Chapter 103
Just as Murphy looked around for the C1 zombie that suddenly disappeared, a danger slowly approached her from behind Murphy.

Feeling a strange feeling suddenly appearing behind him, Murphy turned his head abruptly, but there was nothing behind him.

"It's so weird! How could there be a zombie missing out of thin air?" Murphy frowned, but seeing the three zombies in front of him didn't seem to be wrong, it couldn't be that he just counted them wrong.But there are only a few of them, how can they be counted wrong if they can be broken with one hand, or the zombie has wandered away?

Murphy walked forward boldly. There were only two C zombies and one C1 zombie in front of him. Murphy was sure to destroy them at the same time.

With the plain gun in front of him, Murphy quickened his pace and rushed forward.

Cleanly killing a C zombie first, Murphy cocked his gun backwards and slammed into the C1 zombie that was pounced on him.

However, the C1 zombie Murphy was not in a hurry to attack. After pushing the C1 zombie away, Murphy's plain gun aimed at another C zombie.

Quickly dealt with the two C zombies, and then Murphy stepped back ten steps to fight the C1 zombie.

However, just as he was about to attack again, Murphy felt that unusual aura.

Although because of Qi training, Murphy's feeling is more sensitive than ordinary people, but the feeling of disappearing and appearing at this time makes Murphy very uncomfortable.

Quick fix and get out of here.Murphy became more and more uneasy, and the plain gun in his hand attacked the C1 zombie more quickly.

After attacking for a while, Murphy's gun finally pierced the C1 zombie's head. With the inertia of his body, he knocked down the C1 zombie. The Suying gun stabbed fiercely for a while before pulling out the Suying gun.

Because of the rounds of attacks just now, there was a slight trace of moisture on Murphy's forehead.

Putting away the merit points of the two C zombies and C1 zombies, as well as Mo Jing, Mo Fei turned around and was about to leave, but there was a sudden blur in front of his eyes, as if something was swaying past him.

Feeling something was wrong, Murphy hurried to the car, but before he could wait, a C1 zombie stood very close in front of Murphy, and patted Murphy with its paw.

Murphy fell back quickly in shock, but immediately felt danger behind him.

Before Mo Fei could turn around, he felt the force behind him, and his shoulder was grabbed by the zombie.

Mo Fei, who had never encountered such a situation, quickly suppressed the panic in his heart, switched the plain spear in his hand to the other hand, and stabbed behind him.

It's a pity that Suying's spear missed when it stabbed behind him, but Murphy's shoulder was also loosened by the zombie.

Murphy couldn't help but pray for his own fate. What he met should be a mutated C1, and it was a mutated zombie of absolute speed.Because judging from the situation that the zombie grabbed him just now, the strength seems to be similar to that of ordinary C zombies, and even worse than some C zombies, but the speed is astounding.

If it wasn't for Murphy's improved speed that made him superior to others, he might have been caught not just by his shoulders, but by the fragile parts of his head or neck.

The speed is fast, but the strength is not strong enough.While moving back, Murphy was thinking about what to do when his speed was at a disadvantage.

But the zombies didn't give Murphy time to think, and then attacked again.

Murphy barely dodged the blow from the mutated zombie, because the blow was too big, his body leaned back and he was about to fall to the ground.

If he really fell to the ground, the condescending speed zombies could easily kill him.

Without hesitation, Mo Fei let go of the Suying Spear from his hand, and the long front end slid along the gap in the palm of his hand to the ground. When he reached the ground, Mo Fei clenched his fists, and the Suying Spear supported Murphy's body.

One stood up straight, and then turned his body to the side.

The speed zombies flew into the air, but didn't stay for long, and quickly ran towards Murphy's retreating direction.

After fighting hundreds of rounds with speed zombies, Murphy was a little tired.The speed of this zombie is too fast, and because it is a zombie, it will not feel tired, so it has been attacking non-stop. It does not give Mo Fei a chance to escape, and because of the speed, Mo Fei often knows the next move of the zombie. But the mind can keep up with the body but not.

Just when Murphy once again saw the speed zombie's next move and backed away to avoid it, the zombie suddenly slowed down.

Regardless of the reason why it slowed down, Murphy would not let go of this opportunity. The tasseled gun in his hand, which had become an escape tool, poked towards the slowed down zombie in front of him.

This speed-type mutant zombie was just as Mo Fei judged at the beginning. Although it had an absolute advantage in speed, its physique was poor. Murphy shot the zombie's vital parts, and the zombie fell to the ground.

After dealing with the mutated speed zombie, Mo Fei wiped the sweat off his brow. He had wasted too much time here.

Just as he was about to set off again, he found that the arm of the dead zombie moved slowly.

