Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 99 The Strange Snake

Chapter 99 The Strange Snake

The roadblock clearing work was completed smoothly, but if he wants to go back to the star base, Murphy still needs a car. As he is not very familiar with the road here, he still needs the locator on the car to guide the way, otherwise, if he drives indiscriminately, Who knows where it will go again.

The moment he turned back to the car, something crawled towards Murphy just under the rock he had lifted up earlier.

Mo Fei felt that something seemed to be entangled on his feet, and he looked down and couldn't help being startled.

Not a zombie, but a scary thing nonetheless.

It was a snake that entangled him. I don't know if it was poisonous, but the pattern of this snake was so bright that Mo Fei's heart rose to his throat.

Murphy didn't dare to move any more, but the plain spear in his hand had moved forward quietly.

Now, Murphy was only waiting for an opportunity. Once the snake opened its mouth, Murphy would block it with a tasseled spear and throw it far away.

Murphy stared nervously at every move of the snake on his feet, but, to Murphy's surprise, the snake didn't move further after wrapping around Murphy's feet, and actually put its head against Murphy's feet after wrapping it up --Fell asleep.

What's happening here?
Murphy also couldn't figure out what to do now. Although the snake didn't do anything more, there was a snake wrapped around his leg that didn't know if it was a poisonous snake, so he felt uneasy.

Gently pushed the snake down with the tassel spear, but the snake didn't respond at all, letting Murphy push it down as if it was dead.

However, when Murphy pushed the snake to the ground and raised its legs forward, the snake followed up again.

Quickly running to the car, the snake followed Murphy closely and swam to the front of the car.

Murphy jumped into the car, closed the door, and started the car, all in one go.

But the snake followed Murphy unhurriedly, and actually swam along the car body to the hood, with its body straddling the wiper.

Anyway, now that the snake was outside and he was inside, Mo Fei ignored it and drove straight ahead.

After driving a short distance, Murphy encountered a zombie in front of him again.

As a last resort, Murphy had to get out of the car again. After summoning the mecha to clean up the zombies in front of him, when Murphy was stabbing the corpses of the zombies to extract merit points with the hunting recorder, the little flower snake ran to Murphy again.

"Hey, what on earth do you want to do? I won't keep you!" Murphy was a little helpless. The snake didn't seem to be hostile, but it was absolutely impossible for her to keep a snake that might be a poisonous snake at home.

Little Flower Snake naturally couldn't understand what Murphy said, but she reacted to Murphy's words.

"Hiss", the purple letter of the little flower snake kept swallowing.

"Oh, whatever you want." Murphy also knew that he couldn't tell a snake clearly, and he didn't attack him when he saw it, so he didn't care about it, and then collected merit points little by little.

After collecting the merit points, Mo Fei dug up a few more white zero-grade ink crystals.

"The one over there seems to be C1." Murphy ran over while talking to himself.

Just after digging out the first-grade red ink crystal on C1's head, the little flower snake suddenly jumped out and opened its mouth towards Murphy's hand.

Mo Fei vigilantly held the Suying Spear horizontally in front of him, but the first-grade red ink crystal in his hand rolled to the ground.

The little flower snake twisted its body, crawled towards the red first-level ink crystal, and swallowed the red first-level ink crystal in one gulp.

This made Mo Fei dumbfounded. It was the first time she saw animals other than human beings devouring black crystals.

Could it be that this snake is also a supernatural snake?This made Murphy unable to help thinking.

The little flower snake that had swallowed the red first-level ink crystal swam towards Murphy's car as if nothing had happened, and climbed onto the wiper blades with ease.This made Murphy even more amazed, this snake is almost mature!

After collecting the remaining merit points and Mo Jing, Mo Fei got into the car and continued to drive forward.

It was getting closer and closer to the star base, but Murphy still had to go to the place where the car was hidden last time, and the power rope he used for climbing was still in that valley.

After resetting the destination, Murphy's car finally got on the spacious road and left the area full of zombies.

But the little flower snake was basking in the sun on the wiper blades motionless. If it wasn't for the occasional jolting that saw it open its eyes, Mo Fei would have thought that it had eaten the smoky crystal and died of indigestion.

By the time we got to the cave, it was already dark.

Murphy drove the car quickly into the grove in the valley, and parked the car where he parked.

"This car is not bad, just put it here, maybe it can be used as a spare in the future." Murphy got out of the car and took the key, and then walked towards the valley.

Unexpectedly, the little snake, who hadn't moved all the way, slipped from the wiper of that car and followed Murphy towards the valley.

Hearing the rustling sound behind him, Mo Fei held the plain gun and looked back, and found that the little flower snake was still following him, so Mo Fei quickened his pace.

He slid down along the power rope he had buried, and soon reached the bottom of the slope.

