Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 122 Corrosive Liquid

Chapter 122 Corrosive Liquid

The first car stopped suddenly, and the convoy immediately behind also stopped one after another.

The three of Murphy, who just talked about the zombie tide, felt the car suddenly stopped, and they couldn't help beating their hearts: Could it be that today's trip is not going well, and you really encountered a zombie tide?
Mo Fei got up and left his seat, holding the Suying gun with one hand, and then came to the car door: "Sister Yulin, Yixun, you two must not move in the car, I will go out to see the situation."

"Feifei, I'll go with you." Yulin worriedly grabbed Mo Fei's arm.

"Yes, we will go too." Lin Yixun also said.

Yulin looked at Lin Yixun: "Yixun wants to stay, and the outside world doesn't know what's going on."

"That's right, so sister Yulin, you want to stay with Yixun, I'll go and have a look and I'll be right back." Taking advantage of this gap, Mo Fei pushed open the car door, jumped out of the car and ran forward .

Lin Yixun held Yulin's hand tightly: "Sister Yulin, Feifei will be fine!"

"It'll be fine, Feifei is very powerful." Yulin comforted Lin Yixun.

Murphy ran to the front in a few steps. Fortunately, it wasn't as bad as they expected. It was just that a car overturned on the road and blocked the narrow seaside road, so the convoy had to stop.

Team leader Zhang is already summoning the power mutants to push the car away to clear the road so that the convoy can move on.

There were some scattered zombies around the car, they should be the people in the car before, but not too many.Murphy was holding a Suying gun and wanted to go forward to help, but was stopped by team leader Zhang: "Murphy, you don't have to go, just take care of Dr. Lin."

Murphy nodded, and when he was about to turn around, suddenly, a strange thing protruded from the window of the car. The thing was soft and sticky, and it wrapped a power mutant closest to the car. Into the compartment.

"Not good, there is something in the car, the energy gun team is ready." Seeing this, team leader Zhang quickly dispatched people to fight back.

The dense energy light blazed across the car body for a while, and after a while of noises in the car, it returned to calm.

Leader Zhang ordered people to approach carefully to check. At this moment, the carriage suddenly swelled up. The holes pierced by the energy light were like dense eyes, and as the carriage swelled into a spherical surface, it looked very terrifying.The soldiers sent over hurriedly retreated, and the energy guns in their hands continued to fire uninterruptedly.

The filled compartment began to flow out a transparent liquid, and as the liquid flowed out, the edge of the hole in the compartment that was originally pierced was gradually corroded.

"The liquid is corrosive, no one should touch it. Keep shooting." Leader Zhang was shocked, he had never seen anything like this before.

After listening to Zhang Ling's team, the soldiers in the front row continued to shoot, and some people with abilities also threw their abilities forward one after another.

Finally, the car stopped expanding completely, and the monster inside seemed to be completely dead, but no one dared to touch it because of the corrosive liquid.

"What should we do? We can't move forward unless we move the car away." Team leader Zhang suddenly found himself in trouble.

"Team leader, why don't you burn the things inside together with the car!" Someone quickly suggested to Team Leader Zhang.

"When will such a large area be burned? I'm afraid the flames and scorching heat will attract zombies instead." Leader Zhang immediately rejected the man's proposal.

"Do you need to pry the car aside with something." Immediately afterwards, someone suggested another idea.

But the man stopped talking immediately, because he looked around, and there wasn't even a tree around. What could have such a strong supporting force to pry the whole car.

Murphy stood in place and watched the whole story. Suddenly, she saw a piece of ice pierced on a certain edge, and asked Leader Zhang with a thought: "Leader Zhang, how many ice-type abilities are there in our convoy?"

Leader Zhang was stunned for a moment and replied, "Murphy, did you think of a way?"

Murphy nodded: "But I need to determine how many ice-type supernatural powers there are to continue."

"Before, I only counted the number of supernatural beings and mutants. I really don't know which supernatural beings are there." Leader Zhang replied truthfully, and then said, "I'll ask right now."

He lowered his head and commanded the guard on the side, who hurriedly took the registration electronic book to ask the person who registered as a supernatural person in front, and ran back with the record after a while.

"Report, the ice-type superpowers have been counted, and there are only 4 of them." The guard handed the electronic book to Team Leader Zhang.

Leader Zhang looked at Murphy: "There are only 4 ice-type power users, what do you want ice-type power users to do?"

"Four, that's almost enough, plus Sister Yulin is almost enough." Then Mo Fei smiled and looked at Team Leader Zhang: "Team Leader Zhang, please call these 4 ice-type superpowers, and the power-type mutation Please come here too."

"By the way, do you have gloves ready this time?" Murphy added at the end.

