Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 100 A Meticulously Prepared Dinner

Chapter 100 A Meticulously Prepared Dinner

"why you?"

Murphy got out of the car, and the moment he saw the man opposite, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Also, after we parted last time, we never found you after we came out of the monitoring room, and we haven't met you since then. Just now I went out and saw your car, so I chased you over to stop you." He said to Murphy with an aggrieved face.

"That's really a coincidence. I just came back from a long trip this time. Haha, isn't it the car you drove before? I didn't recognize it." Murphy couldn't help smiling and replied, "By the way, the others Is everything all right? How about this, come to my place tonight, I have earned a lot of merit points this time, and I will treat you to dinner." It is rare to meet an acquaintance, Mo Fei thought about his newly earned merits, and faced The visitor said.

"Where do you live?" the other party asked after hearing Murphy's invitation.

"It's the sea blue area of ​​the Xingmin Circle, not far away, just in front." Murphy pointed to the blue area that was already visible.

The visitor looked in the direction of Mo Fei's finger: "Oh, it's the Sea Blue District! How about it! Let's come to where we live. We live in the Orange District, which is bigger than the Sea Blue District."

When Murphy picked out his residence before, he naturally knew that the Orange District is located in the inner circle of the Xingmin Circle, close to the Star Heart Circle, that is to say, it is a good location second only to the Star Heart Circle. The sea blue area can be compared.

"Well, I actually live in the Orange District. That's fine. Give me the house number and I'll go home and clean up first. Look at me." Murphy pointed to his muddy clothes.

The other party nodded understandingly, and then reported his address to Murphy: "We live in a single building in the Orange District, which is the one closest to the gate of the Star Circle. You will see it when you come."

Murphy made a mental note, said goodbye to the other party and got into the car.

The other party moved the car out of the way, and then watched Murphy's car gradually go away before driving in the direction of the star circle.

The person who booked to have dinner with Mo Fei was either someone else, or the winking man Xiao Minyu.

Xiao Minyu, who missed Mo Fei a few times, rushed out of the car in a hurry after receiving the notification, and finally stopped her on the way Mo Fei had to pass.

Back at the villa in the Xingxin circle military control area, Xiao Minyu ordered the eye-eyed man Cheng Bin to take the burly man Meng Zhibo to the single house in the orange area of ​​the Xingmin circle to make some preparations.

Because the personnel of the special operations team are not announced to the public, in order to have some cover-up, the base specially approved a single building in the Xingmin circle for them to use when they contact the outside world.This is also the reason why Yulin heard from others that Xiao Minyu appeared in the Orange District of Xingmin Circle.

After confessing to Man Chengbin and Meng Zhibo, Xiao Minyu frowned slightly, and calmly finished what he was doing, preparing to meet Murphy in a relaxed manner at night.

Besides, Murphy, I didn't expect to meet Xiao Minyu who came here from Cang base all the way before entering the base. Murphy still has a good impression of Xiao Minyu and his team. Knowing too many people, it is natural to feel cordial when meeting acquaintances.

In this mission, he not only collected a large amount of gold, but also expanded the capacity of the storage talisman, and earned a lot of merit points. Mo Fei was very happy, so he invited Xiao Minyu and his team to dinner.

Take the backpack out of the car first, it was deliberately taken out of the storage talisman before arriving at the star base in order to deceive others.

Going upstairs with a backpack on his back, Murphy thought for a while, and knocked on the door facing the stairs first.

"Who is it?" A female voice came from inside the door.

"Sister Yulin, I'm Murphy."

After Murphy answered, he heard hurried footsteps inside, and then the door was suddenly opened.

Wearing casual clothes, Yulin looked at Murphy in surprise: "Feifei, where have you been? Don't tell me." Yulin complained, but at the same time, she also noticed that Murphy was covered in mud. "Feifei, Are you okay? Where did this go?"

Mo Fei grinned: "It's okay, Sister Yulin, it's just a matter of personal affairs. I thought I'd be back in two days, but I got lost and took a long detour."

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back, go back and change clothes, come to my sister's house for dinner in the evening, and I'll go shopping."

Yulin didn't have many friends before, and after what happened before, she already treated Mo Fei as her younger sister. A few days ago, she wondered if Mo Fei didn't come to see her, so she kept an eye on Mo Fei's house, and went to check that Mo Fei's car wasn't there either. , Only then did I know that Murphy never came back.

After waiting for many days, Yulin felt more and more uneasy. She was afraid that something might happen to Mo Fei when he was out on a mission. Today, seeing Mo Fei come back intact despite being dirty, she was both excited and relieved.

"Sister Yulin, I met an acquaintance when I returned to the base today. Their team invited me to their residence at night. When I came back, I said hello to you first. By the way, why don't you go with me?"

"Oh, I won't go if I meet an acquaintance. Then you come over tomorrow. I just got a task tomorrow. Let's do it together." Yulin smiled and waved to Mo Fei.

"Okay Sister Yulin, then I'll go home and take a shower and change my clothes."

