Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 97 Living Fossils

Chapter 97 Living Fossils

Murphy walked in this huge forest for four days, except for all kinds of rare plants, not to mention people, he didn't even meet a single animal.

This strange forest that seemed to emerge out of nowhere made it very difficult for Mo Fei to walk, because there were not many spacious places, most of the time Mo Fei could only walk on the soft thick fallen leaves with one foot deep and one foot shallow .

Even the fallen leaves here are very strange. Ordinary fallen leaves will wither and turn yellow soon after falling, and they will become crumbs when stepped on.

But the fallen leaves here are complete after falling, every leaf is perfect even the tendons, but this is only limited to the top layer, while the lower fallen leaves seem to wither quickly and rot into a rotten tree because they are not standing on the top. mud.

After walking here for a few days, Mo Fei finally heard the sound of running water. Not to mention the hope of going out, at least he could wash off the leaf mud accumulated under his feet that was getting heavier and harder to lift.

Taking three steps at a time, Murphy ran towards the direction of the water, completely ignoring the leaves and mud splashed by the rapid trampling.

After passing through a section of woods and emerging from a bush full of thorns, Murphy's coat was a little torn in some places.

After passing through the bushes, Mo Fei could clearly see the not too wide, but fast-flowing river in front of him.

Carefully stepping on the stones and approaching the river, the leaves and mud under his feet have gradually become clean due to the washing of the water.

This didn't make Mo Fei too excited. What surprised Mo Fei was that she saw a stretch of ginkgo trees on a hillside in the distance.

Murphy was crazy to see so many ginkgo trees.

Not only because this ginkgo tree is the oldest relict plant among the seed plants known as "living fossils". According to legend, it is a plant that appeared hundreds of millions of years ago, and it is also one of the rare tree species in the world now. It's the plant you're looking for in that special quest.

Murphy has been in contact with plants since he was a child. He once heard from his father that this ginkgo is not only famous for its ancient age, but also because of its good medicinal value.It's just that the increasingly polluted atmosphere has made these plants that have lived for hundreds of millions of years almost extinct.

When he was a child, Mo Fei only saw the biological specimen of this ginkgo tree once, and it was obtained at the expense of an explorer's life. It is very precious. Although it was cultivated artificially, it has already changed its gene and almost become another tree species.

Visually inspecting the distance, it seemed quite close, but across the mountain road, Mo Fei reckoned that his position was still some distance away from the ginkgo forest.

Murphy cleaned the soles of her shoes and walked far away along the path on the mountain. She almost watched the ginkgo going forward, but even so, Murphy hadn't reached it until it was dark.

On the side, he chose a leeward position against the mountain, and Murphy put his one-button inflatable tent there to automatically restart, while he lit a fire to cook rice porridge.

Fortunately, a little bit of rice was left when vacating the seat, otherwise Murphy would really have to eat grass roots now.

Although Mo Fei had seen some of the plants along the way, who knew if there were plants that had mutated here? Before he was sure, Mo Fei still didn't dare to use these things to fill his stomach with confidence.

Mo Fei finished cooking the rice porridge. Although the rice was very dry, it was enough for one person to eat.

After eating, Murphy went into the tent with the plain gun in his arms.

Today's task is difficult, because her storage talisman is about to expire, and she must gather her breath to draw another one tonight, otherwise the huge pile of things in the storage talisman will all be piled up outside.

After adjusting his breath first, Murphy let the breath circulate in his body for another two weeks.

The only advantage of being in this forest is probably that the air is very good, and I don't know if it is because of these plants. Murphy's Qi training efficiency in this forest is particularly high recently.

After calming down, Mo Fei drew the method of drawing the storage symbol several times in the air out of thin air, and then guided Qi to draw the storage symbol.

Because it was the second time to draw, Murphy could be considered to be familiar with the road, and every time he waved carefully, a new storage symbol was successfully drawn.

Murphy didn't know whether it was because he himself had improved again or because the Qi here was special. This time, the storage talisman had a bigger space than last time.

Alternate the old talisman with the new talisman, and everything in the old talisman is transferred to the new talisman.

After sealing the new storage talisman into his body, Mo Fei nodded in satisfaction, and then lay down on the inflatable bed in the tent with his Suying gun in his arms.

Quietly closing his eyes, the moonlight outside softly sprinkled on Murphy's tent, making the dark night less scary and more warm.

At this time, in the star base, Xiao Minyu had already sent people to search around, but he still couldn't find Murphy's shadow.

"It's been ten days, and I haven't found anyone yet?"

