Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 98 The Scavenger

Chapter 98 The Scavenger

Murphy was excited because he finally found the road, which meant that he was likely to go back.

Regardless of the yelling, it also attracted zombies gathered on the road.

Looking at it from a distance is different from seeing it close up. When Mo Fei looked closer, he realized that there were a lot of zombies on this road.

It seems that after the end of the world, no one has come to clean up here, or in other words, the people who came to clean up the zombies may have become companions of the zombies.

Mo Fei stepped up to the side of the road, thinking about the mecha in his mind, and his body appeared in the mecha.

Choosing the Meteor Hammer as the weapon of the mecha, Mo Fei swung the hammer almost in a circle. The huge hammer head quickly reaped the lives of the zombies. The gravitational squeeze of Murphy's mech, within a few clicks, a large area of ​​C zombies around him disappeared.

"Haha, I haven't been able to kill zombies so happily for a long time."

In Cang Base before, Murphy often found remote places to kill zombies by himself. At that time, there was no C3, and C2 was extremely rare, so Murphy's mecha was almost invincible.

It's always like this situation of beating one piece and stepping on a pile. After all the zombies are almost wiped out, then put away the mecha and use the hunting recorder to collect meritorious deeds. I can't afford food, can't afford to rent a house and worry, but I have too many accidents when I come to the star base, and I haven't received a lot of meritorious service for a long time.

After cleaning up the zombies around, Mo Fei put away the mecha, collected merit points and black crystals, checked if there were any zombies that were missed, and then used the plain gun to make up for it.

After collecting the merit points and Mo Jing, Mo Fei came to the front of a car.

She still needs a car, after all, when the compass on the watch is broken, how can she go back if she doesn't even know the direction.

After finding several cars, they couldn't drive, so Murphy had to go further afield to hunt zombies.

After searching for about a kilometer, Murphy finally found a good off-road vehicle on the road that had a key, could start, had undamaged tires, and had undamaged locators.

"Okay, it's you." Murphy got in the car, started the car, and set the route on the locator, only to realize that he was not too far away from the star base.

"It's better if it's not far away. You can go back earlier. By the way, I have to get my own car." Although the car is not bad, Murphy still prefers the white aerodynamic car he modified.

After setting the route, Murphy let the car drive by itself while he ate breakfast in the cab.

Sure enough, the road is still difficult to walk, no wonder no one seems to have cleaned it even though it is very close to the star base.

Murphy was neither in the mecha nor in the car at this time, the Suying gun kept stabbing out, and there were only zombies lying around.

Along the way, Murphy almost switched between inside the car, inside the mecha, and outside the car with a plain gun and a hunting recorder.

This road was originally a road in the mountains, so the road was very narrow, and besides cars and zombies, there were also fallen trees and rocks falling from the mountain.

Mo Fei got into the car, and after a short drive, she had to come down to clean up zombies, falling rocks, and trees... and after the zombies were cleaned up, there were merit points and black crystals to be picked up. She felt that if it wasn't for her, she would need the location on the car to return Star base, she would rather walk out of the forest.

Because Murphy found that those zombies seemed to follow a rule, that is, they were only on the road, and this forest seemed to be a restricted area.

After another section, Murphy suddenly found that there seemed to be a huge zombie standing in front of a boulder in the distance.

Murphy stopped the car at a distance.

Is it a C2 zombie or a C3 zombie?Murphy waited nervously. After all, if it was a C3 zombie, her mecha ability alone would not be able to completely defeat C3.

As time passed, the giant turned around, and Murphy clearly saw that there was no tail behind the giant. It seemed to be a C2 zombie.

Since it is a C2 zombie, Murphy's fear is not so great. She can resist the C2 zombie without the pre-upgrade mecha, and the upgraded mecha is more than enough to deal with the C2 zombie.

Murphy got out of the car unhurriedly, muttered in his heart, and then entered the mecha.

After cleaning up the surrounding C zombies, Murphy's actions also attracted the attention of C2 zombies.

Walking over step by step, the mountain was so shaken that scattered stones continued to fall down.

Mo Fei finally understood that the road ahead was quite clean, but where did the rocks fall on the road behind? If it was an earthquake, the entire mountain would definitely be affected, but only this part of the road was particularly difficult to walk. It should be caused by this C2 zombie. .

While Murphy was thinking, the huge C2 zombie had come closer.

I don't know if it's because no one has come to clean it up for a long time, but this C2 zombie looks a bit stupid, without the instinct to smell fresh flesh and blood. The big guy in front of him made the C2 zombie stand in front of him and stare blankly.

If it wasn't for the fact that the zombie was too ugly, Murphy really thought this zombie was a little cute.

However, zombies are zombies after all, and they will never stop eating themselves because they are stupid.

After choosing the weapon, Mo Fei muttered softly, "Since you are so obedient, I'll give you a good time."