"Gloves? Yes, but I'm afraid they can't resist those corrosive liquids."

"Ordinary gloves are fine. Give them to power-type mutants. I'll call Dr. Lin and the others to come here first, and they'll be here soon." Murphy turned and ran towards Lin Yixun's car.

"Yixun, sister Yulin." Mo Fei opened the door and saw Yulin and Lin Yixun still sitting inside.

"You're back, Feifei. We didn't dare to get out of the car, and we don't know what happened ahead." Seeing that Murphy had finally returned, Yulin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's nothing, there is a little problem, sister Yulin, I'm afraid I need your help, come with me and I'll talk to you."

Yulin and Lin Yixun got out of the car together and followed Murphy to the front.

"Yixun, stay in the team leader Zhang's car for a while." When they got to the front, Murphy pushed Lin Yixun to the door of team leader Zhang.

"Feifei, I'm not that fragile, I just stand here and watch, everything will be fine."

After seeing so many people around, Mo Fei nodded, and then pulled Yulin to walk in front of those ice-type power users.

"Everyone is an ice-type power user, right?" Murphy looked at the four ice-type power users and asked.

The supernatural beings were already a little arrogant, so they couldn't help but raise their heads when they saw a little girl asking such a question, but it was hard to say because they were sent by the government, and they all nodded.

"Then everyone's ability can only attack, or can they freeze objects at the same time?" Murphy continued to ask, not caring about the attitudes of these people.

Seeing the confused expressions of those people, Mo Fei pushed Yulin: "Sister Yulin, go and show them. It doesn't need to be very large, just a small piece will do."

Yulin nodded, then walked to the front of the car, the ice ability was activated, and then a piece of ice skin wrapped the nearest piece of body.When he just came here, Murphy had already told Yulin about his plan, so Yulin already understood what Murphy was thinking.

I once said that although Yulin's attack ability is not strong, she has a good control over the ice-type abilities, so she can use as many abilities as she wants to cover a wide range. That's why Yulin used this trick, which made several ice-type supernatural beings look at Yulin, a glamorous and beautiful girl, in surprise.

"Everyone should understand my sister's demonstration just now, right? I need your ice to freeze the car body, so that the powerful mutants have a place to push. In addition, because of my sister's control ability, I will let her freeze The large area under the car body makes it easier to push the car, all you have to do is to cooperate with the power-type mutants, so that the place they push cannot be stained with corrosive liquid."

Seeing that Yulin's demonstration worked, Mo Fei told several ice-type power users his plan in one breath.

The ice-type power users nodded at this time, and the disdain on their faces was much less.

"Since everyone understands, let's start work. We can get to the sea base sooner after we clear the road." Murphy clapped his hands and signaled the ice-type superhumans to move, and the power-type mutants at the side also fully understood. Fei's plan has already put on the gloves and is ready to push the cart.

"Sister Yulin, are you okay?" Mo Fei finally looked at Yulin, because the other supernatural beings didn't understand, so they only ordered them to do a small area of ​​force application, but Yulin wanted to make a whole ice surface.

Yulin showed a smile at Mo Fei: "I haven't used large-scale supernatural powers since I improved my abilities. If I don't use them, I will almost rust. I want to move."

"Sister Yulin, take it easy and use your supernatural powers. I don't know what's ahead." Seeing that Yulin seemed to be fine, Mo Fei reminded her softly.

"Okay, it's okay if you help me look at it. The work has already started over there, and I will help too." Yulin ran towards the car after speaking.

Yulin used her supernatural ability to freeze the front end of the car, and then the ice flakes spread under the car body.

With Yulin's assistance, the power-type mutant pushed forward desperately after the ice-type power user attached the force point.

The car should have been easy under the thrust of so many powerful mutants, but the dead object inside seemed to be very heavy.

Thanks to Yulin who used a plane to guide the car below, the car slid slowly.

Soon, the car was finally cleared, and there were enough vehicles to pass by. Leader Zhang immediately called to stop. One was that such a position could be passed, and the other was to save some mutants and supernatural powers.

Yulin successfully completed the task, and walked up to Mo Fei: "How is it? You didn't embarrass me, did you?"

"Sister Yulin is amazing." Murphy raised his thumb and shook it at Yulin.

"Come on, let's go back to the car."

The two came to the team leader Zhang's car, pulled Lin Yixun, and the three returned to Lin Yixun's car.

Looking at the backs of the three people, Team Leader Zhang couldn't help but nodded, turned his head and waved at the car in front, and the convoy set off again towards the sea base.

At this time, the main gate of the sea base was closed, and everyone in the base was in a state of panic. The walls of the sea base were full of soldiers and people with supernatural powers, as if they were waiting for something to come...

(End of this chapter)

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