Chapter 125
"Little Huang, wait a second."

The soldier surnamed Huang had just stepped down the stairs when Commander Xiao called out to stop the soldier again.

"It's the commander, what else can I order?" The soldier surnamed Huang stopped and looked up at Commander Xiao.

"In addition, dispatch some supernatural beings to attract the attention of the C2 zombies when the C2 zombies come over, and tell the people in the scientific research room that the high-pressure energy cannon must be hit with one hit, and we can't waste a little bit. Also, prepare Check out plan B just in case."

Commander Xiao explained the matter to the soldier surnamed Huang one by one.

"Yes command, I remember, is there anything else?"

Commander Xiao waved his hand: "No more, you go!"

After the soldier surnamed Huang saluted Commander Xiao, he continued to walk down the stairs and left the city wall to arrange the things Commander Xiao had just explained.

Commander Xiao turned his head and looked at the battle outside. At this time, the C zombies and C1 zombies were still tirelessly rushing towards the city wall. The soldiers' energy guns had been replaced twice due to overheating, and now some soldiers could no longer continue to attack. , can only temporarily stop and wait for the last batch of guns to cool down.

However, because the sea base itself is built next to the sea cliff next to the mountain, the terrain is very high. In addition to the height of the city wall, those C zombies and C1 zombies can only climb around the corner of the wall, and they can't even reach the height of half of the wall. , so the soldiers and supernatural beings above only need to attack hard.

But for the C2 zombies, not to mention its height, whether the wall can withstand the impact of the C2 zombies is also a problem, so Commander Xiao did not hesitate to spend the only energy available to deal with the C2 zombies.

At this time, Murphy was already tired from walking, and today was considered an event, strolling by the seaside and killing a few C zombies casually as if for fun.

"It's really rare to encounter zombies above C in this sea base. There are so few zombies in the sea, but where did the C2 and C3 come from?" Murphy muttered as he walked.

Because I didn’t see any cars along the way, even if there were a few of them, they were ATVs, and I just went to see them myself, and I didn’t find any keys, and I didn’t find any keys in the house. I don’t know if the administrator ran away with the keys.

Not having a car meant that Murphy had no idea where he was going, but it was too late to go back to the coastal road at this moment, so Murphy had to clean up the zombies around a building, and then Into the villa to rest.

"Commander Xiao, it's almost ready." The soldier surnamed Huang ran up from under the city wall, panting, and said to Commander Xiao, who was staring at the C2 zombies outside the sea base.

"Okay, the supernatural beings stop attacking, and all gather to the south. The best location for the launch port is there. The supernatural beings are arranged to attract the attention of the C2 zombies, and the rest continue to stick to their positions." Commander Xiao While raising his hand, he shouted at the deployed personnel.

Following Commander Xiao's order, all the supernatural beings who had just been notified moved to the south area along the edge of the city wall, while the rest continued to eliminate C zombies and C1 zombies under the city wall at their original positions. .

The three C2 zombies didn't move forward at the same time. When the first C2 zombie squeezed into the nearest place of the city gate, the supernatural beings began to attack it most violently.

Different from C zombies, C2 zombies already have wisdom. Obviously, the more violent attacks in the south will cause more damage to themselves, so the C2 zombies did not move towards the south area as expected, but moved to the front of the gate of the sea base .

"Commander Xiao, what if the C2 didn't pass?" Xiao Huang, who was behind Commander Xiao, was even more anxious when he saw that things were not going as expected.

"Little Huang, see if there are any blood bags?" Commander Xiao pondered for a moment. He had never dealt with C2 zombies before, so he obviously underestimated, and hurriedly ordered to proceed to the next step.

Since the sea base has been frequently besieged by zombie waves since the early days of the end of the world, in order to attract the attention of zombies and better arrange personnel, the base collects all the blood of eaten fish, meat, etc., like When such a situation occurs, use blood to attract the zombie's attention.

Xiao Huang hurried downstairs, and when he came back, someone had already started throwing blood bags under the southern city wall.

However, not only C2 zombies but also a large number of C zombies and C1 zombies rushed over.

Although it was a test for the south wall's ability to withstand, the advance of the other two C2 zombies was hindered by the surge of a large number of zombies.

"Okay, now is the time to prepare to attack." Commander Xiao gave an order, and Xiao Huang quickly waved the red flag in his hand behind him.Due to the signal interference this time, the communication within the base was also blocked, so they had to use this manual method to notify.

The high-pressure energy cannon was already in place, raised the turret, and aimed at the C2 zombie squeezed between the main entrance and the south.

"The superhumans evacuate from the south wall."

Commander Xiao ordered, and Xiao Huang beside him raised another blue flag.

