Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 123 The Lost Signal

Chapter 123 The Lost Signal

The convoy from the star base passed through the coastal road and entered the next section.

After leaving the Lihai Highway, everyone found strangely that half of the zombies were not seen here. Could it be that the sea base has already cleaned up the surrounding zombies?If this is the case, then I believe that the sea base will be able to communicate with other bases soon.

The car moved forward steadily, and team leader Zhang carefully adjusted the satellite phone to the same frequency as the sea base, and then began to contact the sea base.

"Sea base? I'm from the star base..." Before Team Leader Zhang finished speaking, there was a loud voice from inside, obviously the channel was disturbed.

"Xiao Wu, correct the channel again. It seems that the signal channel has been changed over there." Leader Zhang then handed over the communication device in his hand to the technical soldier, and then walked to his seat and sat down.

At present, it can be said that it is very close to the sea base, but the channel of the satellite signal is still not aligned.

"Have you not found the external communication signal of the sea base?" Team leader Zhang couldn't help being a little surprised.

Xiao Wu is the best member of the information sending and receiving department. He was specially assigned to this special task this time, and it stands to reason that the closer to the sea base, the stronger the signal should be. How could it take so long to get through.

Xiao Wu wiped the anxious sweat from his forehead and replied: "Leader, it doesn't seem to be a problem with the channel, it seems that something is interfering with the signal, and it is very close to the signal transmitter of the sea base. There is no problem at all with the communication with the star base."

"Don't worry, just try again, we should be there soon." Seeing the anxious look on Xiao Wu's face, team leader Zhang hurriedly said gently.If it is an interference problem, even the best tuner will have difficulty quickly calling out the correct frequency point.

The tuner called Xiao Wu nodded, then lowered his head to tinker with the receiver in his hand.

The car was getting closer and closer to the sea base circle, but the signal was still not found, and even entered the surrounding area and even his own communicator was interfered. Xiao Wu switched channels and tried to contact the star base, but there were intermittent frequencies.

With years of experience, team leader Zhang smelled something unusual.

"The convoy stopped here. I always feel that something is not right. Let's send a speed-type supernatural being to explore the road!" Leader Zhang frowned and ordered the convoy to stop moving forward.

"Why did it stop again? There won't be something blocking the road again?" Yulin couldn't help muttering because the road was calm but suddenly stopped.

"Sister Yulin, if there is another car blocking the road, you can show your talents again. You were so beautiful when you cast the ice ability just now." Lin Yixun looked at Yulin adoringly and said.

"Yi Xun, you didn't see when Sister Yulin was climbing the mountain, that was called beauty. Last time we climbed the mountain together, Sister Yulin pulled the rope and stepped on ice flowers under her feet. It's really like a fairy descending to earth. .” Murphy quickly added from the side.

"Really? Sister Yulin, next time I want to see you as a fairy." Lin Yixun's eyes almost turned into stars, and he stared at Yulin even more adoringly.

"Have you two done it yet! Returning to the world as a fairy, Feifei, can you exaggerate?" Yulin pretended to be angry and gave Mo Fei a white look.

"Really, it's super pretty." Mo Fei ignored Yu Lin's words and continued to argue.

"Even if you look good, you can't say that a fairy descends to the earth. Which fairy have you ever seen descends from the bottom up?" Yulin made an expression that I really couldn't help you.

"That's right, what's that called? Fairy out of the valley? Seems pretty good." Murphy replied playfully with a wink.

Lin Yixun also clapped his hands: "Not bad, the name Feifei is more appropriate than just now."

"You two..." Yulin was completely speechless, and could only point to the two people and opened her mouth for a long time without making a sound.

"Sister Yulin, we were just kidding with you." Mo Fei and Lin Yixun saw that Yulin seemed a little annoyed, so they went over to coax her.

Yulin's face was stern, but she secretly laughed in her heart: Let the two of you make fun of me again!

After a while, the car outside still didn't leave, and no one told them to go out, so Murphy couldn't sit still.

"I'd better go and have a look. Shouldn't it be very close to the sea base? I don't know what's going on before this time."

Yulin glanced out the window and nodded, seeing that there were no zombies or noise from the crowd outside.

"Sister Yulin, you and Yixun don't move around in the car, I'll be back in a while." After finishing speaking, Mo Fei left Lin Yixun's car with his plain gun.

Running to the front, Murphy found that the road was clean, with no falling rocks, no abandoned cars, and no zombies. What was the convoy doing here?
Other teams that had the same question as Murphy also sent people to inquire, but they were told to wait in the car for the time being, and now there are some things to confirm.

Murphy and the crowd slowly dispersed before knocking on the window of leader Zhang.

Seeing that it was Murphy, Team Leader Zhang closed the car window.

