Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 124 Another way

Chapter 124 Another Way
Looking at the C3 zombies approaching step by step, Murphy couldn't help but secretly sighed that he had made a wrong move.

Originally, because there was only one C2 zombie, some C1 zombies, and a large number of C zombies, Mo Fei felt that he could deal with it easily, earn a lot of merit points, and a small number of second-level purple black crystals, but What Murphy didn't expect was that there was a C3 zombie farther away.

Originally, it was going to be a quick battle, but the C3 zombie seemed to have noticed that there was a big guy who didn't belong to the same kind, and it was moving towards this side step by step.And the C2 zombies also began to attack the mecha that suddenly appeared in front of them.

Going forward on this road is the C3 zombie and a large group of zombies, and going back is the team who just escaped, making Murphy a bit in a dilemma.

However, Mo Fei couldn't dodge the C2 zombies that were already attacking him, so he had to deal with it quickly.

Due to close combat, Murphy still chose the axe. When the huge arm of the C2 zombie fell down, he pushed it upwards, held it with the handle of the axe, and then kicked from the side, hitting the leg of the C2 zombie.

Although the zombie didn't feel any pain, Murphy's attack also damaged the C2 zombie's leg, and he took two steps back in the direction Murphy's mecha kicked out.

Taking advantage of the two steps away from the zombies, Mo Fei changed the weapon in his hand to a meteor hammer with a large damage range, and the arm of the machine swung the hammer head towards the C2 zombies.

The sharp hammer hit the head of the C2 zombie who hadn't had time to react, and a crater was gouged out of the C2 zombie's head.Mo Fei followed the quick instructions in his mind, and the meteor hammer in his hand instantly turned back into a melee axe. He gripped the handle of the axe and opened and closed it. He raised the axe and dropped it hard, hitting the position of the C2 zombie's crater.

The vitals of the C2 zombies were attacked again, and a deep pit immediately appeared.

Murphy didn't stop, and pressed down the whole body of the mecha, and the ax was deeply stuck into the C2 zombie's brain. If he persisted, the C2 zombie would die.

At this moment, the C3 zombie was striding this way, and Murphy could even feel the frequency of the ground shaking.

Regardless of other things, Murphy pressed the ax in his hand down hard, and the C2 zombie finally fell down.

Mo Fei quickly collected the Mo Jing of the C2 zombie, but at this time, he couldn't collect the merit points.There are still many ordinary C zombies and C1 zombies below. If they are all eliminated, the C3 zombie will probably catch up with him.

Unfortunately, after glancing at the corpse of the C2 zombie, Murphy quickly ran towards a place that was not a road.

This coastal road consists of mountains, roads, beaches and some small buildings in two crescent shapes with their backs facing each other.

Everyone was walking on the road next to the mountain. From this road, you can see the uneven sandy beach, some buildings, and the boundless sea below.There is another detour between the connecting buildings, but it is in the opposite direction to the coastal road, and there is only a connecting point.

Murphy's current position is the connected part. Everyone has already retreated along the original path, and it seems to him that he can only make a detour from this side.

Thinking of this, Mo Fei quickly ran towards the beach entrance outside the road.

The huge mecha stepped on the soft sand, which always made Mo Fei feel like he couldn't do his best, but fortunately, this road only lasted for a while before Mo Fei entered the fork road connecting the small buildings.

Looking back, the C3 zombies have already chased them, but the beach not only has a slowing effect on the mecha, but also on the zombies. At this time, the C3 zombies are screaming desperately, very dissatisfied with the soft road under their feet.

Seeing that he had pulled away for a while now, Mo Fei stopped looking at the C3 zombie and ran forward again.

Murphy, who was running around, didn't know where he was. There was no C3 zombie behind him, so Murphy had to stop and look around to see if there were any landmarks.

Sadly, nothing to gain but small seaside buildings.

The zombies here are all ordinary C zombies, and Murphy took them all down with a few swings of the meteor hammer.

But you can't get to the sea base like this!No, I still need to find a car.

Mo Fei looked around to make sure there were no zombies, so he took away the mecha and the merit points by the way.While collecting merit points, Murphy felt sorry for the C2 merit points he had just lost, but why did C3 zombies appear here?Could it be that the previous intelligence was inaccurate, or was the sea base doing it on purpose?
While collecting the merit points of the C zombie on the ground and Mo Jing Mo Fei, he was thinking, and at this time, Mo Fei had already left the construction area and came to the beach without knowing it.

Feeling the sand under his feet, Mo Fei looked up and said, "Wow, it's so beautiful!"

The blue sky and the blue water in the distance, because of the good weather, you can always see where the sea and the sky want to connect.When Murphy was very young, he traveled with his parents and went to the beach, but the air pollution was so bad at that time that he couldn't see such a beautiful scenery at all.

Unable to help himself, Murphy walked towards the beach.