The superhumans retreated to the side while attacking. The people who were originally on the spot attacked the zombie group in the south obliquely. Due to the high density, even people with poor aiming ability can deal with many C zombies and C1 zombies. .

Adjust the angle of the high-pressure energy cannon and wait for the personnel to leave the southern city wall. Although it can also attack, it is best to move the personnel away in order to be accurate and not waste a little energy.

The personnel quickly left the southern city wall, and then they all stared at the C2 zombies that were getting closer and closer.

The huge C2 zombies knocked away the dense C zombies, and their bodies had already squeezed to the front. The huge bodies seemed to be ready to hit the city wall.

"Now, launch." Commander Xiao suddenly said, and Xiao Huang dropped the red flag in his hand in response.

A dazzling white light shot out from the raised turret, and blasted straight at the huge head of the C2 zombie.

"Quickly, keep attacking." Commander Xiao saw that the light had been emitted, and hurriedly urged the personnel on the wall that had been very quiet just now.

Several soldiers and supernatural beings beside Commander Xiao quickly started to attack, and with the impetus from this side, others also started to attack violently.

The huge C2 zombie was hit directly on the head by the high-pressure energy cannon, and finally fell to the ground under the attack of soldiers and supernatural beings.Also because the giant C2 zombies fell to the ground, many ordinary C zombies were crushed to death.

"Turn up the attack on zombie C1, and ignore zombie C for the time being. Let zombie C stop the other two C2 for a while. The high-pressure energy cannon needs to cool down before it can be activated again." Commander Xiao didn't stop, and quickly ordered to the personnel on the city wall.

The personnel on the city wall acted hastily. Everyone knew that missing an order would most likely lead to death.

The attack was still going on, and it was getting dark at this time, and Murphy was sitting in the hut he found temporarily to practice Qi.Today's qi training was extremely smooth, which made Mo Fei a little reluctant to stop, but supplemental sleep is also necessary. It feels like a long time has passed, and Murphy slowly dissipated the qi throughout his body before lying down to rest.

Mo Fei felt that nature seemed to be particularly helpful to his qi training. It was also in the forest last time, and it was also at the seaside this time, making the breath flow particularly smoothly.

On the night when Murphy fell asleep, everyone in the motorcade rested at the place where they stayed yesterday. Today they escaped death by a narrow margin. If they were caught up by that C2 zombie, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Xiao Wu, haven't you contacted the Shanghai base?" Leader Zhang also asked the tuner with a tired face.

"Team leader...I'm still working hard." Xiao Wu answered in a low voice, and it could be seen that the answer was a bit lacking in confidence.

"You should also take a break. Since it is a signal interference problem, I am afraid that it cannot be found by a single tune. Let's try again tomorrow. Fortunately, there is a place to stay."

Leader Zhang patted Xiao Wu, who had worked hard all day, and motioned him to rest.

Xiao Wu also knew that he had tried almost all the frequency bands around the certain point today, but there was still only hissing noise.Hearing Team Leader Zhang say this, Xiao Wu left the instrument and went back to the room to rest.

When he slept until midnight, Mo Fei suddenly heard the sound of flapping wings outside.Because he lived outside alone, Murphy, who was very alert, got up quickly and looked out the window.

It was so dark outside that I didn't know what it was, because there were a lot of them, and because it was still dark, I could only see a large black flying thing, but I couldn't tell what it was.

This large piece of thing flew over the sky, and then disappeared into the distance.

Seeing that there didn't seem to be anything threatening to him, Murphy glanced at his watch and it was only after 4 o'clock before lying back on the bed again.

At this time, the tired and exhausted personnel of the sea base were surprised to find that the wave of zombies had finally retreated, and the last remaining C2 zombie did not attack after all. Since the first two C2 zombies died, the C2 zombie The zombies seemed to understand that there were enough weapons to destroy themselves, so they turned around and left instead of moving forward.

As for the C zombies and C1 zombies below the city wall, they no longer pose much of a threat, so Commander Xiao ordered to replace some of the personnel on duty to continue the attack, and the rest of the personnel rested. This ended the zombie wave.

Waking up early in the morning, Murphy opened his eyes. He slept very comfortably because of the smooth Qi training yesterday, but thinking about how to get to the sea base, Murphy still had to continue looking for a car.

After getting up and eating something, Murphy put on his coat and got up to leave the hut.

Looking at the complex of buildings, he seemed to be approaching the end of the area. He thought about going there again, maybe there would be a parking lot or something inside, so Murphy continued along the path between the buildings. .

Soon, Murphy came to the innermost part of the building complex, and there was the sea again, but across the reef and the sea, Murphy clearly saw the base building on the high sea cliff in the distance.

"The sea base should be there!" Murphy murmured looking into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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