"Leader Zhang..."

"Murphy, go back too. I can't contact the Shanghai base for the time being. I'm worried about something going wrong." Before Murphy could ask, Team Leader Zhang guessed Murphy's question and replied directly.

"Can't get in touch? Is the device broken?" Murphy's mind was also spinning quickly. It might not be a problem with the signal transmission that he couldn't receive the signal at such a close distance.

Leader Zhang praised Wei Wei. Although Murphy probably didn't know much about it, it was not easy to respond so quickly and understand that it wasn't a signal transmission problem.

So Team Leader Zhang said a little more: "The instrument is not broken. The technician initially judged that there was interference with the other party's emission source. We only contacted the sea base two days ago and informed them that we were approaching. At that time, the people from the sea base contacted us. It's normal, but now it's suddenly like this, I'm worried that there will be some personnel problems at the sea base."

Having said that, Murphy also understood.If there is any change in the internal personnel of the sea base, then it is uncertain whether these outside personnel will be implicated, so we must confirm with the people we have contacted before that Team Leader Zhang dares to move forward.

Otherwise, apart from the members of this large team, an authoritative researcher like Lin Yixun is also very important.

"Leader Zhang, waiting like this is not an option, how about sending someone to scout the way?" Murphy lowered his head and thought for a while and suggested.

"I've thought about this a long time ago. I sent a speed mutant to drive there before, so that even if something happens, he can run back with his speed."

Seeing Team Leader Zhang's thoughtfulness, Murphy stuck out his tongue. After all, he was the team leader of this mission, so he must have more experience than himself. He greeted Team Leader Zhang and returned to Lin Yixun's car.

After getting in the car, Murphy told Lin Yixun and Yulin about the conversation with Team Leader Zhang. Since it involved a problem between the bases, the three of them stopped paying attention and started chatting again.

While chatting, there was a sudden burst of shrill and rapid shouting from far to near, which interrupted the pleasant chat between the three of Murphy and also hit the nerves of many people.

Mo Fei signaled Yulin and Lin Yixun to stay, and jumped out of the car himself. At the same time, people from other teams who heard the voice also got out of the car to check the situation.

I saw a person running and shouting desperately, and behind that person was a tall zombie.

"Without a tail, it's a C2 zombie." Murphy whispered, then lay on the window of Lin Yixun's co-driver's car, and shouted at the driver: "Back back, it's a C2 zombie."

The driver retreated quickly after hearing this, and the other teams all jumped into the car and drove back.The huge C2 zombies are not something they can resist at all.

"Feifei, where are you going, Feifei?" Lin Yixun and Yulin opened the windows of the moving car, shouting at the top of their lungs.

Murphy didn't have time to explain to them, and at this time the official car that was parked at the front was the last, and they all backed away to get away from the huge C2 zombie.

If they escape by car, the C2 zombies will still be unable to catch up, but it will be difficult for them to reach their destination.

After staying away from Yulin and Lin Yixun, Murphy hid his body on the edge of the driveway. Because the crowd was so chaotic, no one noticed Murphy hiding in a corner.

Even the speed mutant who was the last to catch up and go out to explore the road, didn't even look at Murphy because he was in a hurry to chase the car.

After all these people had left, Murphy looked at the crowd and cars in the distance, turned around and ran in the other direction, facing the zombies.

Because the speed mutants ran very fast, when Murphy appeared, the C2 zombies quickly changed their targets and chased after Murphy.

Murphy desperately ran to a place where there were more zombies, but although Murphy's speed was faster than ordinary people, it was not as fast as the speed mutants, so it didn't take long before he was overtaken.

Seeing that the timing was almost up, Murphy muttered to himself and summoned the mecha.

After the whole person sat firmly in the mech, Mo Fei smiled slightly: "My lovely meritorious deeds, hurry up and get ready to fall!"

When Murphy was feeling proud, he realized that there was a huge C3 zombie with its tail dragging farther away.

Seeing the C3 zombie, Murphy's heart sank.

Didn't it mean that the evolution of zombies in the southern region is very low?Didn't it mean that no C2 zombies have been found here yet?Why are there not only C2 zombies today, but also C3 zombies?

A series of problems made Mo Fei feel a little anxious. It is no problem to deal with the C2 zombies by himself, but it may be difficult to deal with the C3 zombies by himself.

However, the more he worried about something, the more something came. When Murphy chose his weapon and prepared to deal with the C2 zombie, the C3 zombie in the distance seemed to have discovered a huge thing that was not its kind, and slowly moved towards it. Walking towards Murphy.

And the C2 zombie in front of Murphy, after experiencing the change of the delicious food in front of him, finally regained his senses, and his huge and powerful arms also struck heavily towards Murphy's mecha.

(End of this chapter)

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