Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 101 Escort Mission

Chapter 101 Escort Mission

After listening to Yulin explain the whole situation, Mo Fei nodded and began to think carefully.

This mission is simple and simple, although it is just an escort mission, it is necessary to escort researchers from one star base to another base, and to bring food from one side of the star base in exchange for food from the other side.But the difficulty is that this base is rich in seafood, with sufficient water sources, the entrance and exit are closed, and there are often zombie tides around the sea base.

Because of the need to bring supplies, it is foreseeable that the road will not be too smooth, but it is also conceivable that the rewards will be generous.

Seeing that Mo Fei was thinking, Yulin didn't urge her: "Feifei, this task is not going to be done today, I called you over yesterday just to ask your opinion first, think about it, if you want to take it, you will have to do it in the afternoon We're going to apply for a team, it doesn't matter if we don't need it, but my family wants you to help take care of it."

Mo Fei nodded: "How about this, Yulin, I'll go to the quest reception office first to see the detailed introduction of this quest, and then I'll see if there are any other quests."

"Okay, let's see you in the afternoon. I still have a small collection task to do today, and I will be back at noon." Yulin didn't say much, stood up and picked up one of her backpacks, and she seemed to be planning to leave early. back early.

The two went out of the room together, Murphy turned and went back to his residence, while Yulin went downstairs to do her small task.

Murphy went back to his room to tidy up, and took the ginkgo tree needed for the special mission brought back this time to the mission reception area to hand it in.

After putting the ginkgo tree samples into the storage talisman, Murphy took the bag and went downstairs.

After getting into the car, Murphy put the tree sample in the cleaned back seat.

Murphy drove directly to the task reception area, pressed the bell for the special task window, and a receptionist opened the window after a while.

The reception staff inside took a look at Mo Fei, and asked in a somewhat hostile tone: "Little girl, the bell at this window is not just ringing casually."

Mo Fei ignored the man's attitude and replied flatly, "I'm here to hand in the ginkgo tree task."

The receptionist seemed not to believe his ears and asked again: "You said you came to hand in the task of the ginkgo tree?"

"Yes." Murphy replied affirmatively.

The attitude of the receptionist made a 180-degree turn, changing his face faster than turning the pages of a book.

"Little girl, you actually finished that task. You are the first to turn in the task and there will be a special reward. Where are your things?"

Murphy turned around and pointed to the car behind him: "In the car."

"Okay, come in, I'll open the side door for you." The staff member turned around with a smile on his face and pressed a button inside.

Waiting for the side door of the task acceptance area to open, Murphy turned around and got in the car and drove his white aerodynamic car in.

"Look, a girl drove into the task receiving area."

"What to look at, it must be related to the back door, and it's not surprising, hurry up and look at the task, if you don't accept a bigger task today, you won't even be able to eat tomorrow, so you can watch this at leisure."

Watching Murphy drive in, the two people in front of the task receiving office were muttering.

Murphy didn't care about other people's comments, so he drove the car inside and stopped, and then opened the door.

The staff member who received Murphy just now came out from the inside, and another staff member pulled a trolley and walked over from a nearby warehouse-like place.

"Just put it on this?" Murphy glanced at the trailer and asked the staff who had just received him.

"Yes, just put it over there, and give me your ID card, I need to record it." The person who received Murphy before shook a connection input device in his hand and said.

After Murphy handed over his ID card, he followed the cart pusher and began to move the collected ginkgo specimens from the back seat and trunk of the car.

"Because these plants have to be handed over to the research institute, the rewards will not be issued to you until tomorrow. However, the information on your ID card has been entered, and it will be passed directly tomorrow. You can check it yourself on the terminal."

"Okay, I got it." Murphy took back his ID card, and then drove out of the side door.

But Murphy didn't go far. She came here to see what other tasks to do, but after looking around, there was nothing particularly good. Murphy only accepted some small tasks with no time limit. He drove away from the task receiving office.

At noon, Murphy came to Yulin's house again.

"Sister Yulin, I cooked some food, eat whatever you want!" Mo Fei took the food he cooked and kept eating the food cooked by Yulin. After being busy, Yulin came back to cook.

"I'm hungry, Feifei, you delivered this meal in a timely manner." Yulin was not polite, and sat down and ate up the meal that Mo Fei brought over.

