Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 102 Special Ordinary Tasks

Chapter 102 Special Ordinary Tasks

Seeing Yulin looking at him, Mo Fei grinned: "Whatever he is, we can do tasks together if we can't form a team."

Murphy didn't have too many doubts about this, and forming a team was just a matter of distributing the rewards for an average team, but he and Yulin didn't have so many things to do, so it didn't matter whether they formed a team or not.

"That's right." Seeing Murphy's frank appearance, Yulin couldn't help but feel that maybe she was thinking too much. She had known Murphy for so long, but she really didn't find anything special about Murphy. Yulin shook her head, doubting Murphy for herself. And feel a little embarrassed.

"By the way, just now I looked at the reminder of this task. It said that we will start early in the morning the day after tomorrow. We finish the task today, and we can take a day off tomorrow. I don't think there will be any activities scheduled for tomorrow. Let's take a good rest." Yulin picked up the A receiver said to Murphy.

"Understood Sister Yulin, but how did you know about this mission? It seems that I read the place where the mission was accepted, and there is very little description of this mission. I thought that after accepting the mission, there would be more reminders, but nothing was said. But you seem to know all about it."

Mo Fei just asked casually, but Yulin paused, hesitated for a moment before looking at Mo Fei, and then whispered a few words in Mur Fei's ear.

After listening to Yulin's words in his ear, Mo Fei blinked twice and stared at Yulin in disbelief.

Yulin was a little nervous when Mo Fei looked at her, but Mo Fei immediately laughed: "Haha, so that's the case, Sister Yulin, no wonder you know so much, I'll hang out with you from now on."

When Mo Fei said it, Yulin showed a gentle smile: "I have not been in that team for a long time, but because I still have some contact with the person who is working in the base in the team, after all, I used to be in the team, so occasionally They will reveal to me some things that are not too confidential, and I can be considered as doing some speculative tasks, so although I am alone without a team, my life is not bad."

Only then did Mo Fei learn about Yulin's situation.

"Okay, don't think about it so much, anyway, the reward we get back from this mission can support us to live a good life for a while." Yulin patted Murphy on the shoulder.

"Well, sister Yulin, let's choose a task to go out for a while!"

The two chose again, and finally picked a task with a particularly low reward, but because it was better than earning merit alone, Murphy and Yulin still took it.

While Yulin was starting the car, Murphy took over the task from the library just now. Since there were no activities scheduled for tomorrow, Murphy felt that he could take this opportunity to complete this task.Moreover, the zombies are very dense here, and it is estimated that other teams will not come over, so that I can summon the mecha to do this task, and replenish the energy of the mecha before going out to do the task.

The two took the task and got into the car, and Yulin drove to the destination of this small task.

After all, it was a small task, and because Yulin had collected a few first-level red ink crystals during this period, her ability had improved a lot, so this small task was nothing to the two of them.

On the way, I also stopped at a clothing store. After killing more than a dozen zombies, Yulin and Mo Fei returned home satisfied with the new clothes they bought from the clothing store.

"Haha Sister Yulin, I'm not going to do a task today, I'm obviously going shopping." Mo Fei walked upstairs with his clothes on, chatting and laughing with Yulin.

"Yeah, I haven't bought any clothes for a long time. The weather has gotten warmer recently. When I ran away, I only brought a few clothes."

The two chattered for a while and talked about the day after tomorrow's actions, and then Murphy went home with a bag of clothes she had picked out.

After returning home and taking a bath, Mo Fei used the moonlight to practice Qi on the bed. After he came out of that forest, he didn't know whether it was because of his own bottleneck or the air quality. In short, his Qi training was no longer in the forest. With such a rapid growth, the basic growth has not been seen in the past few days of Qi training.

But it's useless to be anxious, Murphy can only improve himself a little bit.

"It seems that when we come back from this mission, we still have to go to that forest to try." Murphy mumbled, holding back his breath, and got into the quilt and fell asleep.

At the same time, in the star base's research institute, next to a pile of bottles and jars of potions, a group of people were surrounding a crystal coffin-like cover, and inside was an immobilized living zombie.

"Inject the new medicine this time." A man in his 50s or [-]s ordered an assistant next to him.

The little assistant quickly activated the button in his hand, and then a row of needles protruded from the edge of the cover. Inside the needles was a light green liquid. Slowly injected into the body of the zombie.

After standing still for 5 minutes, the zombie didn't respond.

"At 22:00, inject on the 7th, there will be no change within 5 minutes." The man who ordered the injection before spoke again, and the little assistant quickly pulled over the recorder next to him and wrote down what the man dictated just now.

"Leave one person to observe for an hour, and record the situation every 5 minutes. If there is a sudden change, record the time and reaction at that time."