I still have to rest in this valley tonight. Although it is not too far from the star base, it takes two hours to drive. It is still too unsafe to walk on the road at night.

Murphy walked in for a while, and after eating something, he got into the tent that was already inflated to rest.

Just about to fall asleep in a daze, Murphy heard some movement.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that the entrance of the tent was being arched by something, and the strong cloth of the tent was arched into a bulge.

Mo Fei grabbed the Suying gun and stabbed it, then carefully opened the door of the tent and looked out.

Taking advantage of the fact that it was not yet completely dark outside, Murphy saw the little flower snake outside the tent with its head raised and hissing.

Murphy couldn't help rolling his eyes, the little flower snake seemed to be glued to him.

Patting the edge of the tent, Little Flower Snake felt the movement inside and raised his head, shaking his nimble head towards Murphy.

"No, you can't come in, just stay outside!" Mo Fei stretched out his hand and made a gesture of pressing down, then ignored it and lay back on the inflatable bed in the tent.

Seeing that Murphy refused to let it enter the tent, the little flower snake arched outside again, and then circled in the cracks in the corners.

Early in the morning, before Murphy opened his eyes, he heard an explosion in the distance.

Quickly turning over and sitting up, he quickly opened the door of the tent, and Mo Fei pressed the deflation button at the same time as he got out.

The rapid shrinking of the tent also awakened the little flower snake from the dream, and quickly got out from the corner, raising its upper body vigilantly in an attacking gesture.

Mo Fei looked around with the plain gun in his hand, and finally heard the direction of the explosion, which seemed to be coming from the central valley.

That location was far away from him, and it wouldn't be affected for a while, so Mo Fei felt relieved, and then washed up a bit, folded and put away the reduced restart tent, and took out some food.

What Mo Fei ate was biscuits, and some biscuit crumbs fell to the ground between his fingers. What Mo Fei didn't expect was that the little flower snake slowly crawled over and rolled up the biscuit crumbs Mo Fei dropped.

"'re a snake, not a chicken, okay?" Mo Fei was speechless looking at this strange little flower snake. Who has seen such a strange snake?
However, Little Flower Snake was still looking down for the biscuit crumbs that Mo Fei had dropped, and Mo Fei simply broke two pieces and threw them to eat.

After eating breakfast with a snake alone, Murphy returned to the steep slope and climbed up along the remaining rope.

It was easy for the little flower snake to come down, but because the surrounding area was very steep and slippery, it didn't come up after twisting for a long time.

"Little snake, you might as well stay here!" Mo Fei looked at the little snake that couldn't climb up, and waved to it.

The little flower snake continued to swim upstream in an S-shaped pace regardless of its disregard, and it seemed that it would not give up until it climbed up. Murphy couldn't bear it.

After thinking for a while, Murphy broke a section of strong soft branch from the side and weaved it into a rope, then ran a little farther and tied one end to it, then threw the other end down.

Afterwards, Murphy quickly ran towards his car.

"Little flower snake, this way you can come and go freely, but I still can't take you away." Murphy looked back, and the little flower snake hadn't climbed up yet, so he started the car and drove outside.

After leaving the grove, Murphy took a look at the big valley. Although he couldn't see the situation there, the smoke caused by the previous explosion was slowly drifting with the wind, and it didn't seem to stop there. Still frying something.

Looking around, Murphy felt that no matter what he did over there, he had nothing to do and it was important to go back to the base. After being out for so many days, he should have gone back long ago.

Turning the steering wheel, Murphy drove towards the road.

After driving out of the dark cave, Murphy set the location of the star base and turned on the automatic driving, while he sat safely in the cab.

The road was very clean, so Murphy didn't get out of the car at all, and just gave way to the automatic driving car all the way to take him back to the star base.

After arriving at the door, Murphy swiped his ID card and drove towards his home in the Hailan District of the Xingmin circle.

Before going upstairs, a man drove towards him in a car, blocking Murphy's way.

"What kind of luck is this recently? I always fall into the pit, and every time I come back to the base, I can meet such people blocking the road." Murphy muttered angrily and stopped the car, because he didn't want to cause trouble, Mo Fei Fei put the reverse gear and let her car back slowly all the way.

I thought that my concession would allow the other party to pass quickly, but the car that stopped Murphy did not drive forward, but stopped instead. A person in the cab opened the door and walked towards Murphy's car .

Murphy was still looking back to pay attention to the situation of the car reversing behind him, but when he turned his head again, he found that the car on the opposite side did not leave because he gave way, but a man's leg blocked the front of the glass of his cab.

It's not here to cause trouble again!Mo Fei frowned, turned around and grabbed his plain gun, and then opened the car door, ready to reason.

(End of this chapter)

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