"Old Five, we have even inquired about the other two bases, and there is no record of Murphy's entry and exit at all, unless she went to the damaged Cang Base, or she..." Man Chengbin did not continue, because at this time Xiao Minyu's His face had turned iron gray.

Xiao Minyu himself knew very well that Murphy was alone when he left the base, and he might not be sure if he was really in danger, but he didn't want to admit it. He would rather believe that Lei Sen sent Murphy to leave the star base to go out. Task.

"Is there any movement from Lei Sen?" Xiao Minyu put down his bad thoughts and continued to ask Man Chengbin.

"The third child was not sent to help the mecha team to carry the damaged mecha parts before. When he came back, he told me that there seemed to be nothing wrong with Lei Sen, and the anxiety was only because the members of the mecha team were injured this time. Serious." Man Chengbin reported to Xiao Minyu what he knew.

"It seems that their mecha team hasn't been on a mission recently, but Lei Sen has been going out alone to investigate the reason." Xiao Minyu pondered for a while, and finally ordered to the glasses man Cheng Bin.

"Okay, I see." Man Chengbin nodded, and left Xiao Minyu's room with his recorder.

Seeing Man Chengbin leave, Xiao Minyu's eyes showed deep worry: "Murphy, where are you?"

After waking up, Murphy stretched.

Get out of the tent, although it is still early in the morning, but the sun has poured down through the young leaves of the treetops.

Compared with the outside, here is like the scenery of early spring.

Pressing the air vent of the tent, Mo Fei went to the side to wash up. After washing and eating, the tent shrank back to its original size, and Mo Fei directly put it into the storage talisman.

"Okay! We should be able to reach the forest today." Murphy blocked the sun with his hands and looked forward, then walked towards the target location.

After noon and lunch, Murphy walked for a while and saw a shortcut leading to the hillside.

"Finally, we're almost there." Murphy hurriedly accelerated and ran towards the ginkgo forest along the shortcut.

When they arrived at the ginkgo forest, Mo Fei was not polite. He took out the sickle for mowing the grass, and aimed at the branches, leaves, and roots of the ginkgo tree. However, Mo Fei was careful not to injure a tree too deeply.

After collecting some, Murphy put all of them into the storage talisman.

I found something, but I still don't know how to get out!Murphy thought, looking around for a possible way out.

Seeing that he was already halfway up the hill, Murphy simply climbed up, standing high and looking far away, maybe he could find something by climbing up, at least he could know the general direction.

Although my watch is still there, but because of the previous slip, the compass, some photo taking and shorthand functions seem to be disabled. It may take meritorious service to repair it when I go back.

Putting back the sickle, Mo Fei replaced it with a Suying spear, using the Suying spear as a crutch, poking the ground to climb up the mountain.

Fortunately, it wasn't too high, and Murphy was already halfway up the mountain from the beginning, so he quickly reached the top of the mountain.

Looking around, Mo Fei suddenly seemed to see the road in a distant position, but he was still too short to see clearly.

"Yes, the mecha." Murphy quickly called out the mecha, and his body suddenly increased several times.

Using the height of the mecha and the observation function of the mecha belt, Murphy found a hill behind the forest, and the road was on the other side of the hill.However, judging from the dark and crowded zombies, it is not a peaceful and safe road there.

But Mo Fei was not afraid, he could tell by the size of those zombies, most of them were ordinary C zombies, occasionally some C1 zombies were mixed in, as long as he was a little careful, he would be able to pass without any problem.

"Great, I can finally go out." Murphy put the mecha back into his body, and ran straight towards the road with his Suying gun in his hand.

The next day, Murphy appeared at the edge of the road near the forest with a grass head and a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

Yesterday, Murphy was so happy after discovering the road that she forgot that she was actually still in the forest, and the road that could be seen from the top of the mountain was actually quite far away from her.

However, the over-excited Murphy ignored this small detail, which caused her to vaguely hear the roar of the zombies, but still couldn't touch the edge of the road.

The more he felt that he was going to arrive soon, the more he felt uneasy. He wanted to take a rest before leaving, but because of the occasional roar at night, he really couldn't sleep well, so Murphy simply drove the road all night with a Suying gun. .

Finally, on a sunny early spring morning, Murphy finally found the edge of the road.

As for the grass on her head, she can only blame herself for being too careless, walking so fast at night, and ended up planting directly into a pile of weeds.

"It's here, it's here, I'm finally at the place where human beings are active!" Murphy saw the road was so friendly, anyway, the clothes on his body covered with weeds are also torn, and he has no image at all, so he shouted without any scruples .

"Ho, ho..." Murphy was very excited to find the road. Of course, the zombies who heard her voice were also very excited, because food was automatically delivered to their door early in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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