"Understood." The little assistant quickly responded after that person finished speaking.

The man nodded, turned and left the laboratory.

As soon as it was dawn, Murphy stretched his waist before getting up.

After washing up, Mo Fei prepared a hearty breakfast for himself. Today, he was going out to kill, so what if he didn't eat enough.

After eating, Murphy brought himself a few more cooked meals and put them in the storage talisman.

Through the application these days, Mo Fei discovered that his storage talisman basically has the function of preserving freshness, because no matter what it is, as long as it is put in, it will maintain its original state, but living things are different, so living things are put in. The end result of going in is death.

Last time Mo Fei tried to put a live fish in to keep it fresh, but when it was taken out, the fish was indeed fresh, but it was already dead.

So Mo Fei judged that this storage talisman should only be able to release dead objects, because there may be no air in it and it is in a vacuum state, so things will not break, but they will suffocate to death.

Put the food in, because the plant specimens brought back were taken out to hand in the task before, so the storage talisman has vacated the space again, but the gold inside still occupies a large part.

After collecting some things that could be used, Murphy trotted downstairs.

After getting into his car, Murphy set the location of the Beijing City Library and drove towards the library.

The road just out of the base was really smooth, because there are vehicles coming and going every day, so half of the zombies near the star base can no longer be seen, but occasionally because some convoys have not been cleaned up, a few scattered ones will be dragged over, but they will also be picked up. The team that came out was easily eliminated.

Mo Fei sat in the car with his feet crossed. The weather had indeed become warmer recently, and Mo Fei half-closed his eyes under the slight sunshine.

When he was drowsy, several zombies suddenly appeared in front of him.

Mo Fei took a closer look. There were five zombies in total, two of them were C zombies, and the other three were all C1 zombies.

If there were only five C zombies, Murphy might find it troublesome to bypass them directly, but Murphy would not let go of the C1 zombies. For the current Murphy, these C1 zombies are simply for sending merit points and ink crystals.

"I'll take the merit points, C1 Mojing can be given to Sister Yulin." While thinking about it, Mo Fei saw the car switch gears, and the car stopped slowly.

Because Yulin is a supernatural person, Mo Fei used to exchange the red first-level ink crystals of the C1 zombies with others for the zero-level white ink crystals of the C zombies, but now basically all the black ink crystals of the C1 zombies he hit To Yulin.

Get off the car and approach these zombies step by step. Although Murphy is familiar with these zombies, it is still a bit difficult for one person to deal with two C zombies and three C1 zombies at the same time.

Murphy didn't dare to relax his vigilance, and slowly moved forward along the side of the road, and soon came near one of the C1 zombies.

The C1 zombies also spotted Murphy. Unlike the C zombies, the C1 zombies' speed was about the same as that of ordinary people.

Murphy could only run back quickly with his strengthened body from Qi training, and the C1 zombie followed closely behind.

Seeing that he and the C1 zombie were separated from the other zombies, Mo Fei suddenly turned around, turned the tasseled gun in his hand, and stabbed the C1 zombie's vital parts with the sharp point of the gun. past.

The flexibility of the C1 zombie is unmatched by the C zombie. Although Murphy's sudden turn around and shot is so fast that it is impossible for ordinary people to dodge the shot, the C1 zombie does not rely on the brain to dodge it, but relies on the body's strength. Reflex nerves, so Murphy's sharp shot did not hit the C1 zombie.

Feeling that the tip of the gun was piercing through the air, Mo Fei immediately paused. He pulled the Suying gun vigorously in his hand, and the body of the gun spun in a big circle in Mur Fei's hand.The ring of the Suying gun just stopped the attack of the C1 zombie, and Murphy's body also turned to the back of the zombie.

This trick looks gorgeous and very effective, but in fact Murphy has to take a lot of risks.

Because once Murphy himself was disturbed by the outside world or made a small mistake, the Suying gun would likely fall to the ground.

At this time, the distance between Murphy and the C1 zombie was so close, once the plain gun fell, Murphy was likely to be caught by the C1 zombie.

At this moment, the tip of the gun had been turned around, and Murphy leaned forward, and the tip of the gun hit the head of the C1 zombie. The C1 zombie fell to the ground, and his body was still twitching. Murphy forcefully pushed the Suying gun down. Press, the C1 zombie finally lay motionless on the ground.

After collecting the merit points and picking out a first-class red ink crystal as beautiful as a ruby, Mo Fei turned to look at the remaining four zombies.

However, when Murphy turned around and looked at the other two C1 zombies and two C zombies wandering aimlessly on the road, he realized something was wrong.

Huh?There should have been four zombies, but why are there only three?
(End of this chapter)

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