.

Even ordinary mechas might not be able to cope with the current situation, but she, Mo Fei, could do it.

Waiting for the zombies to gather bit by bit, Murphy was waiting for a certain moment when he could make a move.

The zombies are getting closer and closer to Murphy, and the encirclement is getting smaller and smaller. When a zombie closest to Murphy reaches out and is about to reach Murphy, Murphy's mecha starts quickly and the whole person appears in front of the mecha. center.

After choosing the weapon, Murphy knocked down more than a dozen of the surrounding zombies at once. He didn't sit idle, kicking the zombies into the air and then falling down. Often, the fallen zombies took away the lives of several zombies due to inertia and weight. .

Murphy, who was killing in the mech, felt that the zombies in the library should be cleaned up, because Murphy's deliberate control range did not affect the matter more, so the surrounding zombies were almost killed.

Murphy glanced at the piles of zombies below, and felt quite a sense of accomplishment.But it made Mo Fei feel a little strange. Although his mecha and weapons would be damaged, they were never stained with those dirty things, including the sticky liquid of zombies.

Although this function is really good, Murphy still can't understand the reason.

After absorbing the white zero-level smoky crystals collected earlier, filling the mecha with energy, Mo Fei put the mecha away again.

"There are really a lot of zombie corpses!" Mo Fei couldn't be very intuitive when he looked down from the inside of the mech. After he got down, he realized that the number of zombies he had eliminated this time was really amazing. If you kill them, I am afraid that you may not be able to kill them all in a week.

While Murphy was cleaning up the merit points and Mo Jing of the zombie corpses on the ground, a group of people came to the place where Murphy parked the car, and gradually walked towards Murphy's car.

(End of this chapter)

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