The hand controlling the mecha clenched the handle of the ax tightly, and Mo Fei raised the ax high above his head. As he rushed forward, the ax also fell down.

The sharp ax blade smashed straight towards the giant C2 zombie.

The ax blade hit the head of the huge C2 zombie, but the C2 zombie was not so easy to die. Finally, the C2 zombie felt the danger of the other party and struggled to break free, trying to flash its most vulnerable fatal point.

Murphy pressed down with all his strength, but at this time a prompt sound suddenly appeared on the screen: Warning, please replenish the energy.

It's broken, I was only focused on killing quickly, and forgot to replenish the energy of the black crystal.

But just now, what Mo Fei put away were ordinary white zero-level ink crystals, and the best ones were only first-level red ink crystals. However, since he had the storage talisman, he has always put away the storage talisman. There is not a single smoky crystal in the armor.

But if she wanted to get something out of the storage talisman, Mo Fei had to get out of the mecha first. She didn't think the C2 zombies on the opposite side would allow her to exchange it so ostentatiously.

Murphy took two steps back, and the red light on the screen in front of him became brighter and brighter.

what to do?what to do?When Murphy was anxious, there was a "click" under his feet.

Lowering his head again, he found that his mecha had stepped on the C zombies that had just been cleaned up.

"Eh? There's a C1." Mo Fei's eyes lit up, he quickly leaned over, and reached out to pick up the C1 zombie's body.

Picking up the corpse of the C1 zombie, Mo Fei held the corpse of the C1 zombie with one hand and the head of the C1 zombie with the other hand, and pulled it out vigorously, the rotting flesh mixed with viscous liquid splashed everywhere.Mo Fei, who was only looking for Mo Jing, was disgusted by the sudden sight in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the churning nausea, Mo Fei quickly found the red first-class black crystal from the head of the C1 zombie and put it in the palm of his hand.

The vortex in the palm of the hand opened, sucking the red black crystals in, and then the energy grid changed from a white stagnant state to an energy grid.

"Roar." Just as Murphy was absorbing the energy, the huge C2 zombie got rid of Murphy's axe, swung its arms and slammed into Murphy's mech viciously.

Thanks to the upgrade of Murphy's mecha, he managed to withstand the impact of the C2 zombies, and the body of the mecha didn't even have any dents.Murphy shook the C2 zombie away, and the mecha raised the ax again and slashed at the wound on the zombie's head.

"Crack." The C2 zombie used one arm to block the mech's ax from falling on its fatal part, so a large part of one of its arms was cut off.

Murphy didn't expect that the C2 zombie would block it. In a daze, the C2 zombie had already hugged the body of Murphy's mecha with its other arm.

As a result, Murphy couldn't swing the axe, so he could only forcefully pull the C2 zombie on his body.

Murphy was very depressed. She had never seen such a rogue zombie, who stuck to others like a plaster and refused to let go. Because of the angle, Murphy's ax could hit C2 zombies but not C2 zombies. head.

There is no way to drag it down like this. Mo Fei looked around, and suddenly saw the huge falling rock where the C2 zombie was standing before. Murphy dragged the C2 zombie wrapped around his mech and ran in the direction of the big rock. go.

The C2 zombie was very heavy, and Mo Fei dragged it to the boulder, then backed up a few steps and slammed into the boulder, the huge C2 zombie let go of the squeeze.

Taking advantage of the fact that the C2 zombie wasn't holding him very tightly at this time, Murphy struck again, and then slashed at the shoulder of the other arm of the C2 zombie with an axe, which allowed the C2 zombie, which had been entangled for a long time, to escape from his fuselage.

Without any hesitation, the mecha swung the ax again and slashed out. This time, it accurately hit the wound on the zombie's head. Pressing down with all his strength, the ax blade cut through the entire face of the C2 zombie. After splitting the entire head in two, the huge C2 zombie fell to the ground.

Mo Fei took a breath, and wiped out the remaining small zombies around him, then got out of the mecha and put away the second-level purple black crystals in the heads of the zombies, and put away the merit points one by one.

Seeing that the C2 zombie gave him 500 points of merit all of a sudden, Murphy smiled slightly, and finally his efforts were not in vain.

After pulling out a part of the black crystal, Mo Fei put it on the ground, and then reappeared inside the mecha.

Let the mecha eat the black crystals one by one. After the mecha was fully charged, Mo Fei asked the mecha to move the boulder blocking the road in front of him.

There are still many ordinary C zombies and a few C1 zombies behind this boulder, but to Murphy, these are nothing.

After clearing the C zombies and C1 zombies, Murphy turned around and walked towards the car. The road ahead still needs to be driven by a car. The moment Murphy turned around, something like a rope wrapped around Murphy's ankle.

 It's a new month, I hope everyone will continue to pay attention to Jin Jia.

(End of this chapter)

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