Chapter 126
The sea base can already be seen, but Murphy looked at the terrain, and it is absolutely impossible to go to the sea base from here.

The entire sea base is built on one side with mountains and surrounded by the sea on two sides. It forms a natural barrier, but it also has a fatal weakness, that is, it is difficult to attack, but there is only one way to escape.

However, it can be seen that the city wall of the sea base definitely has more than one layer, and each layer of the city wall is very thick, which should be built for this special terrain.

It seems that if I want to go to the sea base, I can only go back along the original road. The thought of going to the sea base Murphy by the same road is a bit of a headache. After all, the C3 is probably still where it is. How will I avoid C3 then? What about the attention of zombies?

Go back and check the situation first. After all, the target of the C3 zombies is so big, you should be able to notice it if you are careful.

Thinking of this, Mo Fei meditated on the mecha, his body entered the mecha, and strode along the original path to the beach where he escaped before.

After the team had breakfast, the tuner Xiao Wu came to the car where the instrument was placed again. Just as he got in the car and turned on the instrument, Xiao Wu felt that the hissing noise from yesterday had disappeared from the instrument. Sea base receiver.

"Sea base, call the sea base."

Similarly, after contacting the outside world for a whole day yesterday, the liaison officer of the sea base who was sleeping on the table at the moment was guarded all night.He seemed to hear a voice coming from his sleep, and opened his eyes instantly, realizing that he was not dreaming, but an external signal was really connected, so he quickly connected.

"This is the sea base, this is the sea base..." The voice was equally excited.

"Sea Base, we are dispatched personnel from the Star Base to determine the location of the Xiahai Base." Because of yesterday's incident, Xiao Wu was smart enough to not directly say that they had arrived but to confirm the location.

"The dispatch personnel of the star base, please wait a moment. Due to the wave of zombies attacking the sea base last night, it is still in the state of cleaning up the mess. I am really sorry that the reception staff cannot contact you for the time being, but please keep it open. I will give you the exact location of the sea base. Immediately send it to your location recorder."

Hearing what the staff at the sea base said, Xiao Wu understood what was happening at the sea base and quickly replied: "We will arrive at the sea base soon, do we need to wait a day later?"

"The tide of zombies has receded in the early morning, but there are still a large number of zombie corpses that need to be dealt with for the time being. The specific situation may not be answered until I confirm with the person who contacted you before. I will definitely inform you as soon as possible. , if possible, can you find a place to stop for a while." The liaison officer at the sea base thought for a while and replied to Xiao Wu.

"Well, I will also truthfully report the situation to our team leader."

Putting down the intercom device, Xiao Wu got up and walked towards the house where he lived last night. He wanted to report the situation of the sea base to Team Leader Zhang.

Murphy put away the mecha when he was almost out of the building area, looked along the edge, and found no shadow of the C3 zombie.

Strange, why not?Could it be that he hid?

Murphy looked around carefully and still didn't find the C3 zombie. Could it be the person who discovered the convoy?Murphy couldn't help but worry that after he left, the team members would come back and be discovered by the C3 zombies.

But after thinking about it, the team leader shouldn't be so confused and rush back without knowing anything about the situation.

Where can the C3 zombies go?

Murphy didn't know, but now that the problem was solved, there was no obstacle from C3 on the way out, so he could follow the route to the sea base.

After crossing the beach, Murphy finally got on the road near the sea. Murphy was surprised to find that the body of the C2 zombie he killed yesterday was still lying on the ground.

The fact that the ground was not cleaned up meant that the people in the convoy had not returned.But I don't know how far the convoy has retreated. I don't have a car and I can't use the mecha to move forward all the time, so Mo Fei chose to go directly to the sea base after thinking about it.

Collecting the merit points of the C2 zombie, Murphy walked towards the sea base with his plain gun.

Looking at that section of the beach before, the sea base is obviously very close, but it is still a long way to go around from the outside.

Murphy still didn't reach the sea base at noon, so he had to find a rock, sit down, eat something and rest for a while before continuing to move forward.

It was close to 3 o'clock in the afternoon, that is to say, it had been more than two hours since Murphy had a lunch break.Murphy looked up, and the sea base could already be clearly seen here.

Because the sea base is located on a sea cliff next to mountains and facing the sea, the road leading to the gate is a very steep slope.

However, looking over at this moment, there are actually a large number of zombie corpses lying on the slope, and these corpses are being thrown into the garbage truck one by one.