The beach was probably because it was winter in the early days of the end of the world, and there were only three or two zombies wandering on the beach with one foot deep and the other shallow.Mo Fei swiped the Suying spear a few times and knocked down these ordinary C zombies.

Walking to the beach, the sea water on the edge is also very clear, and you can see all kinds of irregular small stones below.There is a salty taste mixed with the slightly blowing sea breeze.

Mo Fei stretched his body and took a big breath of air: "It's so beautiful. If the world recovers in the future, I will definitely travel here."

While Murphy was sighing, on the other side, the team members who had retreated to the last section of the coastal road were killing the zombies that followed.

"Sister Yulin, woo woo woo, Feifei, Feifei..." Sitting in the car, Lin Yixun wept uncontrollably, and Yulin hugged Lin Yixun who was crying so hard, her eyes were also weeping.

Team leader Zhang has ordered people to find a place to hide nearby, but unfortunately the road leading to the beach below is the section that has just retreated, and after that, they can only exit the coastal road.

"Team leader, that C2 zombie didn't follow." One of the soldiers at the end of the convoy drove over and reported to team leader Zhang who opened the window.

"Strange, why are C2 zombies appearing in the sea base? Doesn't it mean that even C1 zombies are not common, but the number is so large, why it doesn't match the situation." Leader Zhang is also puzzled.

"Team leader, it may be because I didn't report it before, but it's really a big problem that I still can't contact the Shanghai base." Xiao Wu, the tuner who was in charge of contacting the signal before, put down his earphones and turned to look at Team Leader Zhang.

"No, today we'll go back to the place where we stayed yesterday and see the situation." Immediately, Team Leader Zhang ordered the team to go back to the place where everyone in the team rested last night.

Let's talk about the sea base side.

The population of the sea base is not less than that of the star base, and the base construction is also very large, and there are not many high-level zombies.

The only thing that makes the sea base people have a headache is that there are a huge number of zombies on the sea base, and there will often be waves of zombies, and these zombies will even gather spontaneously to besiege the base.

Although C zombies are not powerful, they can't stand the large number, so the people in the sea base are always worried when they go out every day.

Therefore, people in the sea base will only frequently enter and leave the sea base after a period of time after a wave of zombies ends, and they usually stay behind closed doors in the sea base.

It is also fortunate that the people who built the base before built the sea base in a location surrounded by mountains on one side and the sea on both sides so that the people in the sea base did not starve to death. Otherwise, there would be no need for zombie waves, and the people in the sea base would die.

But today, another wave of zombies is coming. This is a long-lost wave of zombies. It has not appeared for more than three months, so the people in the sea base are on alert throughout the city.

However, what the people at the Linghai base never expected was that the zombies that attacked this time were not the C zombies that could be easily eliminated with an energy gun in the past.

In this wave of zombies, a large number of C1 zombies jumped around quickly, and there were actually four or five huge zombies in the middle.

Although the people at the sea base have never seen such a zombie, but in the sea base where the information is not blocked, according to the information sent by the star base before, this should be a C2 zombie, and there is even a star base inside. The C3 zombie that appeared once.

Moreover, what makes people feel frightened is that this time, for some reason, the message was interfered, and even the distress signal could not be sent out.

Just when the people in the sea base fell into despair, for some reason, one of the huge C2 zombies ran out in another direction, and followed by the C3 zombie, which was so desperate to suffocate, also left Near the sea base.

Although I don't know what the reason is, it still ignited a glimmer of hope for the people in the sea base, and organized a large number of people to fight back.

The corpses of the C zombies and C1 zombies fell on the ground, but there were three huge C2 zombies that were originally squeezed by the crowded zombies, but now they are gradually approaching.

The commander of the sea base is surnamed Xiao. Although he is puzzled by the appearance of C2 zombies and C3 zombies and their sudden departure, there is nothing better than being less threatening.

It's just that Commander Xiao is a little embarrassed about how to deal with the three C2 zombies that are about to approach.

According to the data of the star base, the C2 zombies not only have changes in body shape, but also their body hardness is obviously at least 1 times higher than that of the C5 zombies.Ordinary energy guns can't penetrate such zombies, so how should they deal with them?
"Little Huang." Commander Xiao thought for a while and shouted to a soldier on the right.

"Yes, Commander, what are your orders?" The soldier surnamed Huang stood at attention and looked at Commander Xiao.

"Go ask the staff in the scientific research room to turn on the high-pressure energy cannon, we will use it to deal with C2 zombies."

"Commander Xiao, there are only two energy supply blocks for the high-pressure energy cannon in our sea base, and one can only be used five times..." Xiao Huang replied eagerly, but before he finished speaking, Commander Xiao waved his hand to stop Xiao Huang Go on.

"Go!" After Xiao Huang was interrupted, Commander Xiao spoke again.

Xiao Huang had no choice but to say "yes" and then turned around and walked down the city wall.

(End of this chapter)

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