After Mo Fei said a few words to Yulin, he took out the key and opened the door to go home.

After washing up a bit and changing into clean clothes, before going out, he thought about bringing two more bottles of wine, so Mo Fei went out.I took my ID card to the housing management center to renew the rent, and then went to the market to buy a lot of vegetables before heading to the Orange District.

When we arrived in the Orange District, there was a separation zone in the middle of the detached houses, so Murphy easily found the detached house in the Orange District.

This detached villa in the Orange District is no worse than the villas in the Xingxin circle. Although it is not comparable to the super luxurious house, it is also excellent in the Xingmin circle.He also came from Cangji, and he was still nesting in that small nest, and the family has already lived in a detached house, people really can't compare!

When Mo Fei was standing at the door sighing, he was lightly patted on the shoulder from behind: "Fei Fei, why are you standing still, why don't you go in?" Xiao Minyu's voice appeared behind Mo Fei.

Hearing it was Xiao Minyu's voice, Mo Fei turned his head slightly: "Why are you outside?"

Xiao Minyu raised both hands, which were full of vegetables, fish and even meat.

"Of course I'm shopping for groceries. I haven't seen you for a long time. Of course I want to treat you to a good meal. Please come in!" Xiao Minyu made a gesture of entering and let Mo Fei go first.

"It's agreed that I'll invite you, but seeing how well you live, you must be Fu's Oily Squad, so I won't be polite." After Murphy finished speaking, he walked into the single building.

The dinner was naturally extremely rich. In addition to the things Xiao Minyu bought, the burly man who was the third child also brought back a lot of cooked dishes.

Mo Fei took out two bottles of wine that he had brought over. Mo Fei didn't drink much himself. However, the black man, Geng Yunwei, who is usually silent, has almost never stopped talking since he drank the wine. Fei was a little surprised.

Later, Xiao Minyu explained to Mo Fei that they usually forbid Geng Yunwei to touch a drop of wine, because as long as he drinks, he can talk endlessly, and in the end he will suddenly stop talking and fall to sleep regardless of the occasion.

Sure enough, within half an hour, the black brother Geng Yunwei fell asleep on the table, and was carried back to the room by the burly man Meng Zhibo.

This was just a small episode, and after that, the few people still had to eat and drink.

"I'm too full today, I should go back, and we will get together again in the future, but next time we don't need to be so grand." The sky had already darkened, and Murphy stood up to say goodbye, and said to Xiao Minyu.

"It's okay, as long as you enjoy your meal, by the way, I've already wrapped that dessert and you can take it home for breakfast tomorrow. You also know that we men don't particularly like desserts, so that's for you." Xiao Minyu Passed a box to Murphy and said.This kind of pastry is very rare, because it is more troublesome to make and not particularly satisfying, so only those who don't worry about eating and drinking will think about improving the taste, so that it is almost impossible to see this kind of thing in the star community.

"Then I'll be disrespectful!" Mo Fei knew that this must be specially bought for himself. After all, he came all the way before, and Mo Fei knew a little bit about the tastes of several people. They don't like sweet things very much, so they are not hypocritical. , readily accepted.

After picking up his things and going out, Xiao Minyu put on his coat and sent Mo Fei out, but after several refusals from Mo Fei, he only delivered it to the door of the independent building.

"Be careful on the road, I said to send you back, you are still so polite."

"You're welcome, so I don't want you to give it away! Go back, I'm home." Mo Fei waved his hand at Xiao Minyu, and picked up the box in his hand by the way: "Thank you for that." After speaking, he turned and left the single building.

Xiao Minyu turned around when Murphy walked away, and the door behind him was already opened, and Man Chengbin, Fang Xingping, and Meng Zhibo who was carrying Geng Yunwei were all standing behind him.

"Fifth, everything is packed."

Xiao Minyu nodded: "Let's go back."

Several people got into the car and drove towards the star circle again.

Murphy returned to his residence in Hailan District, put down his things, practiced the basics a few times, and let his breath gradually calm down before going to bed.Mo Fei, who was lying on the bed, couldn't help but twisted his body, "Sure enough, the bed is the most comfortable."

Lying on a comfortable bed without worrying about sudden attacks around him, Murphy soon fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already dawn.

After waking up, washing and changing clothes, Mo Fei first let out some of the plants he harvested before, and then put in some food, so he was well prepared.After finishing everything, I took the pastries I brought back yesterday and headed to Yulin's house next door.

"Feifei woke up so early!" Yulin, who heard the knock on the door, was making breakfast and was about to bring it to Mo Fei to eat with her, but Mo Fei didn't expect to come over first.

"I brought pastries, just a little thinner."

"That's great, I just cooked porridge and nothing else."

The two sat down to have breakfast, and soon after finishing eating, Yulin tidied up and sat down again: "Feifei, I mentioned it first yesterday, in fact, I need to ask for your opinion on this task, if you don't want to do it, you can do it Choose not to."

Seeing Yulin's seriousness, Mo Fei asked curiously, "Sister Yulin, what kind of mission is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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