"My God, there are so many zombie corpses. This is one of the characteristics of the sea base mentioned earlier. Is it the situation of the wave of zombies attacking the sea base?" It has eliminated very dense zombies, but it seems that the degree is not so much.

But the surprise was the surprise. Seeing that he had arrived at the sea base, Mo Fei stretched his already sore feet and climbed towards the big slope of the sea base.

Finally arrived at the gate of the sea base, where everyone was cleaning up the corpses of the zombies, and no one cared who she was.Murphy swaggered into the sea base.

The sea base here is really the same as what I saw on the beach. There are five layers of gates here.Because only the city gate is the weakest part of the sea base, it was gradually reinforced into five floors.

However, when Murphy entered the first three floors, no one was in charge. There seemed to be people living in the middle of the city gates on each floor, but a passage was neatly left, which should be reserved for soldiers and supernatural beings who climbed the city wall. .

It was only when Murphy reached the fourth floor that a guard finally stopped Murphy's way, because the door here began to have a card reader, but Murphy's identity card had not been registered at the sea base.

"Please swipe your ID card to enter."

"Sorry, I'm from the star base." Murphy said politely to the soldier who stopped him.

"Star base? That's very far away. You came here by yourself? Impossible!" The soldier looked at Murphy with an expression of disbelief.

It can't be blamed for the soldiers' disbelief, after all, it is really difficult to come here from the star base.Murphy also had a deep understanding along the way.

"No, I was sent by Hexing base to escort the doctor of the scientific research institute, but there was an accident yesterday, I was separated from them, and I don't know where they retreated, so I can only follow this route. Come to the sea base first." Murphy replied truthfully.

At this time, another soldier who had just entered ran out again: "The above said that there is indeed such a thing, and told us to take her to the central building of the command center first, and the command center will make arrangements."

"Understood." The soldier who was asking Murphy then said to Murphy, "You follow me first."

Mo Fei nodded, and followed the soldier into the gate on the fourth floor.

This seems to be a screening gate, and some vehicles are parked inside, which should be for the convenience of moving around at any time.

Murphy followed the soldier into a car. After the car started, it drove towards the last city gate.

After entering the fifth city gate, this is the real sea base living area.Murphy sat in the car and drove further inward.

Probably because there was a fierce battle yesterday, the people in the sea base were very busy.

Soon, after passing through several inner city areas, Murphy came to the command center of the sea base on the side of the mountain.

"It's here, get out of the car, just go in through the gate here and find Adjutant Ye." The soldier stopped the car, turned his head and pointed to the building in front of Mo Fei.

"Okay, thank you." Murphy nodded, then got out of the car and walked towards the gate.

Seeing that Murphy had entered, the soldiers driving turned around and left the command center.

Murphy walked into the door. The main staircase was in the middle of the office area, and there were various departments extending on both sides.Before taking a few steps, he was stopped by a soldier on duty: "Which department are you from?"

"I'm from Star Base, I'm looking for Adjutant Ye."

"Oh, Adjutant Ye is on the third floor. Go to the end of the aisle on the right and go up the side stairs." The soldier heard that Murphy came from the star base and couldn't help but look at Murphy a few more times, and then gave Murphy pointed the way.

"I see, thank you very much." Murphy smiled at the soldier, and then walked towards the aisle on the right.

There are departments on both sides of the aisle, but because the doors are closed, the corridor is very dark.Murphy walked quickly to the side stairs at the end, and only the sound of Murphy's footsteps echoed in the corridor.

After going up the side stairs, Murphy went up to the third floor in one go.Looking up, the adjutant's room was diagonally facing the stairs.

After tidying up his body, Murphy took a breath and walked towards the adjutant's room.

Knocking on the door lightly, a very young voice came from inside: "Please come in."

Pushing the door open, Murphy saw a man about 25 or 6 years old sitting on a seat by the window, writing something in the electronic record book on the table.

Hearing the door was pushed open, the man saved it for a moment and then raised his head.

"Hello, is this Adjutant Ye?" Murphy asked after greeting the man politely.

"What is it this time, just put it on the table at the door." The man said after taking a look at Murphy, and then continued to look down at the desktop, continuing to write something in the electronic notebook.

"Sorry, I don't understand what you mean, what do you put in it? I just want to ask if you are Adjutant Ye, if not, please tell me which room Adjutant Ye is in?" Murphy was a little confused by what this man said , is there any special deal between the star base and the sea base?
(End of this chapter)

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