Mo Fei looked at the dead zombie vigilantly, and then the Suying spear jabbed at the head of the fallen zombie, revealing even the ink crystal that hadn't been collected yet, but the zombie's arm unexpectedly Still moving.

"What the hell is this?" Mo Fei saw that the zombies on the ground could not die any more, but their arms were still moving, so he picked it in the direction of his arms with his plain tassel gun.

Just as Mo Fei lifted the zombie's arm, something flew out of it.

Mo Fei hurriedly blocked it with the plain gun, but the thing didn't rush over but fell to the ground, then twisted and rubbed towards Murphy's feet.

After the thing came over for a while, Murphy opened his eyes wide in surprise: "No way!"

It was nothing else but the little flower snake that I met when I came back last time. After coming out of the valley, Murphy threw a braided branch to the little flower snake and drove away. A little flower snake actually crawled here.

Don't ask Mo Fei how he can tell that this little flower snake is the one that followed him all the way from the mountains. Unless each of these brightly colored flower snakes has the habit of a puppy, it must be the one that followed him. .

The little flower snake seemed very happy to see Murphy, and kept shaking its head up and down, then climbed over Murphy's feet and climbed onto Murphy's car, and soon climbed on top of the wiper. Very satisfied with this location.

It was only then that Mo Fei understood why the zombie stopped suddenly just now. It seemed that the little flower snake had helped him. Since he met Murphy so far away, he had to take this little flower snake with him.

The black crystal in the head was taken from the zombie on the ground, and the hunting recorder was inserted into the zombie's body, but the recorder showed that the special species could not be determined.

"I didn't expect it to be of research value." Murphy said as he cut off some tissue from the zombie and put it in a bag.

Walking to the front of the car, Mo Fei glanced at the little flower snake crawling on the windshield wiper: "Okay, from now on you can follow me, and you will be called Xiao Hua from now on." Murphy smiled, never had a pet, never Thinking that the first one I decided to raise was actually a snake.

Afterwards, Murphy got into his car and drove towards his destination.

There were no more mutated zombies along the road, only some ordinary C zombies. There was no need for Murphy to stop for these ordinary zombies. The car drove forward very smoothly.

At a turn, Murphy heard the sound of fighting coming from the front, so he stopped the car lightly, got out of the car and walked towards the front carefully with the Suying gun in hand.

A large group of C1 zombies and a larger number of C zombies, a team of 5 people, one of the girls in white clothes was waving a purple electric whip in his hand and couldn't stop beating the zombies in front of him.

Isn't this Team Spark?I met them again.Looking at the team in front of him in battle, Murphy thought to himself.

Although I don't want to participate in it, this is the shortest road to my destination. If I re-plan, I'm afraid it will take a long time.

When he was in trouble, an approaching zombie let out a roar, and Murphy quickly stabbed the Suying spear out, and the zombie fell to the ground with the point of the spear piercing.

With a "crack", a ball of flames appeared in front of Mo Fei with scorching heat, and Mo Fei hurriedly dodged but his figure was exposed.


Hearing the other party's question, Murphy had no choice but to come out: "Sorry, I want to go through here, but it doesn't seem to be difficult."

"Huh? It's Murphy, we are so destined." The girl wielding a purple electric whip recognized Murphy.

"Hi, Qu Yingluo!" After several meetings, Mo Fei was able to accurately call out the name of the famous team member.

"Are you going to do the mission?" Qu Yingluo moved towards Murphy while attacking.

Murphy nodded: "I took a small task to go to the city. This is the shortest road planned. I didn't expect you to fight here."

"It will be over soon, why don't you help us, and we will help you with the task later?" Qu Yingluo asked enthusiastically.

Mo Fei was going to find a place where no one was around to fight with mechas. Of course, he rejected Qu Yingluo's proposal: "My task is very small, and I will go back to the base directly after I finish it. How about this? I will help you clean up this piece." Just give me some white smoky crystals."

"White smoky crystals are useless. I'll pick a second-level purple smoky crystal for you later. If you want to become a supernatural person, you still need to absorb high-level smoky crystals." Qu Yingluo obviously misunderstood, but Mo Fei didn't say much. Said, holding a plain gun and rushed straight to the front.

It was the lean power mutant Wang Dali who was standing up against the zombies in front of him, and Murphy relieved him a lot of pressure when he came over.

A moment of slack gave the zombies on the opposite side an opportunity. Taking advantage of Wang Dali's distraction, a C1 zombie squeezed in front quickly rushed out of the group of C zombies, waving its strength His arm slammed down on Wang Dali's head.

 I love this chapter name ╰( ̄▽ ̄)╮

(End of this chapter)

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