After Yulin finished eating, Mo Fei said: "Sister Yulin, I thought about it and I will go with you to do this task. First, I don't seem to have anything else to do recently. Second, this trip is so far away. Take care."

"That's great. Let's apply for a team in the afternoon. After you sign up, we'll take on a small task. We'll do some small tasks in the afternoon. In fact, this task requires 20 people in total, but I think it's better to go on the road." It's more convenient to have people you know together." Yulin said happily.

"Oh, that's a small group mission." Mo Fei nodded, and he just scanned it roughly. The introduction of this mission is not detailed, and it will only be notified when the mission is accepted.

"Yes, and I also want to go to other bases to see the situation. The most important thing is that the food exchanged from the sea base can be given priority to those who do the task."

Mo Fei couldn't help nodding, and then asked, "Then when will this mission start?"

"It's the day after tomorrow at the latest." Yulin replied without thinking.

"The day after tomorrow? What if the number of people is not enough?"

"I'm not sure about this. It is said that the authorities may send someone."

The two decided on a time, Yulin was going to take a break, and Mo Fei also went home to take a nap.

In the afternoon, Murphy had just circulated Qi and was doing some stretching exercises at home when he heard someone knocking on the door, probably Yulin. Murphy put on his coat and walked to the door with his backpack.

Opening the door, it was indeed Yulin standing outside the door.

"Feifei, you've got everything packed! Then let's go!" Seeing Murphy's attire, Yulin knew that Murphy was ready to open the door.

After locking the door, Murphy followed Yulin downstairs.No need for Yulin to say much, the two got used to it and got into Yulin's car directly.

"Let's go to the task receiving place first. You choose the task that is suitable for the afternoon first, and I will hand in the task in the morning first." Yulin said to Murphy after turning on the car.

Murphy nodded in response, and then the car quickly arrived at the task reception area.

Yulin went to hand in the task, and Murphy chose one to find an e-book placed in the e-library.Because of the special system of the electronic library, the network over there cannot be transmitted to the outside world without restrictions, and no one has been working there for a long time, so if you want to obtain materials, you must go to that electronic library to bring some original materials. return.

Mo Fei took a look. This task was very close, in the center of Beijing City.Although the city center also means that zombies are dense, but this reward is indeed very generous.

After writing down the task number, Mo Fei waited for Yulin to hand in the task and come back.

"Feifei, have you chosen?" Yulin trotted over from a distance.

"Sister Yulin has been chosen, what do you think of the mission to go to the library?" Mo Fei pointed to the mission in the upper row and said to Yulin who ran over.

"You're talking about that mission." Yulin glanced at it and then whispered to Murphy: "That mission is not acceptable. I heard that many people failed to complete it. There are too many zombies over there."

"Oh! Forget it, but I don't know what to choose. I just saw that this task is good."

"It's okay, let's just find something to do, if there is no task, just kill zombies nearby to earn some merit points." Yulin didn't care.


"Don't worry about the mission. Let's take the escort mission first, and then apply for team formation." Yulin pulled Murphy and walked towards a relatively inconspicuous window.

"Hello, she is going to take the escort mission, and then we two apply to form a team." Yulin shouted into the window.

The staff inside did not speak, and quickly tapped something on the instrument in front of them, then stretched out their hand: "Identity card."

Murphy hurriedly sent his ID card in.

The man swiped, then looked up at Murphy suspiciously, but after just one glance, he lowered his head and hit the button again.

"Well, besides, you can't apply for a team."

"Can't form a team? Why?" Murphy followed up and asked through the window.

Yulin also felt strange, and looked at the staff inside.

"I don't know about this either. It seems to be a permission issue. In short, the two of you cannot form a team." The staff answered ambiguously, but after the answer, they ignored the two of them. Murphy and Yulin had no choice but to leave the window.

"Strange, why can't you form a team?" After leaving the window, Yulin was still wondering.

"Maybe it's because we didn't sign up together!" Murphy shrugged his shoulders and said he was not sure.

"No way! I saw that several people didn't sign up together, but they could apply to form a team. It's so strange." Yulin still felt puzzled.

Thinking of the person talking about authority issues just now, Yulin suddenly thought of a question: Could it be herself?But after thinking about it, it's impossible. It's been a long time since I left that team, not to mention that there is only one person left in that team besides them and myself.

Yulin looked at Murphy who didn't show anything special, and had doubts in her heart: Could it be Murphy?

(End of this chapter)

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